The Heart of Witnessing

Cheon Seong Gyeong 357

Love is simple and foolish. It does not
care about any situation. If I truly love
someone, I am not concerned whether
someone is watching us from the side.
A love that is conscious about some-
one watching is a love within a certain
limit. How simple and foolish is the love
that does not care whether someone is
watching. (33-113, 1970.8.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Blessed families should be exempla-
ry in their life of attendance to Heaven.
They should live a life of offering dona-
tions, doing Pledge service and witness-
ing. (35-312, 1970.10.30)

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

So God created humankind[a] in his image,
    in the image of God he created them;[b]
    male and female he created them.

Genesis 2: 15-17

15 The Lord God put the man in the Garden of Eden to take care of it and to look after it. 16 But the Lord told him, “You may eat fruit from any tree in the garden, 17 except the one that has the power to let you know the difference between right and wrong. If you eat any fruit from that tree, you will die before the day is over!”

28 God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”

Acts 1

Theophilus, I first wrote to you[a] about all that Jesus did and taught from the very first until he was taken up to heaven. But before he was taken up, he gave orders to the apostles he had chosen with the help of the Holy Spirit.

For forty days after Jesus had suffered and died, he proved in many ways that he had been raised from death. He appeared to his apostles and spoke to them about God’s kingdom. While he was still with them, he said:

Don’t leave Jerusalem yet. Wait here for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit, just as I told you he has promised to do. John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

While the apostles were still with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, are you now going to give Israel its own king again?”[b]

Jesus said to them, “You don’t need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls. But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, he was taken up into a cloud. They could not see him,


Beloved Father, thank You for allowing us this day of the new year. We have come before You in this first hour, so please allow us to offer You a true bow, without blemish. Let this be a joyful hour for You. We eagerly desire that You forgive our having been disloyal to You. Guide us to become able to abandon all we have for the sake of the providential Will and to more than faithfully serve Your altar. Please lead us in this hour. We sincerely desire that You accept our bodies and minds as we offer them to You. Please be present and give us Your words of command.

Father, all we have been fighting for this year, centering on the Will, must bear victorious fruit. Please allow us to exert all our effort and bring pleasing results to You. We sincerely pray that You grant the grace that Your sons and daughters can enjoy and bestow a mark of victory upon Your chosen ones. Everywhere lonely brothers and sisters across the country bow before You, spread Your loving and gracious hands and send Your grace of compassion.

We sincerely desire that You allow us to be the sons and daughters who can manifest full loyalty to Your Will for the whole. We sincerely pray that You extend Your loving hands and compassionate grace everywhere Your name is used. Please take charge of all the affairs here today. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Jesus’ True Wish

Cheon Seong Gyeong 515

What was God’s will? It was for
Adam and Eve to establish the standard
of the perfection of man and woman and
establish God’s family based on His love.
Yet, was this done? God’s family was not
established. Jesus understood and also
believed in this aspect of God’s will, but
due to the disbelief of the Jewish people,
Israel’s historical four-thousand-year
foundation for Jesus and Judaism col-
lapsed, and Jesus died miserably on the
cross. Until now, who has understood
this heart-wrenching situation? No one!
You came to understand it through me
today. That being the case, how glad
Jesus must be! As the bridegroom, Jesus
could not perfect God’s family without
establishing his bride as the true mother.
Without Jesus’ family being established,
the will of God would remain unful-
filled. (Blessed Family – 488)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1729

Who on earth are God, Adam and
Eve? Who are Adam and Eve? If Adam
had not fallen and become perfected,
God would have entered into him, and
if Eve had become perfected, He would
have entered into her. God would have
entered the separate embodiments in
substantial form of His dual charac-
teristics and brought together in union
what was divided. How is God to bring
this union about? It is not through force.
It is through love. From love, stimula-
tion is generated, and reproduction is
brought about, the reproduction of the
ideal world. (148-290, 1986.10.25

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959

Matthew 1:18-2:12

Jesus did not eat for his good; he did not live for his sake. He did not feel sorrow on his behalf or fret for himself. Even during times of sadness, Jesus looked at the Father who grieved and felt rebuked. We must emulate the virtues of Jesus, the son of God, who would then feel his responsibility more strongly, bowing his head, thinking that Heaven’s pain was greater than his, no matter how great was his own.

Jesus appeared with the responsibility to save unbelieving humankind. Therefore, even though there were many paths of tribulation, toil, lamentation and pain during his life, Jesus did not care. We must know the heart of Jesus today, who felt keen regret, even in his dreams, thinking how the Israelites were unable to stand before the Father.

