Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom
Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1519
When we say Heavenly Father, we are saying that God is a Parent. If Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have become the king and queen of the heavenly nation, as well as the parents. They would have been the king and queen of God’s Kingdom and the universe. That’s why it is said that devoted, filial children and loyal subjects can enter heaven.
When a woman serves her husband as God, lord and king, and leads a life of true love, she can enter heaven. In this way, it becomes logical that you cannot be welcome in heaven unless you love your parents, nation and world. (Blessed Family – 954)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1623
There is a great difference between God’s joy before the Creation, and the great stimulation of love He felt when harmonizing with His partners in love thereafter. Even if He were to dance and dance for a thousand or tens of thousands of years, that joy would not come to an end. But could God dance alone? Would He want to sing alone? We were born because of love and we live to become the objects of the Lord of love who will unite the universe and have dominion over it. Then we too would be able to be lords of love. Seen in light of God’s intense hopes at the time of Creation, God’s beloved object partners are superior to Him, are to stand in a position above Him.
Consequently, when we call out, “Heavenly Father” He comes to us, and when we tell Him, “Come on,” He follows in our wake and never complains. Even when He is made to follow us for thousands of miles, He will gladly continue to walk behind us. Words cannot express the joy felt by parents following their children. When heaven and earth harmonize with and welcome their children even more than themselves, the parents will be so pleased that even their cells will burst forth in peals of laughter. (215-109, 1991.2.6)
True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Our Course of Life
Centered on Love
Section 6. Human Beings Seek the Center of Love
Human beings are born through love, grow up in parental love,
and mature while broadening love horizontally. Horizontal love
reaches the completion of the first stage when man and woman
meet and grow together to the state where they can represent the
love of heaven and earth and bear children as the fruit of that love.
Children are born from the heart’s core as a result of love.
The child who is born from a man and woman who share love
based on heart creates a path to the center of love. This center will
lead them directly to God. By having children as a fruit of love,
human beings come to deeply experience the love with which God
created all things and human beings. By loving their children, they
deeply experience the love they received from their parents and
the parental heart. The love parents have been pouring into their
children is not a materialistic love but an intrinsic love.
The love that parents give their children does not change even if
heaven and earth change and historical ages change. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will understand and deeply
experience how God has been loving human beings. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will feel and realize how
much your parents have loved you.
This is why we revere our aged parents even more and fulfill the
duties of filial piety with love. If you do not fulfill these
responsibilities, you are unqualified to be parents and your love
towards your children can only be considered hypocritical.
Human beings should feel and realize how much God has loved
them by becoming parents themselves and loving their children.
Furthermore, they will love God even more sincerely. A person
should love their aged parents more than they love their children
and love God more than they love their parents, knowing that this
is the order and law of love.
Because heaven and earth has a spherical shape, they share
horizontal love and rotate, forming a circle on the first level.
When they take a partner of the opposite sex and share love, they
have children as the fruit and become parents. When they love
each other and rotate, vertical love is realized following the
horizontal love. This forms the spherical world and establishes the
center of love at the same time.
The center of love that emerges through the movement created by
these love relationships is also the core of existence of the entire
world of creation. The earth exists because it is also moving
continuously around this center of love. The center of love is
where infinite force is gathered that enables continuous
movement. The center that appears through the sphere of love in
this manner is also a place where God dwells. Therefore, all
creation existing in the world is born and exists through God’s
love and moves in search for the center of God’s love. God is a
furnace of love. (126-245, 1983.4.24)