The Real “Peace Cup”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 903

   My situation is like this. After wearily going around the world in my lifetime, there is nothing left when I return home. That being the case, the one thing I planted in people was a heart of yearning for me that grows despite the changes of the days and seasons. Whichever nation I go to, if I live there based on a true heart of love and a heart of yearning, the angels will come and do their works; the good ancestors will come down making it a playground that has no relation to the Fall. They will make it a beacon of hope.
   The spirits in the spirit world cannot always come to the earth. Amongst the four seasons there is one that conforms to the gates of their hearts. Even your friends have good times and bad times. When the doors to their heart are in accord, spirits will come down to the earth and co-operate. (283-291, 1997.4.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 892

God never sends people to hell. When people go to the spirit world, they go to hell on their own account. When people who live an evil life go to places of goodness they cannot breathe. They cannot breathe. So, inevitably they go in search of a place that suits them. They go to hell, to a darker place, and say, “Ah ha, this is the place!” That is hell. People like me cannot stay in hell, even if we were told to live there. I wouldn’t be able to breathe. It would smell and taste repulsive to me. Who sends people to hell? It is not God. You go to hell on your own. (200-192, 1990.2.25)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

So are you ready to offer your lives? There are West Point cadets here, and I think you have been taught that you should be ready to die for your country. The traditional philosophy of West Point was that a person must be ready to save their country even at the sacrifice of himself, his love, his family and clan. But where is that traditional philosophy of West Point today? Where is the traditional philosophy that made America great? Is it individualism?

The world of individualism will not survive. Not only is individualism doomed, but so is family-ism, nationalism, state-ism, and even world-ism. Even a philosophy that encompasses the world will fall short; the only sure way to survival is the way that transcends the world, which is cosmos-ism. “Cosmos” encompasses every nation.

What is the “ism” of all nations in the cosmos? It is the philosophy of the Peace Cup, This is so vast; it is larger than the cosmos. What is the core of the Peace Cup philosophy? You didn’t know that it is the concave and convex parts of man and woman, that is, their sexual organs.

Women have the concave part, don’t they? Does it belong to them? Who is it for? It is for a man. If there is no man, there can be no woman. If there is no woman, there can be no man. Where they are both together they expand and create a family. The family is a huge pocket where heaven and earth enter into God and dwell there, where parents enter into God and dwell there, where everything enters into God and dwells there.

The concave and convex parts that convey the lineage of the parents are so precious! They are the concave and convex parts of God Himself. Hence, they are capable of becoming infinitely large or infinitely small.

What happens when you sleep lying face down? Even if you routinely sleep lying face down, is it the correct way to sleep? You Western people lie face down when you sleep, don’t you? Why do you do that? Eastern people sleep correctly, lying on their backs. They sleep in the form of the Chinese character for large. They are large people.

What happens when a woman who claims to be the best mounts on top of her man and makes love? Will the water she is supposed to receive be received, or will it spill out? The man’s convex part should become larger than the universe and provide the woman amply with what should be received. She needs to be the receptacle. So what value is there that she insists she is number one? If it all spills out, what will be the result? That is why many Asian men say they will not live with an American woman. They say that in her family the man becomes a servant. The woman acts like a king and thinks of her husband as her servant.

We lost the universe in a single second. But if in that one second a husband and wife become one in absolute love, everything will become absolutely large. Even though we are extremely small, even though we have breathed out and arrived at an extremely low point, we will become absolutely large.

True Love Is the Center

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2188

    If the son advises and teaches his parents to love their country so that they become patriots, and makes them a mother and father whom heaven remembers, is he a filial or unfilial son?
    So, rather than a son who says to his parents, “Mom, Dad, don’t go out! Just rest at home.” he should say, “Mom, Dad, what are you doing? Please, let’s try together to find even one more person who can be a patriot, who can work for the unification of North and South Korea, who can work to save North Korea.” Then he makes them shed tears, blood and sweat. Then what would you think if the people in the neighborhood were to praise this achievement?
    Would the parents say, “You scoundrel, you really made your mother and father’s life difficult, so at first we thought you were a bad boy. Yet we became successful and are praised by everyone. My! You really are a filial son.” Do you think the parents would say this, or would they say, “You are an unfilial son”? What do you think? (209-266, 1990.11.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 727

    Today, there are four billion people living on earth, but in the spirit world there are hundreds of billions of souls. The question is how this world and the spirit world, which we consider the subject, are connected. Are they connected through what we consider valuable on earth, such as material, knowledge or position? That cannot be it.
    That is because the spirit world is a world that transcends the material world. It transcends the world of knowledge. Since it transcends time and space, it is a world where yesterday’s joy can become today’s, and today’s joy can become tomorrow’s.
    In this light, that essential world does not move based on the things that we who live on earth today need or value. What is important is: what is the center of everything of value within life in the spirit world?

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

No one understands what the consequences of the Fall have been for this world. Only I understand it. For this reason, unless I set birthdays by the lunar calendar of the East, there won’t be a place where people can breathe on an eternal foundation of Sabbath rest. The level horizontal is born by breathing, alternately becoming larger and smaller.

A line is something that connects two entities. On the line that connects a subject and object partner, what does everything do to bring them closer to each other? What is it that pushes them in the direction of the center? You need to understand: the only thing capable of this is the force of true love. The force of true love.

When a man and woman are far apart, each puts himself or herself first, saying, “Man is number one,” or “Woman is number one.” Don’t you realize that you say this because you are fallen? You say, “I am a man; I am number one.” “I am a woman; I am number one.” Don’t you do that?

