We Cannot Understand Your Situation Without the Words of Truth

Luke 16

19 There was once a rich man who wore expensive clothes and every day ate the best food. 20 But a poor beggar named Lazarus was brought to the gate of the rich man’s house. 21 He was happy just to eat the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. His body was covered with sores, and dogs kept coming up to lick them. 22 The poor man died, and angels took him to the place of honor next to Abraham.[d]

The rich man also died and was buried. 23 He went to hell[e] and was suffering terribly. When he looked up and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side, 24 he said to Abraham, “Have pity on me! Send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and touch my tongue. I’m suffering terribly in this fire.”

25 Abraham answered, “My friend, remember that while you lived, you had everything good, and Lazarus had everything bad. Now he is happy, and you are in pain. 26 And besides, there is a deep ditch between us, and no one from either side can cross over.”

27 But the rich man said, “Abraham, then please send Lazarus to my father’s home. 28 Let him warn my five brothers, so they won’t come to this horrible place.”

29 Abraham answered, “Your brothers can read what Moses and the prophets[f] wrote. They should pay attention to that.”

30 Then the rich man said, “No, that’s not enough! If only someone from the dead would go to them, they would listen and turn to God.”

31 So Abraham said, “If they won’t pay attention to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen even to someone who comes back from the dead.”

Richard: This story is playing out again today in the Completed Testament Age. Many hear the New Truth, but do not listen and change their life track accordingly.

Isaiah 50

My protector is nearby;
no one can stand here
    to accuse me of wrong.
The Lord God will help me
    and prove I am innocent.
My accusers will wear out
    like moth-eaten clothes.

10 None of you respect the Lord
    or obey his servant.
You walk in the dark
    instead of the light;
you don’t trust the name
    of the Lord your God.[a]
11 Go ahead and walk in the light
    of the fires you have set.[b]
But with his own hand,
the Lord will punish you
    and make you suffer.

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

15 In fact, I don’t understand why I act the way I do. I don’t do what I know is right. I do the things I hate. 16 Although I don’t do what I know is right, I agree that the Law is good. 17 So I am not the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them.

18 I know that my selfish desires won’t let me do anything that is good. Even when I want to do right, I cannot. 19 Instead of doing what I know is right, I do wrong. 20 And so, if I don’t do what I know is right, I am no longer the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them.

21 The Law has shown me that something in me keeps me from doing what I know is right. 22 With my whole heart I agree with the Law of God. 23 But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do. 24 What a miserable person I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is doomed to die? 25 Thank God! Jesus Christ will rescue me.

So with my mind I serve the Law of God, although my selfish desires make me serve the law of sin.


Father! Please help us realize in this hour that we are not walking the path we should walk in our lives, even though we know we must.

There are those who live centering on their bodies, those who live centering on their minds, and those who live centering on Heaven. Please help those of us who have come to participate in this occasion to understand which category we belong in.

We feel deep in our hearts that we must become the central figures who can bring joy and alleviate sorrow in all crucial affairs. Father, we long in our hearts for the self we can be truly proud of; the self who can critique all affairs accurately. Even if our bodies must be brought into submission, please help us recover that self. Please help us understand that although we have been struggling and fighting to restore that self, the battle still is not over, and we face the fate to put our lives on the line and continue our struggles.

Father! Please come to us in tranquility. Father, please command us. Please let us understand that the central purpose of our lives is to seek the moment when we are captured by Your voice, the moment when we move in unison with You, and the moment when we can rejoice with You. As we reflect how in the course of history our ancestors never had a moment when You could share joy with them and with other faithful believers, we cannot help but deeply lament.

Father, we lie prostrated before You on our knees with our hands clasped. Please allow us to penetrate into Your subtle heart. Please let this be an hour when You can hold our hands and say, “My beloved sons and daughters.”

All that we believe in and experience in the world is transient. That which we believe and fight for in our minds, that which we sing of in our minds, and the world where we connect with You in our minds is infinite and eternal. When we are asked how and when we are going to become people who can be proud of themselves, if we show no confidence, how sad will God be?

