The Purpose of Self-Sacrifice Ought to be to Liberate God

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#105-Strengthening Families and Communities Forum: Michael Marshall

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What do you think is the cause of human existence? The cause of human existence is love. Then where do you think the purpose of human existence lies? The purpose of human existence lies in completing the ideal of love. Human beings came into being through love, and so their purpose is to perfect love by forming a foundation of love and expanding and connecting it. In other words, since the beginning is love, the purpose has to be reached through love as well. For this, a man and a woman in partnership must become one in love and connect front and back, left and right, and above and below. (Blessed Family -1062)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1578

God lost His house of the Sabbath. Therefore, the ideal family raised in the fallen world would restore His house of the Sabbath. Then, centering on what would this house be built? It would be built centering on true love, true parents, true children and true family. The family is the center. Centering on the family you need to form a tribe, and on that basis become tribal messiahs for that tribe. The family gives rise to familylevel messiahs, tribal messiahs, national messiahs for the nations and the global messiah. The global messiah is also the King of kings. From there the Kingdom of Heaven is established. God should be able to reside wherever He goes, from within the individual to any place in the world and even in the spirit world. That is to say, if He chose to dwell within a family, the individuals in that family, husband and wife, and sons and daughters would all be happy to serve Him. (286-114, 1997.8.9)


2. Taking up the Cross—Sacrifice unto Death

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Jesus sacrificed himself in order to make the people worthy of receiving God’s love, that the world might be lovable to God. Even in death, he remained completely faithful to his mission. If a religion arises that inspires its believers to voluntarily walk the path of death that Jesus walked, that religion will build the final foundation to defeat Satan’s realm and save the world. Jesus willingly bore the cross to his death, out of love for the world. A worldwide religion that is willing to walk the same path of sacrifice will become God’s hope and Jesus’ hope. (124:299, March 1, 1983)

     A complaining person cannot go this way;
     a person who makes excuses cannot go this way;
     a person who puffs himself up will retreat from this way.
     It is the way of the cross that Jesus trod, shedding blood;
     the prolongation of Golgotha. (6:125, April 12, 1959) Continue reading “The Purpose of Self-Sacrifice Ought to be to Liberate God”

True Parents Symbolize the Hope of All People

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #81. What is the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in the current world situation?:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 341

What kind of people are True Parents? True Parents symbolize the hope of all people. They symbolize the absolute hope before fallen humankind. They are the fruit of history, center of the age, and the starting point for the future where human beings can be connected to this world where they are living today. (35-236, 1970.10.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1200

The reason I created a newspaper company was to call together minorities. The countries where Native American peoples live are the countries of Rev. Moon’s cousins. Asia is the elder brother. The younger brother separated from there and came onto the American continent. This has to be indemnified. Unlike the ways of the Anglo-Sax-on people in America, Rev. Moon must restore this through indemnity, without shedding blood. Both the CIA and FBI say, “Rev. Moon, that’s causing us trouble!” No matter how alarming it may be, it is God’s will. God makes things happen that way. I make relationships with people through the will of God. People of all races are brothers and sisters. God doesn’t see colors. He is color blind.


2. People of Integrity Fulfill Their Duty


Those who believe, and keep their duty, theirs are good tidings in the life of the world and in the Hereafter.
    Qur’an 10.63-64
All a gentleman can do in starting an enterprise is to leave behind a tradition which can be carried on. Heaven alone can grant success.
    Mencius I.B.14 (Confucianism)
The moral man conforms himself to his life circumstances; he does not desire anything outside his position. Finding himself in a position of wealth and honor, he lives as becomes one living in a position of wealth and honor. Finding himself in a position of poverty and humble circumstances, he lives as becomes one living in a position of poverty and humble circumstances. Finding himself in uncivilized countries, he lives as becomes one living in uncivilized countries. Finding himself in circumstances of danger and difficulty, he acts according to what is required of a man under such circumstances. In one word, the moral man can find himself in no situation in life in which he is not master of himself.
    In high position he does not domineer over his subordinates. In a subordinate position he does not court the favors of his superiors. He puts in order his own personal conduct and seeks nothing from others; hence he has no complaint to make. He complains not against God, nor rails against men.
    Thus it is that the moral man lives out the even tenor of his life, calmly waiting for the appointment of God, whereas the vulgar person takes to dangerous courses, expecting the uncertain chances of luck.
    Doctrine of the Mean 14 (Confucianism)
He who does not fulfill his duty is not respected by honest men. It is how he acts that reveals the nobility or baseness of a man and distinguishes the honest or the dishonest person; otherwise the ignoble would resemble the noble, and he who is devoid of honor would resemble a man of integrity; he who is unworthy would be deemed worthy and he who is depraved would be considered to be a man of virtue. If, under the pretext of duty, I adopt this unrighteous course, calculated to produce the confusion of social roles, and do acts not recognized by the scriptures, I should, renouncing good, have to reap evil only! What sensible man, able to discern what is just and unjust, would respect me in this world, if I behaved viciously and dishonorably?… Why should I, Rama, not fulfill the command of my father, who was a devotee of truth? Neither ambition, forgetfulness, nor pride would cause me to destroy the bridge of morality!
    Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda 109 (Hinduism)
Tzu-kao, Duke of She, who was being sent on a mission to Ch’i, consulted Confucius. “The king is sending me on a very important mission. Ch’i will probably treat me with great honor but will be in no hurry to do anything more. Even a commoner cannot be forced to act, much less one of the feudal lords. I am very worried about it…”
     Confucius said, “In the world, there are two great decrees: one is fate and the other is duty. That a son should love his parent is fate—you cannot erase this from his heart. That a subject should serve his ruler is duty—there is no place he can go and be without his ruler, no place he can escape to between heaven and earth. These are called the great decrees. Therefore, to serve your parents and be content to follow them anywhere—this is the perfection of filial piety. To serve your ruler and be content to do anything for him—this is the peak of loyalty. And to serve your own mind so that sadness or joy do not sway or move it; to understand what you can do nothing about and be content with it as with fate—this is the perfection of virtue. As a subject and a son, you are bound to find things you cannot avoid. If you act in accordance with the state of affairs and forget about yourself, then what leisure will you have to love life and hate death?…
    “Just go along with things and let your mind move freely. Resign yourself to what cannot be avoided and nourish what is within you—this is best. What more do you have to do to fulfill your mission? Nothing is as good as following orders—that is how difficult it is!”
    Chuang Tzu 4 (Taoism)

The Time of Pastors Will Pass by and the Time of Elders Will Come

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In fact, throughout my life I have
developed a movement for ‘One World
Under God’ transcending race, ideolo-
gy, and nationality in accordance with
His providence. This is a principle of
providential history and not a theory
that I specially devised. Being enlight-
ened regarding God’s will, in order for
me to not only teach His plan as a the-
ory but also to implement it, there is no
part of the five oceans and six continents
that my activities have not outwardly
Through the foundation of multifar-
ious missionary and business activities
in Alaska, Antarctica, the countries of
the former Soviet Union, the 33 nations
of Latin America, and throughout Asia
and Africa, we are making preparations
to solve problems that humanity will
face over the coming millennium, such
as environmental pollution and fam-
ine. In recent years, I have worked in the
Pantanal and Amazon regions of Brazil
to lay a substantial foundation to protect
the Earth’s environment. On the other
hand as regards the internal aspects, I
have worked through the International
Holy Blessings and the True Family Val-
ues Ministry. Some 430 million couples
around the world have participated in
these marriage blessings, adding further
impetus to the building of God’s long-
awaited kingdom on earth based on ide-
al families.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1669

So far the Greenwich Observatory
has discovered stars that are ten billion
light years away from our world, and
the era has now dawned in which stars
even fifteen billion light years away can
be observed, and we will soon be able to
discover others even further away.

Richard:  I love astronomy.  When I was in 7th grade I built a six inch reflecting telescope as my science project.  I still have the mirror and the main telescope tube.  I am going to resurrect my telescope and my hobby of astronomy this year!

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959
Matthew 7:1-20

You cannot remove all the dark clouds in your hearts and arouse a liberation movement of the spirit to change lives with the established religions. No logic or philosophical system can change a person’s heart. These methods will not work even if thousands of years go by.

When humankind declared the omnipotence of science, they believed that it could create world peace. That turned out to be wrong. They thought that through religions and God’s chosen people, humankind could be saved. This turned out to be wrong. No certain answer can be given here.

The one thing that is needed in this situation is the image of the Christ, who quietly prayed for the blessing of humankind even as he was crucified. We need this image. Even in the place where he transcended death and abandoned all attachment to life and personal hopes, Jesus still left behind hope for his enemies. Since Jesus said that he would come as he left and that he was the Alpha and the Omega, in the last age of Christianity, a bride should appear who resembles Jesus. You should know that this is such a place.

Such people may arise within world Christianity today. However, with a little mistake they may repeat the course of the first Israel. Their error is almost unavoidable. That is why today’s Christians should be awake. They should stay awake and pray with Jesus in Gethsemane. They should be crucified with Jesus. Since the heavenly tragedy engraved in the heart was caused by the death of Jesus, we should be able to long for the one who can console Heaven with the heavenly heart, “Since I will go even if I should die with him, accept me and resolve the burning vengeance in Your heart.” Continue reading “The Time of Pastors Will Pass by and the Time of Elders Will Come”