A Man Should Share in the Distress of the Community

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1514

    At the time of Creation, God created man and woman with the sexual organs as their emblem. As result, that which controls the sexual organs is connected to all structural elements of the human body. For this reason, a man and woman unite as one in the act of making love and give birth to a child. What would happen during childbirth? Whom would the baby take after? The baby becomes attached to the mother’s nervous system so its own develops in a similar way. Can branches grow if there are no roots? The logic in this cannot be denied.
    When a man and a woman become excited during love-making, it is a principle that the mind and body unite into one. That is logical. Then through which organ can love, life and lineage can be connected continually through the generations? It is the sexual organs. What comes first, love or life? In this question lies the problem. Similar to the problems of the world today, which are caused by materialistic philosophy, and the questioning of whether it is the mind or the body that comes first, we also need to ask ourselves: What is more precious, love or life? This is the problem. What comes first? The order of importance must be determined. The answer is that love comes first.
    When God first established the ideal of creation, He did not do so centering upon Himself. Instead, it was centered upon love, and that is why He created the world of reciprocal relationships. This is logically correct. (193-145, 1989.10.3)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1212
From the Principle you know about the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. Even if you have established the foundation of substance, that substance is not to be offered to God. It serves as a foundation for the Messiah, that is, a substance that can welcome the Messiah. (43-187, 1971.4.30)

Sacrificial Love

2. Enduring Life’s Hardships and Sorrows to Help People in Need

The believer who participates in human life, exposing himself to its torments and suffering, is worth more than the one who distances himself from its suffering.
    Hadith of Ibn Majah (Islam)

One who stays in the shade does not know the sun’s heat.
    Igala Proverb (African Traditional Religions)

A man should share in the distress of the community, for so we find that Moses, our teacher, shared in the distress of the community.
    Talmud, Taanit 11a (Judaism)

Continue reading “A Man Should Share in the Distress of the Community”

In Loving, the Output is Greater than the Input

Cheon Seong Gyeong 345

Why do we need True Parents? It is because we must take root in the realm of the heart. Now, there is a different root. Through the Fall, all the trunks and branches have become different. Here, a new root started with true parents, and what emerged from that? A trunk and branches grew, and you are being engrafted. You should cut yourself down and become engrafted. After the engrafting, you will become one with the great mainstream of the universe. You must cut off everything from the satanic world, down to the root. (164-155, 1987.5.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1420

God and True Parents are weaving history together, and the era of registration will arrive. At that time, you will transfer your name into the new family register. Are you ready? Have you become sons and daughters of God like True Parents have? It is easy to say, but not to fulfill. Whether asleep or awake, you must always keep this in mind. These thoughts must accompany you wherever you go and whatever you do, whether you are eating or sleeping. In order to accomplish this, you need to experience residing in the homeland before passing on to the next world. Since this is the case, should you learn Korean, or not? Originally, human beings did not have many languages. There was only one. (201-234, 1990.4.22)

Sacrificial Love

1. Sacrificing Everything—Even Your Life—for the Sake of Those You Love

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

If I put my life on the line to subjugate evil, then the life-giving love of God will be bestowed upon me. (40:243, February 6, 1971)

A sacrificial spirit—where for the sake of a neighbor you can throw away your life as if it were a worthless piece of straw—is exactly true love. (224:254, December 7, 1991)

Love would not be possible if human beings did not have an original nature to sacrifice. We do not think of it as a sacrifice when we sacrifice for someone we love. We feel it is worthwhile, even as we sacrifice more and more. (63:25, October 1, 1972)

Continue reading “In Loving, the Output is Greater than the Input”

True Love Is Sacrificial Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1321

Did you know that during the past two or three years the Unification Church has reached an international level? Are you aware of this? Then how did we attain such a level? By earning a lot of money? By witnessing to many people? It was through the Blessing. When was the 360,000 Couples’ Blessing held? It was in 1995. The 30,000 Couples Blessing? It was in 1992. The 30,000 Couples came in 1992 and the 360,000 Couples in 1995. Next came the Blessing of the 3.6 Million Couples. Who would have believed at the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing, that at the next one we would bless 360,000 couples? It was the same after the Blessing of the 360,000 Couples. After that Blessing, it took us less than three years to hold the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing. We did it in two and a half years. It wasn’t even that long. When I first issued the instructions to prepare for the Blessing of 3.6 million couples, not one person believed that it would actually happen. I can’t speak for God, but even I was in doubt. Think about it. Is one finger the same as ten, or not? How many hills are there? There are ten hills to climb. During the three years I worked in Jardim, Brazil, I declared the era of the Second Generation in which absolute faith is paramount. Now the time has come in which you have no choice but to believe, even if you don’t want to. (291-152, 1998.3.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

    Now that we have entered the age of liberation, you do not know how much the universe is singing in praise, while focused on this earth. You do not know how joyful they are over this day. From the beginning of this year to this very day, there has been a festive atmosphere.
    Now, heavenly fortune will follow us and assist us in everything we try to do. We used to exert ourselves to catch heavenly fortune but now heavenly for-tune will follow us around and assist us. This means that the time has come for God and the spirit world to mobilize numerous ancestors and countless good spirit persons to assist people on earth. We can establish a realm of liberation. The age of transformation has come. (298-228, 1999.1.8)

