You Should Take off the Inappropriate Mask

Cheon Seong Gyeong 647

Not once has God or Jesus found
someone whose flesh and spirit are unit-
ed, whom God could totally love. That is
why Jesus is still praying in paradise.
Therefore, we should know the love
of God, who seeks to fully embrace our
spirit and flesh. Within such a realm, we
must be able to govern all of creation, hav-
ing justified ourselves as God’s children.
You must understand that such a world
is the world of dominion and the gar-
den of rest God desires to restore. Going
back to the issue of our individual selves,
we, who are destined to go through res-
toration, must wander about seeking a
new truth. That time has arrived. In the
future, the issue of a true view of life and
of the universe will come to the fore. (5-
49, 1958.12.14)

Richard: The Exposition of the Divine Principle and the other Eight Sacred Texts provide the true view of the universe: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 887

Suppose there is a dying person who
says, “God, even though I did not live
according to Your will until now, in my
mind I tried to go to heaven. So please
regard me as having established the
proper indemnity conditions!” Because
God is fair, He will bring that person to
the position of wanting to go to heav-
en. God rewards him according to his
actions, placing him in a position of
wanting to go to heaven. That position
can be just below paradise. Even people
in hell are trying to go to heaven. (57-265,

I Am Relating With Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

What kind of truth should the truth of a religion be? We do not need a truth which explains only contents. A truth must appear which our bodies, minds and hearts can all endorse. We need that kind of ideology and thought. When such a truth is spoken around us or we somehow encounter it, our minds will be drawn to it. Even if you have to go do something that your body desires, and the circumstances are pressuring you to do so, you should deny them all; abandon them and go to the truth. If there are words of truth which pull you to be transcendent of time and space, you should pack up your things and follow it, carrying humble baggage on your back like Kim Sat-Kat did. You will not be ruined. Your name will live on in history.

To become that kind of person, you cannot continue to be as you have been in the past. You should take off the inappropriate mask. You should take off all masks of the conscience. This and that position in a religion, you should abandon them all. Although you are attending the Unification Church, I am longing for the day I can do away with the name. The reason that we have this name and organization is for certain conditions which require it. It is because we have opponents to fight against that we need it, but one day we must do away with it. What title do you need in the world of the mind? What title do you need in the world of the heart? Even if you don’t do anything, you will know. Even if you don’t do anything, you will naturally do things. The first standard is resolving this.

What kind of life have you led so far? What kind of position are you in today? You have to remember that you are struggling in two worlds. What you can rejoice in is not the direction that your body is dragging you toward, but the direction your mind is pulling you in.

When you look at the world today, you will find that the direction of the body and the external conditions are perfect. They have all been prepared. They have been prepared at several hundred points. They have gone beyond the individuals and families and have formed a world. In comparison, the direction of the mind is only a small percentage of that. When we think about that, we find that God wants to judge this world. What will we do about the sorrow of God? We have to find the course through which we can come to know sorrow and rejoice in our minds. For this reason, religious people of the past endured even as they were being beheaded. I do not want you to come to the Unification Church. However, if your bodies and minds and hearts submit to the words of truth that are spoken here, you should know that this place belongs to the end times.

What kind of person is God? He is the eternal Lord of our bodies. He is the eternal Lord of our hearts. In the original world, no matter how much a couple may love each other, the wife will not mind that the husband loves God more than he loves her. That is how it is. Moreover, even if the wife loves God more than she loves her husband, the husband will not object and ask her why. Heaven is a place where they can both be happy about the situation. God, who is in a position transcendent of any love of this world or of any content thereof, is the eternal Lord of our bodies. When we are in the garden of the bosom of God, who is the eternal Lord of our bodies, we are happy even if we die. All He needs to be is the eternal Lord of our minds and the eternal Lord of our hearts. What more would we want?

