If You Want to Persecute Me, Go Ahead

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar. The family is the core unit of society, and break down of the family is the core issue driving all problems in society.
  • For Couples, singles seeking a godly spouse, youth and young adult ministers
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheong Seong Gyeong 479

When a husband and wife become
one in God’s love on the foundation of
becoming completely one in love, they
can advance all the way to God’s posi-
tion. As well as going up to God’s posi-
tion, all that God owns comes to be my
possession. The power of God’s love is so
amazing. God allows them the author-
ity of participation, and at the same time
they come to inherit the entire owner-
ship of God. (144-132, 1986.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1732

Where must vertical and horizontal
come together? Where is the union of
heaven and earth to take place? It takes
place at the perpendicular. The path fol-
lowed by love takes the shortest distance.
The question of where it is supposed to
settle cost me untold effort.

Richard:  This means that God’s love and the love of a man and woman come together at the point of sexual union of husband and wife.

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

The place we must go is the original hometown that Noah and Abraham were looking for. We must find the people of the original hometown that Moses was looking for, and the kingdom of the original hometown that Jesus was looking for. Since God and Jesus have been fighting for the world of the original hometown, are you connected with that world? Do your emotions flow with that world? If not, the day when you receive the seal of a failure in human history will come to you.

We pine for the world of the original hometown. We long also for the ark of Noah. The two great camps of the world today are coming near the moment of striking the reefs and are being confronted with a difficult situation where they have to choose between life and death. We have learned through the Divine Principle that good and evil each had a starting point. Since good and evil were begun with the placement of God, their resolution also should be attained with the placement of God. That is the hard and fast rule. This falls under the same rule that in order to find a thing that was lost, one must go to the original place where it was lost.

The garden of the original nature is the ideal garden. It was a world where people were mutually complementary, a world where brotherly and sisterly feelings could be connected everywhere in the universe. It was not a world where there was nationalistic sentiment. It was a world where people could discuss matters, transcending all such problems as racial discrimination, national sovereignty, etc. It was a world where people could convene without differences in economic situations or cultures. They would convene with heart.

Let’s suppose that there is a family with two sons. The elder brother is the president and the younger brother is a laborer. Still, the elder brother cannot demand of his younger brother, “Hey, you rascal! Since you are a laborer, why don’t you come to my house and do manual labor?” If he is a true elder brother, he will lament that his younger brother is not on the same level as he and be inclined to hold the younger brother in high esteem. That is the true elder brother’s mind. Because God longs for this kind of familial ideology in the home of the original hometown, humankind also longs for such a home in the original hometown.

This is the historical elucidation point, the humanistic elucidation point, and the providential elucidation point of the fate we have to go without fail. What gap is there between that standard and myself? If the gap is wide, we must lament at the top of our voice. We should pray, “God! Please forgive me. I didn’t know anything at all. I didn’t know the flow of history, the direction and purpose of the providence that history points to. I didn’t know that the path of life is tortuous. I didn’t know about the mental suffering of the prophets and sages and of my ancestors and their inner hearts. I didn’t know the path Jesus went. I didn’t know the path God has come either. Please forgive me for the sin of ignorance!” We should pray, “One can be forgiven, even if he was in a position of knowledge. Yet I didn’t know. So please forgive me all the more.” Men must pray like that, without any condition whatsoever. That is why men are taught in religion that arrogance works against you. Men are told, “Be humble. Keep your place. You are your own enemy.” Why is that? Because I am in debt. When we raise our eyes quietly and look at ourselves again with this Shim Jung, we find our own hearts revolting. As we experience emotion along with Heaven, looking from the historical perspective, we feel our hearts revolt. As we look at that historical sorrow and the curtains of adverse fortune that are blocking the way, we shake in our shoes.

The Father has come forth enduring many such crises. Even while meeting their ends after many such crises, the prophets and sages emerged fighting, longing to restore the freedom, happiness and peace of that kingdom and world. I think that way. I think it is natural that the Unification Church receives opposition today.

Yet we must have a scheme in our minds, saying, “If you want to persecute me, go ahead,” with the firm conviction that we have to cultivate this path. Jesus, too, went out with an awe-inspiring attitude. Because of that, when he appeared before Judas Iscariot and the others, they all hung their heads before him. Jesus’ aspect said, “If you want to challenge me, go ahead.”

In the world of Shim Jung, there is no place you cannot reach, no matter how far it is. Don’t you agree? Suppose that there is a certain hooligan who is trying to stop the love between parents and children. Can he succeed? No, he can’t. This is the place where man feels with automatic, natural emotion. Therefore, this place cannot be invaded by Satan, no matter how hard he tries. Satan’s interference here would put him in serious trouble. Satan would pay dearly for it. The man who feels such emotion on the path of life will go to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Chosen People Were Not Supposed to Kill Jesus

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar. The family is the core unit of society, and break down of the family is the core issue driving all problems in society.
  • For Couples, singles seeking a godly spouse, youth and young adult ministers
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2136

