Hold onto Heaven Above and Human History Below

Cheon Seong Gyeong 87

If God had been thinking only about
Himself, would He have created heaven
and earth? Creation requires an invest-
ment of energy. An artist’s great hope is
to create a masterpiece. An artist invests
all his effort into making great works of
art. A masterpiece appears only when
the artist gives everything, and feels he
cannot give any more. Creation starts
with investing oneself. Creation is pos-
sible only when energy is poured out.
Without contributing energy, there is
no result. According to the principle
that a perfect object partner appears
only through total investment, God as
the Subject partner completely invested
Himself into making His object partner.
The creation was the beginning of God’s
work through which He determined not
to exist for His own sake, but for the sake
of His object partner. (78-111, 1975.5.6

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1055

Your families should not become
slaves to habit. The family is the starting
point for establishing the four-position
foundation. Here, the unity of the family
is required. The family should conform
to the original standard of God’s desire.
(21-76, 1968.10.20)

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

We must wake up now. We should open our sleepy eyes. We should reverse our actions. What should we be centered upon in trying to wake? It is not any accomplishment you have made in your life. You cannot escape from history merely with this. Since history hitherto has been a history of fallen persons and a world liable to judgment, it cannot be turned back with any earthly ties or accomplishments, nor can it be turned back with any power that has ruled so far. It cannot be turned back with anything we possess or any conditions of glory. This is the situation in which we exist. Continue reading “Hold onto Heaven Above and Human History Below”

You Must Have the Standard of Shim Jung on Your Own

Cheon Seong Gyeong 331

How shall we describe God’s love?
Imagine a warm spring day with white
clouds floating gently in the sky. The air
shimmers above the ground, insects and
ants scurry about exploring the world.
Beside a flowing stream, catkins blos-
som and frogs sing new songs of spring,
welcoming swarms of bees and butter-
flies. And there you are, enraptured in
the atmosphere, in that twilight state we
experience when drifting peacefully off
to sleep, and yet awake in a happy mood,
rejoicing forever. God’s love has such a
flavor. With your ideal partner given to
you by God, you will feel as if you are
in a flower garden where butterflies and
bees fly around. Are you happy even to
imagine this, or unhappy? These thick-
headed men here will not understand
this very well. (37-29, 1970.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 51

Does God really exist? Can God be
felt as more real than the pain that makes
you say “ouch” when someone pinches
you, or more real than the experience of
eating when you are hungry? This is the
question. When we know that God truly
exists, all problems will be solved. (89-72,

Richard:  Sometimes the truth is simple, but profound.

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

When I say it is time to wake, I do not mean waking from sleep at night. This word has been given in every age. As there is a world of a certain ideology to be realized in the last days, this word is given in every age to those who seek to find this world.

If you have a desire to advance yourself, to insist on your opinion and rule over the whole, from where did this originate? You are in the midst of sleep. Humankind is asleep today. The individual, the family, the society, country, world, and even spiritual world are in a deep sleep, unable to receive the time of hope. If everyone commonly feels that such a historical relationship should be concluded with something new, then the problem is what is that “something”. Looking back upon history, nations that insisted on traditional customs were swept aside. We should abandon the way of thinking we used to have in antiquated ages. People tend to value historical relics today because they are walking the course of restoration. This means that what has existed in the human world is to be seen as a reflection of God’s heart.

Therefore, we should not rest content with the old antiquated ideology. Rather, we should understand the value of the original ideology through it and receive stimulation, gaining a desire to commit ourselves to this precious ideology. Only such people can restore the ideal that was hidden in God’s Shim Jung from the beginning of the universe. Continue reading “You Must Have the Standard of Shim Jung on Your Own”

Revive theWhole Ideology Hidden in God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 331

How shall we describe God’s love?
Imagine a warm spring day with white
clouds floating gently in the sky. The air
shimmers above the ground, insects and
ants scurry about exploring the world.
Beside a flowing stream, catkins blos-
som and frogs sing new songs of spring,
welcoming swarms of bees and butter-
flies. And there you are, enraptured in
the atmosphere, in that twilight state we
experience when drifting peacefully off
to sleep, and yet awake in a happy mood,
rejoicing forever. God’s love has such a
flavor. With your ideal partner given to
you by God, you will feel as if you are
in a flower garden where butterflies and
bees fly around. Are you happy even to
imagine this, or unhappy? These thick-
headed men here will not understand
this very well. (37-29, 1970.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 51

Does God really exist? Can God be
felt as more real than the pain that makes
you say “ouch” when someone pinches
you, or more real than the experience of
eating when you are hungry? This is the
question. When we know that God truly
exists, all probl

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

When I say it is time to wake, I do not mean waking from sleep at night. This word has been given in every age. As there is a world of a certain ideology to be realized in the last days, this word is given in every age to those who seek to find this world.

If you have a desire to advance yourself, to insist on your opinion and rule over the whole, from where did this originate? You are in the midst of sleep. Humankind is asleep today. The individual, the family, the society, country, world, and even spiritual world are in a deep sleep, unable to receive the time of hope. If everyone commonly feels that such a historical relationship should be concluded with something new, then the problem is what is that “something”. Looking back upon history, nations that insisted on traditional customs were swept aside. We should abandon the way of thinking we used to have in antiquated ages. People tend to value historical relics today because they are walking the course of restoration. This means that what has existed in the human world is to be seen as a reflection of God’s heart.