As we become more and more sincere in relation to the Will, we must hold onto Heaven with our minds and the earth with our bodies. Even as he walked the path of Golgotha, even as he shed blood and felt bone- and flesh-melting agony, Jesus held onto God and comforted Him. He held onto all humankind and worried about them. We must know this kind of heart today. Continue reading “Jesus’ True Wish”

Give Recognition to the Heart of Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 967

Those who were blessed but failed
to take part in registration are just the
same as Adam’s family that fell. When
you enter the spirit world a prison on the
heavenly side will be created. The mid-
dle sphere of spirit world will be creat-
ed. A paradise for Blessed Families will
be created. Lee Sang-hun’s testimonies
these days have become representative
of the spirit world. Even in the middle
sphere, those who have sinned must walk
around with nametags indicating their
earthly sins. They must be sanctioned
according to how much they have devi-
ated from the ninety-degree angle. No
allowances will be made. Deviation has
to be rectified even by force. Jagged parts
should be cut off and made smooth. If
this does not happen, they must be iso-
lated in places like the North and South
Poles. An age like this will come. You
will see in the future. The spirit world is
made that way. (300-158, 1999.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1473

How great is the value of human-
kind? They are the only beings that God
would long for over tens of thousands
of years, leaning on his walking stick.
According to my observations, this fact
happens to be the basis for the creation
of the universe. Since God and human
beings related to each other as inter-
nal and external, vertical and horizon-
tal perspectives about the world of love
could be established. Both vertical and
horizontal views on the world of love can
come into existence once upper-lower
and left-right relationships are formed.
God can come to reside in the center
of them all. That place, which can bind
them all into one at the deepest core of
the heart, is the central place of the verti-
cal and horizontal. If they are not bound
into one, the standard of the vertical and
horizontal cannot develop into the ideal
form of love. The existence of the vertical
form alone does not guarantee the exis-
tence of the horizontal form. Therefore,
you should understand that God had no
other choice but to create human beings
in this form. (48-224, 1971.9.19)

Heaven’s Sorrowful Heart

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959

Matthew 1:18-2:12

Today we must represent those wise men from the East who went looking for Jesus. We must be able to prepare the gifts that they prepared, gold, frankincense and myrrh, and bow down with them. We must equip ourselves with at least such preparations as the shepherd, who happened to be walking the path and who went looking for Jesus with a respectful bow. The songs the billions of religious people in heaven sang, taking delight in Jesus’ birth, spread throughout heaven. Even the creation responded with song, centered on the Messiah, when this one man was born. Although humans are not aware of this, we ourselves must have the mind to offer best wishes to Jesus in the place of the whole today. We must relate with Jesus directly, bearing a mind that can celebrate in the place of religious believers in heaven, a mind that can celebrate in the place of those three wise men from the East, the shepherd, and all creation.

When this happens, the whole universe will shed copious tears. After shedding tears, we will be able to celebrate in joy. We must know that this is the mission of humankind today, having sent Jesus away.

What kind of heart does Jesus want you to embrace? With what kind of heart does God wish you to commemorate this day? If there are things Jesus calls upon us to do, they are that we give recognition to the heart to which no one gave recognition when Jesus lived on the earth, that we give recognition to the heart that has endured in spite of the massacres and persecution of the many religious people he sent during the 2,000 years since his death. We must know this. We must also know that Jesus wishes us to take his place and restore, through indemnity, what he could not fulfill on this earth, the responsibility to realize the purpose of God on this earth, substituting for God. Continue reading “Give Recognition to the Heart of Jesus”

The Heart of Mary and Joseph

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

To this day, no one has been regis-
tered into the heavenly kingdom. The
kingdom did not have a nation. It did
not have a family or nation. When you
go to the spirit world, your parents, and
– if there are ten people in your family
– all ten of your family members would
be separated. However, from now on it
will not be that way. You should know
that originally, if human beings had not
fallen, heaven would be the place where
you enter with your mother, father and
If your grandparents, mother and
father, couple, and children, become one
based on true love, and inherit God’s
true love that lives for others, then even
God would be absolutely obedient to
that. In the world that strives to live for
others – a world that moves according
Book 6 • Our Life and the Spiritual Realm 964
to the love that submits to the tradition
of living for others – the basis for peace
would surely emerge even if it resisted
being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1419

Do you know what registration is?
Once a woman is married, she needs
to have her name entered into the fam-
ily register of her husband. She needs to
have her name removed from the register
of her original family and have it moved
to that of her husband. (177-302, 1988.5.22)

Heaven’s Sorrowful Heart

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959

Matthew 1:18-2:12

Mary was of an immovable heart, such that even if she had to give up everything in this world, she could never give up the Father’s Will. She would take on any matter with gratitude to realize the Father’s Will. We must learn that the very moment Mary sacrificed all her pride and dignity and her own life on behalf of humanity, the connections for the Messiah to be born were put into place for the first time.