What kind of world is the world that you long for in your hearts? It is not the world which comes to us through the external senses or the five senses. Nor is it a world created by concepts. We long for the world of God’s love, a world of love. In this world we can feel the love of God even from the smallest subatomic particle. You have to understand this. You must understand it. Jesus said, “Those who have ears to hear will hear.” (Matt. 11:15) With everyday feelings you cannot feel the ideal world, which is circular and is in the position of subject partner.

Richard:  Although you are attending the Unification Church, I am longing for the day I can do away with the name”  That happened in 1997 when True Father said to take down the Unification Church Sign.  The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was formed, instead.  However, that organization was never truly formed.  Rather, the name of the Unification Church was changed to the Family Federation.  A true family federation still has to be formed.  The new Tribal Messiah Association: is more in the spirit of the real family federation.

The Lord Comes with a New Truth of Higher Content

Matthew 27

22 Pilate asked them, “What am I to do with Jesus, who is called the Messiah?”

They all yelled, “Nail him to a cross!”

23 Pilate answered, “But what crime has he done?”

“Nail him to a cross!” they yelled even louder.

24 Pilate saw that there was nothing he could do and that the people were starting to riot. So he took some water and washed his hands[c] in front of them and said, “I won’t have anything to do with killing this man. You are the ones doing it!”

25 Everyone answered, “We and our own families will take the blame for his death!”

26 Pilate set Barabbas free. Then he ordered his soldiers to beat Jesus with a whip and nail him to a cross.

Richard: Crucifying Jesus was a tragic mistake. It was NOT God’s original plan. The chosen people should have accepted Jesus: Exposition of the Divine Principle Chapter 4, The Messiah:!Aj5ekHDYOaCihchktF6T5-QJyENGeg

Proverbs 18

It’s wrong to favor the guilty
    and keep the innocent
    from getting justice.

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

Christians today should lead this kind of life. Those who praise the dreams of the new age and are content to be at the cutting edge of a splendid culture will be denounced by history and forced to stand for judgment at the bottom of this world. Conversely, if there is a group of people who say, “All of you go back; I will guard this place,” and fill up the ditch of death with their own blood, sweat and tears and make a level ground, then God will work through that group.

History is created with new ideologies and in new forms, yet it does not begin from a good situation but from a bad situation. You’ve learned all this. For this reason, where there is sin, there will be much divine grace.

We who must go now should open our hearts and protest, “God! Although Jesus came, I could not establish a standard in my heart which would enable me to go confidently before the absolute being as His object partner. What am I to do?” We should cling to Jesus and protest. We should cling to the Bible and protest. If we were only to listen to the words of other people, we would perish. The Korean people have suffered the misfortune of becoming a colony of another country because they listened to someone else’s words.

Now, as we stand before God who has been seeking humanity speechlessly, we should not unconditionally believe other people’s words. There are fundamentally different forms of words. You cannot believe others.

Therefore, although it is said that the foundations of heart and truth in our hearts should be like this and that, when these words do not come true, we should protest. If you want to protest, you should be able to defend yourself as such and such a person. If you say, “Father, this should have become such and such because of this and that. Why was that not realized?” then God will immediately say, “That is true.” Have you thought about this?

Christianity today says that the Lord will return. Buddhism claims that the Maitreya will return, while Confucianism says that the true man will appear. Each religion is talking about the return of the Lord. They do not mean that he will simply relive the words in the Bible. He is not someone who will relive the words of the Bible or repeat the words of an already established faith. These religions are talking about the return of a Lord who will come with a new truth of higher content. For this reason, if Heaven exists, we should protest until we can obtain an answer concerning him from Heaven. Have you ever tried that? The time has come when we should protest, “Is that really true about Jesus? Is God really like that?” Only then will history make progress.

Although many faithful people worshipped the founders of their religions and took a direction in history, that did not manifest itself in their lives. For this reason we should rise above the founders of religions and grab hold of God. Shouldn’t we do so? Since not everything can be explained by what is written in the Scriptures, we should rise above their pinnacle and protest to God. We are to protest about the founders of religions.

What is the purpose of believing in Jesus? What are we to accomplish by believing in him? To become his bride? What are we to do once we become brides? To live a good life? What are we going to do once we live a good life? We are to reciprocate. Hence, if this has not come true, then shouldn’t we protest? Our goal is to meet Jesus, our bridegroom. Yet have we ever received the love of Jesus? That is not what I believe. Regardless of whether Jesus loves us or not, I want to reach beyond Jesus and receive the love of God. Jesus is a condition. He is the condition through which we can receive the love of God.

Thus, Paul said, “Who will ever cut me off from the love of God which dwells within our lord Jesus Christ?” God’s love within Jesus is not the love related to a bride. If Jesus cannot take a bride and receive God’s blessing, he cannot inherit the great work of Heaven. You have to understand this. You should build a relationship of God-centered love.

Have you ever opened the gates to your heart to obtain this quality and felt the waves of truth? Have you ever prodded an extremely clear conscience? Have you ever grabbed onto the traces of life coming through the voice of your conscience and praised it? Have you ever felt something in your heart which is connected to the infinite world and emerged with an explosive power of life? Have you ever felt it?

God Has Brought New Truth in This Age

Save the dates:July 5th  to July 7th, as we will hold an Urban Family Life Training seminar for couples and singles seeking a godly spouse.  You will learn how to set up a ministry to guide youth and young adults toward godly marriage.  It will be held at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Romans 16

25 Praise God! He can make you strong by means of my good news, which is the message about[g] Jesus Christ. For ages and ages this message was kept secret, 26 but now at last it has been told. The eternal God commanded his prophets to write about the good news, so that all nations would obey and have faith. 27 And now, because of Jesus Christ, we can praise the only wise God forever! Amen.[h]

Richard: God has brought new truth in this age: .

Ecclesiastes 1

12 I said these things when I lived in Jerusalem as king of Israel. 13 With all my wisdom I tried to understand everything that happens here on earth. And God has made this so hard for us humans to do. 14 I have seen it all, and everything is just as senseless as chasing the wind.[c]

15 If something is crooked,
    it can’t be made straight;
if something isn’t there,
    it can’t be counted.

16 I said to myself, “You are by far the wisest person who has ever lived in Jerusalem. You are eager to learn, and you have learned a lot.” 17 Then I decided to find out all I could about wisdom and foolishness. Soon I realized that this too was as senseless as chasing the wind. [d]

18 The more you know,
    the more you hurt;
the more you understand,
    the more you suffer.

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25


We feel in our bones that the history of toil by which humanity must regain the land of Zion remains with us. This land has not become a place where true people with original hearts live. You could not establish the remnants of the original heart on this earth. Father, please allow us to be Your children who can comfort Your sorrowful heart of lonely battling on, as You longed for the original world. Father! We cannot help having a fearful mind as we recall the course of Your sorrowful history. We cannot help being overwhelmed every time we face Your suffering, holy presence. Father, please raise these as Your children who can offer their minds and bodies to You, who can lighten the burden from Your shoulder and stop Your suffering.

You have been longing for the victorious day when You could rejoice and sing the song of liberation from a state of happiness. We realize, however, that You are not the one who must bring about the liberation. We must do it, humanity, struggling in the realm of death.

