Peace Begins With Peaceful Individuals

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1132

When Adam was chased out of Eden, was he expelled before or after having children? We did not see this, but if they had sons and daughters, would God have been able to chase them out? There would have been many more tears. The grandchildren would have clung to God and cried, “Grandfather, grandmother,why are you chasing us out like this?” and held on and screamed…If those four people had just grabbed God’s arms and cried, He would have had to cut them off, wouldn’t He? I do not know about sinful Adam and Eve, but their sinless children would have realized the fact that God could not chase them out. God understood this, so He expelled Adam and Eve before they had children. After He had done this, they married at their own discretion; they stayed together and gave birth to their offspring. When God cast them out, did He instruct them to marry and have sons and daughters or did He not say such a thing? Try to answer that. Anyway, they bore children after they were expelled. (218-230, 1991.8.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1112

Hy did God give human beings a portion of responsibility? As He is omniscient and omnipotent, He endowed humanity with those same qualities of creativity. Moreover, as He is also the Subject of eternal and unchanging love, He could not help but vest in human beings a portion of responsibility so as to allow them to rise to a position representing that Subject of love, God Himself.

This became the prerequisite for God’s blessings,comparable to a key that can lead us into the dominion of love over everything, He had no course other than to bequeath this key to us. However, we must understand that problems arose over the fulfillment of human responsibility and that human beings fell. (20-209, 1968.6.9)


Inner Peace

Peace begins with peaceful individuals. people who attain inner peace radiate peace to others. they possess inner strength, clarity and compassion with which to treat others peacefully, even in the face of hostility. by cultivating what Father Moon calls unity of mind and body, people can become vessels fit to receive God’s abundant love, with which to share with others.
Cultivating inner peace must be the starting-point for all peacemaking efforts in the outer world. no political or economic program can produce a just and equitable peace if the people it seeks to help are full of hatred and violence in their hearts.

Just as a deep lake is clear and still, even so, on hearing the teachings and realizing them, the wise become exceedingly peaceful.
    Dhammapada 82

Men do not mirror themselves in running water—they mirror themselves in still water. Only what is still can still the stillness of other things.
    Chuang Tzu 5
(Taoism) Continue reading “Peace Begins With Peaceful Individuals”

Why Is Fighting Evil?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1333

The 36 Couples are chosen to represent countless good ancestors entrusted with missions in the providence of restoration and, as their resurrected incarnations, have the responsibility to substantially restore on earth all that they had failed to achieve vertically through- out history. You must know that the 36 Couples represent the world’s 3.6. billion people. (40-185, 1971.2.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

The Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church is not simply a wedding through which a man and a woman come together and form a family. Until now, all weddings were solely for the sake of the people getting married. But our wed- ding ceremony is significant and necessary to set a condition to indemnify the past and return joy to God. Therefore, we conduct our ceremonies in a sacred and splendid manner. Divine Principle clearly explains to us that our wedding ceremony alleviates God’s bitter grief that was caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve. It goes beyond the standard of husband and wife, which Jesus was unable to attain. (22-212, 1969.2.4


The Peace of God

Teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon

God is the King of love, the King of peace and happiness and the Core of the ideal. Therefore, when human beings are blocked in their search after such things, there is no other way except through God. (72:11, May 7, 1974)

If people are quarreling and God appears in their midst, they change and want to help each other. (330:267, August 20, 2000) Continue reading “Why Is Fighting Evil?”

God is the Source of Peace

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1130

The Unification Church is setting up the absolute substantial standard that Adam and Jesus failed to establish due to the interference of Satan. The Holy Wedding Ceremony was initiated in 1960 by establishing Father’s family. Thereafter, we had to form the realm of the tribe, going beyond the realm of the family. In order to create the realm of the tribe, we should stand in the position of the apostles who were united into one with Jesus. If Jesus had formed a family after he had established a relationship with his apostles as the subject, then the apostles would in turn have been able to create families of their own. In this way, a new realm of tribe would have been formed within Judaism. (55-147, 1972.5.7

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1466

Life passes by very quickly. After attaining maturity and coming to know the affairs of the world, doing things here and there, you will find yourselves crossing the forty-year mark, and soon after that, the fifty-year mark. A decade will fly by in the twinkling of an eye, and in what will seem like only seconds, you will be sixty years old. Then very soon you will be seventy, but only for a minute before you age again. When you think about it, the saying, “Life is but a fleeting dream,” has never sounded so true. (188-38, 1989.2.16)


The Peace of God

God is the source of peace. When we look around us and see only conflict and war, when we despair of finding peace on earth, we turn to God, the King of peace. When God comes to us, he soothes the anger in our breasts and lets us see our enemy from a different perspective, as a brother or sister. God is love; therefore with God we gain the power to love even our enemy. (see chapter 13: Love Your Enemy) therefore, the key to peace is to live with God, and to manifest God’s love.
Father Moon adds an additional insight: since God’s love dwells especially in the thick relationships of marriage and family, the God-centered, peaceful family is the actual building block of a peaceful society, nation and world.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!
    Luke 2.14
Continue reading “God is the Source of Peace”

I Predicted that Communism Could Not Last Beyond 73 Years

Cheon Seong Gyeong 138

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Adam’s position was like that of the only son – the eternal, only begotten son, not merely the only son after seven generations. Can you imagine how profoundly God’s heart was broken at the death of Adam, who was to establish an everlasting family and accomplish God’s great endeavor of Creation? How would He feel that everything had gone wrong in the way it did? Even after six thousand years, God has not recovered from the shock of Adam and Eve’s Fall. (20-210, 1968.6.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 757

Why was I brought into this world? Why do I have to live? Where am I heading? You should never allow yourself to think that you were born by your own will. You were born into this world, yet you do not know the source and purpose behind your birth. You are ignorant of the motivation and purpose of your being. In other words, we were born in spite of our wishes. We live notwithstanding our wishes, and we die not- withstanding our wishes. Then what is there to be proud of? We have no control over our birth; we are merely custodians in this life, and we cannot avoid the path of death. Thus, any attempt to take pride in ourselves is pitiable. Once born, we are destined to live and destined to die. (7-178, 1959.9.6)

Leadership and Government

Prophets and Messengers

4. A Prophet Is Given True Visions of the Future

Surely the Lord God does nothing,
without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
    Amos 3.7 Continue reading “I Predicted that Communism Could Not Last Beyond 73 Years”

Like the Prophets, I Also Went to Prison

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1130

    My close examination of the original sin and Fall revealed that its cause lies in the adulterous relationship with the archangel that took place in the first human family. According to the Divine Principle, Satan is not a conceptual or imaginary being, but a real spiritual being. He is the ringleader who destroyed God’s ideal of love and changed God’s lineage to the one cen-ered on himself. In chapter eight of the Gospel of John, Jesus states clearly that the father of humankind is the devil.
    The adulterer who deprived God of His ideal of love, which God intended to realize through Adam and Eve, as His external body, is indeed the devil, Satan. This may not sound familiar to you; however, this is the conclusion that I have gained as a result of searching throughout the spirit world in order to investigate the fundamental problems of the universe. That quest was a struggle in which I shed blood and tears. If you pray in earnest, you will also be able to receive an answer about this. (135-12, 1985.8.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 500

What are the contents of the truth? However great anyone may be, they can- not stand in the place of your parents, spouse or children. What is the highest of all truths? Parents, spouses and children. There is nothing higher. Then what is the center of the truth? It is love. From such a principled viewpoint, what is the center of the highest truth? People say that God is the Original Being of truth, goodness, love and life. What does this mean? They all mean the same. The truth cannot be established without love and life. Those who want to become people who can talk about the real truth must have the will and desire for the truth within their lives. Here, desire stands in a reciprocal position to your standard of personality. So what is the nucleus? As the Original Being of life, love and truth, what kind of being is God? He is the Father and simultaneously the Mother of humankind. Parents are the nucleus. (21-183, 1968.11.20)

Leadership and Government

Prophets and Messengers

3. A Prophet Endures Rejection and Persecution

Teachings of True Father  Sun Myung Moon

All prophets are unusual. It takes an unusual person to walk the path of Abel in search of the way of God’s Will. Whenever a prophet appears, he acts in ways that are bizarre and out of the ordinary. All the prophets in the Old Testament and [the saints with prophetic missions] in the New Testament Age were unusual people. That is why they were ridiculed, opposed and persecuted. (89:129, November 1, 1976) Continue reading “Like the Prophets, I Also Went to Prison”