Pray that You Can Offer Devotion for God’s Sake

Board of Education and Primary Election Day is May 10, 2022
May 10th is the only election day for the Board of Education. You can vote for three Board of Education Candidates.

Interview with Jennifer Krouse-Republican for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District

View all of the Board of Education and Primary Election Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1023

How many members with longing, yearning hearts have you met? I have met numerous such people. They visit from the ends of the earth to bow before me. Why is this? It is because I have already thrown the line of love, bonded in heart, to the ends of the earth, and because I have already sent an electrical current through it, they know the direction they have to go. That is how it should be. (171-30, 1987.12.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1359

That is how the Divine Principle of the Unification Church is: At the time of the 777 Couples Blessing, most of the American participants had master 1360 Book 9 • Blessed Family degrees, yet they packed their bags, left their nation and flew thousands of miles to receive the Blessing here in Korea. The round-trip airfare for one person to fly to Korea from the United States is about 2,000 dollars. So it would be 4,000 dollars per couple. That would be about 1.3 million Korean won. Why then would these people spend so much money just to be married here in Korea? The answer is simply that it would be of far greater value for them to be married here rather than back home in the United States. It was far better

Prayer and Worship

6. Unselfish Prayer

He who prays for his fellowman, while he himself has the same need, will be answered first.
    Talmud, Baba Kamma 92a (Judaism)

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You Life Can Become a Prayer

Board of Education and Primary Election Day is May 10, 2022

Interviews with District 100 (Includes Shannondale & vicinity) WV House of Delegate Candidates:
Steve Harris
Bill Ridenour

Interviews with U. S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressinal District Candidates:
Susan Buchser-Lochocki
Rhonda Hercules
Mike Seckman

Interviews with Jefferson County Board of Education Candidates:
Andrea Elliott
Barbara Fuller
Joyce Smith

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2260

A true couple is formed when a true man and a true woman come together to begin their life as husband and wife. When sons and daughters are born, the true couple becomes a true family. In the place where a man and woman – each having attained perfect mind-body oneness – unite in eternal love, they give birth to children who can never be separated from them. If the mother and father are divided, their children will be divided within themselves. It is a natural conclusion that a child whose mind and body are one begins from a husband and wife who are each united in their own mind and body and are united together centering on true love. Otherwise, true love cannot stay there. God cannot stay where true love does not exist. This is our logical conclusion. (270-324, 1995.7.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1489

The ants know when a rainy season is about to set in. I once witnessed a colony of ants moving to another place in single file; that showed they knew the onset of the rainy season. It is because you are given to daydreaming that you do not know. Not having any idea about your own field of mission is a serious problem. You need to come to an understanding with God with regard to the serious problems in your life. You also need to adapt yourself to the environmental circumstances of your own accord. Who else can do it for you? You are the only ones who can do it. (120-298, 1982.10.20)

Prayer and Worship

5. Pray Constantly, Day and Night

Pray constantly.
    1 Thessalonians 5.17

Celebrate constantly the praises of your Lord, before the rising of the sun and before its setting; yea, celebrate them for part of the hours of the night, and the sides of the day: that you may have spiritual joy.
    Qur’an 20.130

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.
    Psalm 16.7

The truest vision comes a little before daybreak.
    Hadith of Tirmidhi and Darimi (Islam)

Rabbi Johanan said, “Would that man could pray all day, for a prayer never loses its value.”
    Jerusalem Talmud, Berakot 1.1 (Judaism)

O you wrapped up in your raiment!
Keep vigil the night long, save a little—
A half thereof, or abate a little thereof
Or add [a little] thereto and chant the Qur’an in measure,
For We shall charge you with a word of weight.
Lo! The vigil of the night is when impression is more keen and speech more certain.
Lo! You have by day a chain of business.
So remember the name of thy Lord and devote thyself with complete devotion.
    Qur’an 73.1-8

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

In the Bible we read that we should pray constantly. Why is it a crucial teaching to live by? Satan controls this fallen world. He lures us every which way and continually afflicts us with pain and suffering. The only way God’s power can reach us is in the perpendicular direction of the Spirit. (201:208, April 9, 1990)

When you pray for public things all day and all night, your prayer becomes a living prayer. Then every few years the level of your prayer will advance, with different topics for the prayer. (104:112, April 15, 1979)

Pray often to touch limitless spiritual power. That power should become the main spring of your life. (Way of God’s Will 2.2)

Indescribable joy comes from a life of prayer. You enter the state of God’s thought at the time of creation. (29:321, March 13, 1970)

Pray a lot. Although you may live alone, if you pray hard you will never be lonely. Prayer is like breathing. If you pray a lot, you will become spiritually bright. You will become very sensitive and acquire the ability to discern good and evil. Effective prayer requires sacrifices and special devotions. (30:283, April 4, 1970)

Prayer supplies the warehouse of the heart. If you do not have time to pray, pray through the work you do. (27:89, October 26, 1969)

When you become a person of complete character, your life becomes a prayer. (Way of God’s Will 2.2)

Adam and Eve Were to Become God’s Body

Interviews with District 100 (Shannondale vicinity) WV House of Delegate Candidates:
Steve Harris
Bill Ridenour

Interviews with U. S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressinal District Candidates:
Susan Buchser-Lochocki
Rhonda Hercules
Mike Seckman

Interviews with Jefferson County Board of Education Candidates:
Andrea Elliott
Barbara Fuller
Joyce Smith

