When the Jews Kept to the Old Testament that Caused them to Kill Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1755

When you actually stop to think
about it, you thought that treasures were
stored up there in heaven. But it turns
out that you had treasures all along in
your bodies. You came to understand
that the original palace is a part of your
body. Aren’t the love organs the original
palace that can attend God? Where is the
pathway that makes the love connection?
Is it in the fingertips? Where is it? What
is it in a man? What is it in a woman?
It is the male and female organs, where
the most distasteful substance can also
be found. Where does urine come out?
From the sexual organ. This is the case
for both women and men. If that unclean
urine thus excreted were to mingle with
love, would it still be unclean or would
it become clean? Then how wonderful
would it be to drink urine steeped in
true love like iced tea! (178-125, 1988.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1512

Why should you give birth to chil-
dren? It is so that you may experience
the inner heart of God the joy and
delight He felt at the time of the creation
of Adam and Eve. That is why those who
have not experienced childbirth may fail
to appreciate their parents, their hus-
band or wife. That is how they will end
up. They may have loved in the past and
in the present, but they cannot expand
in the future. The grandparents repre-
sent the past, the parents the present,
and the children the future. The fami-
ly is where these three can unite as one.
(216-192, 1991.3.31)

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Members of our Unification Church should mercilessly do away with the past and become people who can boast of having been born as new princes. They should sing the new songs of the new world. That is how it should be. Think about it. Do you think God would want you to bring all the dirty rags from Satan’s world into God’s family? God does not want to hear it, see it or even think about it. Wouldn’t it be so? This is why we call it the great judgment. We do not want to see them or see those ideas, that sovereignty, that history. It is the great judgment. We have to understand clearly that God is seeking true sons and daughters who can worship and serve the glorious Father with a heart burning with new hope.

Although it is good to hold to the past, if you were to do that you would destroy all ideals. When the Jews living by the Old Testament kept to the Old Testament of the past, that caused them to kill Jesus. Ladies and gentlemen, you should understand this clearly. Although it is good to hold onto democracy as opposed to communism according to the trends of thought today, if you were to hold onto that alone, you would destroy new things. Although the faith that you have and the churches that you attend are good, you have to understand that if you adhere only to them, you may destroy something new.

For this reason, you have to discern the situation well. You have to clear up the past and the present and be prepared for the future. Otherwise, you will never be able to enter the hopeful family of God. God sees you as sons and daughters of Satan’s world. After God sent His only son Jesus, he did not like Jesus’ younger brother (Israel) calling him their brother. Why should Joseph’s sons call Jesus their brother? Only after they pass through a course of faith, believe in Jesus and receive the heart, mind, body, deeds and words of Jesus can they call him their brother. God did not even like Mary calling Jesus her son. Only after passing through a similar course could she call him her son. God does not even think about anything tied to the fallen lineage. Wouldn’t that be true?

This is why we have to be re-blessed by the only son of God. When a first-rate bride whom God loves dearly is called before Heaven, God does not want to hear that she is the daughter of someone, the niece of someone, the older sister of someone, and so on. All that is necessary is to be recognized as God’s daughter. God will say, “She is My daughter, not yours.” This is why those who go deep into the past will never overcome this process. That is how it is.

When we reflect on the six thousand years full of anguish, the miserable history during which bloody conflicts raged, when we think about how people betrayed God’s will and caused the prolongation of God’s providence, God probably does not even want to see them. Ladies and gentlemen. You should not hold onto the hands of your beloved sons and daughters and go before God and say, “I am the father or mother of So and So.” You should not say that you lead such and such a life in the world. You should not talk about anything that is tied to the sinful history. God only wants to hear about your relationship with Him.

The Last Days Are the Time of Direct Reporting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 353

God is a being with dual characteris-
tics vertically aligned, and human beings
are physical beings with dual character-
istics horizontally aligned. As such, the
ideal of husband and wife is for the two
to become one and form a completely
rounded, apple shape. This would serve
as a parent body able to pull and attach
the ideal of love in the four directions,
having the form of their four character-
istics. (127-79, 1983.5.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard: Wow! “the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. ” This is amazing news for humanity. We no longer need to be in the never ending cycle of endless toil and despair. Rather we can substantilly build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth centered on God’s Word: http://www.visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/ and the Blessing of marriage: http://www.visionroot.org/resources/the-blessing/ .

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

The day that we meet, we have to understand the historical scars. We must say, “We are ashamed. However, we are so grateful for the grace of the Father who did not abandon us but sought us and called us.” Then God can say, “My son.” Then Father and son can meet. You have to understand that this is the path people of faith move on toward the heavenly family.

