Don’t Shun the Path of Golgotha

Psalm 74

By your power you made a path
    through the sea,
    and you smashed the heads
    of sea monsters.
14 You crushed the heads
    of the monster Leviathan,[b]
    then fed him to wild creatures
    in the desert.
15 You opened the ground
for streams and springs
    and dried up mighty rivers.
16 You rule the day and the night,
    and you put the moon
    and the sun in place.
17 You made summer and winter
    and gave them to the earth.[c]

Isaiah 3

Tell those who obey God,
“You’re very fortunate—
    you will be rewarded
    for what you have done.”
11 Tell those who disobey,
“You’re in big trouble—
    what you did to others
    will come back to you.” Continue reading “Don’t Shun the Path of Golgotha”

Jesus and the Father Must Bless You

Mark 3

13 Jesus decided to ask some of his disciples to go up on a mountain with him, and they went. 14 Then he chose twelve of them to be his apostles,[c] so that they could be with him. He also wanted to send them out to preach 15 and to force out demons.

Judges 14

14 One day, Samson went to Timnah, where he saw a Philistine woman. When he got back home, he told his parents, “I saw a Philistine woman in Timnah, and I want to marry her. Get her for me!”[a]

His parents answered, “There are a lot of women in our clan and even more in the rest of Israel. Those Philistines are pagans. Why would you want to marry one of their women?” Continue reading “Jesus and the Father Must Bless You”

Know Jesus Who Went the Way of Golgotha

Enjoy my latest video:  Is Hak Ja Han the Whore of Babylon?:

Leviticus 7

The sacrifice to make things right is very sacred

Ezra 5

 We were told that their people had made God angry, and he let them be captured by Nebuchadnezzar,[c] the Babylonian king[d] who took them away as captives to Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar tore down their temple, 13-15 took its gold and silver articles, and put them in the temple of his own god in Babylon.

Richard:  God will judge those who follow false doctrines. Continue reading “Know Jesus Who Went the Way of Golgotha”

Give Obeisance to God and His Word

Enjoy my latest video: Is Hak Ja Han the Whore of Babylon?:

John 7

Jesus replied:

I am not teaching something that I thought up. What I teach comes from the one who sent me. 17 If you really want to obey God, you will know if what I teach comes from God or from me.Richard:  Jesus speaks about the very important issue of obedience to God’s Will.  Are we leading our lives in a way that pleases God with obeisance to His Will?


Isaiah 37

About this same time, the king of Assyria learned that King Tirhakah of Ethiopia[a] was on his way to attack him. Then the king of Assyria sent some messengers with this note for Hezekiah:

10 Don’t trust your God or be fooled by his promise to defend Jerusalem against me. 11 You have heard how we Assyrian kings have completely wiped out other nations. What makes you feel so safe?

Richard:  Satan tries to cast fear into our hearts.  It is up to us to reject this assault and have faith in God, God’s word and Jesus.
Continue reading “Give Obeisance to God and His Word”

No Place for Jesus to Rest

Numbers 22

31 Just then, the Lord let Balaam see the angel standing in the road, holding a sword, and Balaam bowed down.

Richard:  It is a blessing to be able to see where God is going with and through your life.  God does not always work in just the way the we might expect.

Acts 16

25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26 Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.

Richard:  God is moving in big ways that we may not know or perceive right now. Continue reading “No Place for Jesus to Rest”