Become God’s Grandchildren

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1731

Adam and Eve came into being from the invisible dual characteristics of God. Those two characteristics, which are invisible, together make up the one being. They are harmonized based on true love. In this state, God stands in the masculine position, and created His son and daughter to be in the objective position to His dual characteristics. Thus, when they grew up and became husband and wife centering on love, God on high could come down to where they were. He would stand as the invisible Parent and they as the visible parents, were to be united through true love. (222-317, 1991.11.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1360

I held a joint wedding for Unification Church members. At the time of the ceremony, people from all over the world flocked to Korea. There is no one who could accomplish such a task in the whole world apart from Rev. Moon. If awards were given to those who performed the greatest number of weddings, I would definitely receive first prize for bringing together 777 Couples from ten nations across the world. When you consider these facts, you cannot help but be astounded. (41-43, 1971.2.12)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family (continued)

You should understand that the position of the second creators was promised, but God was not able to see the third creators, His grandchildren. Therefore, you should also understand that it is you who should become God’s grandchildren. Grandchildren should recapture all of the past history of the first invisible God and the second visible God, and make them feel the love of two worlds through which they can rejoice. It is the grandchildren who stand in that position. It is not God, nor is it Adam or Eve.
    That is why even God reveres his own sons and daughters, why he even reveres his grandchildren. Adam too, then, should also revere his children. He must make sure not to neglect his children or fail in raising them in the right way. For this reason, if one of the children in the Blessed Families happens to fall, the result is the corruption of the entire family, the family fall. You should understand that it carries this kind of devastating result.
   You should perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Your grandfather represents God. Because your father stands at the center of the second generation, he stands in the position of the king of your family in this world. You should, therefore, attend your parents as if they were a king and a queen. Likewise, you should attend your grandparents as if they were God. So by receiving these two loves, by receiving the two loves of your father and mother who represent God, you, in the place of the grandchild, start to expand the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven. The love spills over and forms Heaven in this way. (264-195, 1994.10.9) p. 2446

The perfection of the Four Great Realms of Heart can only be obtained through oneness between husband and wife based on love in marriage. If this oneness is broken, the result is the imperfection of the children’s realm of heart, the siblings’ realm of heart, the husband and wife’s realm of heart and the parents’ realm of heart; all of these will be left incomplete. Before going to the spirit world, we have to perfect these Four Great Realms of Heart, but because of the Fall, these realms of heart have never been completed. That is the reason why we need restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11) p. 2447

Core Concept 46:  The Three Great Kingships are the kingships of grandparents, parents and children.  Love has to unfold through these three stages.


3.2. The Three Great Kingships
3.2.1. The Three Great Kingships are the basic framework of the ideal of creation

What is the position and significance of grandfathers and grandmothers? They are the ambassadors dispatched by the heavenly kingdom with full and complete authority. That is why you should attend your grandfather and grandmother in the same way as you attend God. Your mother and father are the king and the queen of the present human family of five billion people. You yourselves are princes and princesses who will inherit the kingship of the future. This is the tradition of which you are a part.
    So then for what purpose do human beings live? The purpose of human life is to inherit each and every kinship realm of the heavenly kingdom: the kingship of the past, the kingship of the present and the kingship of the future. Isn’t that true? Doesn’t everyone want to be a king or a queen? Based on this kind of thinking as the mainstream thought of life, we become a people who form reciprocal bonds of heart as brothers and sisters, and create that brotherly realm of the heart. Centering on the lineage passed down through the eldest son’s line, this foundation of heart will be passed on into the eternal future for a thousand, for ten thousand generations, as the lineage of the royal family. (228-282, 1992.7.5) pp. 2449-2550

3.2.2. Restoration of the right of the first son, the right of the parent and the right of kingship

What are these Three Great Kingships? The grandparents are the king and queen of the Kingdom of Heaven, the parents are the king and queen here on earth, and you yourselves are the kings and queens of the future. For this reason, you should humbly follow the teachings and instructions of your grandparents, who represent the spirit world, and also the teachings and instructions of your parents. Because it is even more important for you to walk the path of patriots even more than it is for you to walk the way of filial children, you must obey humbly and absolutely. The grandchildren, the children of Adam and Eve, were to receive love both from their parents and also from God, the grandparent. Adam and Eve only experienced the parental love of God; they were unable to receive the love of a grandparent. On the other hand, Adam’s children were meant to receive the love of grandparents, and this is how the three generations were intended to be formed. Only once the grandparents’ love is received does horizontal expansion begin. The love needs to unfold through three stages. This, then, is a model. It is the four-position-foundation. These three generations must be connected, and for this reason, when grandchildren receive their grandparents’ love, they are connected to the kingdom of spirit while they are still alive on the earth. They become the successors of the royalty of the kingdom of spirit, the heavenly kingdom, likewise, the successors of the royalty of the earth. (283-79, 1997.4.8) pp. 2455-2456