If you do meet, what would you want at that moment? Jesus and God have historical sorrows. We should probe into their sorrow in every detail and trace the tracks of the blood of the six-thousand-year history during which they engaged in fierce conflicts. We should say, “This is because of me, my people, my family members, my siblings, my spouse and children. Father, I am deeply sorry.” Can you do that?

Moreover, we have to understand how God created the universe, how the Fall took place, how God received Abel’s sacrifice but not Cain’s, why God chose eight members of Noah’s family, and how the term “the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob” came into being. We must understand why Jacob used tricks to seize the birthright and why, after choosing the twelve sons of Jacob, God formed a family of seventy members and entered Egypt. Why did the Israelites suffer for 400 years in Egypt before the 600,000 people could form a nation and Moses could be made their leader? Why did they have to fight for the blessed land of Canaan? Why did they have to fight to establish the nation and sovereignty of Israel? Why did Jesus come and die, and why will he have to come again? What will the world be like in the future?

You have to understand the providence and thoroughly report the sins that people have committed in the past, present and future. The Last Days are the time of direct reporting. Do you think that this is reporting only about one’s own individual sins? Not at all. If you were to report only about your own individual sins, you could not participate as a member of God’s family. For this reason you should report the sins of the past and of the present and the sins of the future and become those who can fight against them.

After having rectified the past and the future, God’s purpose is to introduce the new center of a new nation of the future before the universe. Moreover, you will have to understand that it is to recognize you as part of God’s family as well as the other members of the family that God is working. Have you ever thought about them?

Ladies and gentlemen, you have to defend the Father you believe in, that He is like this and that, and that the Father you know is the Father of the past, the present and the future. All people will agree upon what the Father desires in their minds, hearts and bodies. They will agree through the words and through the deeds that they perform based on the words.

Words are not as Important as the Embodiment Itself

Cheon Seong Gyeong 195

Through individuals and families,
God prepared a realm into which a peo-
ple who could advance with the Messi-
ah when he came to earth. This was the
people of Israel who lived with the con-
cept of being the chosen people.
However, the people of Israel have not
yet arrived in that realm. It was as if they
were held back behind a line. The hope
of the chosen people was to go over this
line. If they failed to cross over, it would
be a great disaster. They had to cross this
line and yet, as hard as they tried, it was
impossible to cross over on their own.
That is why God promised the people of
Israel that He would send them the Mes-
siah, the Savior. This was the Messiah for
whom God had prepared for thousands
of years in order to transcend this line
on the national level. He promised to
send the Messiah.
The people of Israel should have
become completely one with the Messi-
ah when he came to them. They should
have been willing to die for him. If
they had, Satan could never have sep-
arated them in any way. The Messiah
could have engrafted them to him on
the individual, family, tribal, people
and national levels and brought them
into this realm all at once. This is why
the world needs the idea of the chosen
people. With that people chosen by God,
the Messiah should build God’s chosen
nation. The existence of a chosen peo-
ple proves God’s existence. And judging
from that basis, the prophecy about the
coming of the Messiah further proves
His existence.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1272

God wants everyone reborn. From
His position, He is trying to bring all
of humanity, which is still in the realm
of Satan’s false love, to His side through
His greater love. Since all humankind
was born through the parents, ances-
tors and lineage of false love, they need
to be reborn through the parents, ances-
tors and lineage of true love. In this way,
they can become the children of God
and the people of God’s Kingdom. The
precious blood of Jesus and the ritual of
the Last Supper all symbolize the provi-
dence of becoming the children of God
through the conversion of the lineage.

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Jesus left his last words as Heaven’s son. He told his disciples that although there were many things he wanted to share, he was to die before he could finish all that he wanted to say. He said, “You do not believe me when I speak about the matters of this earth, so how would you believe me if I spoke to you about the matters of Heaven?” (John 3:12) He added, “Although there are many things that I want to tell you, you are not prepared to receive them now.” (John 16:12) Had Jesus’ beloved disciples been the true sons and daughters of Jesus, why would he not have been able to speak? Even when he was dying, Jesus could not reveal the secrets deep in his heart. He was our father. How can there be a greater violation of filial piety?

We have to repent to cleanse ourselves of all historical sins. Because all people share the sin of having killed the parent, we have to repent. What does it mean to repent? It is to regret the sin of having killed the father and understanding it. No matter how unemotional a son may be, if he realizes that he has killed a good father, wouldn’t he repent in tears? That is how it is. Regardless of what the world may think about it, the God and Jesus I know are like that.

