We Have Inherited the Lineage of Satan

View my latest blog post on Serious Injuries and Deaths related to the required vaccines in West Virginia:  http://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/richard-s-blog/296-west-virginia-required-vaccines-adverse-reactions-or-death

Cheon Seong Gyeong 595

When you go to that other world
someday, what will you say to God who
has been guiding the work of redemp-
tion and who took great pains to this day
to find one Adam? From the Genesis up
to the present day, God has been seek-
ing His perfect son Adam. You all know
the Principle. This is the weapon that
can save countless people. Until now,
God could not teach humankind and
consequently had to guide the work of
redemption amid ignorance. On earth,
we work on God’s behalf and are doing
greater things than He. The Principle
provides us with a path to enlighten and
assemble a following of hundreds and
thousands of Adams.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1020

The person who is in a public posi-
tion is pitiful. What if, even though he
does his best, he makes a mistake in fol-
lowing God’s will and a thousand years
of merit goes wrong? He lives with such
a serious heart. (46-55, 1971.7.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1454-1455

Section 4. The Era of Registration
and Our Responsibilities
4.1. Registration comes from the
grace of the True Parents
People living in this present age have
inherited the lineage of Satan. For this
reason, they need to repent. It is a dis-
grace, for which they cannot show their
faces before the Great Owner of the uni-
verse. They are shameful children who
cannot call out to God, and instead need
to hide behind rocks lest He sees even
their backsides. They inherited the blood
of the enemy of love. They must crawl on
their stomachs, shed tears with runny
noses, and be able to admit, “I deserve
to be punished,” even at the risk of their
lives. They must find their true selves
and be able to give out a cry of gratitude
from the bottom of their hearts, even if
they face certain death. They are pite-
ous beings who are ignorant of the fact
that they have fallen into a pit of eter-
nal resentment where there is no love.
I came to realize that the fundamental
issues of human life cannot be resolved
without understanding the problems
manifested throughout history, the true
nature of the universe, and the grief
of God. You do not know what trials
I had to go through to find this path,
unknown by anyone. You cannot even
begin to fathom the hardships I went
through in my youth, groping blindly in
the dark in the quest for answers. How-
ever, I was triumphant in the end, built
up an organization that can accomplish
this task, not just in words but in deeds,
and now the worldwide foundation tes-
tifies to it. Now the era has arrived in
which anyone who comes running to
us, holds fast to the banner, and turns
around can enter the Kingdom of God.
(209-292, 1990.11.30) Continue reading “We Have Inherited the Lineage of Satan”

Engraft to the Sweet Persimmon Tree

CSG 2184

In front of God what must you long to
become? First, you must become devot-
ed children. Second, you must become
loyal subjects and patriots. Is there any-
one above loyal subjects and patriots?
Saints are higher. Devoted children in
the family are absolutely loyal to their
parents. Patriots are absolutely loyal to
their nation. Then, what kind of people
are saints? They are people like Jesus,
Buddha and Confucius – people who
assert God’s existence, not people who
assert themselves. They lead God-cen-
tered lives and do not cause any harm,
but instead try to benefit humankind.
Moreover, they are not nationalists, but
rather globalists. (54-214, 1972.3.24)

2 Chronicles 14

Asa had a large army of brave soldiers: Three hundred thousand of them were from the tribe of Judah and were armed with shields and spears; two hundred eighty thousand were from Benjamin and were armed with bows and arrows

Richard:  Although you could look at this verse externally, and say that you should be ready to defend yourself physically, which is good, we have another shield and spear.  That is the Word of God.  Specifically, our shield and spear is to maintain sexual purity before Blessed marriage and fidelity within marriage.  When you do not follow that plan, Satan has a strong condition to invade your life.

Rev Sun Myung Moon Hoon Dok Hae-8/2/04

Kodiak AK  9 pm

In Japan, in Tokyo, I walked down the street in Tokyo.  You don’t know what I experienced as a Korean, as a student.  If they know I am Korean, I will be rejected.  Even by the skinny lady.

There are many women in Japan.  They serve God. His (fight) His saints and sages in SW, having educated them last five years they are so surprised.  So many things happened.  AS a righteous man and never left anything ashamed in Japan.  Father knows that Japan destroyed Korean women.  There is no way that Japan can be saved.  Even China.  It’s like fishing like hook and it’s a bait.  Japan is having a hard time, and China also and Europe also and Soviet Union also, they are having a hard time .  There is no liberation without Father.  We need absolute sex, not free sex.  This is the only way for the solution.

During Father’s student time in Japan and Korea.  Japanese women were a very fearful thing. When Father tried to teach 170,000 women in Korea. They already forgot about their face and their appearance.  Do you understand Japanese sisters?  Do you understand all Japanese members?  Don’t be proud of yourself.  Don’t be proud of your education.  Never proud of yourself.

