Keep Faith In Jesus in Humble and Difficult Circumstances

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1996

Today, the United States is consid-
ered the principal nation of democracy.
Yet a time will come when America will
decay because of money, and her people
will no longer care for democracy. The
current situation in Korea also reflects
this fact. Though democracy itself is a
good system, at present many Koreans
are engaged in scheming and slandering
others because of money. They are even
fighting against others to seize power.
Can that be considered a democracy?
What is currently taking place is a phe-
nomenon resulting from misrule by the
privileged class. (21-156, 1968.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 798

Why did God create human beings?
He needed a horizontal base in dimen-
sional space. Countless cells can divide
and emerge from this dimensional and
spherical space. Therefore, God needed
space because He wanted to produce
the people of the Kingdom of Heav-
en through the bodies of Adam and
Eve in the human world. Our married
life becomes the factory for producing
those people. People have been talking
loudly without knowing these things.
What kind of pretence is that? They are
completely blind, yet still boast and brag
about themselves. In the spirit world,
such things will be exposed at once. The
teachings I have given will unfold in the
spirit world as a reality. (233-89, 1992.7.30)

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Moses did not lack for anything in his palatial life, yet he rejected it all and did not take pride in it. On the contrary, he wanted to boast of the Israelites, who were moaning and suffering before Heaven. Furthermore, he wanted to be proud of the land of Canaan with which Abraham was blessed, the land that the seven Canaanite peoples had claimed. His desires were in tune with the wishes of God, who wanted to raise a chosen people of Israelites in the land of Canaan and be proud of them. Therefore, God put Moses at the helm of the people and led them to that land. We have to understand that this was the situation of God.

When Moses appeared before the 600,000, no one among them understood his innermost feelings. Most of them opposed him. However, through many miracles and calamities, God led the people to the realization that Moses was the one to guide them to the garden of pride in which they could dwell. They were thus able to fathom Moses’ heart, and God was able to lead them out.

The Israelites should have believed in Moses as the one sent by Heaven and should have been proud of him until the end. When he came with heavenly authority and struck the palace of Pharaoh, they rejoiced that he was their Heaven-sent leader. Yet when they faced more humble and difficult circumstances in the wilderness, they lost faith in him and discredited him, saying that he was not fit to lead the people. Continue reading “Keep Faith In Jesus in Humble and Difficult Circumstances”

Abraham Believed that a Glorious and Proud Day Would Come

James 1

If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking. But when you ask for something, you must have faith and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like an ocean wave tossed around in a storm. 7-8 If you are that kind of person, you can’t make up your mind, and you surely can’t be trusted. So don’t expect the Lord to give you anything at all.

2 Chronicles 7

Some time later, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said:

I heard your prayer, and I have chosen this temple as the place where sacrifices will be offered to me.

13 Suppose I hold back the rain or send locusts[c] to eat the crops or make my people suffer with deadly diseases. 14 If my own people will humbly pray and turn back to me and stop sinning, then I will answer them from heaven. I will forgive them and make their land fertile once again. 15 I will hear the prayers made in this temple, 16 because it belongs to me, and this is where I will be worshiped forever. I will never stop watching over it.

Richard:  Have you sinned?  We all have.  Cry out to God and ask His forgiveness.  Also cry out for the sins of our nation.  For example, over 60,000,000 babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973.  This does not include chemically induced abortions.

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Because Noah’s course was like that, even when God judged the people with the flood, there was no condition upon which the faithless and rebellious people could protest against Heaven. Noah was someone of which God could be proud. The judgment of Noah was the process through which the value of heavenly pride and practical value were established. The sons and daughters of Noah should have become connected to the heart of pride that God wanted to establish, but they disregarded Noah’s devotion and had self-centered thoughts. Heaven was turned upside down.

The same was true for Abraham. It was not easy for him to leave everything behind in Ur of the Chaldeans. Abraham could have led a more joyful life than anyone in the satanic world. His wife was extremely beautiful, and he had abundant wealth.

God called Abraham and drove him the opposite way, toward tribulation. You have to understand that God ordered Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldeans and drove him into tribulations that his relatives, family and people dared not attempt. Continue reading “Abraham Believed that a Glorious and Proud Day Would Come”

St. Paul Did Not Boast About Himself

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2005

Jesus came to establish the home-
land of the True God. The prophets and
patriots of history worked to build this
same homeland. In order to establish
heaven, one perfect man must come.
This man must be recognized by heaven
and earth, begin a family, have children,
and then establish a tribe, a people and a
nation. He must indemnify the relation-
ship between Cain and Abel, engraft
them to himself, and build the home-
land of God’s dominion in this world.
The prophets and patriots of history
desired this result. However, they were
unable to build the longed for Kingdom
of Heaven on earth to which individu-
als, families, tribes, peoples, nations and
the world could be connected. Therefore,
we must abandon the path along which
humankind has been heading and go in
God’s direction. (15-278, 1965.10.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1439

If you consider your family, you have
your own sons and daughters and your
parents, which means there are three
generations in a family. There are hun-
dreds and thousands of families that
can inherit the ideal of the God-centered
family on a similar horizontal level, cen-
tering on your own vertical relationship
with God. Once they are connected, they
can form God’s nation. Without doing
anything else, a nation can come into
existence. The world is not as compli-
cated or as difficult as you might think.
(240-27, 1992.12.11)

Richard:  The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  Will you be a part of it?

