Have You Dealt Honorably with Your Fellow Man?

Register now for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #95:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 701

    If both those in the spirit world and in the Unification Church love Heung-jin, what should the True Parents do? In order to welcome the love of God and the love of the earth, they should be honored to offer their own son. They must know how to be able to think of it proudly. God could not love teenaged Adam and Eve as His son and daughter, but now, at least in the spirit world, He can love them.
    That is why I prayed, “I could not glorify You by laying the foundation for Korea during my youth; I could not comfort you on the basis of laying and indemnifying the global foundation in my generation. Please indemnify these things through my son!
    ”Since the spirit world and the earth love him, I must establish the standard that his parents also love him. I believe Heung-jin will establish the realm of resurrection of love in the physical and spirit worlds. Through his death, love will be resurrected. Holding on to the spiritual and physical worlds, I will proclaim the realm of the resurrection of love. With that done, we will bid good-bye to the realm of death. For that reason, you should not be sad even at funerals. (130-201, 1984.1.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1771

Adam and Eve transgressed against the Commandment. They should have had absolute sexual organs, absolute love, lived absolutely for the sake of others, and been absolutely obedient. God had desired a foundation of altruistic love, yet they behaved as they pleased, self-centeredly; hence, the whole universe spat on them. That foundation, which was lost by the false parents, had to be restored through the coming of the True Parents. (280-77, 1996.11.1)

Richard:  This is a very clear view of what needs to be done at the return of Christ.  Christ comes as True Parents to restore the mistake of Adam and Eve involving their sexual organs, i.e. they engaged in illicit sex.


Keeping Promises

When a man vows a vow to the lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds from his mouth.
    Numbers 30.2

Fulfill the covenant of God once you have pledged it, and do not break any oaths once they have been sworn to. You have set up God as a Guarantee for yourselves; God knows everything you are doing.
    Do not be like a woman who unravels her yarn after its strands are firmly spun. Nor take your oaths in order to snatch at advantages over one another, to make one party more numerous than the other. For God will test you by this. Qur’an 16.91-92

When man appears before the Throne of Judgment, the first question he is asked is not, “Have you believed in God,” or “Have you prayed and performed ritual acts,” but “Have you dealt honorably, faithfully in all your dealings with your fellowman?”
    Talmud, Shabbat 31a (Judaism)

Tzu-chang asked about getting on with people. The Master said, “Be loyal and true to your every word, serious and careful in all you do, and you will get on well enough even though you find yourself among barbarians. But if you are disloyal and untrustworthy in your speech, frivolous and careless in your acts, even though you are among your own neighbors, how can you hope to get on well?”
    Analects 15.5 (Confucianism)

Teachings of Sun Myung Moon

Once you have promised to give something to a friend, you should fulfill it without fail. Breaking a promise will stain your character. (Way of God’s Will 2.2)
Making excuses [for not fulfilling one’s word] is not the way to have many virtuous friends, to be positively recognized by one’s superiors, or to be trusted by one’s subordinates. People who make excuses are generally losers. You should not make excuses whenever something unexpected happens. I never make excuses, even in the face of death. If confronted with the facts of the matter, I might wince with the answers, but I will never make excuses… Only honest people will survive and prevail over circumstances. We need to become honest believers more than anything else. (45:269, July 4, 1971)
A person of character fulfills his promises. If you say, “You forced me to make that promise, and therefore I do not have to keep it,” then you are not a person of character. In the law, a contract is a promise made and agreed to in public. All the parties to the contract must keep their promises. After signing a contract, a person who does not fulfill his promise is punished by public regulations; hence keeping it is the responsibility of any law-abiding person. (31:13, April 8, 1970)
You should become a person who can be entrusted with a precious treasure. (Way of God’s Will 2.2)

Being Truthful Is an Attribute of Righteousness

Register now for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #94:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 685

    It was unjust enough that Jesus died on the cross on earth, but after his death he had to descend to hell for three days. That was a test.
    Death holds the greatest dread for humankind, but going to hell held the greatest dread for Jesus. Then did he become the master of dread or the master of happiness in hell? He went to hell and for three days had to undergo the ordeal of overcoming suffering. (34-143, 1970.8.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1602

In the future, family law should be enacted. I have already issued instructions for the fundamental rules to be drawn up. If the nation is established after I have passed on to the spirit world, my absence would not matter so much because you would already have the laws set out on how to constitute that nation. If you abide by those laws as you would my words, and become united and march forward, you would be connected to God’s kingdom.


