Fight the Internal Battle

Did you know that West Virginia is one of only three states that do not allow religious or conscientious exemptions for mandatory vaccines for school admittance?
Dr Chanda Adkins, expert on Vaccines and Vaccine Choice will speak at the opening session of STAR Interfaith Leadership Training via Zoom teleconference on November 24th, 2017 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  This session is free and open to all community members. Registration is required.  Register here for Dr. Chanda Adkins only.  Click Here to Register Now for Dr. Adkins presentation, only.

Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage. 

CSG 487

Why does a woman cry when she los-
es her husband? It is not for some vague
reason that she is sad after losing her
Love embraces all four directions. At
the same time, there has to be relations
of front and back, and left and right.
Because love is like this, the husband
stands next to his wife in a relationship
of left and right, and realizes a love that
embraces the four directions. When
such a wife loses her husband and falls
from the position of being supported by
the universe into a position of having no
support, she feels the pain of his loss, as
well as the pressure from the universal
power. (Blessed Family – 901)

CSG 410

How important is your life on earth?
You only live once. It is a short moment,
but you only live once. Compared to
eternal life, earthly life is but a point in
time. It is too short. During this period,
you need to prepare for the spirit world
where you will live after earthly life.
With this idea you should stand in the
center and control and overcome every-
thing. Otherwise, you cannot achieve
perfection. You should know this. (207-99,

The True Shepherd and His Flock; the False Shepherd and His Flock

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 6, 1958

Centering on ourselves, we must reach the one standard where our minds and bodies can become one and fulfill the providential will. If you understand this kind of path and are living according to the providential will, you will feel joy. Only when our bodies follow and reflect our minds can we claim to represent the heavenly principles. If you can be recognized as this kind of person, you can become happy and form a relationship of love with God. Your minds and bodies can relate with Heaven and earth, centering on the heavenly principles.

Therefore, by uniting your minds and bodies centering on your minds, you must possess the power that can overcome any conflicting element you may encounter. In this way, no matter what kind of situation you are in, you can stay in a safe place. You must understand that it is God’s will to bring these kinds of people together to form a family, a church, a nation and the one united world. They are then to form a relationship with God Himself. Continue reading “Fight the Internal Battle”

You are Connected to the Vast World of Heaven and Earth

Did you know that West Virginia is one of only three states that do not allow religious or conscientious exemptions for mandatory vaccines for school admittance?
Dr Chanda Adkins, expert on Vaccines and Vaccine Choice will speak at the opening session of STAR Interfaith Leadership Training via Zoom teleconference on November 24th, 2017 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  This session is free and open to all community members. Registration is required.  Register here for Dr. Chanda Adkins only.  Click Here to Register Now for Dr. Adkins presentation, only.

Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage. 

CSG 1150

If you have only one son or one
daughter and this only son dies, how
great will your pain as a parent be?
There is a saying that if the only son
of an only son for seven generations
dies, the entire neighborhood and sur-
rounding villages will mourn for him.
It is impossible to fathom the sorrow of
parents who have lost a seventh genera-
tion only child, therefore all the fam-
ilies in the area, all parents, children,
brothers and sisters will sympathize
with them. When we consider this, we
should reflect on the fact that Adam
and Eve were the only son and daugh-
ter for how many generations? For bil-
lions of generations!

CSG 1583-1584

In the name of the True Parents,
the era has now arrived in which we can
publicly carry out activities after we have
brought all those in both worlds together
and established a foundation on earth.
Then together with all created beingsw can march forward in full force for
the victory of the eternal sovereignty of
Your love and the establishment of Your
kingdom on earth and in heaven, which
is founded on true love and the realm
of heart of Your true lineage and that of
the True Parents. All this I declare in the
name of the True Parents! Amen! Amen!
Amen! (296-9, 1998.10.5)

The True Shepherd and His Flock; the False Shepherd and His Flock

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 6, 1958

I will speak to you briefly today on the topic, “The True Shepherd and His Flock; the False Shepherd and His Flock.”

When you, who are sitting here today, look at so many people wondering how to lead their lives, you must feel that it is difficult to help them unite their minds and bodies and guide them in the one direction. Even when you look at yourselves, you are probably aware of the fact that unyielding determination and effort must be made to unite your bodies with the direction your minds are pursuing.

You must clearly realize that it is a historically great, and extremely important, task to push our bodies to rely on and follow our minds, and vice versa. No one is deliberately trying to carry out actions that run counter to our minds in pursuit of our desires. In the course of history, achieving unity between the mind and body in action has been the ardent hope of humanity and what Heaven and earth have been pressing for. Although this is fortunate for humankind, the fact that the situation has become like this is something over which we must grieve. Even if someone commands authority and glory in society, if he cannot unite his body with his mind, he must realize he is an unfortunate person. Continue reading “You are Connected to the Vast World of Heaven and Earth”