Your 360 Homes Are Your Tribe

Daniel 11

What I am going to tell you is certain to happen. Four kings will rule Persia, one after the other, but the fourth one will become much richer than the others. In fact, his wealth will make him so powerful that he will turn everyone against the kingdom of Greece. Then a mighty king will come to power and will be able to do whatever he pleases. But suddenly his kingdom will be crushed and scattered to the four corners of the earth, where four more kingdoms will rise. But these won’t be ruled by his descendants or be as powerful as his kingdom.

Jeremiah 35

35 When Jehoiakim[a] was king of Judah, the Lord told me, “Go to the Rechabite clan and invite them to meet you in one of the side rooms[b] of the temple. When they arrive, offer them a drink of wine.”

So I went to Jaazaniah,[c] the leader of the clan, and I invited him and all the men of his clan. I brought them into the temple courtyard and took them upstairs to a room belonging to the prophets who were followers of Hanan son of Igdaliah. It was next to a room belonging to some of the officials, and that room was over the one belonging to Maaseiah, a priest who was one of the high officials in the temple.[d]

I set out some large bowls full of wine together with some cups, and then I said to the Rechabites, “Have some wine!”

But they answered:

No! The ancestor of our clan, Jonadab son of Rechab,[e] made a rule that we must obey. He said, “Don’t ever drink wine or build houses or plant crops and vineyards. Instead, you must always live in tents and move from place to place. If you obey this command, you will live a long time.”

8-10 Our clan has always obeyed Jonadab’s command. To this very day, we and our wives and sons and daughters don’t drink wine or build houses or plant vineyards or crops. And we have lived in tents, 11 except now we have to live inside Jerusalem because Nebuchadnezzar[f] has taken over the countryside with his army from Babylonia and Syria.

12-13 Then the Lord told me to say to the people of Judah and Jerusalem:

I, the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, want you to learn a lesson 14 from the Rechabite clan. Their ancestor Jonadab told his descendants never to drink wine, and to this very day they have obeyed him. But I have spoken to you over and over, and you haven’t obeyed me! 15 You refused to listen to my prophets, who kept telling you, “Stop doing evil and worshiping other gods! Start obeying the Lord, and he will let you live in this land he gave your ancestors.”

16 The Rechabites have obeyed the command of their ancestor Jonadab, but you have not obeyed me, 17 your God. I am the Lord All-Powerful, and I warned you about the terrible things that would happen to you if you did not listen to me. You have ignored me, so now disaster will strike you. I, the Lord, have spoken.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 10 – 11

Your suffering will bring victory
Home church is your ground for paying indem-
nity. You pay off your debt through home
church. Home church is located on the other side
of the crucifixion, on the Mount of Calvary. It is
located beyond the hill of the crucifixion. Home
church is located beyond the 2,000 years of
Christian history. Horne church is also beyond
Father’s suffering life. (4/16/80)

In the future, whenever you hear the phrase
home church, you will remember that you
suffered for it, but also that this is where you
fulfilled your destiny and won your victory. Thus
home church will be your place of hosannas.
Since you suffered, the shining glory you receive
at the end will have greater value. The love you
attain is yours forever; no one can ever take it
away, because you earned every bit of it through
your suffering. ( 1/7/79)

The value of persecution
If you live in your home church area 24 hours a
day and every moment of the day everybody comes
and kicks you, hits you. knocks you down and
curses Rev. Moon, and yet you still love them and
pray for them, you will be able to be proud of
your record of enduring and overcoming record-
breaking persecution. If you are crazy about
Abel’s mission and if you are crazy about home
church, trying to win Cain, crying to receive
persecution every minute of the day. then you just
cannot be anything except a true Abel. (2/25/80)

Do you know who is going to sign your certifi-
cate as a child of God? Not me, but the hostile
people in your home church area should be the
ones to uphold you as a man of God. If you
sisters meet a terrible man in your area who gives
you a hard time, you must think that he is your
husband. If there is an unbearable woman in
your area, you brothers can think she is your
wife. If you brothers meet such a man, think of
him as your brother Cain who wants to kill you;
then reflect on your duty to him and your
responsibility to win him to your side . Think that
unless you can win him to your side you are not
ready to go on to any higher blessing. (5/27/79)

The Impact of Home Church
On Others

Become people’s tribal messiah
Each of us needs to assume the responsibility
of leader of a clan and eventually the messiah of
a clan. You must have the ability to feed all the
inhabitants of your 360-home church area and
take responsibility for them. Within your home
church area, you must be the messiah, teaching,
guiding and even marrying the people. (3/29/79)

Your home church people will have photo albums,
and since you have testified to them about True
Parents, they will put our picture on the front
page. Right next to it they will put your picture and
say, This person is my messiah. This will happen
automatically, not because you tell them to, but
because they desire to do so. ( 1/28/79)

You should want to go to home church to bring
liberation. You should become an ancestor, a
forefather of mankind and a forefather of
home church. (4/16/80)

Your 360 homes are your tribe. If your name
happens to be Smith, those 360 homes are the
Smith tribe. You can say, I came and I am going to
build homes for all of my tribe. And then you will
reflect further, I know who built these homes;
God built them for me to give to my tribe, and He
used Satan as labor. I claim ownership of this
place and as the tribal messiah I shall lead my tribe
into the modern-day Canaan. ( 1/1/80)

Love Your Home Church more than Your Wife or Husband

Judges 5

The Lord’s angel said,
    “Put a curse on Meroz Town!
Its people refused
to help the Lord fight
    his powerful enemies.”

24 But honor Jael,
the wife of Heber
    from the Kenite clan.
Give more honor to her
than to any other woman
    who lives in tents.
Yes, give more honor to her
    than to any other woman.
25 Sisera asked for water,
but Jael gave him milk—
    cream in a fancy cup.
26 She reached for a tent-peg
and held a hammer
    in her right hand.
And with a blow to the head,
    she crushed his skull.
27 Sisera sank to his knees
    and fell dead at her feet.

Jeremiah 34

21-22 These enemies are King Nebuchadnezzar[e] of Babylonia and his army. They have stopped attacking Jerusalem, but they want to kill King Zedekiah and his high officials. So I will command them to return and attack again. This time they will conquer the city and burn it down, and they will capture Zedekiah and his officials. I will also let them destroy the towns of Judah, so that no one can live there any longer.

Richard: In the Old Testament, enemies attack God’s chosen people, the Isrealites, because they have discarded God and his commandments. As a whole, the United States has veered far away from God. We should heed God’s words and ways. This will help protect our nation and help each person and family to find true happiness. Read this speech to get a good overview of what God’s will is: .

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 9 – 10

If your beloved parent or child were in jail, you
wouldn’t go to see him out of duty, but out of
love. The people in your home church area are like
prisoners in jail, and as God’s representative, you
should go there with a parental heart. You have to
penetrate people’s trust one level at a time,
gradually winning their hearts. It takes real
effort and love to do so. I want you to have
concern and pity for those who fiercely reject
you, because they are the ones whose hearts have
been hurt deeply and cannot trust. You must
understand that they need more love than anyone
else. ( 1/28/79)

Love God more than anything else. God is the
root, and home church is the fruit and harvest
of His love. When you come to the throne of God,
can you proudly say, God, I loved my tribe and the
world, representing You, and now I have come back
to You?
Home church is the battleground where you are
going to explode your love. You are going to home
church to wage the battle of love, aiming the gun
of love at each person. At the finish of that
battle, God will be triumphant, as well as 1tue
Parents and all your home church people. If you
win the battle of love in your home church, you
will be as God to your people. Because God is
invisible, He will manifest Himself to them
through you as His representative. I would like to
hear home church people say that when you enter
their home, God enters through you. ( 1/7/79)

Love will open their eyes. When you link that love
to one home church and it connects it to another
and so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of
love which no one, not even God, can cut. This link
will be directly sustained by the spirit world.

Set the condition that you love your home
church more than your wife or husband, your
children or parents. With all your heart, soul and
mind, love your home church. Jesus said that
whoever loved his husband or wife or family
more than he would not be worthy of the
kingdom of God. Likewise, if you love husband,
wife or family more than home church and God,
you are unworthy of the heavenly kingdom.

Are you going out with the messiah’s heart? Do
you look for someone to help you and give you
something, or do you feel that you are the
messiah who will bring whatever your 360 homes
need? ( 1/28/79)

The only way you can go out to home church is
with great expectation of finding a treasure of a
person, your lost relatives. The person who is
successful in home church is the one who
recovers the lost people, the lost country and the
lost spirit world. Everything that was lost will be
recovered by the successful home church workers.

In the small world of home church, you are
going to demonstrate that you love the people in
your area more than anyone else in history. You
must be superior in heart to everyone-past,
present and future-in loving that small world.
Then God will say, My son, you have fulfilled the
qualification. Come and receive my inheritance.
( 12/24/78)

Engraft to the True Olive Tree

Happy New Year!

Romans 4

13 God promised Abraham and his descendants that he would give them the world. This promise wasn’t made because Abraham had obeyed a law, but because his faith in God made him acceptable. 14 If Abraham and his descendants were given this promise because they had obeyed a law, then faith would mean nothing, and the promise would be worthless.

15 God becomes angry when his Law is broken. But where there isn’t a law, it cannot be broken. 16 Everything depends on having faith in God, so that God’s promise is assured by his great kindness. This promise isn’t only for Abraham’s descendants who have the Law. It is for all who are Abraham’s descendants because they have faith, just as he did. Abraham is the ancestor of us all. 17 The Scriptures say that Abraham would become the ancestor of many nations. This promise was made to Abraham because he had faith in God, who raises the dead to life and creates new things.

18 God promised Abraham a lot of descendants. And when it all seemed hopeless, Abraham still had faith in God and became the ancestor of many nations. 19 Abraham’s faith never became weak, not even when he was nearly a hundred years old. He knew that he was almost dead and that his wife Sarah could not have children. 20 But Abraham never doubted or questioned God’s promise. His faith made him strong, and he gave all the credit to God.

Jeremiah 50

Your rivers and canals
    will dry up.

All of this will happen,
because your land
    is full of idols,
and they have made fools
    of you.
39 Never again will people live
    in your land—
only desert animals, jackals,[g]
    and unclean birds.
40 I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
    and the nearby towns,
and I will destroy Babylon
    just as completely.
No one will live there again.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1404

Beloved Heavenly Father, on this day,
February 7, 1999, the Blessing of 360
Million Couples ceremony that is being
closely watched by heaven and earth is
being held. All humanity on earth and
all Blessed Families in the spirit world
are represented here, for this is the new
day of the liberation of heaven and earth
when we go beyond the restoration of
the right of the first born, the right of
the parents, and right of kingship. This
is the moment when we have reached
a transition point in world history in
which we can fulfill Your will and Your
wishes to establish a united world of the
sovereignty of true love, the Parents of
Heaven and Earth and the God of the
original ideal of creation.
To restore the spiritual and physi-
cal worlds under Satan’s dominion and
inhabited by humankind which inher-
ited evil love, life, and lineage from
the evil ancestors in Eden, then You,
together in heart with humankind and
the spirit world, passed through the Old,
New, and Completed Testament Ages.
In the Old Testament Age, Adam’s
family failed to keep the covenant to
inherit the lineage giving rise to a par-
ent-child relationship with You, losing it
instead through the Fall.
They would have established that
relationship with You in the place where
they could inherit Your love, life, and
lineage; yet it was in that very place that
the sin of our first ancestors bound them
in blood ties with Satan as their false
parent, thereby giving rise to the sor-
rowful history that began with Adam’s
family inheriting satanic love, life, and
lineage from Satan as his children and
thus becoming his family. This, in turn,
created the environment of conflict
between mind and body, husband and
wife, parents and children, and between
siblings, resulting in Cain’s murder of
Abel in that first family. Consequently,
all of humanity is divided at the levels of
the family, tribe, race, and nation, and
even the world with the democratic and
communist worlds pitted against each
other. Amid the confusion of the Last
Days, it was Your will to establish the
Unification Church in order to usher in
the Completed Testament Age because it
had not been possible to completely ful-
fill Your will in the Old Testament Age or
establish Your ideal kingship in the New
Testament Age. Upon the foundations
laid in those two ages, the True Parents
were to come to earth and complete all
that was incomplete both on earth and in
the spirit world, and form relationships
based on their true love, life, and lineage
on earth in the name of the God of lib-
eration. It was Your will to completely
clear the field of wild olive trees that is
the fallen world and to engraft them to
the true olive tree, thereby forming a
connection as Your kinfolk, and, by so
doing, restore Your family. Upholding
Your will, the Unification Church has
continued its work in performing global
weddings in the name of the True Par-
ents in order to allow all people of the
world to indemnify the wrongful mar-
riages of history and become one great
family of brothers and sisters.

Jesus Did Not Have any Relatives or Kin

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John 6

53 Jesus answered:

I tell you for certain that you won’t live unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man. 54 But if you do eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have eternal life, and I will raise you to life on the last day. 55 My flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. 56 If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you are one with me, and I am one with you.

57 The living Father sent me, and I have life because of him. Now everyone who eats my flesh will live because of me. 58 The bread that comes down from heaven isn’t like what your ancestors ate. They died, but whoever eats this bread will live forever.

59 Jesus was teaching in a Jewish place of worship in Capernaum when he said these things.

Richard: This passage refers to Holy Communion. But in the current era, we need to change our lineage, which is the fruit of love and life, from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage. This is the meaning of the Blessing ceremony of the Unification movement.

