The Realm of Sabbath Can Evolve to the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven and On Earth

Happy 24th Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth
Declared July 7th, 1997 by the Heavenly (lunar based) Calendar
Today we will feature a special reading for this Holy Day.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2045-2046

It’s okay if we firmly grab hold of
the family. Aren’t all people bound to a
family? If we catch the family, then the
members of the National Assembly, the
ministers and vice-ministers of the cabi-
net, and even the president in the Blue
House, all will be caught. You should all
become leaders of tong and ban. Don’t
you agree? If the members of the Nation-
al Assembly, the important statesmen of
the country, the cabinet members, and
even the staff members of the military
will all become mobilized through the
leaders of the tong and ban movement,
then everything will be completed. We
can then work without a fight. Do you
understand? (167-21, 1987.6.14)

For us, the government is not the
issue. What we are trying to do is to find
a nation. We are aiming to grab hold of
tong and ban. If we do that, then the dif-
ficulty of finding that nation will auto-
matically be solved. (167-24, 1987.6.14)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1681

In the world of love, it is the law of
nature never to permit the presence of
a third party; one must be alone with
one’s partner. This is the case for spar-
rows and insects as well. Then, from the
viewpoint based on evolutionary theo-
ry, how many ascending orders of love
in thousands of stages are there between
amoebae and human beings? Are there
not thousands of species of insects? From
plants to insects, there are thousands of
species. Yet there are people who believe
that these thousands of species and
human beings evolved from amoebae
through continuous development. Not
at all! Several thousands of stages of
love need to be passed through. The dis-
tinction of species is very strict. What,
human beings evolved from amoebae?
Those impostors! (227-296, 1992.2.14)

Richard: Here Rev. Moon points out the absurdity of evolutionary theory, that human beings could have evolved from amoebaes.

Prayer: Declaration Chil Il Jeol, the Cosmic Sabbath Sun Myung Moon July 7, 1997

Beloved Father! Today, 1997, July 7, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds, centering on the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, we have accomplished this year’s motto, “Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents by Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.”

How hard You have struggled and borne the heart of han (bitter sorrow)! As Your children, True Parents, we are here with Your other children not knowing Your heart in this historical age. In the meantime, you sent True Parents to the earth so we could build the foundation where mankind could speak out Your heart and be educated about Your internal situation. Through that foundation, we came to know the sad history that since Adam and Eve fell as teenagers and their family was broken down by Satan’s scheme, humankind has been linked to fallen Adam’s family and Satan’s lineage instead of to God’s lineage.

Therefore, until now, history has kept the lineage of the realm of the archangel and the lineage of Satan. When we think about founding the realm of religion in order to establish the history of the new archangel’s position in the Kingdom of Heaven, we know that the providence of individual restoration is the history of regaining the elder sonship from the realm of the archangel.

We thank You for this great time when we are facing the age of the Second Advent, the center of the worldwide salvation through the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament eras. Now we can fix the problems of family breakdown and corrupted juvenile ethics originally caused by Adam’s fall.

In 1945, at the end of World War II, Christianity and the allied nations, which had the mission of a bride to welcome the Lord of the Second Advent, failed their responsibility as the bride. This loss of the world-level nation, an Abel nation, and Eve nation of Adam’s family, which carried the victorious hegemony in the world-level providence, created greater pain and suffering than the loss of a family in the Garden of Eden.

If Christianity had received the Second Coming of Christ centering on the allied nations, we could have held a historic worldwide Mass Blessing Ceremony so that humankind could have been liberated through the Blessing by linking with the lineage of True Parents after uniting the han (bitter sorrow) of Jesus, (whose mind and body were separated by Satan) and prepared a united world centered on Christian culture. At that time, by working with 800 million Christians, God’s desire to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth would have been completed within seven years, by 1952. Christian culture, however, rejected its bridal responsibility of receiving the Lord of the Second Advent, As Adam’s family turned over the fallen world to Satan during the fruitful growth period, Christianity and an Eve nation in the bridal role failed their responsibility and gave the victorious foundation at the worldwide level over to Satan all at once. As a result, fallen grief exists on the earth once again.

We are reminded of the sad history in which True Father alone had to walk the wilderness path. The han (bitter sorrow) that Adam’s family left on heaven and earth could not be compared to True Father’s path. True Father’s path was a time of deeper sadness than the course of Jesus, who could not unite people based on his family.

Yet, I realized that it was Your desire to end Satan’s lineage by liberating mankind centered on the ideology of a world family which would indemnify all of history. Also, I realized Your will which was to look for a place of rest and freedom in heaven and on earth.

Father, You have been yearning for a millennial world during seven millennia of history. I know how hard and significant that is! You tried to maintain the standard of Your wish by having Christianity observe the Sabbath on the seventh day.

