Human Beings are Not Aligned with God’s Original Purpose

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2210

If, seeing your faithful determina-
tion, God takes heart and steps forward
to declare, “I am going to tear down
this evil world!” then, in that instant,
His sphere of activity will expand due
to your efforts. This will be a gift of joy
from Heaven more wonderful than any
coveted position, throne, place of honor,
and even awards that would be heaped
upon you over not only one but over
many lifetimes.
You should determine to confront
any kind of persecution in the course
of human history and even beyond that.
This is the path filial sons and daughters
who take on the responsibility to repre-
sent the history of eternity should take.
This is the way of loyalty to the eternal
Kingdom of Heaven. (255-121, 1994.3.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 770

Death means to be born in God’s
love. But in the human world, people
make a fuss, saying, “Oh, I am dying!”
Seeing this, would God laugh merrily
or would He exclaim, “Oh, no!”? When
God looks at people crying like this in
the human world, does He feel sorrow
or joy? Leaving the realm of limited love,
we enter the joyful realm of infinite love.
Isn’t death the moment to welcome this
joyfulness? Isn’t this going through the
path of death the moment of actually a
second birth?
If this is the case, would God be joy-
ful about the day your physical body is
gone? Would He be joyful when some-
one is born as a son or daughter who
can act for the sake of love in the sec-
ond, infinitely expanded world? Why
do I talk about such things? You cannot
establish a relationship with God with-
out liberating yourself from the fear of
death. I am speaking about this because
you must understand this reality. (116-172,

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

Human beings have walked the long course of history, not knowing their destination. With what ideology were they born? At what destination will they arrive with the aid of that ideology? Based on what value are they going to connect to what purpose? You know very well that people have been struggling because they have not found a complete solution to any of these issues.

When people of faith discuss their existence, they say that their existence began from Heaven and will end in Heaven and that they are pursuing the ultimate value before the will of God. Yet, I believe that there must come a time when even the average person thinks like that. Although all we think about is centered on ourselves, our human purpose is not to be found in ourselves. We sense deep within us that we seek to transcend ourselves and be connected to some world of ideology.

However, there is a gap of time and space between that world and where we are now. If something can bridge this gap, it is not an academic theory or some clever means. This gap can be bridged only when we enter the world of the heart.

“Heart” has been a controversial topic in the religious sphere and in the areas of culture and the arts. There is heart at the level of the individual, heart at the levels of the family, the society, the nation and the world. Furthermore, if a Creator exists, an actual Lord, it is undeniable that this Lord is moving in line with the heart. Continue reading “Human Beings are Not Aligned with God’s Original Purpose”

Judgement is Not God’s Original Goal

Cheon Seong Gyeong 319

The universe is round and so is the
sun. What do all round-shaped things
center upon? They cannot become
rounded by themselves. They can only
become rounded on the basis of a rela-
tionship with something else. The world
that is one existing entity, a substantial
entity that integrates such relationships,
continues on the basis of this realm of
circular relationship. Considering this,
what is the original source that can form
such a circular relationship? The origi-
nal source of this harmony is the motion
of love. (164-78, 1987.4.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 923

Christians have not known that God
is a God of grief and a God of pain. Does
God exist as the Holy King and Lord of
Judgment? What is there for Him to
desire that would make Him want to be
the Lord of Judgment? Because of the
Fall, God is compelled to act as a judge.
Yet no one knows how to set this right.
There is no one even in religious circles
who knows this. The only place that
knows is the Unification Church. (196-
172, 1990.1.1)

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121


Please let this be an hour when we can commemorate the actual hyung sang of Christ, who originally came to rule heaven and earth. Let this be an hour when we can commemorate his heart as he was praying for his enemies, shedding blood on the hill of Golgotha. Please let us feel deeply, to the core of our flesh and bones, that this is the saddest thing that could have happened on the earth.

Father, we sincerely pray that You allow us to experience, within ourselves, the sorrowful heart of Jesus Christ and understand the bitter anguish of Heaven. We pray further that we can be concerned about Satan, who committed the historical sin, as well as about the direction our descendants will take in the future.

For 6,000 years, You have repeated Your labors and the providence of tears to find us. We are neither worthy nor dignified. You have been concerned for us every hour and every day, and You were never afraid of suffering wounds in Your heart. Please allow us to open the gate to our hearts wide and take after Yours. Please allow us to move our bodies and safeguard the footsteps of toils.

We who have passed through the course of sins and betrayed Heaven in sin have gathered in the presence of You, thoroughly exhausted, having attained nothing. Although we know we are unworthy to stand in Your holy presence, since it is our fate to find You, we bow down before You, cherishing Your heart. Therefore, Father of compassion, please forgive us. Father of love, please show us mercy. Continue reading “Judgement is Not God’s Original Goal”

The Movement for Abstinence and Blessed Marriage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

As national representatives respon-
sible for the world, you are to achieve
unity with America, which has its
responsibilities as the nation repre-
senting the world. You have to become
perfect Cains before me as people who
represent the nation and the world. You
cannot have your own individual con-
cepts about that. Realize that at this
exceptional time, you need to stand
resolved to represent world history, to
become the representative Cains of all
Cains, and to cause the archangels to
be ashamed because you have surpassed
their conditions of atonement as you
become like Heaven’s loyal archangels.
(88-143, 1976.8.10)

Richard:  On November 29 it will be 21 years since the Blessing ’97 Holy Marriage Blessing at RFK Stadium in Washington DC.  Stacey and I were there, and we lived in that neighborhood.  Absolutely, the movement of abstinence before marriage and Godly Blessed Marriage must continue and is desperately needed by our world and families.  As such, Urban Life Training will be initiating a grant program to facilitate the formation of Chapters throughout the nation.  Let me know if you want to be part of this exciting program.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 435

Why do we have brothers and sisters?
Why do we need brothers and sisters?
It is because with brothers and sisters,
boys can watch their younger sisters
and elder sisters, and from them learn
how their mothers grew up; and girls
can watch their naughty elder brothers
and younger brother, and from them
learn how their fathers grew up. This
is called the love of brothers and sis-
ters. So, you should love your siblings.
Also, you should learn to love your sib-
lings as you love your father and mother.
You cannot love them if you don’t learn
how. So, through watching your broth-
ers and sisters you learn how your par-
ents grew up and you come to love them
as your parents do. In this way, you will
be able to love your mother and father
even after you go to the next world. You
need your brothers and sisters in order
to be an owner of love without shame.
Then, would it be better for brothers and
sisters to love each other more than their
parents or less than their parents? It is
better that they love one another more.
Why is that so? Because watching and
loving your siblings is like watching and
loving your mother and father when they
were growing up. When you do this, it
fulfills the condition of loving your par-
ents from their birth to their death. So
these brothers and sisters are connected
to each other through such love. That’s
why I think this way.

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48


Father, when we reflect back on history, we find that humanity has walked the course of Golgotha. The mountains and streams at which we are looking are full of skulls; the city in which we live is a city of skulls; the land in which we live is barren. We who stand here were abandoned by other people. Father, what is the one thing we can possess? Jesus said that when someone strikes our right cheek, we should let them also strike our left cheek. When someone asks us for our coats, we should also give the clothes we wear beneath it. When and where will these words be realized? They will be realized through a people who assert a certain ideology and through a religious group.

Father, this nation never knew how to speak in its own defense, even when it was suffering through its 4,000-year history. Even when it was suffering through many despairing events, it endured with patience for the one day of hope.

However, this people does not realize that it has been placed on the hill of Golgotha in the last days due to a hidden heavenly connection. Father! Father, please let every part of this peninsula be filled with voices like the cries of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Allow us to look for the true people who long for Jesus, he who begged You to forgive his enemies on the hill of Calgary. Continue reading “The Movement for Abstinence and Blessed Marriage”

Cry Out Fervently Like Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 187

The Unification Church speaks about
True Parents. These are amazing words.
Who are the True Parents? Since false
parents appeared, True Parents must
appear. What do True Parents have to
do? They must rectify the tainted lineage
that forms the root of the satanic world,
turn the resulting deviated life around,
and correctly reopen the path of love that
has gone the wrong way. (169-37, 1987.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

The Lord of Creation has placed every
part of His form in the face of human
beings. Hence, God’s characteristics
can all be found in the human face. The
eyes symbolize God. Thus, when a being
comes into existence, the first feature to
develop is the eyes. Since the center of
the universe is God, the eyes symbol-
ize Him. Therefore, you can tell just by
looking into the eyes of someone, indeed
anyone, whether that person is consci-
entious or not. (39-247, 1971.1.15)

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

When we summarize these things, we can understand that it is required by the Principle that, after democracy has settled and new doctrines have arisen, religions must be united. What must we do to remain on the side of democracy?

