The Nation of Cheon Il Guk Has Arrived

Happy True Children’s Day!

Watch my latest Richard Urban show:  Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2305

Sovereignty, territory and citizenry
are necessary for creating a nation. You
must believe that the eternal settlement
of Cheon Il Guk was declared on the
foundation of all its constituent parts.
Have confidence as God would and
when you push forward with all your
strength with confidence equal to that
of Rev. Moon, the True Parent, nothing
will hold you back. (364-87, 2002.1.1)

Let’s Fulfill the Responsibility of the Third Creators

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 15, 2001

So, what is the most serious problem? Money, knowledge, or power is not the real problem. Not fulfilling our responsibilities is. That is why we put so much emphasis on responsibilities. What is the position of True Parents? Where does the position of parents with absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal value begin? It should begin from the position of God. Otherwise, even something true realized in the world of conflict could not be absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. In order for you to solve your own problems, you should go back to the origin to understand God once and for all……

The devastating mistake of the first woman involved the first man and was connected to the entire world of angels. The world of fear, the world of denial, the world of sorrow and of agony began. As a result, no one has ever been able to break the chain of sin; it has just continued on. You are substantial and historical beings, the result of that false love, false life and false lineage. You cannot run away from the fact that you are the fruit of Adam and Eve’s fall. In you is an exact copy of Adam and Eve’s struggle and their inclination to deny God and choose evil. So naturally, the world will turn into one of gratifying bodily desires in the Last Days. That is a logical conclusion.

Do people living today not deny their consciences? They do whatever their bodies tell them to do. The body claims that it is the most important. It recognizes no parent, no God, no husband or wife-denying everything that really matters. The era of the kingdom of selfishness has arrived. Our world has lost the heavenly kingdom, lost God, lost our ancestors and lost our nations. In the families of a nation, people deny their grandparents, parents, spouses and their own children, just as Adam and Eve denied and rejected God and all things. All the phenomena of the Last Days are presently taking place in the world. Continue reading “The Nation of Cheon Il Guk Has Arrived”

Elijah Should Not Have Run Away from the People of Israel

Watch my latest Richard Urban show:  Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 411

People of faith today do not know
the law of indemnity. There are many
who seek to go to the heavenly kingdom
without fulfilling the necessary obliga-
tions. At the same time, there is no one
who says that he will go to the heavenly
kingdom only after taking responsibil-
ity, through liquidating historical sins to
pay indemnity, in order to arrive there.
This is why, during our life on earth,
when we have our bodies, we should
take responsibility to establish the con-
ditions to resolve everything that has
gone wrong in history. Those who went
to the spirit world without indemnify-
ing their sins while they had their bod-
ies must return to earth and pay indem-
nity. All the spirits of the historical ages
up until now arrived to the spirit world
without having been able to sufficiently
pay indemnity, and thus they violated
that law. Therefore, they are destined to
return from the spirit world to try again
to establish the conditions of indemni-
ty. What is the one advantage that the
people living on earth have over those
in the spirit world? It is the fact that they
have a body, with which they can direct-
ly establish a condition of indemnity.
(80-93, 1975.10.19)

Richard:  Such a key point.  Say someone in your lineage committed the sin of aborting a baby.  Then if that person dies, they will have to return and work to indemnify that.  If that person is your ancestor, your actions will help (or hinder) that person in restoring that sin (say, by adopting a child even if you can’t physically have children, for example).  This is expalined in the Divine Priciple in the section on “Returning Resurrection”: (p. 144)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1798

Where the original lineage was lost,
no culture of heart will emerge. Culture
is connected to the unfolding of histo-
ry. Based on the family, society, nation,
and world, this must be propagated. “We
pledge to perfect the world of the cul-
ture of heart, connected to the original
lineage.” The point is to bequeath a pure
lineage. Otherwise, we would be cut off
from the world of the culture of heart.
That vast Kingdom of Heaven is the
foundation of the heart that we can live
in, but if the world of the culture of heart
cannot be built, that world will be cut off.
Hence, we must live a life centered on
the realm of the culture of heart .
(260-305, 1994.5.19)

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

Elijah had made great efforts to guide the people to fulfill the providential purposes of God, who had called him, set him up and had trusted in him. When God saw him pleading in the sad position of being driven away, saying, “Father, I am the only one left!” He felt severe sadness. We must know this fact.

