Always Keep Hope Based on the Standard of the Eternal World

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Are the Proclamations of Rev. Sun Myung Moon Valid, or Are They Null and Void?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2000

For a nation to be established there
must be sovereignty, territory, and citi-
zenry. The same is true of the Kingdom
of God. Parents are in the place of sov-
ereignty, true sons and daughters are in
the place of the citizens, and the King-
dom is in the place of the territory. Of
these, none can be left out. That is an
ironclad rule. (35-279, 1970.10.25)

Richard:  This shows that the Kingdom of God, or Cheon Il Guk already exists.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1386

At the time of the 360,000 Couples
Blessing, people in Japan asserted that
we would be unsuccessful in hosting it.
So in conjunction with the Christians
in Korea, they made thorough prepara-
tions to come and kill us off, so to speak,
as soon as we had announced the date
of the ceremony. In this manner, they
made every preparation to wipe us out
of existence with the full support of their

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21

People of faith today must realize likewise that living with hope in the eternal world is much more precious than living with hope of remaining on earth. Christians today very often do not put emphasis on the eternal hope that they should value so highly through their life of faith. We must become the people who know how to take hold of the hope with which we can be connected to the eternal world and be able to sacrifice everything as a result of that hope. Only by doing so can we become the last true victors.

All the past prophets and sages went the path of death, without minding it, not only Jesus. Without regard for the jeers of all other people, they went. They went, not caring about persecution. The reason they walked the path of all kinds of difficulty was that they had the eternal hope that cannot be exchanged for anything else. They did not have a worldly hope; they had ardent hope that gets connected to and came deep into their heart through eternal Heaven. That is why they walked the path of death, the path of persecution, and the path of tribulation without minding.

Therefore, we people of faith today should have a mind that glows with hope. We must not lead a life of faith with a hope that will be realized only after death. We must become people who can make the hope into reality and achieve a triumph after fighting, at the risk of our lives, within the realm of reality. If such a person existed, he or she could be considered a person of faith who truly gained victory, a person not with hope on this earth but a person with eternal hope. Continue reading “Always Keep Hope Based on the Standard of the Eternal World”