Because all these tasks were not completed, I know that You have been sitting alone on Your throne in heaven and enduring the unbearable history of the realm of Satan like a prisoner. I found Your Fatherly heart that no one ever knew. You had to forget the situation that You could not forget, You had to re-create the condition into which You could not pour out Yourself, and You had to love those people whom You could ‘not love. In spite of sadness and even death, I pioneered the path in which I could console Your heart, and I endured persecution to prevail over the hill of forty years with the determination to face any kind of deadly path, Father.

The fatherland, which should be the central nation of all nations centered on the unified world of North and South, and the whole culture of East and West were lost. Even the clan which You prepared to complete the Blessing was lost, too. Unification Church members understand that I have had to walk the path of restoration for forty years. There has been fighting between the democratic world and the communist world because all the descendants of the clan which was to become the clan of heaven faced the situation of division.

I understand that these forty years represent the 4,000 years of providential history. Yet, no one has known Your painful sadness that for forty years True Parents have been persecuted by sovereign nations of the Satanic world that once used to persecute Christianity and Christians, as well as other religions and their people. These forces opposed Your will to comprehend the world.

All alone, all alone, all by Yourself. According to the directions given by You, who pioneered the path, I have fought and conquered the hills of persecution for forty years. This has been the battleground to declare Your individual resting place as well as the resting place for a couple, a family, a tribe, a nation, the world, and the cosmos. This place has been the ideal free environment of creation that You can call Your domain of freedom. Now it is completed, Father. Now, centering on True Parents, we are making the amazing declaration of the realm of the cosmic Sabbath.

Your son, Sun Myung Moon, who has lost the dream of his youth, of his 20′s and 30′s, while inheriting and tolerating the big heart of Heavenly Father, has conquered the hills of 40 years of agonizing history, while overcoming numerous failures that are filled with insults and bitterness.

As a result, the 3.6 million couples Blessing has been successfully completed. In place of Adam’s family, these families on the world level can receive the Blessing at once that Adam’s family failed to get. The realm of the Sabbath, where billions of people enter the realm of liberation, can evolve to both the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and on earth. I thank You for that. The elder sonship had to be restored first, then parentship and kingship had to be restored. Father, I thank You for the completion of 3.6 million couples Blessing that breaks beyond the limit of three stages.

The elder sonship on a family level can be sustained on earth. The right of a family on a national level and a cosmic level can be sustained on earth as well. Therefore, because this is the time for receiving the age of kingship centering on a family, from today the real liberation can be declared. This is the Sabbath for God, who has not been able to rest in a family. Again, I sincerely thank You for that.

Today, it is 1997, July 7, 7 hours, 7 minutes, and 7 seconds. Also, Your son, Sun Myung Moon, is at the age of 77. These eight occurrences of the number seven signify that the number seven can connect to the number eight, becoming the Sabbath and the day of a new start, transcending the numbers seven and eight. All this is connected with the number seven. Now all Unification members, centering on a family which inherits the tradition, heart, and authority of heaven, can attend God. Now God can rest in a nation, the world, and the cosmos. We are facing the victorious time when the kingship of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven are established at the same time. The foundation of the Sabbath where God and True Parents can travel freely expands from the family level to the cosmic level.

For this great work to be done, Mother, who can represent Eve’s nation, had to come to the United States of America, which is the Archangel’s nation, and to the United Nations to promote the fortune of unification, so that she can spread this fortune over the divided Korea, where the base camp for the liberation of the family can be founded to represent the liberation of people. Thanks to Your guidance and protection, True Mother could make three speaking tours during which she poured forth the words of True Parents. True Mother has opened up the Blessing for high-ranking officials by giving speeches in 16 places. Transcending the number 16, the Blessing that occurred vertically has become holier than ever.

True Mother has been welcomed in all her speaking tours by guests who represent women of all nations centering on women of the North and South. Today is a day of declaration based on these speeches. Tomorrow we will have another Blessing to declare the victorious realm of heaven in front of high-ranking Korean officials who represent the essential central figures and representatives of sovereign nations of the world. It means that we are entering the age of kingship on a family level. We attribute this Blessing, which the Unification Church received as the number one family Blessing team, to Your hard working path. If it was not for You, Korea would have no place to exist. But as You and True Mother are working together, we are having this great opportunity, and I am very grateful, Father.

A thousand thanks to You, Father, for having been able to complete both the foundation of the victorious 40 years and the Declaration of the Realm of Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth at the same time.

As the foundation of the Sabbath of the age of kingship on a family level, national level, worldwide level, and cosmic level are established on earth, Your will is facing the time when this country is called as the center of God’s providence of salvation, liberating the world, and bringing the world of love. Please gladly remember this.

Now I am offering the path that Your son has walked on with tears and then declaring this to be an anniversary date. Please allow me to do so. From this moment on, I am declaring the age of liberation. As You have wished to act on the whole body in its totality, with all authority and everything, please fulfill Your wishes. Please claim the realm of liberation of mankind. I sincerely wish and ask for Your Blessing to move on to the liberating Kingdom of Heaven. Now, it is the day and the time to stop the tears of sadness and to remove all the shed tears and all the tear stains from True Parents’ family. I sincerely wish that You will receive this declaration of liberation in the name of True Parents. May You realize Your wish to have prestige to travel freely among Your beloved children, countries, world, and the cosmos. May the families of True Parents who work for Your liberation be able to travel around the world freely and come back home without any trouble.

We Are Leading a Purity and True Family Movement

Happy 24th Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth
Declared July 7th, 1997 by the Heavenly (lunar based) Calendar
Today and tomorrow we will feature a special reading for this Holy Day.

Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth

This is the speech True Father, Rev. Moon gave on July 7, 1997 and through which he established Chil Pal Jeol (Eight Sevens Holiday).

You should know the sacredness of the name, “True Parents.” All creation was made for True Parents substantial realm. True Parents’ ideal realm must be realized even if it is at the cost of all that was created. The creation exists to achieve this realm. God created all things [Gen. 1–25] with this concept, which he had before the Creation. The name “True Parents,” which God had sought for thousands of years, will cut off all tumultuous things happening in the world and will achieve an ideal world, which is nothing less than the globalization of blessed families.

How do we globalize blessed families? True Parents will come and completely reverse the consequences of Adam’s corruption, which occurred at the age of sixteen, resulting in false love and the collapse of the family. Centered on True Parents, the path through which all people on earth can enter the kingdom of heaven has been opened—a path through which a perfected Adam’s family, which befits the original ideal envisaged at the Creation, is from God’s lineage, receives the blessing, serves God and leaves behind God’s lineage.

The kingdom of heaven has been empty until now. Adam’s family did not enter that kingdom, nor did any other ancestor until now. Thanks to True Parents, we will be organized into a first generation and a second generation and completely fill the kingdom of heaven. Today is the day through which we proclaim this liberated realm. What day is it today? It is the day of the Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth.

Throughout history, the only field that God could take possession of was the realm of the Sabbath. Everything else, however, belonged to Satan. The sons and daughters were not God’s nor was all of creation or even the nation. Nothing belonged to God. In order to return everything to God, True Parents had to come.

Our ideal family is the home where God rests. We, therefore, need to understand in what kind of home God can rest. God lost the home where he could rest. Hence, finding the ideal family for God meant finding that home where he could rest. Can everyone reach that level of home where God can rest? What level is it? There is a home of rest on the individual level, on a couple’s level and on a family level. A family level home includes sons and daughters. Next, the home in which God can rest at the family level needs a tribe, a tribal home of rest. Transcending the tribal level home is one at the national level. Following this is a home at the global level, one at the cosmic level and finally God’s home of rest. How many levels of homes are there? There are eight levels.

What has the formation of this home of rest centered on? True Parents and the True Children. An entire line should form centered on this family. That is why Unification Church members must become tribal messiahs. You should become familial messiahs and tribal messiahs. After forming a nation, you become a national messiah and then a global messiah. The global messiah is the king of kings. When this happens, the kingdom of heaven forms on earth.

We are promoting purity and absolute sex. Absolute sex is sex based on true love, which is why we are leading a purity and true family movement. True love is the center of this purity and true family movement. A family becomes a pure, true family centered on true love. Without true love, neither purity nor a true family emerges.

The providence of salvation is the history of restoration, which must pass through process of recreation based on the principle of indemnity. Otherwise, perfection is unattainable. How shocking is a history based on this standard! That is why you must forget all of Satan’s sons and daughters. How great would God’s pain be being in a position where he cannot forget those whom he would rather forget? How much did God invest from an unfathomable position for those whom he cannot forget? What, then, is God trying to achieve by investing in this manner? He is looking for an object partner of love.

Who can understand God’s lonesome circumstances in loving those whom he cannot love? God is in a position in which he cannot interfere even if we follow a path that may lead to the destruction of the entire cosmos nor can he forget those whom he would prefer to forget. Even though he should break off from them, he continued investing in them. That is not the end. He has to love them more than he did the original Adam and Eve.

Given that he is unable to forget what he would rather forget, who can understand God’s heart and how lonely it is? Who can truly understand God’s circumstances as he repeatedly invested, forgot that he had invested and invested again in people that could not be recreated, for thousands of years? Who can truly understand God’s heart as he loved those people who has left behind the worst and had many bruises, people whom he would rather not love?