1. Speaking Truthfully to Others and to God

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Being truthful is an attribute of righteousness, and being dishonest is an attribute of unrighteousness. (364:226, January 3, 2000)
When walking a path toward enlightenment, there should be no tricks or devices between the teacher and the student. You should be honest with each other. It means you should face each other with utmost sincerity. (33:125, August 11, 1970)
Instead of clever patchwork to smooth over a situation in the moment, you should have a pure heart and patiently wait for God’s blessings. (127:89, May 5, 1983)
Just as God is a unified being, your mind and the body should be one centering on Heaven. Your thoughts should flow from that unified point… In other words, your words and your deeds, your mind and your efforts, should be one. Only then are you protected. Only then will people testify to you and declare you a public person. (381:65, June 12, 2002)
People should be honest. Honesty enables us to pass through anything. If you admit honestly when you make a mistake, you will develop. Goodness cannot grow without going through this process. Can people always do well? People make mistakes, but they must be honest about them if they are to develop.
    By honestly confessing and repenting for your mistakes you can make a new determination. Making a mistake is not bad; it can stimulate you to leap forward. A mistake can be a good thing if it motivates you to leap to the good side. For example, if you failed a test because you did not study, the shock and shame of failure can motivate you to become an honor student. The failing grade becomes an opportunity to change your direction towards the good. 
    Therefore, you should be honest. People who try to hide their mistakes cannot develop. On the other hand, honest people develop because the universe pushes them and supports them wherever they go. Whether in the East or the West, in the past, present or future, an honest person is everyone’s friend. (100:87-88, October 8, 1978)
Be an honest believer. You should be able to report honestly about yourself to God and say, “Father, I will be honest with you, so treat me honestly. You were honest with me when I appeared before you in righteousness. Now that I stand before you carrying the burden of an unrighteous heart, will you treat me the same way? Regardless, I will face you with the reality of what is in my heart. Deal with me according to your righteous judgment.” (45:242-43, July 4, 1971)
I teach honesty, purity, and sacrifice from the standpoint of the Principle. First, a person must be honest in the presence of God. The Unification Principle teaches that falsehood separates us from God. I emphasize to our members that they are God’s emissaries and must identify themselves as my followers, even if it means they will be severely persecuted… Whoever does not have the courage to do so, we have no need of them. People who do not identify themselves out of fear of harassment will miss out on all the blessings that come as a result of persecution… I can understand that people who face constant harassment do such things, but I do not praise such behavior. (91:128, February 3, 1977)

Lying Lips Are an Abomination to the Lordw

Register now for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Cheon Seong Gyeong 620

    Since that is the case, intellectuals generally do not like prayer. When they think about it, it looks like superstition, it cannot be trusted, and it makes them feel that their own existence is going to be denied. Those are the intellectuals – they seek to find truth by forming theories. Spiritual people, on the other hand, are born being fond of calling on the name, God. They just like God for no particular reason and do not require any explanation. They do not mind skip-ping meals as long as they can call God, Father. Such people exist.
    Generally speaking, in spiritual movements, which type of people do you think are successful in creating a revolutionary movement? Intellectuals can-not do it. Those who have accomplished great things in the realm of faith were not intellectuals but were mostly simple and uneducated – they were spiritual people.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 831

The original palace of love is the roy-al palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meet-ing point of Adam and Eve’s convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heav-en in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words.



