Everything is Decided in an Instant

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New-Latest Richard Urban Show:
#134:  Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2452

    It is really rather amazing. I too have had sons and daughters and raised them, but I relate to my grandchildren rather as friends. That is, we became friends.
    As people grow old, we tend to feel lonely. Our environment changes and our sphere of activity is reduced. In this way, we start to form tight bonds with our grandchildren.
    This process leads to the perfection of the grandparents, and also the perfection of the parents; they come to create a single seed together. When the top place or position is connected with this point, everything becomes connected. Only when these two are linked can the one seed be created.
    That is how both the grandfather and the father are perfected, making one seed, and that is why everything has to become connected when the top is connected to this point. Only when the two generations are connected together can the one seed be created.
    Thus, centering on the sons and daughters of Adam’s family, centering on them as the one single model, and horizontally, being connected centering on the royal descendants of this direct line, the family is expanded horizontally. Without becoming a seed that has experienced the three great realms of heart, expansion is impossible. (283-79, 1997.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1028

You should be sweating when you give a sermon. Sweat should be running down your spine. It has to be done with tears and sweat. This is an ironclad rule. (160-194, 1969.5.12)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Noah’s Family

Noah set the Foundation of Faith, but due to Ham’s mistake, the Foundation of Substance failed.  Therefore, no Foundation for the Messiah was set in Noah’s family.
Here, we see once again the importance of the human portion of responsibility.  No matter how small it is compared to God’s portion of responsibility, it is essential that it be accomplished for God’s will to be done.  We also see that we need to see God’s viewpoint, not just act according to our own way of thinking.  If we don’t know, we should be humble enough to ask.  Then, God will teach us at the right time.  The sum total of all instances adds up to our life.  Thus, everything is decided in an instant.  See slides 10 to 12 below:



Why Was Covering Noah a Sin?

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1096

Section 3. The Family Is Basic Unit to Realize God’s Kingdom

Our family and God’s Kingdom have the same form. Our family comprises parents, spouses, children, and siblings. It can be unified through love. Here unity can be attained, life transmitted, and the ideal substantiated. Thus, you must be able to honor conjugal love and parental love to qualify to go to heaven. The grandparents bequeath their love to the parents. God’s Kingdom will not be realized if any of these forms of love is denied. The conclusion is that you must love your parents more than you love each other as husband and wife, and your grandparents more than your parents. This becomes the core and ideal motto of God’s entire kingdom. (Blessed Family – 942)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1096

What is the occasion of the Blessing? It is the very best place in the entire world. With whom should you establish a relationship at the place of Blessing? You cannot perfect yourself on your own; you are perfected through True Parents’ love. When a child is born from his parents’ bosom, regardless of whether he is good-looking or not, the child takes after its parents. In the same way, Unification Church members are taught the way of the true parent. For you, that is the blessing of all blessings. (35-236, 1970.10.19)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Noah’s Family

Since the 40 day flood judgement, the number 40 became the condition to separate from Satan. Following the flood judgement, God indicated through the symbol of the three doves sent out that His will will be accomplished on the earth at the Second Coming of Christ. To be the central figure of the providence, Noah’s son Ham had to be one in heart with his father, Noah. When Ham saw the drunk Noah lying naked and covered him up, a sin, which is any violation of heavenly law that forms a common base with Satan, was committed, and Ham was unable to become the central figure for the foundation of faith. See slides 6 to 9 below:

I Have Determined to Make an End of All Flesh

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New Richard Urban Show:  #133-Dr. John Money’s Transgender Fraud

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

We believe in God who wants to realize one world, a world of one purpose. Since God is Jehovah and Lord of all nations, and the center of all centers, when we face Him from afar, we want to be His loyal subjects. We were born for this duty and responsibility. Understand that as we draw near to Him, He becomes our Father to whom we owe the duty of filial piety as His sons and daughters. That is our priority. Only when you have lived like that can you say to God, “If you want to send me to hell, send me there. If you want to send me to Heaven, send me there. Do as you please.” Nobody went to hell after living like that. (154-314, 1964.10.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1863