Because I was aware of that tradition, I am investing even my life to save the enemies’ children, people that deserve to be beaten and thrown into hell. You should be aware that the circumstances True Parents are in require that they love such children more than their own sons and daughters, even if it means sacrificing their own children. That is why, no matter the amount, the existing seawater is insufficient to fill the valley formed by the tears that have been shed. Only true love can fill this valley.

We must follow the path of not forgetting even what we would rather forget, investing in those we cannot invest in and loving those we cannot love. Even if one is to die once, twice, thrice, one should follow that path even after resurrection. The Old Testament Age failed. The New Testament Age failed. The Completed Testament Age failed. That I had to go through a forty-year wilderness course within one generation is grievous. The failure of one generation of Adam’s family is not a problem. This is sadness greater than that experienced when Jesus could not rule over all nations.

From that position, I have pioneered the way that can open the door of liberation to all nations, based on families worldwide, and guide all people in one direction.

Just as the people of Israel set off to establish a nation when they were suffering in Egypt, families that Satan had imprisoned have become families in the ideal kingdom of heaven that can enter the liberated kingdom of heaven. This is that very moment and the fact that we can partake in it is indeed something we should feel great gratitude for and respond by rendering due glory. This moment constitutes nothing less than the declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth.

Richard: This Holy Day has a special meaning for our family. Stacey, Sarah and I were in South Korea at the Chung Pyung Lake retreat center when True Father, Rev. Moon, declared this Holiday in the early morning. Later that morning, Rev. Moon visited the tent where the workshop participants were studying. At that time Rev. Moon spoke to the participants, including me, Stacey and Sarah.
Furthermore, this holiday is integrally linked to the 3.6 million couples Blessing held at Robert F. Kennedy stadium in Washington, DC on November 29th, 1997. Stacey and I lived in east Capitol Hill, Washington DC at that time, and until 2016. The stadium was very near our Home Church area, and we promoted the Blessing in our neighborhood. We also were involved, with John Robbins with inviting the RFK Blessing event to Washington, DC. John had invited Mayor Marion Barry to host the event. He had agreed. But when Rev. Moon came to speak, Marion Barry failed to show up to give the invitation personally. I asked then city Councilmember Harry Thomas, Sr. to give the invitation letter to Rev. Moon, and he did.

The Whole World Was Created Only for the Sake of the Righteous Man

2 Thessolonians 2

When our Lord Jesus returns, we will be gathered up to meet him. So I ask you, my friends, not to be easily upset or disturbed by people who claim that the Lord[a] has already come. They may say that they heard this directly from the Holy Spirit, or from someone else, or even that they read it in one of our letters. But don’t be fooled! People will rebel against God. Then before the Lord returns, the wicked one who is doomed to be destroyed will appear. He will brag and oppose everything that is holy or sacred. He will even sit in God’s temple and claim to be God. Don’t you remember that I told you this while I was still with you?

Richard: Right now, Bill Gates and his minions plus others of the same mindset are proclaming that they will play God through their technological fixes. However, with the whole COVID-19 fraud, they have way overstepped their rightful bounds, and God’s Kingdom is here and is expanding. See my video blog and podcast Defeating Godless Globalism and Devilish Depopulation and my eight part series The Great Fraud: The COVID-19 Agenda.

Jonah 1

13 The sailors tried their best to row to the shore. But they could not do it, and the storm kept getting worse every minute. 14 So they prayed to the Lord, “Please don’t let us drown for taking this man’s life. Don’t hold us guilty for killing an innocent man. All of this happened because you wanted it to.” 15 Then they threw Jonah overboard, and the sea calmed down. 16 The sailors were so terrified that they offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made all kinds of promises.

17 The Lord sent a big fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.

Richard: We have to remember our covenant and promises to God. Also, here and later in the book of Jonah, Jonah does not want to obey God and preach God’s message to the people so they can be saved. Interestingly, the people of Ninevah actually repent, and Jonah is angry that the Lord God did not destroy them, as He originally indicated He would.
We should offer help to God’s children. They may receive our message or not, but we have no right to be angry with God, regardless.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

The Lord of Creation

3. Human Beings Are Worthy to Receive Honor from All Creatures, for They Lead All Creatures to Completion

The whole world was created only for the sake
of the righteous man. He weighs as much as the
whole world. The whole world was created only
to be united to him.
Talmud, Shabbat 30b (Judaism)

His movement is of Heaven, his stillness of
Earth. With his single mind in repose, he is
king of the world; the spirits do not afflict him;
his soul knows no weariness. His single mind
reposed, the ten thousand things submit—
which is to say that his emptiness and stillness
reach throughout Heaven and Earth and pen-
etrate the ten thousand things. This is what is
called Heavenly joy. Heavenly joy is the mind of
the sage by which he shepherds the world.
Chuang Tzu 13 (Taoism)

