Love Jesus More than Anyone Else

Joshua 1

16 The men answered:

We’ll cross the Jordan River and help our relatives. We’ll fight anywhere you send us. 17-18 If the Lord our God will help you as he helped Moses, and if you are strong and brave, we will obey you as we obeyed Moses. We’ll even put to death anyone who rebels against you or refuses to obey you.

Isaiah 16

13 The Lord has already said all of this about Moab. 14 Now he says, “The contract of a hired worker is good for three years, but Moab’s glory and greatness won’t last any longer than that. Only a few of its people will survive, and they will be left helpless.”

Let Us Become Survivors

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 1958

Who can fulfill this earnest request Jesus left behind? The person who fulfills this word can escape judgment in the last days and meet Jesus. Have you ever loved Jesus in your lifetime? Can you say that the intensity of that love was greater than your love for your parents, your spouse or someone else in the world? You must re-think this point. The sincere desire of Jesus in Heaven is that someone will appear who can love him more than they love anyone else. If there is such a person on this earth, that person probably knows and deeply cares for God’s ideology of the creation, God’s 6,000 years of labor, and Jesus’ painful heart. Continue reading “Love Jesus More than Anyone Else”

Understand the Heart of Jesus

Happy New Year!

Deuteronomy 28

I told you never to go back to Egypt. But now the Lord himself will load you on ships and send you back. Then you will even try to sell yourselves as slaves, but no one will be interested.

1 Kings 22

45Everything else Jehoshaphat did while he was king, including his brave deeds and military victories, is written in The History of the Kings of Judah.

Richard:  I will start writing my autobiography this year.

1 Peter 2:1-10

The Forsaken Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 22, 1958

Since Jesus was driven out as a traitor, God’s will and the hope that the chosen people had cherished could not connect. God could not form relations with them. Consequently, since the gap between Heaven and the people could not be made up, Jesus could not help worrying again about the eternal connection of the past history of the nation to the present and the future. Because no one knew Jesus, that is, because no one could attend him as the Savior of the nation and the Messiah, among all things of the world of creation and all humankind, no one could form a direct relationship in any way with God. Continue reading “Understand the Heart of Jesus”

Act for the Good of the Nation and World

CSG 565

You should think that you might
possibly die soon, perhaps within a year.
Therefore, you should make all prepara-
tions during this short time. You should
live with such thoughts. The shorter
the time you think you have, the hap-
pier you will be, and the less you have
to lose. Your sincere preparations dur-
ing this time become the building blocks
of your home for your eternal life. Have
you ever loved God with such a short
time in mind? You want to become one
with Him and love Him, but you can
not. God says to you, “Love Me!” If you
die after having lived this way, then you
will become the master of eternal life.

John 6

22 The people who had stayed on the east side of the lake knew that only one boat had been there. They also knew that Jesus had not left in it with his disciples. But the next day 23 some boats from Tiberias sailed near the place where the crowd had eaten the bread for which the Lord had given thanks. 24 They saw that Jesus and his disciples had left. Then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. 25 They found him on the west side of the lake and asked, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”

26 Jesus answered, “I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles,[g] but because you ate all the food you wanted. 27 Don’t work for food that spoils. Work for food that gives eternal life. The Son of Man will give you this food, because God the Father has given him the right to do so.”

28 “What exactly does God want us to do?” the people asked.

29 Jesus answered, “God wants you to have faith in the one he sent.”

At a Field Service

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 1958

Matthew 17: 1-18

Jesus did not enjoy himself at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration. It must have been a tragic scene. You today should not perceive this fact centering on yourselves.