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2010

Only with a nation can all our efforts, through which blood and sweat were shed, and our tradition, be bequeathed for the first time to our descendants for thousands of generations to come. A monument that celebrates Heaven’s efforts and all its glory will be erected on this ground. If there is no such nation, however, our efforts will all be in vain. If the country that God seeks does not appear, then the Christian world and all civilizations will be sent down the river and burned up. You have to understand that they have all succumbed to Satan’s game. So you must understand that the issue here is a nation. (55-339, 1972.5.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 936

In the spirit world, Adam and Eve were to become the king and queen of the family and tribe, the king and queen of the people and nation, and the king and queen of the world and cosmos. Consequently, in the spirit world they were to be God’s representatives. Since God is an incorporeal God, He is invisible and, even in the other world, God cannot be seen. Nevertheless, God desires a physical form, so He created the world of all things with substance. The incorporeal God created all things to fulfill His desire to relate with beings with physical form. Adam and Eve, upon their perfection, would therefore have become God’s body. (242-166, 1993.1.1)

Prayer and Worship

4. How to Pray

Call on your Lord with humility and in private.
    Qur’an 7.55

When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
    And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
    Matthew 6.7-8

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What is God’s Will?

Interviews with District 100 (Shannondale vicinity) WV House of Delegate Candidates:
Steve Harris
Bill Ridenour

Interviews with U. S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressinal District Candidates:
Susan Buchser-Lochocki
Rhonda Hercules
Mike Seckman

Interviews with Jefferson County Board of Education Candidates:
Andrea Elliott
Barbara Fuller
Joyce Smith

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2069

    Now if you do your tribal messiah mission, the Republic of Korea will automatically be liberated. This is because the tribal messiah is connected to the tong ban breakthrough activities. When we complete the tong ban breakthrough activities, centered on our tribe, there will no longer be communists. Therefore, Korea has freed itself from the individual realm of the false accusation of Satan.
    I have laid the foundation of substance through the national level, centering upon America. Having brought a victorious national foundation from America, I will engraft to this a way for the Republic of Korea to transcend the nation and go to the world. Centering on the realm of the tribal messiah all the 40 million people of Korea will be connected. Thus, when all these things become one, there will be no place in your families for Satan to falsely accuse you. We have passed over the base where Satan could accuse us individually, and we have passed over the base where he could accuse us as a family or a tribe. If three tribes can be connected to each other, then a people will be formed. (188-315, 1989.3.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 423

What does the Unification Church understand God’s will to be? What is Rev. Moon’s understanding of God’s will? God’s will is understood to be the completion and fulfillment of the original ideal of creation for which God made this universe. Because God created the universe with certain purposes, it is God’s will to realize such purposes. Who or what was at the center of this purpose? It was none other than Adam and Eve. That is why I perceive God’s purpose of creation to be the realization of His ideal beginning with and from Adam and Eve. Then, what is the substance of this ideal? It is none other than the realization of the four-position foundation. The four-position foundation is the foundation of the family with God at the center. It is realized only when Adam and Eve become so completely united that they cannot separate themselves from the realm of God’s love. With God at the center, they become an ideal husband and wife, giving birth to children of their own. When this four-position foundation is completed, Adam and Eve become one in their love as husband and wife and are secured within the realm of God’s love. (Blessed Family – 298)

Prayer and Worship

3. Prayer from the Heart

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Do not pray casually, but ask your original mind. Do not pray looking up into the sky, but look into your mind. Open the door of your mind. (308:16, November 21, 1998)

When you pray, your heart should be as desperate as a baby crying for mother’s milk. (18:185, June 6, 1967)

When you pray, do not think that God is up in the sky. God is right behind your mind. First you have to battle to focus your mind. As your mind and body become more and more united they rise up, connecting to the realm of resonance. (306:255: September 23, 1998)

Continue reading “What is God’s Will?”

The Polish for the Heart is the Remembrance of God

Interviews with District 100 (Shannondale vicinity) WV House of Delegate Candidates:
Steve Harris
Bill Ridenour

Interviews with U. S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressinal District Candidates:
Susan Buchser-Lochocki
Rhonda Hercules
Mike Seckman

Interviews with Jefferson County School Board Candidates:
Andrea Elliott
Barbara Fuller
Joyce Smith

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1202

The age in which Jesus was not welcomed by the established Jewish faith must be restored through indemnity. Thus, there should be a phenomenon opposite to the time when Israel and Rome united against Jesus. The Korean government was united with America, and Christianity was opposing me persistently through these governments that were against me. I had to stand in such a position and restore this situation through indemnity. In my generation, I developed a national level foundation, and brought great victory. My strategy in America since 1974 was therefore to connect the foundation of this spiritual victory to the substantial world stage through the young generation of the world. Over a 3-year course, until my deadline of 1976, I waged a substantial war in earnest on the national level in America. (138-216, 1986.1.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1476

Where can you find the root of your life? It lies with unfallen parents. Then can the unfallen parents of goodness be found here? As the Lord with dual characteristics, God created the universe and human beings in His image to reflect His dual characteristics. Adam is the manifestation of His male characteristics and Eve His female characteristics. From this perspective, although we usually say, “Our Heavenly Father,” because He is just one being, the concept of God actually includes the idea of God being “Our Heavenly Father and Mother.” (140-123, 1986.2.9)

Prayer and Worship

3. Prayer from the Heart

There is a polish for everything that becomes rusty, and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of God.
    Hadith of Tirmidhi (Islam)

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