Whose children are these different
races? They have only one parent. God,
who is with us wherever we go – whether
north, south, east, or west – in the uni-
verse, is the Father of humankind.
Thus, it would be a mistake for any-
one to think that white, black, or yellow
people are the owners of America. God
is the owner of America. This is also true
for Korea. Differences in skin color are
nothing more than the result of having
to adapt to different climates and envi-
ronments in different parts of the globe.
In areas with large amounts of snowfall,
we find mainly white people. Conversely,
in places such as Africa where the rays of
the sun are particularly bright, we find
mainly black people. Fundamentally,
though, people are the same.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 727

The problem here, however, is that
evil spirits are dominating the body. Evil
spirits are rooted in the body and good
spirits in the mind. From this comes
the division of materialism and ideal-
ism. The things that people talk about in
this world do not just spring up like that.
As the time approaches, sinners should
confess their sins. They should come
clean about who they are.

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

The direction that man is taking and has taken in history is not the direction of Heaven. It is the opposite. For that reason, Heaven more than once blocked the way in order to put humanity to rights. God set up the familial standard by raising up Noah. Even if Heaven had to annihilate the whole of humanity, Heaven blocked everything that was not right and tried to lead Noah’s family in the direction of Heaven. However, owing to Ham’s mistake, Heaven could not restore Noah’s family.

What about Abraham? Heaven had led Noah out to restore the original hometown. Noah was pitiable. Abraham left the mountains and rivers of his homeland, Ur of the Chaldeans, and wandered about to find the blessed land of Canaan. He was pitiable, too, wasn’t he? Not only Abraham, but Jacob and Moses were in the same pitiable situation. How would God have felt in His heart after driving Moses out of Egypt into the wasteland of the wilderness in order to restore the people of the original hometown? Nobody knew the heart of God, who was more grieved, more mortified, and more deeply pierced with lamentation than Moses was when He drove the Israelites out from Egypt. Who would have known that such was God’s heart? If Moses, who was leading the nation out, had gone forward unchanged, intoxicated in God’s heart, the incident of striking the rock twice would never have occurred. We know the lamentable fact that because Moses could not connect with Heaven’s heart, at that moment Moses himself blocked the way of the nation.

Heaven drove Noah out to restore the original family. He, too, was pitiable and fell short. So was Abraham, whom Heaven drove out to establish the land of blessing.

What happened to Jacob, who was pining for the land of the original hometown? When death came near in Egypt, his dying wish was that his bones be buried in his hometown. How much pining for his hometown does that show? He did not want even the water trickling down from his decomposed remains to be left in the enemy’s land. You must know that Jacob felt such precious pride in being of the chosen people.

Let’s look at Moses again. God drove Moses away to restore the original nation. How much do you think God wished to live in that nation? However, Moses could not realize the will.

The people who were raised up to do so could not uphold the will of God and failed. God’s intention was to restore the whole of the world by building a people and a nation after restoring the family and mountains and rivers of the original hometown. Yet even with these failures, the will emerges in its own way, outfitting itself conditionally for a bigger scope.

Even if the realization of the will of God was to be delayed, Heaven sent the Messiah to straighten things out and build an original nation. But then what happened to that Messiah?

How ardently do you think Jesus wished to establish the heavenly sovereignty for God on this earth? Yet how did the Israelites treat Jesus? The Israelites were to build a nation of original nature centering around Jesus. They were to become the heavenly soldiers marching toward Satan and his minions and to be the elite soldiers of Heaven. What did they do?

Jesus’ death was a forced separation, an unreasonable parting. I think of it that way. Therefore, the fathers of our faith have absolutely nothing to be proud of. The chosen people were not supposed to kill Jesus. Jesus’ path was not supposed to be like that, a path of arbitrary separation.

Be Intoxicated with God’s Shim Jung

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar.
  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex
is Satan’s domain of love filled with
ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the
downfall of humankind and expand
hell on earth. From the viewpoint of
the God of absolute love, the grand-
mother and grandfather are one; they
cannot be separated. They must abso-
lutely become one centering on God,
and centering on love. What is love? It
is fitting convex and concave together
absolutely; mother and father, husband
and wife, son and daughter – all must
unite in this way absolutely. This is what
God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Richard:  This is the core truth.  Free sex (uncommitted sex outside of marriage) is the key cause of the world’s problems.  Attend our upcoming Urban Family Life Training Seminar to understand more about this issue:  https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/richard-s-blog/306-early-bird-registration-now-open-for-the-urban-family-life-training-seminar.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard:  This means we can actually build Cheon Il Guk, or God’s Kingdom.  War and conflict are absolutely unnecessary in this age.  We must awaken humanity to this truth.

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

Is there anyone who has confidence in going the path of life in search of the original hometown? If anyone knows how to go the path of life with confidence, intoxicated in their heart, let’s see who you are. This is judgment. If God exists, I believe He will call such people out on the day of judgment.

History will back up the person who went with confidence along the path of life, intoxicated. Jesus confidently went the path, bearing the cross after a life intoxicated by the will of God. On the national level, people who knew the fate and direction of the nation and went over the path of death prepared to sacrifice themselves, intoxicated in their efforts to fulfill their responsibility, were called loyal subjects and patriots. We cannot deny that such people change the course of history. The course of seeking the heavenly love responds in the same way.