Jeremiah 37

After I had spent a long time there, 17 King Zedekiah secretly had me brought to his palace, where he asked, “Is there any message for us from the Lord?”

“Yes, there is, Your Majesty,” I replied. “The Lord is going to let the king of Babylonia capture you.”

18 Then I continued, “Your Majesty, why have you put me in prison? Have I committed a crime against you or your officials or the nation? 19 Have you locked up the prophets who lied to you and said that the king of Babylonia would never attack Jerusalem? 20 Please, don’t send me back to that prison at Jonathan’s house. If you do, I will die.”

21 King Zedekiah had me taken to the prison cells in the courtyard of the palace guards. He told the soldiers to give me a loaf of bread[j] from one of the bakeries every day until the city ran out of grain.

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus came to uphold God’s dignity and to liberate the numerous saints who had sacrificed themselves to follow God’s will for four thousand years. He came to liberate the resentment of the people whom Satan had infringed upon in this world. He did not complete that work. He came to liberate that resentment, but he did not fulfill that goal. Therefore, he has to come again. We must know this clearly.

What does God want to find? What does Jesus seek with his heart’s longing? He seeks the nation of goodness. He seeks the nation of victory, glory and happiness. Did Jesus meet good people? No. His brothers and sisters chased him out. His parents drove him out. Think about that. Did God establish the Israelites so that they could do that to Jesus? Did God set up the Jewish religion in order to persecute Jesus? Did God transmit the will of the providence for four thousand years and send Jesus to Joseph’s household so that Joseph could treat him that way? Did John the Baptist eat locusts and wild honey for thirty years in order to serve Jesus in that way? Everybody passed away. Everything passed.

When Jesus came to this earth, the people abandoned him. Therefore, Jesus had to collide head on against Satan, who was following behind the people who had been prepared to welcome him. The chosen people should have welcomed Jesus and turned around and attacked Satan. But Jesus had to fight alone on the battle ground. The cross is the road where Jesus died fighting.

Jesus was supposed to give commands to the heavenly soldiers in the forefront to march against the world of Satan. But he was the only one left. Everybody disappeared. Where did the three Wise Men from the East go? Where did Anna disappear to? Where did the shepherds go? Where did John the Baptist vanish to? Where did Joseph’s family go? Where did Jesus’ brothers, sisters and relatives go? Where did the religion, the people and the nation disappear to? They all passed away. Since they all left, Jesus is praying again for the sake of his people, bearing the cross in order to make a connection, saying, “I have died for you.” Jesus thought that even though everything passed and the nation perished, God would watch over him. Therefore, he went up to Heaven and is praying again for those people.

If these are Jesus’ circumstances, what is his desire? He wants to find true disciples. The true disciple of Jesus’ desire is also the disciple of God’s desire and the disciple whom Jesus will testify to.

Did the disciples ever make a comfortable environment where Jesus could rest? Did Jesus have a family? When Jesus’ mother and younger sibling came to him, he said to them, “One who lives by the will of God is my mother and my younger brother.” In this sense Jesus did not have any relatives or kin. He did not have a family or brothers and sisters. Right? Thus, even after he passed away, he has been seeking in the spiritual world a mother, brothers and sisters, a clan, a race, a church, a nation and a world. That is the two-thousand-year history of Christianity. Because Israel was lost to Jesus and left behind nothing on this earth, he must come again. Jesus did not establish his family, his tribe, his race, his nation, or his world. Therefore, he must come again.

Is there anyone who worries that in the Last Days when Jesus comes again, he will suffer the same sorrows as before? Have you ever been his younger brother? Heaven wants to ask this question. The elderly people here, have you ever thought of loving Jesus as if you were his father and mother? Have you ever cared for the beloved son of God with the same heart that Jesus had for his people? Have you ever lived a life of faith where you lived for God’s sons and daughters, not minding whether your bones melted or whether exhaustion and hardship came upon you? Someday Jesus will come to this earth again. Why would he come? He comes again to find his disciples, whom he loves. It is the sorrow of God and of Jesus that in the course of history Jesus did not find his disciples again; he could not gather them and establish the will centering on them. It is the shame of our ancestors and the shame of history that they left behind this kind of sorrow.

Today we attend the apostles and think that they are the ones who are receiving the deep love of Heaven, but that might not be the case. In fact, it is not true. Representing all mankind, they should have comforted Jesus, but they did not. They were people who had to ask for forgiveness after Jesus died.

If there Is a Way that God’s Will Can Be Accomplished, You Should Pursue it Obediently

James 1

From James, a servant of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Greetings to the twelve tribes scattered all over the world.[a]

My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested. But you must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.

