Cheon Seong Gyeong 1984
Adam’s enemy is Eve and Eve’s ene-
my is Adam. Abel’s enemy is his moth-
er and father, and Cain’s enemy is his
mother and father. These brothers, Abel
and Cain, are mutual enemies. They
are all enemies. The Korean peninsula
is where these enemies fight amongst
themselves to find their positions. The
Korean peninsula is where the final his-
tory is brought to an end. In terms of the
cultural history, it is the final point for
a showdown between communism and
democracy. Isn’t that the case with the
South and the North? Kim Il-sung in
the North is in the position of the father
who has returned representing the com-
munist world. And Rev. Moon, the True
Parent, is in the position of the father
who has returned, representing the
democratic world centering on Christi-
anity. Two parents have emerged.
Until now, the Korean peninsula was
in a position in Asia that could not be left
alone by the United States, China, and
Soviet Union. Japan is like Eve before
marriage and has become a truly beau-
tiful woman dressed in brilliant colors.
That is why the Soviet Union, China,
and the United States all want to snatch
her away. It is exactly the same situation
as when the angel fell. (228-231, 1992.4.3)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1726
The Unification Principle defines
God as the incorporeal absolute Subject,
the Subject with harmonized dual char-
acteristics. As a being with dual char-
acteristics, He created Adam and Eve
with substantial bodies to reflect each
of those characteristics. He intended to
become the center in the vertical posi-
tion when they were fully matured and
connected to each other horizontally
based on love. What this means is that
when Adam and Eve reached full matu-
rity, God’s masculinity was to reside in
Adam’s mind, and His femininity in
Eve’s. This, however, does not mean that
God is divided into two. Since He is the
Subject Being of these dual characteris-
tics, He can dwell in the minds of both
Adam and Eve. (138-245, 1986.1.24)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241
It is truly significant to receive the
Blessing. Those who receive the Blessing
should be able to think of themselves
as God’s representatives and conduct
themselves as such. They should think,
“If I do not move, then heaven and earth
do not move.” God can establish a liv-
ing ideology for the sake of humankind
only when this position is reached. (13-14,
My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959
God’s dispensation is not only looking for new individuals. He must find a new family, a new people, a new world, and ultimately the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus was unable to leave the value and standard of his heavenly character or personality as a new being on this earth. Therefore, he left behind the term “bridegroom and bride” as he left. God’s will is to establish a heavenly individual to find a family. Having that family as a model, He is to find a people; having that people as a model, He is to find a nation; having that nation as a model, He is to find the world, restore heaven and earth, and ultimately build the Kingdom of Heaven.
What should we do to become a new, resurrected self? We must establish the standard upon which God can say, “I can now defend you, and I will take the responsibility for your life, your ideology, and your love and heart.”
No matter how we are attacked, we can be resurrected if we have the standard upon which God will take responsibility for us. Jesus was able to be resurrected after the attacks of countless satans, for he had such a standard. His authority of life, ideology and love was connected to God’s heart. For that reason, Jesus’ substance was able to be resurrected.
If we have that kind of heart, who can attack the power of my life, my ideology, and my love? As long as God is with us, we have the authority to be resurrected after countless beatings from Satan, even after countless deaths. We should realize that we can be recognized as a new self with a new standard, a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven and a heavenly family, only when we stand on the judgment altar with that authority.
Continue reading “We Must Die First if We are to Become a New Self”