Heaven felt that Elijah, hiding after being driven away and pursued, was more precious than the numerous Israelites. He placed more hope in him than in the land of Israel. We must stop to think about Elijah, who pled with God to render a final decision in the wilderness where he could not choose the right direction, in utter exhaustion and having lost all hope. Furthermore, we must know God, who guided the Israelites and toiled to seek out and set up Elijah. He helped Elijah by performing various types of miracles when he was in trouble and lent him a helping hand from the time of his youth. The heart of Heaven in relation to Elijah came to be buried in grief.

Elijah realized that he could not stay in the land of Judah. He ended up running away to Mt. Horeb, where God had bestowed blessing upon the Israelites when they came to take their way out of Egypt by walking forty days and forty nights. It was a mountain near Mount Sinai, where his ancestors had formed their bonds with Heaven. God knew that Elijah had to cross the border, and He also knew that Elijah had a long way to go, without any friend or fellow-traveler. Therefore, through an angel, God gave Elijah a cake of bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water and told him to eat and drink. Continue reading “Elijah Should Not Have Run Away from the People of Israel”

Elijah Shed Tears for Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 490

Do loving parents keep an account of
the times they love their children, say-
ing: “We bought you shoes and clothes
a few days ago with our hard earned
money, which cost us so many dollars
and cents”? When parents love their
children, they want to treat them even
better than princes and princesses, and
still feel sorry that they cannot give
more. Parents have the heart of want-
ing to give their children something
better. This is why we cherish parental
love. You should all know this. Parents
give and yet feel that it is not enough;
they love and yet feel as if there is some
love they have not yet given and want to
give more; and even after giving, they
still feel unsatisfied with what they were
able to give their children. This essence
of parental love is then what connects us
to eternal love. This is the original moti-
vation for the beginning point of love.
(60-82, 1972.8.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1854

No matter how dirty the water, it
knows how to balance itself. People
should also know how to balance them-
selves. My coming here to Jardim does
not mean I have some special relation-
ship with Brazil. There are people living
here representing the five colors of differ-
ent races. Although I do not speak their
language, I do not think that they are a
different species. They are my kin – my
younger brothers and sisters. I am meet-
ing them again after living separately for
six thousand years. That is why they nat-
urally welcome me with joy, although we
do not share the same language, habits
and customs. (276-90, 1996.2.4)

Richard:  Rev. Sun Myung Moon spoke the language of true love.

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

Elijah was called before Heaven in the same manner. He had been a prince of tears, a person who shed tears no one knew of, until Heaven sought him. He shed more tears than any king of Israel, more than anyone else in Israel. There had been Israelites who had shed tears over their miserable circumstances, but those tears were shed for themselves. The tears of Elijah, though a common man, were shed having forgotten his circumstances and pride. They were disinterested tears. His mind was great in its wondering, “Why has Israel, whom Heaven has guided, wound up as it has?”

The remnant of the mass of the six hundred thousand who died in the forty-year wilderness course, after having undergone four hundred years of slavery under Egypt, entered into the land of Canaan and built the nation of Israel. Yet Elijah saw that Israel was being subjugated by a foreign country, cajoled by the enemy. The privilege of being the chosen people of God was being abused. Elijah felt a deeply penetrating sorrow. He assiduously prayed for the people, more than anyone else, and made more effort than anyone else for Heaven. Because only such a one could represent Israel, Heaven sought Elijah.

When he heard Heaven’s voice calling, “Elijah… Elijah.” Elijah might have been taken aback. He might have said, “What is the reason for this? This is beyond my dreams. I never expected this to happen.” When he stepped forth in awe before the great will, Heaven said to him, “Since I am behind you, go and tell King Ahab.” With that word from Heaven, Elijah went to fight King Ahab on behalf of Heaven. Continue reading “Elijah Shed Tears for Heaven”

The Israelites Were Being Disgraced

Cheon Seong Gyeong 486

You should think that although there
are many men and women in the world,
there are only the two of you. You should
devote yourself completely to this one
woman, with the thought that she is
devoted to you. This is the Principle.
(Blessed Family – 887)

Richard:  This presents the core truth of the universe; God created mankind for love.