Continue reading “God Has Brought New Truth in This Age”

The Lord Brings the New Truth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2011
All of your comings and goings
should be for the sake of seeking that
nation, being its founding loyal patri-
ots, and restoring our homeland. Your
mind-set should be to shoulder such
a mission. You should think that you
have received instructions, as the secret
envoys of Heaven, to come to this evil
world today to fulfill this mission. Please
understand that without doing this, you
will not be able to establish your prestige
or dignity as a citizen of the nation we
have been seeking. (50-255, 1971.11.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1696

In general, people believe human
beings evolved from the animal world,
but this is a makeshift theory fabricated
from a need for an explanation. In order
to form a logical connection, the theo-
ry was invented as an expedience; there
is no way of knowing if evolution real-
ly took place. Did the basis of our mind
begin from the amoeba? What I am ask-
ing is: is the amoeba our mental ances-
tor? Evolutionary theory claims that
everything began and developed from
the amoeba. (117-68, 1982.2.1)

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

What will God bring when He comes again? Since we know that God is not going to destroy the world but will come again with a new ideology, what will He bring? He will come with the great power of life and the authority of a new ideology. He will come with the origin of love. Such a person is called “the Lord” in Christianity.

We who have tread and walked the course of fallen history need the touch of life which is stronger and more permanent and eternal than anything we have enjoyed or experienced before. The place where we experience such a touch will be our eternal resting place, a place we would never want to leave.

The three disciples who saw the transfiguration of Elijah, Moses and Jesus wanted to remain in that place. Have you attained and experienced the state of heart where you feel, “This is my eternal resting place, the place of eternal happiness. This is where there is no beginning and no end”? When one appears with the great power of life to which all creation will bow their heads, he will naturally become the master of all things. In his ideological world, all things and even God would want to rest and remain. When his loving emotional heart wells up, all things should want to harmonize with it. Even God should want to rejoice with it. There is such a loving emotional state. If these contents are not fulfilled in the last days of human history, then God’s dispensation will end in destruction. The whole dispensation of God for this world would become a total failure.

God has been toiling until now, for He cannot allow such a conclusion. Therefore, we cannot deny that the garden of new life, new ideology, and new love will certainly come to humankind today.

Richard:  In other words, the Lord brings the New Truth ( when he comes.

Do You Want to Go the Same Way as Jesus?

We the followers of Jesus must go the way he went, whether we live or die. The problem is whether you really want to go this way.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 194

What kind of person is a wise person?
He is the first to understand and recog-
nize the global era and the time of hope.
The wise person is the one who can bear
the responsibility of being the first to
recognize it, analyze it, criticize it, and
take action. In this way, he takes posses-
sion of it. Although he comes as an indi-
vidual, when the Messiah appears on
earth, he is not just an individual. He is
the fruit of faith, hope, and love that the
whole world desires. This is his value. All
the paths of history are connected to this
fruit. In other words; past, present and
future are all connected to it. Further-
more, all individuals, families, tribes,
peoples, nations and the world are con-
nected, and both heaven and earth are
connected to it. (13-142, 1964.01.01)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1848

You could number the fish as you
like, for example you could name one
“fish number one.” Then those num-
bers could form a unified name system
worldwide. A fish could be numbered
as fish one hundred-and-something or
fifty-something. If there is a special fish
you like, you can call and order it by
number. You can tell them that you are
going to the fish farm at a certain time
and ask them to prepare fish number so-
and-so for you. All you would need then
is a sashimi knife. You can make sashi-
mi with that particular fish and have a
tasty meal. Such a time will come. (274-109,

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959

Matthew 3: 1-17

Jesus carried with him the suffering of humankind. He started from the lowest point of humanity and ended at the top of Golgotha. There he sacrificed his whole self. Where was God’s son, the heir apparent, the Prince of Heaven? Where was the Messiah of humankind, the Savior? At that place, Jesus could not assert one iota’s worth of his value. It was a tragic and pitiable place. Yet Jesus was able to go over that hill of death, look to Heaven and advance toward Heaven’s ideal garden. His ideology was more powerful than death. His ideology was more powerful than any force in history. Thus, he was able to push aside the realm of death and resurrect. He brought the people who opposed him to repentance and, hence, Christianity today has a base of victory.

We the followers of Jesus must go the way he went, whether we live or die. The problem is whether you really want to go this way. Continue reading “Do You Want to Go the Same Way as Jesus?”