What are man and woman? The man can say that he is the best, but if he is alone, he cannot breathe. The woman if she is by herself also cannot breathe. The man cannot rise up if he is alone; the woman cannot rise up if she is alone. Yet when this is reversed, everything becomes possible. If one partner goes out, the other stays at home. Is what the partner at home does important? Inside and outside are both necessary. Left and right are both necessary. Continue reading “True Love Is the Center”

We Fell from the Level Horizontal

Cheon Seong Gyeong 171

There may have been people in some past historical age who thought about the term True Parents, but they had no way of understanding what the term’s background might be. Since the issue could not be resolved without understanding the vast and comprehensive contents of the Principle, no one else has been able to simply say the words True Parents. It is an amazing fact that we have been able to reveal the content of the Principle, the Unification Church’s view of history and the truth about the origin of humankind.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 479

What kind of place do you think the Kingdom of Heaven is? In short, we can say that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place entered and inhabited by perfected people. If the Kingdom of Heaven is a place inhabited by perfected people, who have true love, then what kind of people would those with true love be? Human beings are either men or women. When we consider how the perfection of God’s ideal love can be realized on earth, we reach the conclusion that it cannot be realized apart from men and women. God’s love cannot be completed without perfected men and women who possess the ownership of love. (145-266, 1986.5.15)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

The question here is the point of separation between good and evil, between good spirits and evil spirits. What does it mean that evil spirits and good spirits came into conflict with each other? It means that the gears did not mesh. What does Satan do, centering on himself, in the presence of God, who is the large gear? Heaven turns in a certain way, and Satan says, “I have to turn in the same direction.” But he can’t, and so he takes it over and tries to force it to turn backwards. This is the issue of lineage centering on love.

Continue reading “We Fell from the Level Horizontal”

How Can the Things that Were Divided Become One Again?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1063

Concerning the process of re-creation, to give and give again for the sake of others is the same as God expending Himself in the act of creation. To invest oneself is the act of creating one’s second self; it is the same as God investing Himself for the sake of Creation. The works of re-creation follow the course of restoration through indemnity; indemnity is carried out through the works of recreation. Therefore, re-creation can only come about when you invest yourself. For this reason, it is a reasonable conclusion to say that sacrifice is inevitable. (82-240, 1976.1.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 922

Christians today say that God exists as the Lord of righteous judgment who passes judgment on injustices. Yet, would such a God be at ease? Has anyone here been a judge before? When they execute a condemned criminal, the judge must also be present at the place of execution. There is no person more miserable than a judge. Do you like being chief justice? How do you want to make a living? As chief justice? How many days will you live within that environment of judgment, although you become a man of authority and have everything you deal with go smoothly just as you wish, and at your command? After a month of this life you would refuse to continue. You would be sick of it.

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

How can the things that were divided become one again? The change that divided them took place in the space of a second, so the change to bring them into oneness again should also need only a second. The earth was supposed to be revolving around the Center during that particular second, but it turned in the opposite direction instead. It turned in the opposite direction and continued in that direction, so now it needs to go back to its original position This traces out a figure eight. A figure eight.

Continue reading “How Can the Things that Were Divided Become One Again?”

Salvation Is Not Completely Accomplished by Believing in Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1281

Through True Father, the wife is bequeathed the mission of a mother towards her husband. What this means is that the wife must love in a way that allows her to give birth to her husband in three stages. In order to set the condition for her giving birth through love, the act of loving must be carried out in the opposite way from how it was done in the past. The woman is in the upper position and the man is in the lower position. You should keep this in mind in the act of love. (90-134, 1976.10.21)

Richard: This refers specifically tot he Three Day Ceremony, which is part of the process of receiving the Marriage Blessing, which reverses the Fall of Man.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 581

We live in this world, yet it is not the only world that exists. There is also the spirit world. This world and the spirit world should not be two separate worlds; they should be integrated.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

God’s Providence of Restoration

    True Father declared a providential jubilee year in 2007, and after establishing King Garden in Hawaii, Father proclaimed the start of the dawning of a new civilization from that location.
    The Peace Messages (Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong) were bequeathed in 2007, as well.  The providential headquarters was moved from Hawaii to Las Vegas, Nevada.
    Father proclaimed 2008 as another Jubilee year.  Father proclaimed and started the Woli Boncheron (Original Root Substance of the Divine Principle) education on October 10, 2008.  On January 1, 2010, the Heavenly Calendar started, and Foundation Day, January 13 (lunar) 2013 was announced.  Absolute Sexual Ethics education (OSDP Education) was to continue up until Foundation Day.  However, it was discontinued after True Father’s ascension to the spirit world, which resulted in Foundation Day not being carried out according to God’s desire.
    Our families must attend the True Parent (True Father) and form the Abel Clan
Federation through conducting Wolli Boncheron Absolute Sex Education, then conduct
Wolli Boncheron Absolute Sex (Absolute Sexual Ethics) Education  programs for Cain clans, bless them with the Marriage Blessing, and find and establish God’s homeland through home church.
Each family must bring to completion hoondok home churches that practice an active
hoondok life in attendance to God and the True Parent.
   Salvation is not completely accomplished by believing in Jesus. One must receive
substantial salvation in both spirit and flesh through the blessing of the True Parent. Of
those who believe in Jesus, none have yet entered into the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Home Church has to be accomplished.  This is a ministry to 360 or more contiguous homes.  Each family in the Home Church should study the Eight Great Textbooks.

See slides 57 to 60 below: