Good and Evil are at War Within Fallen Human Beings

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The Latest Richard Urban Show:
#132-Satan Was the First Pedophile

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2192

A youth who demonstrates greater filial piety than an old person is the more precious of the two. Filial children come in all shapes and sizes. Filial piety is practiced at all social levels, by the poor and by the rich, by laborers and by beggars. A person who is still alive cannot truly be a filial child. A person who is still alive cannot enter the ranks of those we call filial children. There are so many people who died in order to fulfill their filial duty; so those who are awarded the medal of filial piety during their lifetime will be accused by all those who died in the cause of filial piety.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1240

In the present era, we are heading towards the completion stage, having passed through the formation and growth stages. This is the era in which history has to move horizontally after developing vertically. In other words, it is the era in which the boundary of the six-thousand-year long history of indemnification is crossed. That is why you need to escape from the dominion of Satan. Then what is the Blessing? It is the gate you have to pass through to leave the realm Satan has dominated throughout history. (18-209, 1967.6.8)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration


Good and evil are at war within fallen human beings (all of us). We are in the midway position between God and Satan. We have to make conditions of indemnity to return to our original positions, the way that God originally created human beings to be. There are three types of indemnity conditions. See slides 8 to 11 below:

We Are Wombs of Good and Evil

Please contribute to support this ministry! Our goal is to raise $2240 by June 30th to cover hosting,,, and for 2022 and 2023. Donate here. Thank you!

The Latest Richard Urban Show:
#132-Satan Was the First Pedophile

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2420

Blessed families are families representing the world both in name and in reality. Therefore, it is absolutely true that as the families representing the world, the Blessed Families must without fail become families who represent God, who have nothing to be ashamed of before the lineage of True Parents and before the lineages of the many people in the tribes, peoples, and nations. This is the meaning of Blessed Families being representative and central families. Therefore, Adam and Eve’s family and our families have the same value. That is the conclusion. Therefore, you cannot live a certain way in one place and a different way somewhere else. (263-204, 1994.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1174

You are all fakes. Do you think it’s easy to become the real thing? You should know that you have to go in and out of the blast furnace hundreds of times. When you become a father who has to send his son or daughter to the place of execution for the sake of restoration through indemnity in order to restore the realm of heart, you cannot do this without tears. It was exactly so with Abraham. In order to pioneer the heavenly way, to liberate God and enter His realm of love, you can’t just stay as you are. The foundation that you are standing on now did not come about by coincidence. The Unification Church has been built through a course that required tears of bitterness, a course stained with blood and tears. If you learn about this foundation, you will know that you cannot sit here without tears; you cannot sit here without deeply repenting. (169-131, 1987.10.29)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration


“The Principle of Restoration explains the providence of God through which
fallen human beings are restored to their original created state.”
All of us are “wombs” of good and evil. Evil nature inherited from the fall makes it easy to do evil, whereas doing good takes considerable effort.
We have to meet the Messiah and be reborn through him. We have to have our original sin removed by receiving the Blessing. See slides 1 to 7 below:

The Restored Trinity is God, True Father and True Mother

The Latest Richard Urban Show:
#132-Satan Was the First Pedophile

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2267

    Now we clearly understand ourselves. We know now where we are connected to, what process of life we have come through, and where we are heading. In going this way, what do we carry with us? We carry in our bosoms God’s concern. If our family has been restored, we cannot rest.
    We must know that we still have a tribe centering on the family, a people centering on the tribe, and a nation, world, and humanity centering on a people. As long as we are on the earth, we must go to the ends of the earth to bring many societies to the Father. After that, we must yearn for the day when all humanity can be blessed, and we must strive every day to bring this about. Such people can represent God. (152-192, 1963.5.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1166

    In contrast to the past, where the archangel tempted the woman, Tamar tempted her father-in-law in order to fulfill the heavenly mandate and inherit the ideal of Abraham. She was ready to sacrifice herself even if she was to become fertilizer for the field or even if she was stoned to death. In those days, the Jewish law dictated that if a widow conceived a child, she must be stoned to death, but she was prepared for that. Do you understand what that means? She made an absolute determination, “To maintain the lineage of Judah is my desire, and this is the only way to do it. If you kill me, so be it.” She went forward ready to die. This providential work of Tamar, in which she was prepared to die as an offering, was the amazing providential accomplishment of one woman. (110-35, 1980.11.8)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle


The purpose of creation is for children to be born to a God-centered couple.  The original trinity is God, Adam and Eve.  The restored trinity in spirit is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  The restored trinity in spirit and flesh is God, True Father and True Mother.  See slides 18 and 19 below:


We Must Be Reborn in Spirit and Flesh

The Latest Richard Urban Show:
#132-Satan Was the First Pedophile

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1341

The 72 Couples are like the children, the descendants of the 36 Couples, while the 36 are the central couples as well as the ancestors. Our view is that our ancestors failed to fulfill God’s will because Cain and Abel, the two sons in the first family in history, failed to become one in heart, thus deferring the fulfillment of God’s will. In view of the fact that the foundation of the family, in which the brothers Cain and Abel should have united, was not established, who then are the 72 Couples? Seventy-two is thirty-six twice. Thus, the 72 Couples representing the children of the 36 Couples comprise 36 Abel and 36 Cain couples. They are the representative couples chosen to restore through indemnity that which the historical ancestors failed to accomplish: the complete unity of Abel and Cain. (84-144, 1976.2.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2063

The term tong ban (local community and home neighborhood) breakthrough activities are referring to the fact that there are, on average, 25 tong in each district. In those 25 tong there are 250 ban. Estimating the number to be about three hundred people in a tong and centering on the importance of the seven-day workshop content, teach them the entire seven-day content as you read the Principle over two twenty-day periods equaling forty days. Have them study and take a test and then appoint anyone who scores 50 percent or higher as the head of the tong and ban. This is the first time you’ve heard something like this, right? I’ve already said all this before. If you do this, then your work will be done. When the work is totally completed in South Korea, the spies and agents who have invaded will be exposed and driven out. Then Kim IL-sung will have no choice but to throw up his hands before South Korea. (213-148, 1991.1.16)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle


“Jesus Christ came as the Second Adam and the True Father of humankind to be
united in substance with the True Mother of humankind as the Second Eve.
However, Jesus was unable to be married with a Second Eve in the flesh on Earth
and died on the Cross.” We have to be reborn physically as well as spiritually. See slides 14 to 17 to understand the meaning of Trinity.

Jesus Is A True Man, Not God the Creator

New Richard Urban Show!
#132-Satan Was the First Pedophile

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1213

Why should we attach importance to the law of indemnity when we walk the course of restoration? From the viewpoint of God’s providence, since human beings destroyed everything God created, each person must re-create everything. Since God invested His sincere devotion during the creation, for the sake of re-creation you must also re-create that condition of sincere devotion. While creating the universe, God was not playing around or dancing. He invested His utmost devotion, 100 percent of it, when He was creating. The way of restoration means re-creating; this time is the same as the time when God was creating, and so can you play around while going this path? (96-114, 1978.1.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1272

God wants everyone reborn. From His position, He is trying to bring all of humanity, which is still in the realm of Satan’s false love, to His side through His greater love. Since all humankind was born through the parents, ancestors and lineage of false love, they need to be reborn through the parents, ancestors and lineage of true love. In this way, they can become the children of God and the people of God’s Kingdom. The precious blood of Jesus and the ritual of the Last Supper all symbolize the providence of becoming the children of God through the conversion of the lineage. (135-12, 1985.8.20)
Richard: We all need to go through the ceremony for changing our lineage and the Blessing ceremony.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle


Based mainly on John Chapter 1, some people think that Jesus is God Himself, the Creator, but that is not correct. Jesus is a true human being without sin, but is not God the Creator Himself.
Christians are reborn spiritually. through belief in Jesus and by the Holy Spirit. See slides 10 to 13 below: