Does God Really Exist?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2037

If we lose America, even if we lose the entire earth, but you hold on to true love, God becomes yours, heaven becomes yours, and the even the earth automatically become yours. Is that conclusion wrong or right? Then, what are you worried about? Even if you say, “Man, I hate Home Church,” it is just a bunch of noise. With true love, the more difficult it is, the greater its value. (104-151, 1979.4.29)

To work hard in your Home Church while you are living on earth is a blessing. Life is short. (142-297, 1986.3.13)
Richard: Home Church is a service ministry to 360 (or more) contiguous homes in your neighborhood. It is the ‘launching pad’ for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1071

You should offer a prayer of gratitude even if you are strongly chastised by your husband, saying, “How can I expect my husband never to reprimand me? Thank you.” (27-88, 1969.11.26)

Richard: Below, we begin our study of the entire Cheon Seong Gyeong, published in 2006.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 1. God is the Incorporeal Subject Partner

1.1 The Incorporeal God

    God is without form. If we should conceive of Him as large, He is infinitely large, and if we should conceive of Him as small, He is infinitely small. (35-156, 1970.10.13)

    Does God really exist? Can God be felt as more real than the pain that makes you say “ouch” when someone pinches you, or more real than the experience of eating when you are hungry? This is the question. When we know that God truly exists, all problems will be solved. (89-72, 1976.7.11) Continue reading “Does God Really Exist?”

We Have Entered the Age When We Can Proclaim the True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1498

The family is the horizontal foundation in the form of a miniature world. From the family stems the nation and the world. What is the family? The family is the horizontal miniature of the world and is the objective standard to the absolute center. Then what are individuals? They are the stepping-stones on which the absolute center can reside. (26- 258, 1969.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1451

Now the time has come for all those in your clans to be registered. If you do not take part in the mobilization, you cannot be registered. Since this is the case, should your Blessed Families participate in the mobilization, or not? How about previously married Blessed Couples? What about the previously married Blessed Couples? They are free to take part if they want to, but it is not mandatory. If other people outside the Blessed Families want to be mobilized, they can join, but if not, so be it. However, everyone will want to take part. Such a time has now arrived. (164-292, 1987.5.17)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 8; Having Entered the Completed Testament Age

Core Concept 59:  The Completed Testament Age was announced by the True Parents in 1993. Individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world should be completed centering on God’s love, God’s life, and God’s lineage.


8.1.2. The Completed Testament Age is declared through the victory of the True Parents.

In 1992, I proclaimed the coming of the the Messiah and the True Parents to the world. Thereafter, I drove providential fortune, and in this year, 1993, I announced “The True Parents and the Completed Testament Age” in America from May 13th. I created the environment in which all this can be accomplished. As you know, America is the nation that represents the whole world. It is the nation that serves as the final home for the Christian cultural sphere. Now, with the True Parents as the center, we entering a new age; that is, we are entering the Completed Testament Age. This declaration was made for the first time ever on earth. How eagerly God must have waited for this time! What a miserable situation God has been in throughout the ages of history! Now the age of hope has come near; we have entered the age when we can proclaim the True Parents. This is a historical event that carries all the significance of universal history. Up until now, there has never been such an event throughout human history. (248-175, 1993.8.3) p. 2514

What is the most important thing in the course of history? It is the emergence of the realm of the chosen people. In this age, I am trying to connect this realm on the world level to the foundation of three stages of development: the formation, growth, and completion stages. The Israelites correspond to the formation level, Christianity to the growth level, and the Unification Church to the completion level. If the realm of Israel was the center of the Old Testament Age, Christianity was the center of the New Testament Age, and the Unification Church is that for the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age is the age of achievement. What should be achieved? Individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world should be completed. Centering on what? Centering on God’s love, God’s life, and God’s lineage. Through this, all should be connected. This is the tradition of a single lineage, a single love, and a single life. If this happens, Satan will have to leave. Through this engraftment, Satan’s connection to the lineage disappears. (226-275, 1992.2.9) p. 2516

Be:  A person who understands about True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.

Do:  Prepare to receive the Blessing through this understanding and share this understanding with your extended family and neighbors.

Have:  An ideal family, centered on a culture of true love and hobbies.

The True Parents Must Come

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Recording of the Discussion following the showing of the documentary
Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities at the Family and Community Strengthening Forum
#145-Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities-Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1425

Don’t you have to register births? If you are Japanese, you need to register as a citizen of Japan who was born in a certain place. Similarly, we need to be registered into the kingdom. Until now, the Kingdom of God has not existed. Since there has been no family centered on True Parents, it follows that there was no tribe or nation either. We need to indemnify all this, so that we can reclaim the family, tribe, a people, nation, and world from the satanic realm, the kingdom of Satan. Centering on the religious realm, the whole world including the non-religious realm must be united together, and everything that belongs to Satan must be restored to God’s side. If this is not achieved, you cannot live peacefully in the spirit world after you have passed away. It is tens, hundreds and thousands of times more difficult to form a relationship with the physical world from the spirit world. (250-112, 1993.10.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1361

We entered the era of international marriage with the 777 Couples Blessing. Everyone will be brought together. From there we can pass through formation, growth, and completion stages; this time I might even intermarry all of you. What era did I say we are living in now? We are now in the era of international and interracial marriage. (100-34, 1978.10.4)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 8; Having Entered the Completed Testament Age

Core concept 58:  The True Parents have come and have connected the love of a man and a woman to God’s life force and love for the first time in history.