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Those who boast, centering on themselves, for the sake of their joy will set conditions that violate the principles of the universe. The more one can be proud of the goodness and uniqueness of others, the closer they can get to Heaven.

Although all people want to transcend themselves to take pride in their families, churches, nations and the world, there has not been a world, nation, church or family on this earth that they could sincerely respect and be proud. Although we may be faithless, we must still build a relationship of pride with God. We must transcend ourselves to take pride in our families, our society, our nation and the world. Therefore, our minds are always being pulled in that direction.

Now we must reflect upon the heart of Heaven, who was filled with the desire to be proud of us. When we think about God’s tiring providence of 6,000 years, the purpose of which was to seek us, when we think about God, who has come looking for us through a miserable course of history filled with bloody battles, we find that He has never had the conditions upon which He could raise a person and be proud of him in the course of history. When we understand that such is the situation of Heaven, we dare not boast about ourselves or go before Him with some condition. Continue reading “St. Paul Did Not Boast About Himself”

Find the True Source of Your Pride

Acts 18

Every Sabbath, Paul went to the Jewish meeting place. He spoke to Jews and Gentiles[b] and tried to win them over. But after Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, he spent all his time preaching to the Jews about Jesus the Messiah. Finally, they turned against him and insulted him. So he shook the dust from his clothes[c] and told them, “Whatever happens to you will be your own fault! I am not to blame. From now on I am going to preach to the Gentiles.”

Richard:  We have to get out of our “holy huddlle” and mingle with others and provide the words of salvation.

Ezekiel 31

10 King of Egypt, now listen to what I, the Lord God, am saying about that tree:

The tree grew so tall that it reached the sky[c] and became very proud and arrogant. 11 So I, the Lord God, will reject the tree and hand it over to a foreign ruler, who will punish it for its wickedness. 12 Cruel foreigners will chop it down and leave it wherever it falls. Branches and broken limbs will be scattered over the mountains and in the valleys. The people living in the shade of those branches will go somewhere else. 13 Birds will then nest on the stump of the fallen tr

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

We have not known the God who could never take pride in His creation. We did not know that He saw His pride turn into sorrow and manifest itself in tears.

Therefore, now we must find the original heavenly nature and original love of which God longs to be proud. Accordingly, as the people who possess the original heart of love that can relate with God, you must cultivate yourselves to become those in whom God can take pride. Although God has been yearning and searching for the one person who can bring shame to Satan and provide God with a source of pride, He has not been able to find such a person.

People want to boast. It is human nature to put one’s self forward and boast about oneself. We have the desire to boast about our parents, our children, and the whole of our family. Furthermore, we have the desire to be proud of our tribes, our nations, our world, and the whole of heaven and earth. Although you are fallen people, your original minds that seek to boast about things are controlling both your lives and history. You have to understand this. Continue reading “Find the True Source of Your Pride”

Feel Indignation Toward the Crushing of God’s Ideal

Isaiah 47

The Lord said:

47 City of Babylon,
You are delicate
    and untouched,
    but that will change.
Surrender your royal power
    and sit in the dirt.
Start grinding grain!
    Take off your veil.
Strip off your fancy clothes
    and cross over rivers.[a]
You will suffer the shame
    of going naked,
because I will take revenge,
    and no one can escape.[b]
I am the Lord All-Powerful,
the holy God of Israel.
    I am their Savior.

2 Kings 8

Hazael left with forty camel loads of the best things made in Damascus as a gift for Elisha. He found the prophet and said, “Your servant, King Benhadad, wants to know if he will get well.”

10 “Tell him he will,” Elisha said to Hazael. “But the Lord has already told me that Benhadad will definitely die.” 11 Elisha stared at him until Hazael was embarrassed, then Elisha began crying.

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.


Father, please allow us to be awakened to the grieving heart You had when You lost the original garden and mourned over it. We have been ignorant of the fact that the sorrow of Adam and Eve is our sorrow. We have failed to experience through our minds and bodies that the Father’s sadness is greater than our sorrow. We sincerely wish to feel in our bodies and minds during this hour that, unbeknownst to us, the Father has shed many tears and has suffered endless and infinite sorrow and pain.

The sorrow of the Father caused by the fall of Adam and Eve was indeed great. Jesus’ unfinished mission in the will of the providence of restoration on the earth also caused You infinite grief, loneliness and suffering. Please allow us to experience the entirety of Your agonized heart during this hour. Continue reading “Feel Indignation Toward the Crushing of God’s Ideal”