Who would ever understand the situation of Heaven, who worked ceaselessly for six thousand years without feeling any fatigue because He yearned so intensely for the original family, original children, siblings and members? No matter what tribulations Jesus encountered during the thirty years of his life, even when he was praying through the night on the lonely grounds of Gethsemane, he thought about the original children. Thinking about the original children, Jesus prayed even as he was dying on the cross. He prayed, “Father, please forgive them of their sins.” (Luke 23:34) Jesus was thinking, “Since we are in the position of parents searching for the lost children, we should certainly walk this path.” From this we can discern Jesus’ heart.

Christians of the world today know that Jesus is great and honor him as God’s son. However, in reality he was truly miserable. He was condemned as a traitor, a rebel and a heretic. Although the Jesus known in history is great, in reality he was truly miserable. Do you know that? We should not seek the great name of the Jesus we find in history. We should go find the Jesus who appeared in substance. This is the responsibility of the believers of the Last Days. With the burning heart of a parent, Jesus overcame all these situations and struggled to find sons and daughters. The day that Jesus, who labored with the heart of a parent, and sons and daughters who are struggling to find him, meet together is the day God can come and give His blessing.

What remains now? Words are not as important as the embodiment itself. Words are the letters the bridegroom has sent to the bride. When the embodiment, the source of the words, appears, should they focus their discussion on the letters? Now is the time that we must complete our actions based on the words. It is the time when we have to conquer Satan and return the world to God’s bosom. Only then will the embodiment appear.

Our families and relatives block our path to go before Jesus. To sever oneself from all these obstacles, a person must be able to feel the pain of the cross. When Jesus cut off from his own family members, he shed tears and prayed for blessing. Likewise, we human beings have to suffer the pain of the cross to sever our familial relationships on the earth. We have to endure the agony of the cross. Those who dislike that will not meet Jesus. They will never meet him.

This is the Era when We can call God our Own Father

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2219

Is it not love that moves us to help
our parents at home? If they loved you,
you want to love them back. That is a
heavenly principle. Everything arising
from the heart is linked to the parent-
child relationship. It is all derived from
the seeds that were planted in your
Yet due to the Fall, everything went
awry, and consequently needs to be
resolved on earth. Return to your home-
towns and post up the signboard declar-
ing yourselves as being more loving fil-
ial sons and daughters than all the other
filial sons and daughters out there on
Satan’s side. On that declaration, it will
not be the archangel, but good spirits,
who will descend upon the earth. Then
the spirits operating on the horizontal
level with a loving heart will come to
your house here in Seoul and cooper-
ate with you. You can then extend your
horizontal foundation in this way. This
is restoration. (175-44, 1988.4.6)]

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1240

What is the most precious thing in
my life? It is the Blessing. Even for you,
the greatest gift in all of history has been
the Blessing. (23-317, 1969.6.8)

Richard: Amen, Aju!

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Humanity lost the true parents because of the Fall. Although we have fallen parents, we do not have the original parents. No matter how good, exalted and cultivated one may be, he is still of the fallen lineage. He cannot be proud of himself. No matter what one may possess, if we probe into it, we will find that there is always uneasiness and dissatisfaction in his heart.

Then what is the lamentation of human beings and of all created things? It is that human beings cannot participate as members of the heavenly family. This is the lamentation of the universe. There is no other purpose to our life of devotion. It is to call God “Father.” You have to understand the God who conducted the providence of restoration for six thousand years in order to usher in the one day when all of humanity can become brothers and true children of the Father; when all of humanity can call Him Father and rejoice.

This is God’s goal and the goal found deep inside the minds of human beings. This goal must be realized. That day must come. If that day does not come, there is no way we can build a relationship of the heart with God. As long as we are unable to build a relationship of the heart with God, He cannot look into our hearts and claim us as His own. We cannot claim to belong to God. The moment that this relationship is realized on the earth, God’s grief will be alleviated. Cries of bitterness will no longer be heard in Heaven. Moreover, at that moment the ideal world on the family level, which can unite Heaven and earth, will be opened. For the sake of this goal, our ancestors clung blindly to God’s words.

Due to the Fall, human beings lost the true parents, true brothers and sisters, true spouses, and true children. For this reason, those of us who have set out to find all these need the words of the True Parents.

What responsibility should we who are seeking the True Parents shoulder in the course of restoration? With what kind of determination and conviction should we go forth? We should long for the words of the original parents in our hearts. Moreover, we should long for the original parents who can rejoice with God. What kind of people are these parents? We should think about what the hearts and love of the original parents must be like.

What does God bring to us as we are running forward to live as members of one heavenly family? He comes to us with the words of truth based on the foundation of faith. What is the wish of human beings? It is to listen to the words of the true father with their minds and bodies. They want to move their bodies and minds according to the words. Besides their actions, they also want to hold onto the Father and learn about him. Furthermore, they also want to learn about the Father’s ideals and mind. They want to learn about the Father’s love.

