It is Most Important to Attend Jesus and His Representative on Earth

CSG 381

People like butterflies rather than
bees. It is because butterflies dance as
they fly. Everything that flies does so in
rhythm with a beat and with a melody.
Fast-flying creatures fly in time with a
beat; so do slow-flying ones. There are
various styles of flight, but, anyway,
everything flies according to a certain
rhythm. Also, the way deer run and
rabbits play in the mountains is musi-
cal. The way they hop around has a cer-
tain rhythm, and the way they eat also
has a musical quality. It is the same with
people; there is a certain rhythm when
we eat. These all express something
musically. If we think in this way – that
someone made this universe for me to
last for eternity and put it in place for
me – we should feel grateful to Him. We
should not think as an onlooker, as if
this were something to do with someone
in a neighboring village. There are high
mountains and low mountains. Do you
like there being high mountains with
low-lying land, or do you like only plain
and flat land? Having high and low is
better. Why is this so? It is because these
shapes assume a certain form that looks
as if it would dance. It is good when
these are in forms of all kinds and col-
ors, going up and going down, forming
all kinds of curves. Then, this creation is
Book 3 • True Love 382
like a dance. In nature, there are splen-
did dances and beautiful music; there is
wonderful artwork. So many such things
exist in nature. (87-321, 1976.6.27)

Ecclesiastes 5

 Don’t be surprised if the poor of your country are abused, and injustice takes the place of justice. After all, the lower officials must do what the higher ones order them to do. And since the king is the highest official, he benefits most from the taxes paid on the land.[d] Continue reading “It is Most Important to Attend Jesus and His Representative on Earth”

Jesus Had a Sorrowful Heart Due to His Betrayal

Leviticus 23

23 The Lord told Moses to say to the community of Israel:

I have chosen certain times for you to come together and worship me.

You have six days when you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week is holy because it belongs to me. No matter where you live, you must rest on the Sabbath and come together for worship. This law will never change.

Richard:  It is important to take a Sabbath Day each week.
Continue reading “Jesus Had a Sorrowful Heart Due to His Betrayal”

We Can Only Become the Ruler of All Things by Changing Our Fallen Lineage

Numbers 13

23-24 When they got to Bunch Valley,[c] they cut off a branch with such a huge bunch of grapes, that it took two men to carry it on a pole. That’s why the place was called Bunch Valley. Along with the grapes, they also took back pomegranates[d] and figs.

Richard:  Grapes can symbolize the fruitfullness of your lineage, or your seed.

Isaiah 66

18 I know everything you do and think! The time has now come[f] to bring together the people of every language and nation and to show them my glory 19 by proving what I can do.[g] I will send the survivors to Tarshish, Pul,[h] Lud, Meshech,[i] Tubal, Javan,[j] and to the distant islands. I will send them to announce my wonderful glory to nations that have never heard about me.

20 They will bring your relatives from the nations as an offering to me, the Lord

Continue reading “We Can Only Become the Ruler of All Things by Changing Our Fallen Lineage”

The Nature of Love

CSG  486

In the relationship of husband and
wife, if their love is joined through a
strong force, they must be joyful and
feel their partner is lovely, no matter
what that partner does. If the wife says
that she hates the smell coming from
her husband’s body or if the husband
thinks or feels that he hates the way his
wife moves, this is only because a per-
fect love has not been realized between
them. This married couple only joined
together for some superficial purpose or
interest. (Blessed Family – 887)

Job 7

13 I go to bed, hoping for rest,
14 but you torture me
    with terrible dreams.

Continue reading “The Nature of Love”

With Rev. Moon’s Ideas We Can Save the World

CSG 2253

Viewed horizontally, Adam is the
eldest son, the second son is Jesus, and
the perfected Adam is the third son. Ver-
tically speaking, the third son is the third
generation. So the grandfather’s posi-
tion is the first generation, the father’s
position is the second generation, and
the son or grandson is the third genera-
tion. If this is inverted, then the grand-
son will be in the grandfather’s posi-
tion. It will be grandfather, father, and
grandson; the other way around. Thus,
you will be able to enter God’s Kingdom
by completing the four-position founda-
tion – the realm of three generations –
through me by practicing absolute obe-
dience. Hence, it is restoration through
indemnity. (258-208, 1994.3.17)

Richard:  We should understand how important it is to form a family four position foundatio centered on God.

Continue reading “With Rev. Moon’s Ideas We Can Save the World”