Therefore, we should not rest content with the old antiquated ideology. Rather, we should understand the value of the original ideology through it and receive stimulation, gaining a desire to commit ourselves to this precious ideology. Only such people can restore the ideal that was hidden in God’s Shim Jung from the beginning of the universe.

Thus, in the last days we should not try to find something by looking back at history; rather, we should conclude history and revive the whole ideology hidden in God and show it in a fresh new way. We should know that this time is indeed when God wakes up, and so do the people on the earth. Continue reading “Revive theWhole Ideology Hidden in God”

Stay Awake with Thirsting Hope

Cheon Seong Gyeong 899

The spirit world up until the present
day has carried out numerous spiritual
works in mainstream religious history.
These mainstream works had to con-
nect to a certain line of relationship with
the physical world. Spirit people cannot
come to earth and carry out their works
as they please. They are blocked from
doing that. Unless a bridge is built by
way of religion, only a few special peo-
ple can return to earth. Factions were
created within Judaism. When they
come down from the spirit world, the
mainstream cannot come in a straight
line. When different factions of Judaism
each make their own spiritual offerings,
the mainstream moves back and forth
Therefore, for those coming down
from the spirit world, only the ones who
are connected with the mainstream can
come down. Otherwise, they cannot
come and co-operate through the pro-
cess of returning resurrection.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1050

When mind and body form a right
angle, when love and all other aspects
grow without any damage, so that the
internal and external aspects of his
or her personality are perfected, then
the person can understand everything
without being taught. I am like that.
Did I become the founder of the Unifi-
cation Church because I studied some-
where? No, I already understood things.
I know how things are. I come to under-
stand things without being taught.
247, 1990.12.30)

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

Based on the words, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matthew 25:13), I would like to speak to you upon the topic, “When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven.” I would like you to hear this speech while offering yourselves to the Father, reflecting upon how awake your minds and bodies are and what Shim Jung and situations the Father must go through in trying to awaken you.

Considering the rise and fall of a family, society, nation or state, we see that when they were not awake, they collapsed. Thus, it is extremely valuable for human beings to be awake.

For what are we to stay awake? We should stay awake not for the present reality, but looking forward to the time that is to come. That is, we should have a heart of thirsting hope. When we become so, we can stand as a person of hope or a person of the country of hope. That is why patriots in history cried out for the people to stay awake and to look to the future even when the country was sinking into darkness and being swept into the realm of death.

How much has Heaven kept awake for us and toiled for us? We can know this only to the extent to which we have stayed awake and worked hard. It does not mean, however, that Heaven has stayed awake and worked only as much as we are aware. Since the creation of Adam and Eve, Heaven has never lost sight of the hope for the ideal of creation. There has been no day when He rested or dozed. We should know this. Continue reading “Stay Awake with Thirsting Hope”

Fight the Good Fight

Choen Seong Gyeong 899

In the progress towards God’s orig-
inal world of ideals – an ideal realm
of goodness, where original human
beings can go – good spirits are fight-
ing their way towards it, and evil spir-
its are struggling to block the way. The
evil spirit world and evil world on earth
are constantly connected. They are in
constant communication. Good spir-
its are the ones who have been opposed
and persecuted in the evil world. These
spirits are the ones who were religious
believers. (134-9, 1985.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 202

Originally, when God as the Parent
created Adam and Eve, He reaped the
benefit of having children. At the same
time, He enabled the children to ben-
efit by having parents. God’s hope was
to raise His children to perfection. Had
this happened, it would be possible to
say that God would have harvested both
Adam and Eve.
Then, why do we need parents and
why do we need children? God is spir-
itual and human beings are physical.
The parent-child relationship is also like
The invisible God bears fruit through
the visible child and then enters into the
heart of the child to reveal His value as
the visible God. The invisible God bears
fruit within the child’s heart and the
fruit of the child is then produced. It is
possible to transfer the fruit of the father
to the child. And thus, for God, both His
fruit and the parent’s fruit are produced.
They have equal value.

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13


On this holy occasion, although we are not prepared, we still have come before You shamelessly, bowing our heads to You. Father of love, mercy and forgiveness, please tolerate us. Our minds desire to resemble Your mind; our bodies seek to take after Your form. Since we have not accomplished this task because of our ignorance, we zealously desire You to enlighten us through our minds and give us experience through our bodies, so that we can prostrate ourselves before You in the image which resembles You.

If there are sons or daughters who are not suitable for Your will, please come to them directly and admonish them. As we have deaf ears and blind eyes, and are unable to hear Your words and see Your figure, You have to make us hear and see again. Let us understand that You are more grieved than we are because of this; you are more troubled than we, and more stifled in heart.

How can we face You after not responding to Your tens of millions of beckonings and not hearing Your tens of millions of calls? Nevertheless, we have come and prostrated ourselves before You, having heard Your voice and realized that You are beckoning to us. You know that we are most miserable and helpless people. You will have to come to us and hold us with hands of love, in spite of the disgraceful shape we are in. Although our eyes are darkened and our bodies are scarred so that we are ignorant of the original substance of life, Father, please embrace us with love. We eagerly hope and desire that You will console us, resting Your exhausted feet and turning Your disappointment into joy. Continue reading “Fight the Good Fight”