We are miserable ones who cannot show ourselves before Heaven and earth. Please let this be the moment when we sever ourselves from our purposeless, unfeeling past; when our minds can become one with the Father’s mind, and when our hearts become connected to the heart of the Father.

Although we have experienced everything in the world, we have never lived centering on the Father. This is what we desire, so please take us into Your hands and perform the works of re-creation. Beloved Father, this is what we desire from the bottom of our hearts.

We know that we cannot understand Your situation without the words of truth. Before understanding this situation, we cannot fathom Your heart. Please give us the one truth which will allow us to connect to Your situation and heart. Please allow us to become one based on the truth.

We pray with utmost sincerity that this hour will be a moment when we can hear Your tranquil words in peace and offer bows to You in joy. Let it be an hour when we can feel our hearts surge as we listen to the words of truth.

Please be with everyone who honors You with sincerity. Extend Your grace equally to the lonely members who are bowing before You in the countryside.

We entrust this entire occasion from the beginning to the end to You. Please govern it. Allow the hearts of the listeners to be one with the heart of the speaker. Praying that this will be a moment when we can be in complete harmony with Heaven, we pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The Only Fight That Will Be Left Will Be That of the Mind

Acts 17

17 After Paul and his friends had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they went on to Thessalonica. A Jewish meeting place was in that city. So as usual, Paul went there to worship, and on three Sabbaths he spoke to the people. He used the Scriptures to show them that the Messiah had to suffer, but that he would rise from death. Paul also told them that Jesus is the Messiah he was preaching about. Some of them believed what Paul had said, and they became followers with Paul and Silas. Some Gentiles[a] and many important women also believed the message.

Malachi 3

I, the Lord All-Powerful,
will send my messenger
    to prepare the way for me.
Then suddenly the Lord
you are looking for
    will appear in his temple.
The messenger you desire
is coming with my promise,
    and he is on his way.

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

Doctrines and thoughts incite you every moment today. This is an odd moment. Fear from the happenings in history drives you. Who would be the one to win in the fight against fear and sing the song of victory on a personal level? There is no one.

Which direction will history take? Where will the cry for new hope and new liberation come from at this time, when death is surging over us? No cry is yet heard. This is the problem.

Now something totally new must come out, something unimagined. You have never imagined or dreamed of that something.

People are going through the age of religious battle now. In the near future, all fights, the fights between peoples, the fights between nations, the fights in the world, the fights between “isms,” and religious fights, will come to an end. The only fight that will be left will be that of the mind. No matter what sweeps over your mind, you must be able to overcome it. We are in such a time. Continue reading “The Only Fight That Will Be Left Will Be That of the Mind”

Set Your Mind for the Spiritual Side and Make Your Body Obey Your Mind

Cheon Seong Gyeong 961

The grandfather’s position has to
become the grandchild’s position, the
father’s position has to become the son’s
position, and the son’s position has to
become the father’s. The positions will
be reversed. Therefore, with the return-
ing Lord as the axis, Adam becomes
the first father, Jesus becomes the sec-
ond father and the Lord at his Second
Advent becomes the third father. Now
the returning Lord has indemnified the
failures of the first and second fathers,
and has risen up to the perfection stage
… the sons and daughters of these three
categories of children not only live
in this world but also live in the spirit
world. (236-330, 1992.11.9)

Richard:  Spirit world should seamlessly connect with the physical world.  Now this has been made possible by the restoration brought about by Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 629

3.4. The organization of the spirit
world (hierarchy)
Why is the spirit world still incom-
plete? The hierarchy of the spirit world
was originally designed to be connected
centered on God, True Parents, and true
children, but that hierarchy does not
yet exist in the spirit world or on earth.
In other words, the organization of the
spirit world is to be the hierarchy cen-
tered on True Parents, and at the same
time the philosophy heralding the Adam
untainted by the Fall, but it has not been
established yet. So far, the center of the
hierarchy has been occupied by the Bud-
dhist group, the Confucian group, and
the Muslim group.

Richard:  This scripture is from 1987.  The first scripture above, from 1992 indicates that this has now been restored.

Rev Sun Myung Moon Speaks Jan. 8, 1976 Jacob House
To the Mobile Fundraising Team Workshop

You are headed for Heaven if you have your body obey your mind’s command. The other way you are headed for Hell or darkness. That’s why the Bible says to love God with all your might, sincerity and heart and that if you gain your life you will lose your live and if you lose your life you will gain your life. The same applies to everyday life for you. Being young you may be distracted by getting letters from an ex-fiancé. It is better here. Mind over body or flesh over mind. All life is in a battle against that evil power. Every day I repent if I have eaten more than just to satisfy my appetite. If you work hard for all you can eat until you are full. You don’t have to repent. This also goes for sleeping too. Continue reading “Set Your Mind for the Spiritual Side and Make Your Body Obey Your Mind”

You are Essential for the Providential Will

Deuteronomy 10

Moses said to the people:

10 The Lord told me to chisel out two flat stones, just like the ones he had given me earlier. He also commanded me to make a wooden chest, then come up the mountain and meet with him. He told me that he would write the same words on the new stones that he had written on the ones I broke, and that I could put these stones in this sacred chest.

Ezra 20

King Nebuchadnezzar[a] of Babylonia had captured many of the people of Judah and had taken them as prisoners to Babylonia. Now they were on their way back to Jerusalem and to their own towns everywhere in Judah.

2-20 Zerubbabel, Joshua,[b] Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Baanah were in charge of the ones who were coming back. And here is a list of how many returned from each family group: 2,172 from the family of Parosh; 372 from the family of Shephatiah; 775 from the family of Arah; 2,812 descendants of Jeshua and Joab[c] from the family of Pahath Moab; 1,254 from the family of Elam; 945 from the family of Zattu; 760 from the family of Zaccai; 642 from the family of Bani; 623 from the family of Bebai; 1,222 from the family of Azgad; 666 from the family of Adonikam; 2,056 from the family of Bigvai; 454 from the family of Adin; 98 from the family of Ater, also known as Hezekiah; 323 from the family of Bezai; 112 from the family of Jorah; 223 from the family of Hashum; and 95 from the family of Gibbar.

The World of Ideology Which We Seek

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 4, 1958

Although God is moving toward the ideology, and our human consciences today also seek that ideology, this forking into two cannot continue in a unified way. There is an unavoidable reason for this. Though my conscience wishes to go as God tells it, it cannot. This is because one hill of fear remains for humanity to cross. Accordingly, unless you become able to penetrate and cross the hill of fear, you will not be able to make connection with the eternal ideology of Heaven.

In order for the relations between God and my mind to be set up in the center of God’s will, my mind and body must form such relations. My mind and body must stand in the center of the will. Centering upon my mind and body, such relations must be formed with the ideology of the will.

Once your conscience has become one, your conscience and your body have become one, and your body and the environment have become one, you must unite all things into one. Further, you must stand representing that center. Whether it is the heavenly world, the world of conscience, and/or the position of the body, you should be able to stand confidently. The fate remains of seeking those who can do so.

Therefore, human beings today are destined to go somewhere, even if they do not know where it is, even if they do not know for what they are to search. That is why the human mind tries to move toward the heavenly principles and the body tries to move toward the earth centering on itself. Heaven changed the earthly tendency of the body into pursuit of the heavenly principles, by driving many people into sacrifice throughout the long course of history. Now Heaven has come forth to lead the body of all humankind into one world of unification. Furthermore, striking even the conscience that tried to go forth in many different directions, Heaven has guided it to go in one direction, toward the one world of the ideology. Yet the people on earth today do not know this. Therefore, centering on the mind, a fight with the will of God will take place to rightly set up that direction. That is the fight between Satan and God, to seek one ideology centering on the conscience in the invisible world. It is the struggle between the Cain side and the Abel side in the visible substantial world. History has flowed on throughout this internal and external fight.