Continue reading “Lying Lips Are an Abomination to the Lordw”

Practice Everything with Sincerity

Register now
 for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #93:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1858

I have made Bridgeport University and Sun Moon University. Now I will make a university in South America along with a kindergarten, middle and high school in Jardim. I am making all the preparations necessary to have peo-ple go through this university. The other universities in the world are not needed. What use is it to go anywhere else? They have all become a degenerate group of homosexuals and lesbians. Other univer-sities are like a lighthouse that destroys the moral foundation. They are the bases for God’s enemy, something like Satan’s army base and the seat of Satan’s power. They are exerting their influence from there. We have to destroy their influence. They claim that God is dead. (303-231, 1999.8.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1620

    What is the Fall? What are fallen children? Fallen children cannot deeply feel God as their Father. Their mind doesn’t have a concept of God.
    You should have the following experiences and realizations. Firstly, you should substantially feel, “I am born again and have inherited new life, and I am God’s child who leads a new life through the True Parents.” Secondly, you need to realize, “I am a qualified citizen of God’s Kingdom.” Thirdly, when you think of the nation and world, you should feel God’s love, and bear this thought in mind, “God has bequeathed this world to me, so as His child I have a right to possess this world.” (Blessed Family – 953)


Sincerity and Authenticity

2. Cultivate Sincerity before Taking Action

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The saying, “Sincerity moves Heaven,” like “Faith will move mountains,” is a proverb in Korea, but truly it is also the natural order of things. The proverb, “Act with utmost sincerity,” means act with all your efforts, inside and outside, heart and soul. The proverb, “Practice everything with sincerity in your words and deeds,” means to completely unite your body and soul in a conscientious life. This means a life of dedication. We call it “utmost sincerity” or jeongseong. The Korean word jeong deals with the spirit, and song means the fulfillment of the Word. Thus jeongseong means fulfilling every-thing inwardly and outwardly and offering it.16 If you do everything with jeongseong you can “move Heaven.” (78:31, May 1, 1975)
Usually, what percentage of your feelings turns out to be true? You should analyze the process of your life and gauge the results. You cannot assess whether God or the Devil is with you unless you can connect with your internal environment and analyze what percentage of your feelings are right and what percentage are wrong. Develop this mindfulness in your life of faith.
    If you develop such mindfulness, your feelings will accurately disclose what is coming your way. When you go out for a certain purpose, without even praying you will sense at your first step whether your journey will lead to something good or something bad. You will sense immediately whether it will make God happy or sad. You will be able to sense, “This pleases God” or “This pains God.” Develop your faith through experiencing the feelings of God in your inner self. (40:288, February 7, 1971)
Do not bear a grudge, thinking, “This work is tiring, yet Reverend Moon never acknowledges me.” Were I always to praise your efforts, it would block the flow of your love and sincerity. By staying quiet, your sincerity and love can flow. Like water and air, love flows when there is a hole to flow into. (308:205, January 5, 1999)
In your life of faith, do you have an explosive and stimulating power in the center of your heart which is moving unceasingly towards the world of God’s Will? When you have that heart, it is evident that God is with you. On the other hand, if you don’t have that power, it is evident that God is distant from you.
    When your heart is pouring out love for humankind, and you have the mind to share your life with others limitlessly, it is clear that you belong to Heaven. But if after awhile you become proud of your great love, then your self-centered love and proud self-centered values are evidence that God has begun to leave you. Be careful! People like that are not headed for heaven. Their self-centeredness will take them so far, and they will reach their limit. The world of self-centered limitations is different from the world God desires. (32:21-22, June 14, 1970)
Therefore, you have to be able to empathize with Heaven and move God’s heart. Whenever you are in a quandary, it is a time to offer more sincerity, live more for the sake of others, and love more. (308:203, January 5, 1999)
Human beings still affiliated with the fallen realm… must complete a revolution of conscience. This means that they must maintain a tradition of true love, true life, and true lineage in accordance with the predisposition of the original mind endowed in us by God. They must do this without even the smallest deviation, regardless of whatever worldly sovereignty or ideology they may encounter. They must live a life of “high noon settlement,” where they do not leave any shadow or even a speck of shame in the presence of God or the creation. The revolution of conscience is completed when our lives reach a state of one mind, one body, and one thought, and so establish an eternal and unchanging tradition as the ground of our pure love and pure lineage. The age of unity and harmony will blossom from that point. (January 27, 2004)

I Should Examine the Purpose of My Heart

Register now
 for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #93:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1054

