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#149-Our Nation Is at an Inflection Point.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 257
Originally, the idea of True Parents’ Day was the central idea in God’s concept of the creation. After creating all things, God created human beings to rule over them. The purpose for which God blessed human beings to take dominion over all things was none other than to establish True Parents.
Originally, Adam and Eve would have become True Parents by uniting with each other centered on God; then, Parents’ Day would have been established and the entire universe would have sung praises in the name of the Universal Parents. Thus, True Parents’ Day should have been a day of joy with the entire universe singing praises together in the name of the Parents. It was God’s deepest desire that this day be celebrated. Due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, however, heaven and earth never saw this True Parents’ Day. Thus, God has never ceased working to realize His original plan for True Parents’ Day. Before we can celebrate True Parents’ Day, however, we must first receive True Parents. The True Parents are the central beings. They must judge history, rule over the present and pioneer the future. The desire of people throughout history has also been to receive such True Parents.
Why are we trying to restore a people? We are creating a people to attend the victorious True Parents and to attend them truly by realizing a free heaven and earth as sons and daughters of filial piety. The True Parents will appear before the entire cosmos on a national foundation that can stand on behalf of heaven, earth and all humankind without accusation from the satanic world. Until now we have attended True Parents only in sorrow and pain, but from now on we should attend them in joy and in freedom. When God can dwell within our hearts, only then, when we are joyful, will God be able to say, “Yes, your joy is my joy!” We should also establish a standard by which all people can say, “What you are grateful for, we are grateful for!” Today is True Parents’ Day. Only when you truly establish True Parents’ Day as your own True Parents’ Day, your own family’s True Parents’ Day, society’s True Parents’ Day, and the nation’s True Parents’ Day will it be established as the global True Parents’ Day. Only when you establish it as the global True Parents’ Day and then the cosmic True Parents’ Day will God’s original ideal of creation to establish True Parents be completed; only then will there be relief from the sorrow that came from being unable to establish True Parents’ Day due to the Fall.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1210
Creating a foundation for the Messiah, by restoring the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance, is necessary in order to remove original sin. Once we remove the original sin, we are able to newly enter the realm of God’s life and love. To do so, we must receive a graft.
In order to make a wild olive tree into a true olive tree, we must cut off the wild tree and graft onto it the scion of the true tree. Similarly, in order for people who are like wild olive trees to become true olive trees, they must go through the process where they first deny themselves and then totally affirm something new. By doing so, a person changes his intrinsic nature from that of a wild olive tree to that of a true olive tree, so that he can emerge as a person led only by goodness. Then such people form a family, a tribe, an ethnic people, a nation, and the world. That is what the Unification Church intends to do. You must understand that this is what the Unification Church members presently hope to achieve. (41-62, 1971.2.13)
Richard: Both of the readings above refer to the necessity for True Parents to appear.
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 4
Section 6. The Liberation of God and the Way of the Filial Child
6.1. The path of restoration True Father has walked
Something went wrong at the starting point. It was as dreadful as saying, “Something went wrong at my birth! Oh dear, now that I have grown up, I see that I am a son adopted from beggars; I was the child of a beggar, brought from an orphanage.” This is even worse than being the child of a beggar. When you were young, you thought your parents were your real parents, but later on you realized that you were the son of a beggar. What happens to your household when people find out that you are of such lowly birth? Your household would surely be turned upside down, and people would weep bitterly. How shocked you would be to find out that you were raised in an orphanage when you thought that the mother and father who raised you were your real parents! This is shocking even in the secular world. It would be an even greater shock for God to see His crown princes who were to inherit His kingship and the heavenly palace walking around together with such people and becoming kings of hell. (216-107, 1991.3.9) Continue reading “The Idea of True Parents’ Day Was the Central Idea in God’s Concept”