Elijah… went and dwelt by the brook Cherith
that is east of the Jordan. And the ravens brought
him bread and meat in the morning, and bread
and meat in the evening; and he drank from the
1 Kings 17.5-6

Thus I have heard, on a certain occasion the
Exalted One was staying near Uruvela, on the
bank of the river Neranjara, at the root of the
mucalinda tree, having just won the highest
wisdom. Now on that occasion the Exalted One
was seated for seven days in one posture and
experienced the bliss of release. Then arose a
great storm of rain out of due season, and for
seven days there was rainy weather, cold winds,
and overcast skies. So Mucalinda, King of the
snakes, coming forth from his haunt, encircled
the body of the Exalted One seven times with
his coils and stood rearing his great hood above
the Exalted One’s head, thinking, “Let not heat
or cold or the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind,
or creeping things annoy the Exalted One.”
Now after the lapse of those seven days
the Exalted One roused himself from that
concentration of mind. Then Mucalinda, King
of the snakes, seeing that the sky was clear and
free of clouds, unwrapped his folds from the
Exalted One’s body, and, withdrawing his own
form and creating the form of a youth, stood
before the Exalted One, holding up his clasped
hands and doing reverence to him.
Udana 10 (Buddhism)

The earth’s condition is receptive devotion.
Thus the superior man who has breadth of
Carries the outer world.
I Ching 2 (Confucianism)

Only those who are absolutely sincere can fully
develop their nature. If they can fully develop
their nature, they can then fully develop the
nature of others. If they can fully develop the
nature of others, they can then fully develop the
nature of things. If they can fully develop the
nature of things, they can then assist in the trans-
forming and nourishing process of Heaven and
Earth. If they can assist in the transforming and
nourishing process of Heaven and Earth, they
can thus form with Heaven and Earth a trinity.
Doctrine of the Mean 22 (Confucianism)

“The flowers appear on the earth, the time of
song has come, and the voice of the turtledove
is heard in our land” (Song of Songs 2.12):
When God created the world, He endowed
the earth with all the energy requisite for it,
but it did not bring forth produce until man
appeared. When, however, man was created,
all the products that were latent in the earth
ppeared above ground. Similarly, the heavens
did not impart strength to the earth until man
came. So it is written, “All the plants of the earth
were not yet on the earth, and the herbs of the
field had not yet sprung up, for the l ord God
had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and
there was not a man to till the ground.” (Gen.
2.5)… When, however, man appeared, forthwith
“all the flowers appeared on the earth,” all its
latent powers being revealed; “the time of song
has come,” the earth being now ripe to offer
praises to the Almighty, which it could not do
before man was created. “And the voice of the
turtledove is heard in our land”: this is the word
of God, which was not in the world until man
was created.
Zohar, Genesis 97a (Judaism)

Within the Conjugal Relationship, Human Beings Can Enjoy Sexual Love Freely

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2292

For adopted children to advance to
the position of begotten children, the
jealousy the archangel felt at the time
of Adam and Eve must be indemnified.
To do this, spiritual children should
value and love the physical children of
their spiritual parents more than their
own lives. Next, they should restore
the satanic world. These are essential
points. What this means is that you can-
not enter unless you have loved my chil-
dren. Ask yourselves whether you loved
them from the time they were in the
womb. Have you loved me, God’s will
and the children of my body even more
than yourselves? The question is wheth-
er you loved them more than yourselves.
Jesus asked, “Did you love me more than
your own sons and daughters, your fam-
ily?” If you have not done so, you cannot
proceed, and should indemnify this fail-
ure for three years starting now. (127-128,

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1526

Pledge number two of the Family
Pledge also contains the phrase, “Our
family… by centering on true love.”
This signifies that nothing can be
accomplished without true love. The
next phrase is, “Our family… pledges to
represent and become central to heaven
and earth by attending God and True
Parents; we pledge to perfect the duti-
ful family way of filial sons and daugh-
ters in our family.” This means that the
father needs to practice the way of filial
piety, as do the children. In fact, every
member of the family needs to do the
same. They need to inherit the tradition
of filial piety. Pledge number two goes on
to say, “We pledge to perfect the dutiful
family way of … patriots in our nation,
saints in the world, and divine sons and
daughters in heaven and earth.”

