We Must Know God’s Love Intimately

Cheon Seong Gyeong 139

2.2. God has been miserable
throughout history
How enraged God is when He looks
down on us on earth! All human beings
should have had His lineage, but Satan
pushes them into a miserable state and
scornfully jeers at God saying, “Your
descendants are miserable.” When
Satan asks God, “How will You, with
all Your omniscience and omnipotence,
redeem this difficult situation?” God can
only be silent. He has to pretend to be
deaf though He can hear, pretend not to
smell though He can smell, and pretend
not to feel though He can feel. Have you
ever thought about the misery of God
throughout history? (183-19, 1988.10.29)

Job 16

16 Job said:

I have often heard this,
    and it offers no comfort.
So why don’t you keep quiet?
    What’s bothering you?
If I were in your place,
it would be easy to criticize
    or to give advice.
But I would offer hope
    and comfort instead.

Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1958

Matthew 22: 34-40

What must finally be explained to everyone through science, philosophy, history and religion? It is the common problem of history, the current age and the future. This is also a problem for God. You should know that the cosmic value of your life and whether you can be proud of it depends upon whether you can establish the standard in your life of an inseparable relationship with God in which you move with God and halt with God. Continue reading “We Must Know God’s Love Intimately”

Our Relationship with God Should Motivate Our Lives

The second installment of the Richard Urban show on Vaccine Choice in West Virginia: Required Vaccines in West Virginia. This segment includes quotes from West Virginia Medical Officer Sherri Young and Lisa Costello from the WV pediatric association at the WV Senate Education Committee hearing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 550

However good your country of res-
idence may be, you cannot go to the
Kingdom of Heaven if you were unable
to live even one day by a victorious stan-
dard; you cannot enter the eternal world
if you failed to live even one year victo-
riously. Hence, while it is important for
believers to go forth dreaming of eter-
nity, what is even more important is how
they actually eradicate evil and wheth-
er they become the standard-bearers of
goodness. This is preeminently crucial.
From this perspective, Adam’s
momentary lapse led to eons of anguish.
It was in Adam’s family that Cain and
Abel had to dissolve the anguish of their
parents and demolish the wall that exist-
ed between the brothers and create the
origin of one family. Yet the murder of
Abel, who was set up as the representa-
tive of the providence of restoration, was
also an instantaneous incident.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1498

The absolute authority to judge this
world cannot be bestowed on an indi-
vidual alone. It needs to be bestowed on
a true family. What would Satan attack
first? It would be the family. That is why
if you have formed a family but failed to
unite into one, the family breaks up. A
break-up between father and son, hus-
band and wife, and indeed, the whole
family, will result. A person who has
formed a family only to see it break up
later is scarred with a wound that can-
not be healed for eternity. No amount
of consolation would do that person any
good. (30-85, 1970.3.17)

Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1958

Matthew 22: 34-40

After Jesus had made the Sadducees look foolish, the Pharisees heard about it and got together. 35 One of them was an expert in the Jewish Law. So he tried to test Jesus by asking, 36 “Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus answered:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. 38 This is the first and most important commandment. 39 The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” 40 All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets[c] are based on these two commandments.


Today I will speak briefly upon the topic of “Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father.” No person or created thing can maintain existence separated from this world in which they exist through relationships. Thus, you should know that in this world of relationships, nothing can exist apart from motivation and purpose. Continue reading “Our Relationship with God Should Motivate Our Lives”

Search for the One Person

The second installment of the Richard Urban show on Vaccine Choice in West Virginia: Required Vaccines in West Virginia. This segment includes quotes from West Virginia Medical Officer Sherri Young and Lisa Costello from the WV pediatric association at the WV Senate Education Committee hearing.

Cheon Seoung Gyeong 2114

When you go to the spirit world how
grateful you will be that I offered to you
the qualification of becoming sons and
daughters of the owner of a free heaven
and earth without walls. If you have lis-
tened to me and lived in this way, since
the spirit world has no boundaries, wher-
ever you go in that vast and endless spir-
it world they will say, “We have helped
you. When you were in charge, we went
there during that time and helped you.”
Everybody will be your friend. They will
be your colleagues from that same time
period. As I have said, the spirit world
must be mobilized. Without its mobi-
lization, the Kingdom of Heaven can-
not be formed. It cannot be realized.
The Kingdom of Heaven was supposed
to start with true parents, and not with
fallen descendants. Just like when God
created Adam, He received the help of
the angelic world. In re-creation the
spirit world must all come down and
help the earth as well. They have to do
it. This is the principle, is it not? This is
the principle of resurrection, is it not? It
can be called truth only when the prin-
ciple of resurrection becomes a reality.
So how much will the spirit world like
me? (162-114, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 926