Since God is a being of personality with intellect, emotion and volition, He also has all feelings. God will certainly have one unified ideology of creation. That ideology will be one for the sake of Heaven, for the sake of all humankind, and for all of creation on this earth today.

Unless this turns out to be an inevitable fact, God’s ideology of creation will not have anything to do with us. God created so that He could enjoy Himself in relation to such a comprehensive ideology. At the same time, all created things could not but enjoy themselves.

However, because of the fall of humankind, such a world of ideology has not yet firmly taken root in today’s humanity. Such a fundamentally directive world of ideology has not yet taken firm root in relation to the body either. That is why God is driving today’s humanity to the path of the conscience internally, and into the closing of the age on a worldwide level, after having sought and set up an external doctrine. Today your mind pursues something. It drives and pushes you to direct your steps toward a certain place. You find that humankind today has no choice but to go to a certain ideological world in connection with me.

Although you who are placed in such a situation today feel insignificant, you are not small at all. You are very important. You are absolutely necessary for the creation of a new history of the universe. First, my mind takes such a position, then my body takes such a position, then the surrounding environment, in which I live, is in such a position.

For that reason, God has been pioneering a lonely path up to now to realize His will through a person’s internal conscience. God tried to consummate the will of the providence through one certain base point in human conscience, but humankind then lost the base point of that conscience.

However, since God’s will was to establish the truth for the sake of humankind and have humankind seek that lost base point, He has been making effort until now, through many prophets and sages, to link humans to the base point of that conscience, taking pains Himself. Because that effort is being made in the invisible, limitless world, the heart of the original character of humankind is moving toward it without us being aware of it.

As the last days approach, the person who has not completely established the standard of mind will not find his mind at peace, even if he is possessed of many good conditions. You must know that the world of reality is faced with the situation today where a change of direction must take place. That is why, after establishing the truth, God commands us to disconnect all self-centered authority and self- aggrandizing ideologies.

Fight the Internal Battle

Did you know that West Virginia is one of only three states that do not allow religious or conscientious exemptions for mandatory vaccines for school admittance?
Dr Chanda Adkins, expert on Vaccines and Vaccine Choice will speak at the opening session of STAR Interfaith Leadership Training via Zoom teleconference on November 24th, 2017 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  This session is free and open to all community members. Registration is required.  Register here for Dr. Chanda Adkins only.  Click Here to Register Now for Dr. Adkins presentation, only.

Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage. 

CSG 487

Why does a woman cry when she los-
es her husband? It is not for some vague
reason that she is sad after losing her
Love embraces all four directions. At
the same time, there has to be relations
of front and back, and left and right.
Because love is like this, the husband
stands next to his wife in a relationship
of left and right, and realizes a love that
embraces the four directions. When
such a wife loses her husband and falls
from the position of being supported by
the universe into a position of having no
support, she feels the pain of his loss, as
well as the pressure from the universal
power. (Blessed Family – 901)

CSG 410

How important is your life on earth?
You only live once. It is a short moment,
but you only live once. Compared to
eternal life, earthly life is but a point in
time. It is too short. During this period,
you need to prepare for the spirit world
where you will live after earthly life.
With this idea you should stand in the
center and control and overcome every-
thing. Otherwise, you cannot achieve
perfection. You should know this. (207-99,

The True Shepherd and His Flock; the False Shepherd and His Flock

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 6, 1958

Centering on ourselves, we must reach the one standard where our minds and bodies can become one and fulfill the providential will. If you understand this kind of path and are living according to the providential will, you will feel joy. Only when our bodies follow and reflect our minds can we claim to represent the heavenly principles. If you can be recognized as this kind of person, you can become happy and form a relationship of love with God. Your minds and bodies can relate with Heaven and earth, centering on the heavenly principles.

Therefore, by uniting your minds and bodies centering on your minds, you must possess the power that can overcome any conflicting element you may encounter. In this way, no matter what kind of situation you are in, you can stay in a safe place. You must understand that it is God’s will to bring these kinds of people together to form a family, a church, a nation and the one united world. They are then to form a relationship with God Himself. Continue reading “Fight the Internal Battle”