At the same time, we must know the situation of Mary, who was pregnant with the Messiah, immeasurably concerned in her mind about the path she must walk after his birth. That situation closely resembled God’s pitiable one. Her state of concern closely resembled the mind of God, who worries about the evil earth. For that reason, God commanded Joseph, through an angel, to protect Mary.

Although Joseph heard the news through an angel, he found it difficult to accept that Mary, who was pledged in marriage to him, was pregnant. He suffered from a humanistic point of view. However, knowing that God raises a man to realize His grand Will and unfolds the dispensation through him, Joseph took Mary home according to the angel’s command. Mary and Joseph cooperating in this manner became the base to revive Adam, lost in Eden. Continue reading “The Heart of Mary and Joseph”

The Three Wise Men Should Have Followed Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

What kind of people are true wives
and true husbands? When people
mature, they have a family. Taking their
spouse as an eternal partner of love,
they should form a family of love where
their initial love grows as the days go
by. When that love at the family lev-
el expands to form a tribe, these tribal
members will be eternal embodiments
of love, which can expand love eternally.
Such a husband and wife will be a true
married couple and a true husband and
true wife. Also, such a husband and wife
will be able to participate in God’s love.
(Blessed Family – 880)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

If you are to be victorious, you must
go out into the world. You must go out
and restore the rights of the firstborn
son. The firstborn son must ultimately
attend the second son, who is the young-
er brother, as though he were an older
brother, and come to the point where he
can say, “I will receive all the blessings
through you.” In this way, the firstborn
son comes down to the position of the
second son, and the second son must
rise up to take the position of the first-
born son. So only after the first son says,
“You go up, instead of me,” and pushes
the second son forward, does it becomes
possible to move from the family level
rights of the first son to the tribal level
rights of the firstborn son, and so on. In
this way, you can go up stage by stage.
Only when the first son pushes you, can
you go up. You cannot go up as you are.
Because of this principle, you must ful-
fill the standard of restoring the rights
of the firstborn son in this way. Without
doing so, and this is the secret of history,
the dispensation of God cannot be suc-
cessful. That is why, in order to go the
way of a true religion, you must leave
your home. This is where the words,
“You must leave your country and your
home, renounce the world and become a
monk,” come from. (138-204, 1986.1.21)

Heaven’s Sorrowful Heart

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1959

Matthew 1:18-2:12

Today is an important day, which could have been the day to which God was looking forward. I myself also looked forward to this day as I came forth unfolding the Will. You must remember that this hour, when we indemnify through the number four and at the same time through a new number three, is the time of a historical act of providence.

The title of today’s sermon is “Heaven’s Sorrowful Heart.” I would like to honor the memory of this day with words to this effect.

God created all of creation, in order to create one man. Looking at all creation from the first day to the fifth, God rejoiced in Himself with unlimited desire and hope.

God created our ancestors, Adam and Eve, as the central figures of all creation, the masters who would rule over all creation in God’s place. Bearing an immeasurably happy heart, He then blessed all for their sake. God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” (Genesis 1:28) That He gave such words of blessing to us means that we were created to make God happy. God blessed us for such a purpose.

However, Adam and Eve could not realize that blessing from God. You must, therefore, look back again upon the fact that a sorrowful history has flowed forth without that blessing being realized.

Heaven was immeasurably glad while Adam was growing. Through Adam, all creation was returning happiness to God. Yet Adam, not comprehending the Will of the heavenly principles, could not uphold Heaven’s Will and Word. Therefore, he ended up being chained to the sorrowful restraint called “the fall.”

Because Adam and Eve fell, God, who set up the laws of heaven and earth, could not help putting them out of His bosom of love. Although all creation knew about God’s sorrowful heart, as did the good spirits of the angelic world, we, the descendants of fallen man, have not really known this until now. You may know this very well. Continue reading “The Three Wise Men Should Have Followed Jesus”