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

The Lord of Creation

2.Human Beings Are Superior to All Other Creatures

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is the difference between humans and animals? Human beings are special because they possess a spirit, not because of any feature of their physical bodies. As spiritual beings, humans are distinct from all creatures that are merely physical beings. It is the spirit that endows humans with great value; the physical body is of little value in comparison.
Compare a man with an ape. An ape eats, sleeps, and brings forth its young; when it grunts it is mainly for food. Does an ape cry out yearning for its parents? Does an ape sacrifice its life for its siblings or parents? How about a man? Does a man sacrifice his life for others, or not? He does! Men and apes are different in kind.
Do apes gather to recount stories about their ancestors’ brave deeds? Do they gather to worship God? Do they ponder about the spirit world? Do they dream about a peaceful world, an ideal world flourishing with love? Apes and human beings are qualitatively different.
From of old, human beings have aspired for something greater. From the very beginning, human beings have worshiped God. There is not a tribe of man that has not done so. Thinking on God, humans have pursued a better life and a better world. No ape can think such things. It is utterly impossible even after passing through a million evolutionary stages. (39:333, January 16, 1971)

Is it not true that God created human beings as the lords of creation? Didn’t He give us the cen-tral position representing all things in heaven and earth? As the central beings in the universe, we humans have the right to exercise sovereignty over all its creatures. Know that such a right does not pertain in the anthropoid apes’ world, or in the world of lions, tigers and such.
Then I ask the question: Do people in today’s world live like human beings or more like animals? (117:35, January 31, 1982)

Who is a person of character? Someone who only lives to eat? Or someone with artistic or poetic talents who appreciates fully the beauty of the world, who whispers to the mountains and fields and sings to the flowing water? (85:143, March 3, 1976) World Scripture II V8 013107.ind149 1492/1/2007 3:14:02 PM

What does it mean that human beings are the lords of creation? Surely, God is the Lord of creation. You understand that God endowed each human being with a spirit. As the human spirit is the chief among all spirits, humans can have a direct connection to God. That is why a human being can be the lord of creation.
Nevertheless, a human being cannot be the lord of creation by himself. He is merely a created being. How can a created being be the lord of creation? Created beings are resultant beings. Apart from a relationship with the Causal Being, they cannot correspond with the Cause, nor can they possess the Cause. Rather, the Cause should possess the result. Surely humans are resultant beings. Nevertheless, we are called lords of creation and the center of all spirits. This indicates that human beings are supposed to be in relationship with God and become one with Him. (32:137, July 5, 1977)

To fulfill the ideal of love, God made all creatures and placed human beings at the center of the uni-verse. We are called the lords of creation because we have the privilege of receiving God’s love first. Then, as representatives of the God of love, we are in the central position, acting for the sake of the entire created world. We cannot be the lords of creation without first becoming God’s counterparts and participating in the realm of God’s love. Our special value derives from having the privilege of love… Without love, everything will pass away. (132:246, June 20, 1984)

Among animals and plants, sex is only for the purpose of reproduction. Human beings are the exception; within the conjugal relationship they can enjoy sexual love freely. This is a privilege of human beings as the lords of creation. God blessed His children to enjoy love infinitely. Yet, this God-given freedom is accompanied by responsibility. What if every person insisted on freely making love with whomever they wanted? The world would descend into chaos. It is possible for human beings to attain perfection and realize supreme love only when they take responsibility for their love. (282:213, March 13, 1997

The Second Generation Must Go the Righteous Way

Happy 30th Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing!
Declared July 1, 1991,heavenly (lunar based) calendar (August 19th, 2020)

Today is the last installment of a special reading from the speech given on the Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing in 1991.

The Ceremony Of The Declaration Of God’s Eternal Blessing

Elder sonship, as I told you, is not yet concluded. Now it is parentship. You have to understand the significance of your request to become tribal messiahs [the application for Tribal Messiahship submitted worldwide on July 1, 1991]. Because this is that day, you have to fulfill it now. Even if you are the elder in your clan, or if you have been in the church for a long time, if you don’t request to become a tribal messiah, you’ll be left out. Then, for example, if you are Kim, you can’t establish Kim’s tribe. Whatever your position might have been, it will be meaningless. Even if you are the chairman of the Federation or a Regional Director, if you don’t make this request to register as a Tribal Messiah, you are disqualified. If you act according to your own consensus, you’ll be greatly ashamed for the rest of your life.

Where did the loss of elder sonship, loss of parentship, and loss of kingship take place? It was not out in the world. So, where can we find these? At home. At home, we lost everything. What we have to do now is settle as families by breaking through the rigid social structure. That is the core of my direction. It is a battle for life, a fight which determines everything.

I did not plan to come to Korea at this time. And I did not plan to declare the Day of God’s Eternal Blessing. But we cannot do without this ceremony. Through the declaration, we will see who is determined to fight with their life, and who is a fake. In a serious time such as this, can one just be a bystander? Can one worry about finding a job? Did you come to the Unification Church in order to get a job? Did you get blessed so you could get a job? If your wife and children block your path in doing the will, you should be ready to leave them. I did not bless you to be people who would do otherwise.