In summary, the Pantanal’s influence will become a great issue in the world’s history. The question is how to settle this issue here on earth. The world can become a battlefield, a dangerous place where human beings may fall into the pit of destruction if they make one wrong turn. We must do something to prevent this at all costs. Therefore, I educated the national messiahs during this time in the Pantanal, for the purpose of declaring war in advance before their nations. In the near future, the national messiahs should become environmentalists and create a sentry post in 180 locations, using the rally and everything that I prepared. Then they should influence the scholars, and the presidents of universities in each nation worldwide who are interested in the environment. If they are educated, then you can influence the executive agents of that nation and the core personnel in any of the administrative departments. (300-182, 1999.3.3)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Noah’s Family

God chose Noah from among Seth’s descendants to continue His providence. Like Adam’s family, Noah and his family had to set a Foundation of Faith and a Foundation of Substance. Noah successfully se the Foundation of Faith by building the ark over 120 years represented a new heaven and earth. Shem and Ham were to set the Foundation of Substance. See slides 1 to 5 below:

Noah Had Severed His Ties to Satan

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2053

Since we have to work for the tong ban breakthrough, you must return to your homes. Adam and Eve started out as a man and woman, and became defiled as a son and daughter. So in order to get this situation under control, we must return to the family. You must seek out your tribe and relatives and wash them by investing your blood, sweet, and tears. Don’t wash them with water. Only when you wash them by investing your blood, sweat, and tears will you be successful. Unless you enter the house and invest your blood, sweet, and tears, restoration will not take place. That way is the way I must go. (208-172, 1990.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1111

What is most needed in the fallen world are the True Parents who have gone beyond the realm of the Fall. According to the Principle, they are the ones who have completed their portion of responsibility and have transcended that sphere. They have entered the realm of direct dominion, having left the realm of indirect dominion. What is the realm of direct dominion? It is a world united in love. At this stage, the other master cannot appear. This is absolute. If you are completely united in love you will not follow two masters. God Himself does not desire to see another master and neither does humankind. Achieving this stage establishes an eternal foundation. If this is extended to a family, a tribe, a people and a nation, then the heavenly fortune will rotate centered on that axis of love. (149-154, 1986.11.21)


2. The Sin of Ham

Noah was the first tiller of the soil. He planted a vineyard; and he drank of the wine, and became drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it upon both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father; their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father’s nakedness. When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him, he said, “Cursed be Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brothers.”
    Genesis 9.20-25

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Noah’s position right after the flood was much like that of Adam after the creation of heaven and earth. Adam and Eve before the Fall were close in heart and innocently open with each other and with God; as it is written, they were not ashamed of their nakedness. Yet after they fell, they felt ashamed of their nakedness. They covered their lower parts with fig leaves and hid among the trees of the garden, fearing that God would see them. This shame was an indication of their inner reality, for they had formed a bond of blood ties with Satan by committing sin with their sexual parts. By covering their lower parts and hiding, they expressed their guilty consciences, which made them feel ashamed to come before God.
    Noah, who had severed his ties to Satan through the forty-day flood judgment, was supposed to secure the position of Adam right after the creation of the universe. God expected that the members of Noah’s family would react to Noah’s nakedness without any feelings of shame and without any thought to conceal his body… Had Ham been one in heart with Noah, regarding him with the same heart and from the same standpoint as God, he would have looked upon his father’s nakedness without any sense of shame. He thus would have fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore in Noah’s family the state of Adam and Eve’s innocence before the Fall.
    We can thus understand that when Noah’s sons felt ashamed of their father’s nakedness and covered his body, it was tantamount to acknowledging that they, like Adam’s family after the Fall, had formed a shameful bond of kinship with Satan and were thus unworthy to come before God. Satan, like the raven hovering over the water, was looking for a condition to invade Noah’s family. He attacked the family by taking Noah’s sons as his object partners when they in effect acknowledged that they were of his lineage. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Foundation 2.2)
Our forefather Noah worked alone. He built the ark with absolute faith, but his family did not unite with him. Because of this, everything fell apart. If Ham had become one with his father in love, why should he have felt shame? If Ham had been one in heart with Noah, he would have had no reason to feel ashamed at seeing his father’s nakedness. Wouldn’t it have been wonderful if Ham had lay down to sleep naked beside his father? If so, when Noah awoke to see him naked, don’t you think he would have blessed him, saying, “My son is just like me”? (268:293, April 3, 1995)
If only Noah had been more prudent after the Flood and had not lain naked! Had he been more prudent, would he have done it? Had he been more persevering, would he have allowed himself to get drunk? Certainly not! (99:38, August 27, 1978)