Who can stop the mind that longs for the original hometown? Who can stop the yearning Shim Jung that seeps out of my mind? No matter how dignified one is, no matter how knowledgeable, one cannot reject this mind that pursues something new.

Continue reading “Be Intoxicated with God’s Shim Jung”

We Are Wandering in Search of the Original Hometown

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar.
  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179
People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 942

Once I have completed my work on
earth, my work in the spirit world will
begin. I will stand as the king of the
spirit world. As the king of the earth, I
will automatically become the king of
the spirit world and enter the land of the
original homeland that conforms to the
principle and the law. (295-202, 1998.8.28)

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

We are wandering in search of the original hometown. We are people who lie at anchor on the course of fate we cannot help but go. However much one might boast of himself, there is no one who can proudly say, “All people! The whole of the macrocosm! Act in concert with my words.”

Where can we turn our steps which seek the original hometown today? The original hometown is the place where the parents of true love are. It is the affection-filled nest of true love. That is the place where we are to stay and rest. That is the world of peace, overflowing with happiness and hope. It is the garden of freedom. The stronger your admiration for that place, the greater your mind will burn with indignation on the earth. You will resolve that you will live cleanly in relation to the earth. The historical men of the past were the people who lived that way. Even in the world today, there are people who run a thousand miles, not noticing the distance, in search of their lost parents. There are people who go seeking their loved ones, despising a distance of ten thousand miles. If you have less determination than that in going the path which leads to the original hometown, you should have a guilty conscience. For a moment, an hour, a period of your lifetime have you ever wandered in search of the path leading to the original hometown? You should not allow yourselves to be irresponsible. Only when you can leave behind a responsible life can you gain your honor before the heavenly principles that re-created the history of the original hometown and established the will of the providence. Don’t you think so? The ancestors who lived such a life became historical figures. The ascetics who lived in such a manner formed religions. Therefore, we today should also long for the parents of the original hometown, the mountains and streams of the original hometown, the family and world of the original hometown. Such a time has come.

Communists today are dreaming of the worldwide original hometown, but centered on a materialist concept of history. It won’t work.

Continue reading “We Are Wandering in Search of the Original Hometown”

Our True Original Hometown is in the Mind

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar.
  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2084

Should God have the thought of tak-
ing revenge, thinking of Satan as the
opponent and an enemy, then He will
never be able to occupy the summit of
victory. Rather, God has opened up the
strategy of love, saying, “Love your ene-
mies. Love your enemies!” The summa-
tion of Jesus’ teachings is also, “Love
your enemies” (The Way of Unification – 595,
1983. 4. 3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 526

Can you know the taste of honey
through someone’s explanation? Just
an explanation would not work. Before
explaining, one would have to open your
mouth and feed you the honey and then
tell you that this is the taste of honey.
Then, why do we say that not having a
son brings about disappointment and
unhappiness? People with only daugh-
ters say that those having sons would
have nothing more to desire. Western-
ers are a bit dull in this regard. Through
emphasizing individualism, they have
lost all such feelings. Therefore, they
must regain them. Hence, they now are
returning to Eastern thought in order
to do so. Thus, your families must have
husband, wife, sons and daughters. This
way, they must attain complete oneness
and go forward in sync with heavenly
fortune from beginning to end, going
on to live eternally, which is not pos-
sible alone. Even if you could live alone
eternally, you would be carrying a bag
of suffering around in the eternal world.
You would not be able to receive the ele-
ments necessary for happiness. (24-223,

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

What kind of place is the original hometown we long for? It is not the same place you mean when you speak of your hometown. The original hometown is the original hometown of the mind, that place of shelter for my heart, where my mind can take pleasure, the nest of the world of the heart. You must know that.

We say that God has been unfolding the providence of salvation. If Heaven was to restore me and restore humanity, I would say to God, “Please restore me on the condition of my heart rather than my circumstances.” Why is that? Circumstances can change, while Shim Jung has only one condition. For that reason, I think the man who seeks the true view of faith would ask for this.

Jesus said, “Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is in your mind.” Where is our true original hometown? It is in the mind. Because the Kingdom of Heaven has a historical connection with the mind, we long for that original hometown in our minds. Because our emotions are unbreakably connected with our minds and are in a tangle, we long for that original hometown. Therefore, we must lead a life worthy of the original hometown, which can be connected with the original mind in the course of life. We must feel the garden of the original hometown.

Who would live in the original hometown? The original hometown is not where we live today. It is a place that can be likened to the garden of true happiness that history longs for, where true peace and true freedom begin. Think about it. Who is going to be there? The lofty, great and dignified God will be there. The Lord whom we have eagerly awaited will be there, too. The Holy Spirit will be there and the numerous meritorious retainers who have come and gone in providential history. Don’t you think so? What is more, there will be incomparably loyal subjects; there will be filial sons and daughters and virtuous women without peer. If you cannot feel something of the ideology of that world by expanding the bounds of your mind, you won’t be able to connect with it.

Continue reading “Our True Original Hometown is in the Mind”