God cannot pass judgment on the
devil. In the book of Job, why did God
deal with Satan despite the fact that
Satan had followed God around and
tried to take control? God was com-
pelled to deal with him. Satan would
say, “Unless You digest me in Your love,
unless you set the original standard after
digesting me in love, you cannot control
me. Isn’t this Your Way? You are sup-
posed to dominate me after overcom-
ing the way of absolute love, beyond all
the complete ways of the principled love.
Since You haven’t reached that point,
You cannot dominate me. If You want
to dominate me, if You want to bring me
into submission, You have to do so based
on the standard that conforms to the
Way. I would submit to the individual
on the individual level, to the family on
the family level, to the tribe on the tribal
level, and to the people on the national
level. But this won’t happen unless You
set the standard, will it?” God could not
make a move and would be stuck. You
should know this. (188-228, 1989.2.26)

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

When one is trying to find his lost child, even if he is the prime minister of a state, his dignity is not in consideration. He will burst into tears, clasping his hands and body, ignoring his reputation and dignity, not caring even if he is a beggar. The fact that such a scene has never occurred between God and humanity from the time of creation is the sorrow of God, all things and humankind. Continue reading “Search for the One Person”

God Seeks the Bridegroom and Bride

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2152

In fact, throughout my life I have
developed a movement for ‘One World
Under God’ transcending race, ideolo-
gy, and nationality in accordance with
His providence. This is a principle of
providential history and not a theory
that I specially devised. Being enlight-
ened regarding God’s will, in order for
me to not only teach His plan as a the-
ory but also to implement it, there is no
part of the five oceans and six continents
that my activities have not outwardly
Through the foundation of multifar-
ious missionary and business activities
in Alaska, Antarctica, the countries of
the former Soviet Union, the 33 nations
of Latin America, and throughout Asia
and Africa, we are making preparations
to solve problems that humanity will
face over the coming millennium, such
as environmental pollution and fam-
ine. In recent years, I have worked in the
Pantanal and Amazon regions of Brazil
to lay a substantial foundation to protect
the Earth’s environment. On the other
hand as regards the internal aspects, I
have worked through the International
Holy Blessings and the True Family Val-
ues Ministry. Some 430 million couples
around the world have participated in
these marriage blessings, adding further
impetus to the building of God’s long-
awaited kingdom on earth based on ide-
al families.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1063

Concerning the process of re-cre-
ation, to give and give again for the sake
of others is the same as God expending
Himself in the act of creation. To invest
oneself is the act of creating one’s second
self; it is the same as God investing Him-
self for the sake of Creation. The works
of re-creation follow the course of res-
toration through indemnity; indemnity
is carried out through the works of re-
creation. Therefore, re-creation can only
come about when you invest yourself.
For this reason, it is a reasonable con-
clusion to say that sacrifice is inevitable.
(82-240, 1976.1.31)

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

Where should this relationship be made? This relationship should not be made in the spirit world, but on the earth. That is why it is emphasized that Heaven is the groom and the earth is the bride. This is an undeniable connection. The Shim Jung by which humanity feels this never changes. No one can transcend this Shim Jung, regardless of whether he lived thousands of years ago or lives 10,000 years from now. The groom sets up one absolute standard. By establishing the bride’s name as a condition, he spreads the connection toward sons and daughters. He then regains the earth, subjects, the substance of children and parents. This is restoration. Continue reading “God Seeks the Bridegroom and Bride”

Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow

Cheon Seong Gyeong 486

The value of sons and daughters is
such that they are an encapsulation of
love, not exchangeable for anything in
the world. Through sons and daugh-
ters, parents will experience the heart
by which God created the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve. This is why
the parents rejoice when they look at
their children, singing out, “You are my
love, whether I look at you this way or
look at you that way.”
No matter what your baby does,
who is born through love, you do not
hate him but simply love him. This is
because he is part of your body, made of
your own blood and flesh and your love.
Whether he pees, takes a poop, or has a
runny nose, he is simply cute and lovely.
It is because love is dissolved into such
things. (Blessed Family – 894)

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;…

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

What then must I do? I must resolve God’s sorrow by restoring myself, my family, my society, my country, the world and the universe into being acceptable to God. In this way, I should dominate all things with God’s authority and serve God. This is the crucial task you should pursue throughout your life. If you cannot relate to God this way, you will have nothing to do with God, even when God comes to the world, the country, the society or the family. Continue reading “Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow”