Human Beings Are Meant to Revolve Around God

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Death denotes a second birth at the end of our physical life. The place where we have that second birth – the place where we go after death – is the spirit world. We enter that world and receive from God, who is the third Parent, a supply of true love, which represents the entire universe. The spirit world is a world where we breathe love and live in love. Therefore, if you fail to develop a character of complete true love, your path to travel freely will be restricted, and you will not be able to pass through all four directions. Even if you happen to pass through a gate, you will not be able to go any further. If you want to be qualified to live in rhythm with the four seasons regardless of time and place, you must develop a character of loving completely during your earthly life. (298-311, 1999.1.17)

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All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 3. The Essence of Life

3.1. Spirit is the essence of life

    Where there is a nucleus, there must be a reciprocally related being to revolve around it. As electrons revolve around protons, human beings are meant to revolve around God. Continue reading “Human Beings Are Meant to Revolve Around God”

Which Came First, Life or Love?
Singles, Find your eternal match.
Parents, work with your adult child to help them find their eternal spouse.

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2093

When you love people, you must start with the most pitiable person, love the most pitiable child, and move up to middle-aged people. There are many conscientious people among those who do not have a high worldly standard of living. The families of the Unification Church should love those who live under the poorest living circumstances. Although those who live under poor circumstances are in the devil’s world, people who can inherit God’s fate will emerge from their ranks. (175-31, 1988.4.6)

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Unification Church members are not without value. We are not a simple group that believes we can go to heaven just by going to a Sunday service with the Bible under our arm or by giving a few pennies in donations. That is for simple folk. That is not for people as intense as us. Once we believe in something, we do it till the end. Placing our life on the line, even if our spouse grabs us to prevent us from following, we are so intense. We follow the path of faith, even if there at the risk of it leading to divorce. (121-70, 1982.10.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 4

Our Course of Life Centered on Love

Section 1. Why are Human Beings Born?

    If we ask ourselves whether life or love is first, we can claim each to be first. But which do you think really comes first? It is love that comes first. Relating this to the core of the universe, in order for something to have value, there must be an original flow of love. (143-277, 1986.3.20) Continue reading “Which Came First, Life or Love?”

The Key Is to Understand God and His Will

    We know that we have reached the point where it is futile to hope to establish a peaceful or unified world, in the true meaning of the term, through human power, wisdom, culture, or any other human qualities. Bearing this in mind, what is the central problem we are faced with in resolving the issue of world culture? Before anything else, we need to clarify the question of whether God exists or not.
    On the day when all people are aware of the fact that God does indeed exist, they will subsequently come to understand clearly where His will is heading. Once this is the reality, the world in which they live will become the ideal world of oneness and peace. (56-131, 1972.5.14)

    The Unification Church is different from other churches. It teaches us to love our brothers and sisters as we would love our mother and father, and to love our tribe, race, and nation as we would our brothers and sisters. We should be ready to leave our mother and father, if need be, to love our nation. Furthermore, we should be prepared to forsake our nation to love the world. Moreover, we should be willing to renounce the world in order to love God. This is the mainstream ideology of the Unification Church: to seek the path of love that sacrifices what is small and near to us for what is big and far away. (100-80, 1978.10.8)

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    Let’s consider pine trees. As we move from the Polar regions to the temperate zone, trees become different. They vary according to their environment, starting points and history. Let’s think about bears. The bears at the North Pole are white to protect themselves in an environment that is white. The white race is like the white bears at the North Pole whereas the black race is like the black bears in the temperate zone. That is the only difference. Would bears discriminate against each other by reason of the color of their fur? (Blessed Family – 847)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.9. The religious founders and True Parents

    Essentially, what have we been trying to do during the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament Ages? We have been trying to bring God inside us. Continue reading “The Key Is to Understand God and His Will”

God Who Gave Us Life Gave Us Liberty

VOTE  today, Tuesday, November 8, 2022!
Polls are open in WV 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
District 100 Sample Ballot (Shannondale and vicinity)
Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1759

Why is the male part convex? Women too have a protruding part. They look like a broken mountain range. That is how the very best place should be like. That is where the term “Blue dragon on the left and white tiger on the right,” meaning the very best site situ- ated between two mountains on the east and the west, comes from. As such, the sexual organs of love need to be perpendicular and connected to parental love through the line of love. (180-303, 1988.8.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1456

There can be only one conclusion of all human values. What is at the core of that conclusion? It is true love. If you were asked what true love is, you would not be able to define it. The ideological view of the Unification Church is to create one world based on love. It dictates clearly and in concrete terms how an individual, a family, and a tribe should live. That set of laws is not just some conception of Rev. Moon. It reflects the laws of heaven. Otherwise, we would not be able to register in the next world. (147-194, 1986.9.21)

Richard: Heree True Father, Rev. Moon, makes a really good point. It is not about some religious doctrine. It is about God and His Will. It does not really matter what you think about Rev. Moon, in the sense that we need to understand God’s Will. If what Rev. Moon expresses is God’s Will, we need to pay attention, understand and follow that way.


The Moral Foundation of Society

3. The Foundation of God and Religion

Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
    Psalm 127.1

Every assembly which is for the sake of Heaven will in the end be established, and every assembly which is not for the sake of Heaven will in the end not be established.
    Mishnah, Avot 4.14 (Judaism) Continue reading “God Who Gave Us Life Gave Us Liberty”