God’s Love Never Fails

2 Samuel 23

 These are the last words
    of David the son of Jesse.
The God of Jacob chose David
    and made him a great king.
The Mighty God of Israel
    loved him.[a]
When God told him to speak,
    David said:
The Spirit of the Lord
    has told me what to say.
Our Mighty Rock,[b]
    the God of Jacob, told me,
“A ruler who obeys God
    and does right
is like the sunrise
    on a cloudless day,
or like rain that sparkles
    on the grass.”[c]

I have ruled this way,
and God will never break
    his promise to me.
God’s promise is complete
    and unchanging;
he will always help me
    and give me what I hope for.
But evil people are pulled up
    like thornbushes.
They are not dug up by hand,
but with a sharp spear
    and are burned on the spot.

Psalm 136

12 God used his great strength
and his powerful arm.
    God’s love never fails.
13 He split the Red Sea[b] apart.
    God’s love never fails.

14 The Lord brought Israel safely
through the sea.
    God’s love never fails.
15 He destroyed the Egyptian king
and his army there.
    God’s love never fails.
16 The Lord led his people
through the desert.
    God’s love never fails.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24


Humanity does not yet realize that endless sorrow is rooted in Heaven. We did not know that the history of Heaven has been an eternally painful one, although we have followed and believed in You.

Father, although You have given us words that are difficult to bear and have longed to find worthy people, I feel truly unworthy that You have foretold to us the moment of hope that never came about before. As inadequate people, we cannot help feeling ashamed in bowing our minds and bodies before Heaven and calling on You.

We thought that the path You called us to follow would be a path of joy; yet we realize that it is a path of endless tears, a sad, lonely, difficult road that calls for us to vindicate Heaven and earth. We cannot help experiencing this path through our flesh, which allows those who want to give up their lives to win, but not those who want to live.

Father, please have pity on Your lonely sons and daughters here. Does the heavenly ideology live within their minds? Please allow them to realize that this is not self-centered, but is a historical ideology. Are their hearts moved by that ideology? Please let them know that such a heart does not cease with their generation.

Now that they have received and felt all the blessings there are, please let them understand that the Kingdom of Heaven is not realized or lived in by self-centered individuals. Because You are the beginning of this task, Father, I sincerely pray that we may become people who will be willing to offer everything for You. Continue reading “God’s Love Never Fails”