Through Christ God Can Claim Ownership

Cheon Seon Gyeong 2040

During my lifetime, I must accom-
plish liberation and thereby set heaven
and earth free. In this next three-year
course, we need to push the destiny
of the Unification of North and South
Korea forward, and express our resolve.
To achieve this goal, we have to embrace
the 40 million people of this nation. We
aren’t trying to take over the leader-
ship of the political parties. We are try-
ing to become the mothers and fathers,
the brothers and sisters of the people.
We call this kind of campaign strategy,
the local breakthrough movement. To
achieve this, we need to have a heart and
mind like God’s. (197-104, 1990.1.7)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1151

Who is Satan? He is an adulterer of
God’s love…. God had to let the enemy
Satan embrace Eve.He had to listen to
Satan’s accusations ten thousand times
and yet He had to love him. That has
been God’s position. You have no idea
how difficult God’s situation is, have
you? You should know that God’s posi-
tion is even more difficult than the posi-
tion of a man who had to let his beloved
wife be embraced by his enemy and yet
had to pray for that enemy’s happiness.
Would you all be able to do that? (182-
174, 1988.10.16)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

What was the purpose of Jesus’ coming to this earth? The purpose was to restore a nation God could own, a man whom God could own and to restore all created things. What doctrine did Jesus promulgate? His principle was to sacrifice himself and serve the nation, the world and the cosmos. The person who serves and sacrifices for the sake of the cosmos becomes the central figure of the cosmos.

We can see many such people, even in the evil world today. We can understand that the people who give devoted service and sacrifice in silence will become the central figures wherever they go, in their nation, their society, anywhere.

Now we must feel we have the responsibility to restore God’s authority to own our individual selves, our families, our society, our nation, the world and the cosmos. This kind of right of ownership is not for God Himself to set up; it is for human beings to establish and resolve for Him. Because this very important duty has been left unfulfilled, the numerous sages and wise men who represented the historic providence could not but go forward, even at the price of beheading and death, to fulfill this duty. Continue reading “Through Christ God Can Claim Ownership”

Great Men Are Selfless

Cheon Seon Gyeong 227

Now the time has come when you can
develop a vision for the nation. It is an
amazing fact that you can stand in the
front line as a fighter for sake of the inde-
pendence and deliverance of the nation.
Those who do this become representa-
tives of human history and the history of
the universe. When God sees this, how
proud and content He will feel!
It is also an amazing fact that True
Parents have appeared on this earth. We
have severed that which has come from
the false parents. Based on this accom-
plishment, we want to bring everyone
through the gate to the True Parents on
the opposite side. Accordingly, we aim
to turn the path to hell back toward

Cheon Seon Gyeong 490

If a son commits a crime and is sent
to prison, the parents tearfully forgive
and reach out to him, instead of saying,
“Serves him right!” This is why paren-
tal love is extraordinary. Similarly, if a
son is sentenced to execution, his moth-
er will be totally grief-stricken and seek
any way, even changing the world’s legal
systems or risking her life, to save her
son. (91-147, 1977.2.6)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

What did Heaven wish to do by sending numerous prophets and sages and by sending Jesus? It was to exercise the right of possession against Satan by raising a person who knows God’s situation more than Satan and who cares for God more than Satan. Accomplishing this task is the purpose of the history of the Second Advent.

What was Satan’s motive for becoming Satan? What was the motive that destroyed the heavenly principles? He wanted to receive more love than Adam and Eve. If he had tried to love Adam and Eve more than God loved Adam and Eve, if he had tried to love God more than Adam and Eve loved God, he would not have fallen. Here was the condition in which he was caught. What is evil? Evil is being unable to care for others, rather than oneself. Evil is being unable to serve goodness. Fallen human beings today all are caught in this condition. Continue reading “Great Men Are Selfless”

Do Your Possessions Belong to Heaven?

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Cheon Seon Gyeong 1195

There is no royal palace, either
in heaven or on this earth. Neither is
there any heavenly palace on this earth.
There is no palace centered on God’s
love. The right of kingship established
on earth so far were establish by the
people who only possessed the right of
brothers rather the right of the Parents
of the heavenly kingdom. These people
exploited everybody. We are now in the
era of the right of kingship of the rights
of brotherhood, but not once have we
seen an era of the true right of kingship
of the right of the vertical Parents on
this earth. (206-219, 1990.10.7)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 639

What you need to be thinking about
in this era is the spirit world. As yet, the
spirit world corresponds to the angelic
world. We Unification Church members
stand in the same position as Adam and
Eve before the Fall, that is to say, we are
living in that realm. Viewed from the
spirit world, it is identical to paradise
appearing on earth. (54-228, 1972.3.24)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

I will speak briefly on the topic “God’s Possession and Our Possession.”

We know that the created things have lost their master. We know very well that this is true of us as well. Due to the fall, human beings cannot belong to God in any absolute sense. They cannot own the created things and this world in an absolute sense either. We should know the sorrowful fact that until today, even God, the Absolute Being, has not been able to take charge confidently, asserting that all His created things belong to Him.

For this reason, the historic course until today has been for the purpose of belonging to one master. We must keep in mind that until today, human beings have come through a history of struggle, full of ups and downs, to achieve this purpose, having passed through ages and centuries.

We cannot deny that all created things exist. Therefore, there must be a master who is in charge of these created things, an absolute being. Unless we find an absolute, stable point under the management of that absolute being against whom no one can make a false charge, this world cannot escape the history of struggle.