Things that have earthly value have no value in spirit world.

From now there is a new direction in America.  No other religion can surpass the Unification Church.  You must have that kind of spirit and tradition. Eleven religious groups came this time and had the Sports Festival.  This never happened before in history.  It’s a spiritual Olympics.  That’s Father’s vision, Father’s spirit.  …We are in an emergency time.  Having a fishing tournament here.  What is the name of this fishing tournament?. What is the name of this fishing tournament? Do you know?

Who is the peace King?  That is God.  God is the owner of the fishing tournament.  God is the owner of the hunting tournament….  You cannot just connect horizontally to it. ….

(The Interreligious and International Sports Festival……Is a cultural sports festival.  Not in the history in the past has that kind of world cultural and sports festival taken place.  We have to be grateful that one (representative) of Shintoism participated in the Blessing [and was forgiven 100%].

[You should] be able to bless even the King, even children in the womb.  That way the fallen lineage will disappear.  ..The birth certificate is going to disappear and [that person] will be reborn again.  You have to progress by annihilating sin.  You have to become a sweet persimmon.  You have to engraft to the true olive tree.  You have to become part of the sweet persimmon tree, not bitter persimmon.  After engrafting to the sweet persimmon tree, within 4 years you become part of the [sweet tree]….  Even 8 year old child up to the old grandpa branches north, south, east west, Establish 4 position foundation.  The bitter persimmon tree  [must be]engrafted to the sweet tree.  The bitter persimmon tree has grown for 6000 years but a person who is engrafted can become the sweet persimmon tree within 4 years.

You can engraft bitter tree immediately.  It won’t take a long time.  Even Congressman and senators can be engrafted.  Even within one week, we will be able to Bless them, and Japan will be registered as the kingdom of God.  Then Japan will become the place where the sun never sets.  Gather all the hard working Japanese brothers and sisters and invite them for the workshop.  You have to make a strong decision.


…..Father says to Mrs. McDevitt “How can you go to the bathroom during HDK?  You cannot do like that.(That may have been said somewhat in jest)

How miserable is the history behind you as a representative of Japan.  I will give light to the meaning of Wakarimashda, which means “do you understand”, but also, wakari means “separate”.  Do you understand even daytime and night time?  The settlement of noon.  Changing  utterly hell into the heavenly kingdom. The liberation.  We have to change the fallen lineage.  The fallen lineage has to disappear.  Even the emperor of Japan has to understand this.

….  In the hell Satan will bury you for a 1000 years. Our ancestors… come to bow to True Parents with the mercy of God.

Father asks “How old are you, in the back?” (to one brother who is doing ocean church in San Francisco).  33 years old.  You are 33, but you look more like 50 years old.  How can you look more older?  What kind of business do you do?  I am doing Ocean Church in San Francisco.  You have been treated very bad by Americans.  That’s  why you become very old.  Do your best.”

You have to hurry up.  We have to become the owner of the harvest.  You have to offer the Japanese nation to God.  You are doing, though you will not be able to stand in the SW.  You have to be serious.  I am not talking about the Japanese sword.  Making a serious determination without defeat.

There is no enemy before God.  Remember the atomic bomb. Even we are in the era when the satellite can destroy the enemy.  How can you win with the Japanese sword?

If you study the life behind all of the Samarai’s, the sword fighter, they felt there is nothing to fear under the sun.  It’s a miracle that kind of Japan is assigned by Father as the Eve nation.  So now you come to understand the heart of God.  Only Father knows the heart of God and knows God.  For 44 years Father went through suffering since Father was 40, after the 2nd World War.  If England, France,  & Germany, and the Chrisitan Cultures had accepted Father, then when Father became 40 years old he would have educated all the presidents and national leaders..at the time of the liberation of Korea.  We are now facing almost the same time period as that after WWII when Father could have been accepted.

God Wants Sons and Daughters by Blood

Deuteronomy 34

9Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spiritb of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses.

Richard:  I should spread the word that I know to help other people with the Daily Inspiration, Urban Life Training and Urban Grocery.

Zechariah 11

7So I shepherded the flock marked for slaughter, particularly the oppressed of the flock. Then I took two staffs and called one Favor and the other Union, and I shepherded the flock. 8In one month I got rid of the three shepherds.

Richard:  Humanity has in many ways been like sheep under the opprssive rule of oligarchs and mini-tyrants.  Many people are in debt slavery, having huge college loans and other debts to pay off.  Many are supposed to be happy with “crumbs” given out by the government, while the very foundation of the community, stable, loving families is being destroyed.  It is time to throw off the shackes of the old world and unite with the Good Shepherd, Jesus and with the Second King, Pastor Hyung Jin Moon.  Watch the Kingdom Report:  https://youtu.be/THkmeV4w-QA Continue reading “God Wants Sons and Daughters by Blood”