Until today God has given us new truth through countless prophets and sages in every era and century. He told us how the world should be and revealed the world of hope that we long for. In this way history passed through revolutions that turned things upside down and which have expanded to the world level. God and fallen people stand far apart. Hence, God cannot speak to human beings directly. He chose many prophets and spoke through them. God has been connecting to human beings this way until now. In the Old Testament, God worked through angels. In the New Testament, God worked through His son. Now history is moving toward the era when we can call God our own Father. What can make this possible? It is accomplished through God’s words. For this to be possible, those words must possess heart, and there must be an embodiment of those words.

Richard: Here, in 1959 True Father, Rev. Moon is pointing out that in the new age we will call God our own Father. Centered on the Word of the Eight Sacred Textbooks: http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/, we can do just that.

We Long for the Passage of this Age

Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Who is Really in Charge of the Sanctuary Church? https://youtu.be/DDQL4QhwfsM

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1861

The larger fish in the Pantanal swal-
low the smaller ones. The small fish have
excrements, urine, internal organs and
filth, but the larger fish just swallows that
altogether. It swallows the head, tail, and
all the smelly parts. Isn’t a person who
can swallow things as a whole a prince
of the world of the liberated realm? That
is how I see it. (295-220, 1998.8.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1214

In order to be separated from Satan
vertically and horizontally, there are
internal indemnity conditions and exter-
nal indemnity conditions. The external
indemnity conditions are that of Cain
and Abel, and the internal indemnity
conditions are that of Adam. When you
completely overcome all this centering
on the portion of responsibility, and
remove Satan’s realm of dominion, then
Heaven’s side can begin its work. This is
a basic rule. (161-207, 1987.2.4)

Richard: Externally, we need Home Church: https://tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon81/810101a.htm. Internally, we need to register with the Word: https://tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon11/SunMyungMoon-110204a.htm .

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

We have parents, siblings and a family. Every person has a family he can dwell in. Regardless of whether or not that family is good, we all have relatives and families where we can dwell.

You will have to live with your family until the day you die. In your families, the members are leading lives full of both happiness and misfortune. Although you know that your families are the home connected to you eternally, one day you will be severed from that family. Although many people have gathered here, no one here can guarantee that he or she will take their relationships into the eternal world. Although you may have some hopes or wishes centering on this family, those hopes and wishes might be shattered the moment of your death; or they might continue, and you may be connected to another world of hopes and wishes.

Human beings possess original minds. This mind is guiding us to move toward the world of the good purpose human beings should pursue. We cannot deny that this mind has moved with history. Looking at the movement of the mind from this perspective, we can understand that this mind has longed for the appearance of a good person. That person will surely appear in history.

Many people of all persuasions say from the depth of their hearts that these are the Last Days. It is clear that the Last Days are near. Is humanity happy or unhappy in this age? I think that they are more unhappy than happy. The day that the world of misfortune comes to an end is the Last Days.

What do our minds long for? We long for happiness. We long for the ideal world of hope, freedom and equality. We cannot deny that throughout our life course thus far we have longed for that world from the bottoms of our hearts. All that we yearn for with a sincere and true heart and mind must be realized. Otherwise, we cannot believe in God or anything else.

Nothing in the world has been able to make our hearts happy. There has not been even one person who lived in a happy environment. The same is true for our family members, our parents on whom we have been depending until now, and our brothers and sisters. We have to understand that this world has not become an eternal dwelling place of joy. Why has it not become like that? If we were to use a religious concept, it is because of the Fall. How can a world created by the Fall and the kinsmen, families and family members who are products of the Fall unite with the ideals of happiness our hearts seek? The conclusion is obvious.

For this reason we long for the passage of this age. This is an honest feeling. Every man and woman is waiting for the passage of this age. A false society will pass behind us: false parents, false brothers and sisters, false couples and false children will pass away. You have to feel this truth deep inside your hearts during this hour. Parents ignoring their children, parents spending time by themselves, children playing only by themselves, brothers and sisters all keeping to themselves and friends and people only associating within their own circles, all this will be shattered. That’s what is going to happen.

In newspapers and magazines we read stories describing how children kill parents and parents kill children. These trends demonstrate that traditional concepts are fading each day. Why is that? The destination our hearts hope for is a place where we can be happy in harmony with the heavenly principles. Because Heaven is in the process of moving toward this destination and reforming people, after passing through a history of infinite changes, it will arrive at an era of a revolution of the heart. The era of intellectual revolutions will be gone. The era of the revolution of the heart will come. People who dream of joy will experience sorrow, and those who are seeking a peaceful abode will end up in sadness. This conclusion is natural.