Sacrificial Love

True love is sacrificial love. It calls forth self-sacrifice in the service of others. Love prompts us to get involved in the knotty problems of the world, gives us the strength to bear with the failings and weaknesses of others, and moves us to help others regardless of the cost. We have the example of Jesus Christ, who out of love, offered his life to redeem sinful humanity. Moses in his time, and Muhammad as well, endured persecution and exile, risking their lives to enlighten and liberate their people—all for the love of God and humanity. Out of Buddhism comes the figure of the bodhisattva, who vows to devote himself to save all beings. He regards his own happiness as incidental to the happiness of others, and would rather not enjoy the fruits of his own spiritual progress before first liberating others. On this topic, Father Moon describes the root of sacrificial love in God, who invested himself endlessly at the creation to make a beautiful home for his children. God, who ever since the fall, has continuously and sorrowfully devoted himself as would a loving parent to rescue prodigal humanity from the pits of sin and grief. Such divine love is manifested every day in the human love of parents, who willingly sacrifice for their children’s future.

1. Sacrificing Everything—Even Your Life—for the Sake of Those You Love

Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15.13

The Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
    Matthew 20.28

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us.
    Ephesians 5.1-2 Continue reading “True Love Is Sacrificial Love”

We Can Attain Our Ideal Only by Living for the Sake of Our Partner

Cheon Seong Gyeong 701

Since the spirit world and the earth love him, I must establish the standard that his parents also love him. I believe Heung-jin will establish the realm of resurrection of love in the physical and spirit worlds. Through his death, love will be resurrected. Holding on to the spiritual and physical worlds, I will proclaim the realm of the resurrection of love. With that done, we will bid goodbye to the realm of death. For that reason, you should not be sad even at funerals. (130-201, 1984.1.15)

Richard: Heung-jin is the second son of Rev. and Mrs. Moon. He died in a car accident at the age of 17. He turned the car on an icy road so his friend in the passenger seat would not receive direct impact. The Unification tradition of Seungwha, or peaceful ascension originated with Heung-jin’s death.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1099

Even though my mother-in-law passed away, we do not call it a funeral in the Unification Church. What do we call it? A Seunghwa Ceremony! We call it a Seunghwa. It is moving on to the stage of activity in the vertical spirit world, the infinite world, after having lived in the horizontal earthly world. In the satanic world, if you cry aloud, evil spirits will come to you, but evil spirits cannot find their way to a Seunghwa Ceremony. (195-160, 1989.11.15)

Living for Others

3. In Creating the Universe, God Gave Everything for the Sake of His Creations

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What kind of being is God? God acts according to the law of priority of the universal and public. It requires that every being act to benefit the greater whole ahead of its own existence. Living by that law means to embody the spirit of sacrifice and service. (105:99, September 30, 1979)
Love is to invest oneself 100 percent. Out of love, when God created heaven and earth He invested Himself 100 percent. That is why true love starts from living for the sake of others. (189:202, April 6, 1989)
When God created humans beings as His partners of love, He was living for their sake. Therefore, human beings are meant to model after God and live for the sake of others. However, due to the Fall, we came to live for ourselves. The philosophy of living for the sake of others is based on the fact that all love comes from one’s partner. (149:273, November 27, 1986)

We Love Because He First Loved Us

A Christmas blog by Andrew Derricutt.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1978

    When you observe the nations sur-rounding Korea today and consider the situation of the world, you will see that it would be unfavorable for the powerful nations if war were to break out on the Korean peninsula. In particular, Communist China needs to revive itself in order to stimulate the development of its science and technology, and to join the ranks of the developed nations. However, if North Korea were to invade the South, it would create considerable problems for China.
    Communist China is thinking of associating with Korea from now. I am fully aware of this. Why not Japan? Because Japan invaded China earlier this century, the Chinese believe Japan will invade their economy. Considering this situation in which Communist China is trying to connect with Korea, an invasion of the South by North Korea is not something China would condone. What about Japan? Likewise, the Japanese do not want this. They want to have exchanges with Korea too. (170-212, 1987.11.15)The Chinese population is about 1.2

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1512

Why should you give birth to children? It is so that you may experience the inner heart of God the joy and delight He felt at the time of the creation of Adam and Eve. That is why those who have not experienced childbirth may fail to appreciate their parents, their husband or wife. That is how they will end up. They may have loved in the past and in the present, but they cannot expand in the future. The grandparents represent the past, the parents the present, and the children the future. The family is where these three can unite as one. (216-192, 1991.3.31)

Living for Others

3. In Creating the Universe, God Gave Everything for the Sake of His Creations

We love, because he first loved us.
    1 John 4.19
Heaven is eternal and Earth everlasting.
They can be eternal and everlasting because they do not exist for themselves,
And for this reason can exist forever.
Therefore the sage places himself in the background,
but finds himself in the foreground.
He puts himself away, and yet he always remains.
Is it not because he has no personal interests?
This is the reason why his personal interests are fulfilled.
    Tao Te Ching 7 (Taoism)
At the beginning, mankind and the obligation of selfless service were created together. “Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires”: this is the promise of the Creator….