On the day you are really born as
God’s son…. Amongst the innumerable
stars, do you think there is a realm of
diamond stars or not? Think about it.
You want to have diamonds, don’t you?
You can’t say there isn’t a star made just
of gold. It is possible. How rich God, our
Father, is! Have you ever thought about
that? We can travel this infinite uni-
verse in a moment. Are you interested?
Are you truly interested? If so, what we
need to do is observe the normative laws
in accordance with God’s commands:
“Don’t do this!” or “Do that!” This is pos-
sible only when you observe what God
says to do or not to do. It is only logical
that this becomes impossible if you live
according to your selfish desires.
Can you abide by what God says to
do or not to do? Since human beings
have duality, they consist of mind and
body. Since the mind is the subject part-
ner, and the body the object partner,
mind and body must be united. Is that
right or wrong? (116-174, 1982.1.1)

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

We cannot help thinking that there were aspects of sadness as well as hope for God, who set up Elijah to restore the Israelites, who had been captured alive by the enemy.

The chosen Israelites were being disgraced by worshipping Baal, a foreign god, and making Asherah poles. God called Elijah because He could not endure the sorrow of that. However, Elijah could not appear before the Father with a happy mind.

Elijah could not say, “Father! You are right. I will go the path You want me to go. I will assume the responsibility for which You have called me.” Elijah said, “I am nothing but a man of the people. Oh, Heaven, since there are many tribal chiefs who are greater than I, there is a king, there is royalty, and there are numerous Israelites, why have You sought after someone so insignificant as I?” Because of his great concern for Israel, Elijah could not help but unselfishly ask to be excused before Heaven, for he was a person of conscience. Continue reading “The Israelites Were Being Disgraced”

King Solomon Should Have Upheld the Will of Heaven

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1977

You should all love Korea. God’s pur-
pose in raising Korea should be fulfilled
and Korea should become our home-
land. In the future, the entire Korean
peninsula should become a holy ground.
Shouldn’t we recover the Liaotung penin-
sula in Manchuria that used to be Kore-
an territory? The people of Israel sold
Jesus and then recovered their nation.
Then do you believe that I, who live with
the title of returning Lord, would not be
able to recover our native land? Even if
the Soviet Union were to obstruct my
way, I would push right through it. I
think we should enter negotiations to
recover parts of our native land which
belonged to us during the former Sung
dynasty and which was taken away by
the Soviet Union. (168-49, 1987.8.30)

Richard:  It is possible to regain sovereignty through negotiation, as Rev. Moon points out here.

Thirty thousand couples from 131
nations received the Blessing even
though they had only just been matched
by photograph. This was a historic event.
Could the pope bring this about? Could
the president of the United States do this
kind of thing? It was not I who wished to
do this, but you. You asked me, “Please,
Father, do this for us!” Now that I have
matched you, do you think the couples
suit each other well, or not? The whole
world knows that I carry out the match-
ing using photographs only. The mem-
bers of the Unification Church are intel-
ligent, and that is why they have left the
matching up to me. I do not think I will
do it from next time.

Richard:  It is destiny for all couples to eventually decide to receive the Blessing:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

After fallen history began, God came forth, holding onto the chosen Israel for a long time, unconcerned about His own great toil. After the lapse of three thousand years, He established King Saul with great hope and expectation. Because Saul could not fulfill his responsibility, however, the original will of God was prolonged through King David to the time of King Solomon. In other words, the will God wanted to realize by establishing Saul was prolonged 120 years.

King Solomon had a heavenly responsibility to build the holy temple by upholding the will of Heaven and to unite his people with it through his leadership. However, we understand that since he too committed sin, he ended up handing the people over to become puppets of Satan.

After King Solomon’s death, the Israelites were divided into the kingdoms of northern Israel and southern Judah by King Jeroboam and King Rehoboam. The Israelites were the chosen people. With one leader centered upon God, they were to act according to his commands. They were the people God had led through a history of toil. We know the sorrowful fact very well that the Israelites were divided into the two kingdoms of north and south, contrary to Heaven’s wish. All twelve tribes of Israel should have united with Heaven centered on one altar, standing on Heaven’s side. Continue reading “King Solomon Should Have Upheld the Will of Heaven”