The political system of the democratic world is a system of conflict and struggle. This is the reason why we have to rise to up to the position of parents. It’s the only way we can stop the fighting. With the parents at the center, all the brothers become united. That’s the only way. First, we need to find the True Parents, and then it becomes possible to find true children, true nations and true peace. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1) p. 2457

We Marry to Resemble God

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#111-Jamal Johnson; Having Sex Outside of Marriage Is Bad for Society

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages signifies that the historical course of vertical indemnity and the course of horizontal indemnity that went through the stages of individual, family, people, nation, and the world. That is the vertical and horizontal courses consisting of eight stages are completed. Due to this, the right of eldest son has been restored, and the course of indemnity for all humanity is abolished. That is what I have done by holding this ceremony. The right of the eldest son is restored; the Parents are embracing all humankind. Thus, an end is brought to the history of war and struggle that was necessary in order for the right of the eldest son to be restored in the realm of parental love. The time has come when indemnity is not needed and we can reach harmony in love. In order to achieve this, I had to hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages. By holding this ceremony, the Parents forgave both the elder and the younger son, so that next we can enter the age of the realm of forgiveness for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2761

Where are we ultimately destined to go? We will go to the spirit world. What does that mean? Usually it is taken to mean the world after death, but this is not accurate. Why should it not be regarded as the world after death? It is because the spirit world is directly related with love. Since that world is related with love, it is not actually the world after death. The spirit world begins based on true love. Thus, when we stand within the realm of true love, that very place is the spirit world. The spiritual and physical worlds – these two worlds – become one in love. That’s why love is so magnificent. (144-199, 1986.4.24)



Conjugal Love

4. Marriage Is a Sacred Partnership, Aligning Two Human Beings with the Divine Image

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We can solve the fundamental problems of family life by strengthening marriage. Although some religious people regard marriage as sinful, we proclaim it the holiest of states.
    God instituted marriage as the only proper way for a man and a woman to love each other. Furthermore, when a man and a woman become one in marriage, whom do they come to resemble? They resemble God. Indeed, it is only when a man and woman unite in matrimony that they can fully resemble God, who created us in His image male and female. Only then can God dwell with us. (70:76, February 8, 1974)

If you only love as a single person, and do not embark on the path of loving as a husband and wife, your life will end in ruin. Love among single people inevitably breaks apart. It is a lifestyle that damages society and even the world. (111:257, February 22, 1981)

Commonly people think that love is what a man and a woman enjoy together. Yet that kind of love has no root in the past or outlook toward the future; it is merely a phenomenon with no direction. It is selfish love. Selfish love cannot be the source of peace, the basis of unity or the basis for freedom. How can there be peace, unity or freedom where people love each other one day and separate the next? There is no happiness there, only regret; no freedom there, only more obstacles; no unity there, only loneliness. That kind of love leads only to destruction.
    I want you to understand that Satan employs such love as a weapon to destroy the ideals of human life. Using this kind of love as a weapon, Satan is robbing us of true freedom, true peace and true unity. From this perspective, the satanic expression of love is truly God’s adversary. It is a most dreadful sin, a most hated enemy. (104:141, April 29, 1979)

Why do we marry? It is to resemble God. God is the harmonious being of dual characteristics. Man and woman are the divided manifestations of God’s dual characteristics. They have to unite as one body, becoming like a seed, in order to enter God’s original dwelling place.
    To yield good seed, you have to go the way of love. This means that you must be born in love, set love as your goal while growing, make love your aim in life, and walk the path of love. Then you will return to love. (138:99, January 19, 1986)

Why do you have to marry? It is because God exists with dual characteristics. A man and a woman each reflect one of these aspects of divinity. Therefore, they must come together and unite to manifest the fullness of God’s image. That is why marriage is the essential condition for your complete growth in the ideal of human love.