Jeremiah 22

If you obey me, the kings from David’s family will continue to rule Judah from this palace. They and their officials will ride in and out on their horses or in their chariots. But if you ignore me, I promise in my own name that this palace will lie in ruins. Listen to what I think about it:

The palace of Judah’s king
is as glorious as Gilead
    or Lebanon’s highest peaks.
But it will be as empty
as a ghost-town
    when I’m through with it.
I’ll send troops to tear it apart,
and its beautiful cedar beams
    will be used for firewood.

People from different nations will pass by and ask, “Why did the Lord do this to such a great city as Jerusalem?” Others will answer, “It’s because the people worshiped foreign gods and broke the agreement that the Lord their God had made with them.”

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

Ladies and gentlemen, do you sincerely want to become God’s sons and daughters? Does unquenchable sorrow shake your heart? Does unstoppable sorrow move your minds and bodies? You should feel something similar to this.

You cannot become sons and daughters, no matter what you have to offer in this human world. Only when you never forget to think solely of the Father, only when you fight and run forward in your daily life do you have a possibility of becoming His sons and daughters.

You have to have this mind-set and be able to shed tears even over a simple branch. You should be able to say that you have finally come to know that all existing things are mourning and longing for the day of liberation. Bowing your head, you should apologize for human ignorance. This is not some abstract concept. When we see a colleague struggling to find the path, we should hold him and cry, “You are my brother.”

No matter how sad and lonely you may be, you have to understand that it is nothing compared to what God is experiencing. When you look at nature, you should see traces of God’s tears there. When you see water flowing, you should see God’s tears. When you are lying down, you should see that where you are lying down is a river of God’s tears and has traces of the cross of Golgotha. God is looking for sons and daughters who can cry out, “Father, who had to let the Lord bear the cross on Golgotha!” You should declare, “Although Jesus left grief on the earth when he died, I will not die but will alleviate Your sorrow as a living person.”

The six thousand years have been a history of God’s efforts to find His beloved sons and daughters. Therefore, we have to become people who feel that we are indebted to God, who has toiled for six thousand years. We have to feel the culmination of God’s tears of six thousand years and pay for the sacrifice at Golgotha.

When we then repent of our past sins, pay indemnity for our present sins, and cherish hope for the future, calling upon our Father and going to Him with open arms, the Father can say, “Oh, my son, my daughter.” Forgetting about His dignity, He will shed tears of joy and sorrow. Only those who can achieve this will become sons and daughters of the Father. Only when you understand that God and Jesus are like that can you become God’s sons and daughters.

God can elevate these sons and daughters before Satan’s world and all things of the universe, saying that they are the lords and sons and daughters He has been looking for. Only when these sons and daughters appear can God finally forget the labors of the six thousand years. He can entrust Heaven and earth to them and rest in peace.

Just as Jesus cried over this history of sorrow and died, if there is a way that God’s will can be accomplished, you should pursue it obediently. You have to remember that you must live such a life of devotion.

Richard: The way that we can do God’s will and establish His kingdom is through Home Church (tong ban) activities in our neighborhoods.


Father! We are so ashamed. We have learned that this path is an awesome path, a path of inextinguishable sorrow.

Father, You sought these children out not for one day or for several years, but for six thousand years! Please let us understand now how much trouble we have caused for You, how much we have angered You, and how much we have wronged You. Before we entered this relationship, we fought over the things of the world. Please allow us to understand how sinful we are.

Father, Your sons and daughters who are gathered here do not have to know everything. Please let them at least understand the God that we believe in, the Jesus we should attend, and the sons and daughters we must become.

What is our hope? We did not come seeking for well-dressed people or people with power or to satisfy some desire. We came only because we long for the Father’s love and a relationship with Him. Father, if the Father has tears, please let us possess those tears. If the Father is experiencing pain, please let us feel the pain.

Please let us understand that we should not become princes who are seeking joy but princes who bear responsibility for sorrowful and painful history, and let us pay indemnity for it. We have learned that You yearn for sons and daughters who are victorious under such circumstances, sons and daughters worthy of God’s pride before Heaven and earth. We have also learned that Your labors for the six thousand years have been to elevate Your beloved sons and daughters.

We pray sincerely that You will allow us to fulfill all the responsibilities entrusted to us and to fully cope with the missions given to us. Please guide us to become the most exemplary children of filial piety, and patriots.

Until the day that the Father of history, the Father of the present era and the Father of the future becomes our Father and mobilizes the entire universe to sing songs of joy, please protect these people. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.