Things were offered in the Old Testament Age, sons and daughters in the New Testament Age, couples in the Completed Testament Age. And then you attend God. As a result of the Fall, we human beings failed to attend God on earth, serving Satan instead and being separated from God. We should now attend God and reconnect everything to Him. Thus, the things in your possession are not really yours. They correspond to the Old Testament Age, and sons and daughters to the New Testament Age. In the Old Testament Age, things were sacrificed to pave the way for the children, and in the New Testament Age, sons and daughters were sacrificed for the coming of the parents. It is ultimately to attend God on this earth that the Lord at his Second Advent, the True Parent, comes and suffers on this earth. Now we are in hell because we have been in service to Satan on earth. Thus we should attend God through the application of true love. (211-352, 1991.1.1) p. 2512

Continue reading “The True Parents Must Come”

True Human Beings Can Act on Behalf of God’s Authority

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Recording of the Discussion following the showing of the documentary
Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities at the Family and Community Strengthening Forum
#145-Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities-Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1111

On the foundation of having fulfilled your portion of responsibility centered on God, you can become united with His love and heavenly fortune is set in motion. Once this starts who can knock it off its course? Satan will not even be able to show his face. If this kind of foundation is made, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth will automatically appear. (149- 172, 1986.11.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1550

What attracts God most is the culture of love. Would He require money, power, knowledge or things like that? In order to design and build a nice house, one would need bricks, doors, and various other materials, but most important of all would be the overall beauty of perfection that gives the finishing touch to it. The greatest hope God cherishes for humankind is not for us to be wealthy or to become academics. As it is stated in the Bible, you should love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. This is the First Commandment. The Second Commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. These are amazing words. (143-273, 1986.3.20)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 8; Having Entered the Completed Testament Age

The Big Idea:  The Completed Testament Age is the age when God’s original ideal of the creation is fulfilled by the True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon.  They come to bring the Blessing to humankind so God’s life force can be connected to the life of Adam and Eve.

1. What is the Completed Testament Age?
2. Why must True Parents come?
3. What is at the center of the Completed Testament Age?


Video 1

Core concept 57:  True Parents are the origin of the founding of a new world.

Reading:  Pledge Number 8

Our family, the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, having entered the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, by centering on true love.

8.1. As we enter the Completed Testament Age

8.1.1. What is the Completed Testament Age?

The Completed Testament Age refers to a new age that begins now. It refers to the time when we can establish one unified world of peace through the oneness of families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world. This represents everyone, not only the family. By uniting the world, and uniting the whole universe, we enter the Completed Testament Age. When we establish a world that befits the Completed Testament Age, after uniting the present world through the new families based on the four realms of heart and the three kingships, we will finally have one world of peace. (243-262, 1993.1.17)

 What is the Completed Testament Age? Serving and caring for the True Parents and the True God, centering on the relationships of love, life and lineage, we are returning to the period when human beings have dominion with which they can act on behalf of God’s authority, representing the subject being of the whole world, and standing there in the center position. An age full of hope is coming. I would like you to quickly prepare for this before it is too late. (245-160, 1993.2.28) p. 2511

Since the creation, God’s providence of restoration has gone through tens of millions of years of history, but its standard has not yet been established. Rev. Moon finally arrived, established the Unification Church and revealed this truth, making this possible. That is why he announced the Completed Testament Age and the True Parents. This is an event that has a great effect on world  history. Yet, rather than calling it an event, it serves as an origin to found a new world. The philosophy of the True Parents and the expression Completed Testament Age embrace such a meaning. What promise is being fulfilled in the Completed Testament Age? It is the promise that God made to human beings at the time of creation. It is not the age of the providence of restoration or the age of the providence of salvation, but is the world of the ideal of creation that is to be realized. God thought of the words “True Parents” even before human beings did. God’s ideal of creation is the appearance of the True Parents. In that word is found the core of the ideal that God created from the beginning. Thus, Heaven cannot remain still. We are entering the age of the great transformation or change throughout the world. (248-188, 1993.9.30) pp. 2511-2512

You Should Live with Fun and Joy in True Love

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Recording of the Discussion following the showing of the documentary
Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities at the Family and Community Strengthening Forum
#145-Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities-Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1827

Since the sea has a vast amount of resources, we should prepare for the future by building ships around the world, in France and Germany, and in dozens of other nations when the order is given. Then we should build excursion ships for diving underwater, which will be needed to develop a leading position and secure economic strength in a global age. Only by making preparations in several dozens of nations can we ensure a leading position in this field throughout the world. Can you imagine that! Do you think that is possible?
Richard: Globalism itself is not bad. Like in many other fields, the issue is when ungodly people promote their brand of globalism. God’s ideal is based on living for the sake of others and mutual prosperity based on this principle.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1082

Since I came to Western society, what I feared most was facing women. I sense much danger just looking at their nails. My fingernails are always short. That is necessary. If they get any longer, I cut my fingernails and toenails. It is my custom to cut my fingernails and toenails. Women who keep their fingernails long are those who do not work. How do they type with those nails? So, when I see women with long nails I regard them as idle women. (131-283, 1984.5.3)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 7; Pledging to Perfect the World Based on the Culture of Heart which is rooted in the original lineage (continued)

Core Concept 56:  When we practice pure, true love unrelated to the Fall of Man, the culture of heart will emerge.  This will be a culture of love where you enjoy yourself and pursue hobbies, unrelated to the Fall.


The world based on the culture of heart is the world of the original culture of God, and the world of the culture of perfect Adam, who is not related to the Fall. There are not two cultures; only one. It is the world of unification where there is only one language, one set of customs, habits, and one tradition. You should know that only in such a place can God live together with individuals and in their families. (261-93, 1994.5.22) p. 2508

Continue reading “You Should Live with Fun and Joy in True Love”