You should go back to your hometowns to establish family foundations and, centering on your parents, build the foundation for restoration. Aren’t your children born within the family? Do you not make love in your home? Where do husband and wife stand in unity based on love? It is in the tribal hall of assembly. This is the time that has come after unimaginable difficulties. I spent 40 years, 70 years in reality, to come to this moment. Given the fact that we are in a time when all can go back to their families to build foundations to restore elder sonship, the realm of parents, and the realm of kingship, anyone who denies this reality and acts on their disbelief will be punished. We have to cut it off from our line of people.

I will look closely at those who try to protect their blessed families. Should I forgive them just because they are blessed families? There may come a time when I personally will cut away those blessed families who do not follow the will.

In the future, a wrongdoer in the tribe is to be judged, and the offender will be cast out by the head of his or her tribe, and children will be sent to take his or her place. Such a time will come. No third parties will be able to meddle in the affairs of the tribe on behalf of the wrongdoer. After having passed through that gate, the devil with his false words will run away.

Next is the restoration of original nature. You have to represent that original nature. You should proclaim, “I am now absolute in representing God. I have the heart to relate to the object of love, centered on love, and I want to make that person even better than myself prior to establishing this heartistic relationship. Thus, I am without doubt a representative of God.”

Restoration of heart is next. As a representative centered on love, you should be the owner of love. If you can be the owner through that love, eternal life will be perpetuated. Without the owner of love, this world cannot beget the owner of life. Love comes first. If you want to be the owner of life, you have to be the owner of love. Fulfill the Kingdom of Heaven of the Family Centered on Love

Through the True Parents, God has become the owner of love, and He wants to be the owner of life. Satan has to be eliminated in order for that to happen. We even want to liberate Satan. The archangel was in a position to take his place behind mankind. He was to wait for mankind to be liberated from the pit of hell, and to fulfill his original mission by guiding the children of Adam and Eve to Heaven. Following the original principle of protecting Adam and Eve from falling at any cost, he even was to seek after the people in hell. That’s how it is. Finding this path is the course of restoration.

Today, I proclaimed the victory that liberates the realm of Cain from Satan’s dominion. So there is nothing for which Satan can accuse True Parents. This does not just happen through a wily scheme: it has to follow the law of Principle. Because that was done, the world revolves around the fortunes of your family. It is not a company. It is not a nation. The nation of Korea does not shape the heavenly fortune. If this does not start from your family, the race and the nation will disappear and will have no relationship with Heaven.

After I gather all for whom I have fought on the worldwide level and bestow blessing upon them, you will go back. You must land at the original base and secure the supreme power of the family level victory, coming to represent the birthright of Heaven. Then you will represent the parents’ right and the king’s right, and when you accomplish that you do not need to be under the control of anyone. You will know how to live, right? If there are things of which you are not sure, you can read my collected sermons. My sermons reveal how I have lived my life.

You are a royal family of heaven in your home. With the messiah, with the Lord of Second Advent who is coming, each of you will play the role of a king. What is your outlook on the world to be? There is no gap between siblings. Your grandfathers represent everything of the past [gap in the tape] . . . and the contents that represent the spirit world and ancestors will become the ideology.

Your parents represent all humanity of the [present] world. Men and women, and parents, all have to become masters at least. A master represents a family. The representative of the family is the parent. Sons and daughters are descendants. They are the microcosm of the past, the present and the future, and the visual representation that illustrates the ideal of love on the kingship level.

Therefore, if a son or a daughter-in-law maintain, centering on love, all of what he or she advocates, then, needless to say grandfather, grandmother and grandson all will follow them. That family welcomes assertions which are centered on love. What kind of love? The re-creational love of God, altruistic love, the love that is forgotten after being given and invested. Even if a grandson makes these assertions centered on love, his grandfather and grandmother will bow their heads in acceptance of it being right.

After establishing this moral foundation in a tribe, a nation and the world, then this family must keep the master’s love of the family heaven in its center, and stand in the master’s seat centering on love. Then that family gains the qualification to be a master of life and to start putting forth buds.

Life starts from love. The lineage begins from the place where life and love are united. Upon receiving God’s blessing, if you govern a long life receiving Heaven’s blessing, prosperity will result. The descendant who can expand horizontally will be born.

Unless you become a master of love and true life, the investment cannot be made. It will gradually become reduced. You will see how that mother and father will move on and what will happen to the son and daughter. You wait and see whether what I say is right.

If a son and daughter come to understand, and can say, “Ah, Heaven cannot but love our mother and father. They never stray from the path of being patriotic day and night. The will of Heaven in all senses will be able to protect them,” then that family will prosper. It is the same with my family. When I said to myself, “Ah, the son or daughter this time will be born this way,” they were born like that. Therefore, I cannot complain. Standing in the Line of Tribal Restoration, March Forward with Vigor

Where are the three generations going? Is the mainstream going zigzag or straight? This is a very serious problem.