Believers today know very well that God is unable to assert that all of His creation belongs to Him. In other words, God is in a position where He cannot manage all that He Himself devoted His complete energy to and created according to His Will. He cannot use them as He wishes. That is why God’s providential history to restore the original position came into being. That is why religious people have sought God’s Will, even as they arrived at unjust death and undeserved persecution. Continue reading “Do Your Possessions Belong to Heaven?”

Who Will Carry Jesus’ Shimjung of Golgotha?


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Cheon Seon Gyeong 291

You don’t know how rigid religious
dogmatists can be. Syria belongs to the
Islamic cultural sphere. I brought an elite
group of leaders from Syria to East Gar-
den and we shared the Divine Principle
with them. Our Unification Church is
not a branch of Christianity but its main
trunk. Because Jesus brought salvation
by being sacrificed in the role of the son,
Jesus himself must have parents, and
because Jesus did not have a son of his
own, his authority as a parent must be
restored. For this reason the term “True
Parents” is so wonderful.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1498

The family is the horizontal founda-
tion in the form of a miniature world.
From the family stems the nation and
the world. What is the family? The fam-
ily is the horizontal miniature of the
world and is the objective standard to
the absolute center. Then what are indi-
viduals? They are the stepping-stones on
which the absolute center can reside. (26-
258, 1969.11.9)

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

In today’s world, however, there is communism, which does not believe in God. They claim that God does not exist, asking where He is. The right-hand thief appeared and befriended Jesus at the time of his death when Jesus was being smitten. Communism today commits massacres to fulfill its ambition. You should know that this massacre serves as a conditional sacrifice for being on the side of the democratic camp. Now that all humankind is driven to the course of the worldwide Golgotha, what should Christians who should go over this path do? They should first volunteer in front of the world to take the path. There have been those who were oppressed on the front-line of Christianity: Paul, who was persecuted by the apostles; the thief, harassed by the people; and the Protestants, denounced by the Papacy. Today we should always look around to see whether a people will appear who are being persecuted as a worldwide reformist movement. This is proven by history.

Now our Unification members should be oppressed by all the twentieth century ideologies and philosophies as a new reformist religion. We should be persecuted in this world of democracy and religious sectarianism. If there also is a country with the worldwide ideal, it should bleed before the world like the thief. Thus, Korea shed blood when the right and left clashed, with the fate of the world at stake through the June 25 War [the Korean War]. Considering this, it cannot be said that the Golgotha course of today’s democracy is dissimilar to the situation of the thief. Continue reading “Who Will Carry Jesus’ Shimjung of Golgotha?”

Receive Persecution on Behalf of the Risen Jesus at the Second Advent

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Cheon Seon Gyeong 432

Since the beginning of history, who
has practiced true love focused on par-
ents, true love focused on husband and
wife, and true love focused on brothers
and sisters? True love is absolute. (20-40,
The love of God is expressed as paren-
tal love, conjugal love and children’s love.
These three great loves make it possible
for human beings to exist forever. These
great loves transcend even the loftiest
human view of love. When these loves
are perfected, happiness is perfected.
When they are lacking, misfortune sets
in. This is why people become happy
when these three great loves unite. Is a
motherless person happy? That person’s
misery is equal to the emptiness he or
she feels. Is a fatherless person happy? A
fatherless person envies those who have
a father. Happiness leaves no room for
envy. The same is true for love. If you
envy someone or something, you can-
not say you are happy.
You cannot be happy without a father
and mother. No matter how great a man’s
ideals may be or how much he boasts, he
needs a woman. He needs a wife. When
a husband and wife have lived happily
together and then the husband suddenly
passes away, the wife will shed tears. A
woman cannot live without a man, and a
man cannot live without a woman.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1619

Didn’t hell come into existence after
the Fall? In contrast, heaven is the world
of love which everyone in both the spiri-
tual and physical worlds can enter after
passing through the True Parents’ gates
of love. Had Adam and Eve not fallen,
but instead entered heaven through
establishing true parental love, they
would have become the model for all
subsequent families in the world. Heav-
en will be opened when the first exem-
plary family can enter.
All the families that have linked
themselves to the love of this royal fam-
ily of heaven and inheriting their tradi-
tion will be like branches pointing north,
south, east and west as they grow from
that central trunk. Thus, they can enter
heaven by the same principle that is the
basis of a unified world. You need to
understand this clearly. (231-76, 1992.5.31)

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

Satan struck Jesus and the right-hand thief. After the death of Jesus, he struck the twelve disciples. Heaven gave even the twelve disciples to Satan. Why did he have to hit like this? Though the course of Jesus was an individual course to Golgotha, because of it the twelve disciples, the chosen people and the nation of the Israel also had to go through the course of Golgotha. Today all the Christians of the world and all humankind must also go through the course of Golgotha. Today’s democratic world does not know that it has to go over the worldwide hill of Golgotha, centering on democracy. Jesus tried to go over this worldwide hill of Golgotha. As you know, the reason Jesus prayed, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) was not because he mourned his own death but because he was worried that if he died, humankind would have to go through the course of Golgotha. That is why he prayed, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39)

If Jesus had not gone through the course of Golgotha, there would not have been the worldwide course of Golgotha. However, once Jesus went through this path, carrying the worldwide and cosmic mission, the individual course of Golgotha remained to his followers. The family course of Golgotha remained in the age of the providence centered on the family. When the providence expanded from the family age to the stage of society, the social road of the cross also remained. In the providential age of the country, in which a national providential will is served, the paths of the family cross, the social cross, and the national cross had to be trodden. Thus, if the worldwide Christ comes on the earth, he has to carry the crosses of the world, the country, the society, the family and the individual. Today’s Christians do not know that such a hill of destiny remains. Continue reading “Receive Persecution on Behalf of the Risen Jesus at the Second Advent”