We enter Heaven Only as Couples and Families

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 673

In the Unification Church, we nev-
er think that you can receive salva-
tion as an individual. We do not go to
heaven as individuals. Nobody can go
alone. That’s the rule. From the Gar-
den of Eden, Adam and Eve were to go
to heaven together. Were the husband
and the wife to go there alone? Couples
and families not united cannot go there.
That being the ideal, what kind of heav-
en would it be, if the father went to hell
and the mother to heaven? We must go
to heaven as couples, families, clans, and
entire nations. (50-61, 1971.10.30)

Isaiah 23

Its people have spread
    to distant lands;
its merchants were kings
    honored all over the world.
Who planned to destroy Tyre?
The Lord All-Powerful planned it
    to bring shame and disgrace
to those
who are honored
    by everyone on earth.

Richard:  I just got an image in my mind as I was watching a slide show of the massive flood damage in Houston Texas.  This is the very city where the lesbian mayor demanded that pastors give copies of their sermons to check for forbidden anti-homosexual content.  And now it has been hit be a literal flood judgement.  I pray for all those who lost their lives or have been displaced and lost their belongings. Continue reading “We enter Heaven Only as Couples and Families”

Defeat the Evil Spirit Controlling Your Body

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 2102 

Previously, I said that we were to
go over the watershed, didn’t I? On my
seventieth birthday, outside spiritual-
ists came dancing and said, “Now Rev.
Moon has crossed the thirty-eighth par-
allel.” They are saying that I have crossed
the threshold. Now the world of happi-
ness is coming. This is how we should
overcome the 1990s. After having passed
over this, the Unification Church will be
able to make swift and unbridled prog-
ress. Now, on this, my seventieth birth-
day, we must indemnify seven thousand
years and the number seven, and must
pass into the age of the number eight.
Number eight is the number of libera-
tion and making a new start, is it not?
This is why America has declared the
collapse of communism and so forth.
Everything is completed. This is quite
curious. This happened on the seventh
and eighth after we had finished our
event. (199-96, 1990.2.15)

CSG 1263

The Fall occurred through the wrong-
ful marriage in the Garden of Eden.
Now the time has come for True Par-
ents to overturn this by marrying peo-
ple in the right way. The True Parents
will solve the trouble caused by the Fall.
Through them, hell can be eliminated
and the millions and billions of ances-
tors in the spirit world can be blessed in
holy matrimony. Through the founda-
tion of the families of descendants on
earth, centering on true love, they and
their ancestors in the spirit world can
unite into one vertically. Through these
family foundations, East and West will
be connected.
All of you should inherit a new lin-
eage. In order for that to be possible,
the Messiah comes as the father. He,
together with Eve, should restore this
new lineage through indemnity on the
victorious individual foundation that
transcends the world level where Satan
cannot intervene. Only when he has
accomplished this can humankind be
engrafted horizontally, centering on
the True Parents’ family and their true
spousal relationship. That is the reason
for having the Blessing Ceremony in
the Unification Church. The Unifica-
tion Church is unique. Where did the
lineage of the Unification Church orig-
inate? It originated from God. That is
why we dare the satanic world to oppose
us. When they oppose us, they will have
to pay compensation for damages. (169-37,

Continue reading “Defeat the Evil Spirit Controlling Your Body”

God’s Will is Going to be Accomplished

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 1827

What kind of age will the future be?
Why would you want to spend hours on
a plane? Instead, we will build a massive
steel column in the middle of the Pacific
Ocean and build a hotel. How diverse are
the functions of a helicopter? You can fly
anywhere you like with a press of a but-
ton. Yet, flying becomes boring, even
after three hours. So, we will fly for one
or two hours and then stay in a marine
hotel. It will be fantastic! We will build a
hotel on the Pacific Ocean. Then, it will
take only a few hours to get there, and
you can have lunch or go on a boat with
your family, or even go fishing. What a
wonderful life! (203-57, 1990.6.14)

Jeremiah 11

Some people plotted to kill me.
And like a lamb
    being led to the butcher,
I knew nothing
    about their plans.
19 But then the Lord told me
    that they had planned
to chop me down like a tree—
    fruit and all—
so that no one would ever
    remember me again.
20 I prayed, “Lord All-Powerful,
you always do what is right,
    and you know every thought.
So I trust you to help me
    and to take revenge.”

Continue reading “God’s Will is Going to be Accomplished”

Find the Spiritual Flame

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 560

What is the pride of our Unification
Church? First is true love and second
is True Parents. These terms are found
only in the Unification Church, not in
the dictionary. Third is true children
and fourth is true tribe. These relate to
our four main goals. (203-103, 1990.6.17)

Jeremiah 5

The people have rebelled
and rejected the Lord
    too many times.
So enemies will attack
like lions from the forest
    or wolves from the desert.
Those enemies will watch
    the towns of Judah,
and like leopards
they will tear to pieces
    whoever goes outside.

Continue reading “Find the Spiritual Flame”

You Will Ultimately Succumb to Your Mind When You Die

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Fall Leadership Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 2291-2292

Your hope lies nowhere other than
in becoming the True Parents’ sons and
daughters of true filial piety. The True
Parents will become the king and queen
of all kings and queens under heaven.
Hence, this is the place where the cen-
ters of all hope – past, present and future
– can be brought to fruition. (46-167,
From the perspective of the Prin-
ciple, all forms of creation are to be
brought under dominion on the foun-
dation where true parental love has been
fulfilled; the most important question
therefore is whether you have definitely
fulfilled that love. (67-148, 1973.6.1)
For adopted children to advance to
the position of begotten children, the
jealousy the archangel felt at the time
of Adam and Eve must be indemnified.
To do this, spiritual children should
value and love the physical children of
their spiritual parents more than their
own lives. Next, they should restore
the satanic world. These are essential
points. What this means is that you can-
not enter unless you have loved my chil-
dren. Ask yourselves whether you loved
them from the time they were in the
womb. Have you loved me, God’s will
and the children of my body even more
than yourselves? The question is wheth-
er you loved them more than yourselves.
Jesus asked, “Did you love me more than
your own sons and daughters, your fam-
ily?” If you have not done so, you cannot
proceed, and should indemnify this fail-
ure for three years starting now. (127-128,

CSG 1184

The course of restoration must go
through eight stages, restoring the indi-
vidual, family, tribe, people, nation,
world and heaven and earth, and restor-
ing the love of God. But, this cannot be
accomplished all at once. Had Adam and
Eve not fallen, they would have naturally
perfected themselves, but because they
fell to the level of servant of servants at
the beginning of history, we cannot be
raised up through all the stages at once.
Thus, in the process of pioneering each
stage, continuous indemnity condi-
tions were absolutely necessary for each
course. By setting up these conditions,
we can separate from Satan. Because of
Satan, indemnity conditions are neces-
sary; if Satan did not exist, indemnity
conditions would not be required. (161-204,

Continue reading “You Will Ultimately Succumb to Your Mind When You Die”