After having put this vast and confused world in order, I have made a ladder which mankind can climb. If you are to go up, you can climb even hundreds of stairs. No matter how seriously you search for one, there is no other way to go. I drastically cut off the ladder of temptation. You cannot find a way up by any other means.

Since I proclaimed the Unification Ceremony with that in mind, I wish you would go forward with that knowledge and with confidence. From now on, people who oppose the Unification Church will suffer. I do not expect to be opposed, and I should not be opposed. I want you to be active in the name of the Unification Church as much as possible.

Jesus could not have a “Messiah Proclamation Ceremony.” Centering on Judaism and Israel, he could not do it. What does the “Messiah Proclamation” require? He had to do it with the people of the nation, after having stepped forward with one tribe centering on his own family. He needed the people to make the proclamation. He needed the tribe to make the proclamation. But did he even have a family? Reverend Moon has traversed this entire path. In a free and democratic world in which you can proclaim the True Parents, no matter what anyone says, Reverend Moon is a world figure. When I look at the letters that come from people of all social standings throughout the world, I come across many who testify to that. You should be able to glorify such a tradition, even to your family. When the branch and bud of the teacher emerge and come to look beautiful, you take that branch bud and plant it instead of your own vertical column bud. Then it will become your new vertical column. You know that I have to bless you with the True Family and weave you all together.

Today is the first of July. You must understand how important this ceremony is. This Proclamation Ceremony is an event for which the True Parents have wished, for which God has desired, and for which all religions and nations have hoped. The problem will be settled from now on, based on this standard.

This moment is the same as the time when Adam had the authority to name all things. Now, in accord with the way which I have proclaimed, standing united with the will of God, and standing in a realm that is free from opposition, things will come about as I say. That is the special right of the True Parents.

If you utter a word of curse out of anger with this faith, it will be realized as a real curse. The punishment will be immediate. Therefore, the result of the dispensation will appear to be increasingly fearful. It will affect your families in ways that are revealed externally. Once God takes His place on the seat of judgment, He will not be forgiving. There is no forgiveness.

It is a shame that there appeared offspring who obstruct the heavenly way. There is no way they can be redeemed. Can the parents beg for the redemption of the offspring? Although the offspring can beg for their ancestors’ redemption, the parents cannot beg for the offspring’s redemption. That is how I understand it. So, the second generation must go the righteous way. I desire that you do not go in a way which will make your descendants ashamed of you. This problem will get increasingly serious.

I am presently praying for three important things, but I cannot disclose them yet. Once I start laying my hands on this, the judgment that can bring about worldwide devastation will take place. Who will take responsibility for what results? No one can take the responsibility. In the fallen world, there is no one who can bear the responsibility. Who is going to be responsible after the complete destruction of the nation? I know that the True Parents cannot bear the responsibility.

For that reason, as a sacrifice which can take responsibility in place of that someone in the end, one must bring one’s own children and set them up. This is very serious. Until we had crossed over, all of this was possible. The question is whether this still will take place, now that we have completely crossed over.

Knowing that the time of seriousness is coming, starting from tomorrow, I wish that you not turn back from the direction, perspective and intuition you have on the path in which you are going. Up to now, there has been persecution. However, now, there is no persecution.

When you cross the road at the utmost top in fine array, Satan will be cut off, tried and finished. If you destroy Asherah completely, you have to give all your valuables away and go forward seeking with bare hands. Weren’t the people cast out with bare hands?

You have to cry loudly over the wickedness of the offspring who committed the grave sin, shedding tears with shimjung. We do not know when and where that one day will come.

Now, even if the parents die, it will not be a failure. Since we have finished the Proclamation Ceremony, I ask you to stride with more strength on the advancing line, with that knowledge, handling things upon such a standard, and having faith in that standard.

Richard: I think that this is now the period that Rev. Moon is speaking about.
Exactly seven years after Rev. Moon proclaimed Foundation Day on January 13, 2013, on January 13th of this year, mothers in New Jersey gained an important victory in defeating the efforts of legislators to remove vaccine exemptions for religious reasons and force all children who go to public schools in New Jersey to be vaccinated. On that very same day, the first COVID-19 case in the United States was reported. Now we see an unprecedented effort by evil forces to force the fraudulent COVID-19 Agenda on the entire world-See my eight part video and blog series.
What can be done? We need a movement of God-centered families. Absolute sexual ethics are the core of the Kingdom of God. See my series about the importance of abstinence before marriage.
Study God’s Word every day, such as you are doing now. Find out about and seek the Blessing of Marriage.
It is important that our children also understand God’s Providential call and their role.