Arrogance is your enemy. Arrogance and stubbornness are the natures and elements of Satan. Instead of being arrogant and stubborn, you should be modest and harmonious. You should be a person who can create harmony and friendship; someone who can harmonize with everyone. Everything starts to flow from here. Something greater cannot arise if people or things do not unite. This is what happens when there is no harmony. Jealousy and envy are other natures of Satan, but for us, arrogance and stubbornness are unforgivable. (37-132, 1970.12.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 763

The spirit world is our original hometown. During your life on earth you have to maintain a standard in order to return to your original hometown and live there for eternity. You cannot live as you wish on this earth. You cannot live like the worldly people who have been ignorant of these things. You have to know the spirit world and live accordingly. Then, when you leave this world you can go before God and form a connection with heaven. Without knowing the spirit world, it is impossible to make that connection. You need to be clearly aware, therefore, of the reality of the spirit world. (295-120, 1998.8.19

Sincerity and Authenticity

2. Cultivate Sincerity before Taking Action

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
    Proverbs 4.23
The truly upright is that which flows out of your genuine innermost self as a result of the sincerity shown by the kami; on all occasions, you must exert this sincerity to the utmost, even in the most minor of your activities. Courtesy and ritual without this sincerity and honesty is mistaken and insufficient. It is like drawing a bow and merely releasing the string blindly without firming your hand, or like trying to move in a boat without an oar.
    Moshimasa Hikita, Records of the Divine Wind (Shinto)
Thoughts alone cause the round of births (samsara); let a man strive to purify his thoughts. What a man thinks, that he is: this is an old secret.
    By the serenity of his thoughts a man blots out all actions, whether good or bad. Dwelling within his Self with serene thoughts, he obtains imperishable happiness.
    If the thoughts of a man were so fixed on Brahman as they are on the things of this world, who would not then be freed from bondage?
    The mind, it is said, is of two kinds, pure and impure: impure from the contact with lust, pure when free from lust.
    When a man, having freed his mind from sloth, distraction, and vacillation, becomes as it were delivered from his mind, that is the highest point.
    Maitri Upanishad 6.34.3-7 (Hinduism)
What is meant by “making the will sincere” is allowing no self-deception, as when we hate a bad smell or love a beautiful color. This is called satisfying oneself. Therefore the superior man will always be watchful over himself when alone.
    When the inferior man is alone and leisurely, there is no limit to which he does not go in his evil deeds. Only when he sees a superior man does he then try to disguise himself, concealing his evil and showing off the good in him. But what is the use? For other people see him as if they see his very heart. This is what is meant by the saying that what is true in a man’s heart will be shown in his outward appearance. Therefore the superior man will always be watchful over himself when alone.
    Tseng Tzu said, “What ten eyes are beholding and what ten hands are pointing to—isn’t it frightening?”
    Wealth makes a house shining and virtue makes a person shining. When one’s mind is broad and his heart generous, his body becomes big and is at ease. Therefore the superior man always makes his will sincere.
    Great Learning 6.1-4 (Confucianism)
We should examine ourselves and learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart, for in this way only can we learn what we honestly are.
    Science and Health, p. 8 (Christian Science)
If, brethren, a woman or man or a young lad fond of self-adornment, on examining the reflection of his own face in a bright clean mirror or bowl of clear water, should see therein a stain or speck, he will strive to remove that stain or speck; and when he no longer sees it there he is pleased and satisfied, thinking, “A gain it is to me that I am clean.” Likewise a monk’s introspection is most fruitful in good conditions, thus: “Do I or do I not generally live covetous? Do I or do I not generally live malevolent in heart? Do I or do I not generally live possessed by sloth and torpor? Do I or do I not generally live excited in mind? Do I generally live in doubt and wavering, or have I crossed beyond it? Do I generally live wrathful or not? Do I generally live with soiled thoughts or clean thoughts? Do I generally live with body passionate or not? Do I generally live sluggish or full of energy? Do I generally live uncontrolled or well controlled?”
    If on self-examination a monk finds thus: “I generally live covetous, malevolent in heart, possessed by sloth and torpor, excited in mind, doubtful and wavering, wrathful, with body passionate, sluggish, uncontrolled”—then that monk must put forth extra desire, effort, endeavor, exertion, impulse, mindfulness, and attention for the abandoning of those wicked, unprofitable states.
    Anguttara Nikaya 5.66 (Buddhism)