Join us for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)
Featuring Andy Wells; No Left Turn in Education, Live-In Person
Kelly Kohls; National School Boards Leadership Council, Live-In Person
Jamal Johnson, Richard Urban, Live-In Person
Registration Deadline is August 23rd.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 2227
With the heart of proclaiming the fact that the path of the cross God trod for His children has been miserable, you must stand in the position in which you are able to say, “Father, please don’t suffer anymore. Father, please don’t worry about me anymore!” Don’t you think this is the face of the filial child who can stand before God, our Parent, who has been agonizing sorrowfully until now? When I think of it this way, I realize the fact that we, today, have been too brazen and arrogant before God. (31-35, 1970.4.12)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1062
Why do you have to fulfill the responsibility of tribal messiah? The first reason is that you must save your parents. Your parents are in the position of the first Adam, and you are in the position of the second Adam. You must complete the mission of Adam by restoring and re-creating your parents. The second reason is that you need a hometown. By completing the responsibility of tribal messiah, you will be able to have your own hometown.
Ultimately, the reason for fulfilling your portion of responsibility as a tribal messiah is the perfection of Adam’s family. In real terms, you have to educate your tribe. (244-211, 1993.2.7)
Separation from the World
- Not Conforming to the Ways of the World
Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
If you still carry relationships with the self-centered, fallen world, you cannot walk the way of God’s purpose and Will. (21:102, November 17, 1968)
The secular world covets wealth, knowledge and power as the most important things. However, these three things cannot connect you to God. What connects you to God? True love. (270:308, July 23, 1995)
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