It Is an Amazing Thing that You Were Alive at the Same Time as True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1554

    What will be the final difficult challenge that we will be faced with in this world? It will be the separation of the Oriental and Western cultures. The issue at hand, therefore, is how we can unite East and West. Human efforts alone would not be enough to achieve this. In uniting the left and right wings, the endeavors of one side, whether left or right, would not suffice. Instead, the head wing must emerge at this point, which is why we are talking about the emergence of head-wing thought. Humanism and materialism, which assert human beings to be the greatest of all beings, would be of no use here. They would not be adequate at all. We need to revert to the path based on God’s will and centered upon His original heart. The question is how we can present these issues to the world and connect the cultural backgrounds of the East and West, which are presently alienated from each other. Though the American people opposed me, we have reached the stage where they have no choice but to follow me. The same can also be said of the Western world. (168- 112, 1987.9.13)

    True peace for humanity cannot be attained by the right wing or left wing alone. The reason for this is that the fundamental motives of both right and left are not free from egoism. If people are self-centered and nationalistic, there will be everlasting conflicts of interest, and unity and peace could not possibly be found there. (164-194, 1987.5.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 759

We live in this world, yet we know that this is not all there is and that the spirit world exists. The physical and spirit worlds are not separate but are connected as one. Then, where is the place to which we are destined to go and ultimately settle down? We are now living in the flesh on this earth, but are moving towards the eternal world. We pass through our teenage years, our twenties, thirties, and after we have outgrown our youth, we enter the prime of our life, then gradually pass the peak, and eventually reach old age. Like the setting sun, our life comes to an end in this way. (140-121, 1986.2.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 2. The Value of Working with True Parents while They are on Earth

    What is the current situation? You are living in the same age as True Parents. You only get this chance once in a lifetime. Among the many currents of history, it is a period that can be compared with the tastiest part of a fish. (46-167, 1971.8.13) Continue reading “It Is an Amazing Thing that You Were Alive at the Same Time as True Parents”