Seeing the figure of Jesus shine with luminescence, at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration Peter suggested that Jesus stay there forever, saying, “Master, it is well that we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah. (Luke 9:33) Although the three disciples tried to enjoy themselves in the environment, Jesus’ heart was not like that. Although the environment that appeared at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration was a good one, Jesus’ heart in that environment was pierced with the internal historical sorrow and the grief of the future. However, the three disciples were not far-sighted enough to know that the heart of Jesus was overcome with this kind of grief. Continue reading “Act for the Good of the Nation and World”

The Piercing, Agonizing Heart of Jesus

Just two days until the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free!  What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:

CSG 2192

A wife who sacrifices her life for her
husband is called a virtuous woman.
A filial child sacrifices his life for his
parents. A patriot sacrifices his life for
his country. However, from the heaven-
ly standard, loyalty and filial piety are
fulfilled when you offer your eternal
life. Our bodies die, but the standard
of a heavenly virtuous woman is only
established when she offers her eternal
life to God, to her husband, and to her
parents. You have to devote your entire
lives to God.
That is why the Bible teaches us to
love God with all our heart, with all our
soul and with all our mind. So what is
the standard of “all”? You have to be
better than all other patriots, all oth-
er filial children, and all other virtuous
women in the world. If not, then God’s
dignity cannot be established. Even in
the satanic world, there have been many
patriots and virtuous women until now.
Yet God’s dignity cannot be established
if the standard for being a patriot and
a virtuous woman is the same as in the
satanic world. (9-108, 1960.4.24)

CSG 1173

What began with Jacob, the pioneer
of the victorious realm of Israel, and con-
tinued through the history of Christian
culture, created a foundation that took
4,000 years to build; yet it ended in fail-
ure. As I had to restore this all within my
lifetime, and since I could not spend 400
years on it I had to reverse and restore
everything through indemnity within
40 years, no matter how much humilia-
tion I had to endure. That was the forty-
year wilderness course. (149-59, 1986.11.2)

Richard:  This refers tot he course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Let Us Understand the Heart of the Resurrected Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 17, 1958

What then must you do? You must at least possess the apologetic and awe-stricken heart of Peter after the resurrection of Jesus. You must try to take after the heart of Mary Magdalene, who was groping and struggling to find him. However, until the moment Jesus shouldered the cross, he did not have even one such friend or comrade. Continue reading “The Piercing, Agonizing Heart of Jesus”

Understand Jesus’ Grieving Heart

Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free!  What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:

CSG 1634

The Divine Principle explanation
set forth by the Unification Church,
that God is the Subject who has harmo-
nized dual characteristics, runs along
the same lines as the undeniable truth
drawn from results of scientific analysis.
When subject and object partners are
completely united, God’s power will be
with them eternally. Power cannot exist
where there is no subject or object. Then
how does God exist? He can exist eter-
nally because within Him is the power
that comes from a perpetual giving and
receiving relationship between subject
and object partners. (39-166, 1971.1.10)

CSG 2083

What are we to do, living in a divided
nation, with North and South bordering
each other along the thirty-eighth paral-
lel? The question is how will we go about
resolving this issue? That is, we must
suffer more than both the North and
South Korean people. Through hard-
ships, our patriotism will be solidified
to encompass the nation and become
the shortcut to save Korea. This is the
solution. It is the same for the unifica-
tion of the world of evil and the world of
good. Loyal patriots who are more faith-
ful than the loyal patriots of the world
of evil must emerge. This broken history
can be restored with the appearance of a
person who can demonstrate a stronger
allegiance to the world than that held by
our loyal ancestors. That’s how I see it.
(61-125, 1972.8.13)

Let Us Become Someone Who Can Hold Jesus’ Body and Mourn

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 13, 1958

What kind of person was Jesus? When we behold him, his were the eyes that observed the sung sang of God, who had passed through 4,000 years of history since the creation. His eyes watched over the many spirits who were in hell because of the mistakes of humankind. His were the eyes that looked with a sense of responsibility to alleviate the bitter grief of the spirits in heaven. Moreover, when Jesus was looking at the land on behalf of God’s sorrow, when he saw how the chosen Israelites and all humanity opposed him, Jesus’ gaze represented the sorrow of God, who had been mourning for 4,000 years since the fall of Adam and Eve. Continue reading “Understand Jesus’ Grieving Heart”