To remain in the free world, Jesus must be with us. If a nation lives for the entire world and all humanity together with Jesus, abandoning everything for the sake of Heaven, then it will remain intact. Jesus called out to God even at the moment everything he had was taken away from him. Jesus was intoxicated in the love of Heaven, to which he clung, and he offered all that he had. If we follow this Jesus, we will remain alive. When a people possesses this ideology, all other people will be defeated at their hands.

What determination should we, the pitiful people of the Korean Peninsula, make? Upon what should we reflect? We must pray with burning zeal, “We who live in this divided nation have given up all that we possess. Without any hesitation, we have left behind our parents, brothers and sisters, families, tribes and all our material things. Heaven, we wish that You allow the place on which we stand to become Gethsemane, where Jesus cried out. We wish this land to be the garden of Gethsemane on the world level. We hope that it can become Golgotha on the world level.” If many young men and women are found in this nation who offer this kind of prayer, this nation will never perish. Continue reading “Cry Out Fervently Like Jesus”

This Time is the Same as When Jesus Was on the Earth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 217

True Parents have the responsibility
to connect the indirect dominion with
the direct dominion. The question is
how to demolish the walls within indi-
viduals, families, tribes, peoples, nations
and the world, which are linked to Satan.
Satan, for his part, thinks about how to
block this continuing work of God. The
two have been dueling this way. Satan
has been persistently opposing God. For
my part, I have been standing between
God and Satan, constantly working to
get rid of the latter. How do we move the
work forward without being exposed to
Satan’s accusation? This is the reason
the course of indemnification has come
about. This is humankind’s portion of
responsibility, which, so far, it has failed
to carry out. The question, then, is how
we can fulfill our responsibility. Satan
knows that this issue is the responsibil-
ity of the Messiah. That is why he has
attacked True Parents by mobilizing all
his forces. I have been doing the work
of destroying Satan’s walls wherever
they are found: in individuals, families,
tribes, peoples, nations, the world and
even the spirit world. The Messiah must
clear the way along all these paths.
This has been the history of our Uni-
fication Church. Toward Satan we have
always upheld the Principle with love.
God has agonized over how fallen par-
ents, who inherited Satan’s lineage,
could be restored to the point where they
attain the status of the True Parents of
humankind. This restoration occurred
for the first time in history at True Par-
ents’ Holy Wedding in 1960. Since Jesus
was unable to reverse the fall of Adam
and Eve, I must do everything on his
behalf. (118-270, 1982.6.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

Of the 36 Couples, the Adam couples
were already married couples, the Noah
couples were engaged but not married,
and the Jacob couples were virgin men
and women. Noah’s family did not fulfill
the Will. When you look at the people
in the world today you see that there are
already married couples, those who are
in informal relationships or are engaged,
and the completely pure single men and
women. From this time on, the foremost
kind of people that True Parents should
be seeking for are not the Adam couples
but the true sons and daughters, in oth-
er words, pure single men and women.
(242-104, 1993.1.1)

Richard:  Keeping sexual purity is of the utmost importance.  Subscribe to the Urban Life Training Abstinence Education Web Portal to access materials to teach your family and community:

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

If history were to end, to what are we going to connect on a worldwide level after that? This is the crucial question which young men and women full of hope, ideals and courage must resolve. What we should hold onto and what we should throw away is an issue upon which humanity, awaiting the judgment of the last days, must decide.

Judging from the situation of that time, Jesus was seen as a traitor to the people. He was seen as a traitor to his church, tribe and tradition. Yet, in truth, he was not a destroyer but a builder; he was not a traitor, but a patriot. He truly loved Heaven. People have come to understand this truth only recently.

When we think of a true patriot, we probably have some idea of what kind of person he is. If someone is a true patriot or a true democrat, he should see the entire world as one people, as Jesus did. Continue reading “This Time is the Same as When Jesus Was on the Earth”