When God Gives a Command, It is not Something that Is Easy to Believe

Hebrews 13

11 After the high priest offers the blood of animals as a sin offering, the bodies of those animals are burned outside the camp. 12 Jesus himself suffered outside the city gate, so that his blood would make people holy. 13 That’s why we should go outside the camp to Jesus and share in his disgrace. 14 On this earth we don’t have a city that lasts forever, but we are waiting for such a city.

15 Our sacrifice is to keep offering praise to God in the name of Jesus. 16 But don’t forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God.

Jeremiah 50

37 Then your chariot horses
and the foreigners in your army
    will refuse to go into battle,
and the enemy will carry away
    everything you treasure.


1. Noah and the Flood

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

When God gives a command, it is not something that is easy to believe; rather it is something unbelievable. For example, God ordered Noah to build an ark for 120 years for the preparation for the flood judgment.9 Further, God ordered him to build the ark not by a river but on a mountaintop. Was it easy for Noah to believe this direction? The human ancestors fell due to the faithlessness; therefore, God needed Noah to stand on absolute faith. That is the reason He did not give him a command that was easy to believe. (53:93, February 10, 1972)

What do you think Noah’s family thought of him? Noah built the ark on the top of a mountain. If it had been on flat land it would be one thing, but building a ship on the top of a mountain is not only beyond common sense, it also certainly exceeded the limits of tolerance. In any ordinary sense, Noah was acting like a crazy man. If he wanted to build a ship, he should have built it on a river-bank, but since he built it on a mountain, his action was totally beyond common sense.
    When God gave that command, do you think He did it in a joking manner? No. God knew better than anyone that Noah’s course would require lifelong dedication on a path of unbearable suffering. God’s anxiety at giving that command was greater than Noah’s suffering. Nevertheless, God commanded Noah to go the path of suffering for 120 years, hoping thereby to gain a way to resolve His inner situation. How miserable was God’s heart? His misery was indescribable.
    At the decisive, tense moment, when whether or not to accept that command hung in the balance, Noah chose to obey God. At that moment, who do you think was happier, God or Noah? Had it gone the other way, God is the one who would have been saddened more than Noah. God’s position is that of a Lord who takes responsibility for joy and sorrow. (48:69, September 5, 1971)

Imagine, you women here, that you were Noah’s wife. Do you think you would have approved of him? Perhaps not. Every day he must have climbed up and down the mountain to build an ark, claiming that he had received a command from God. Every day his wife must have packed his lunch. Since Noah was too busy building the ark to provide for his family, she must have had to take the burden of providing for the family. In the beginning she might have been able to manage it, but within a few months family squabbles must have begun. Yet this difficult situation had to continue not for just twelve months or twelve years, but for 120 years. When she realized that she had to do it for 120 years, she must have fiercely accused her husband, saying that he had gone insane.
    Why couldn’t God instruct Noah to carry out His Will in ordinary circumstances? The reason is this: God cannot dwell together with evil. God’s direction is 180 degrees contrary to the direction of Satan. God abhors evil! If even a few people who are comfortable living in the satanic world have a small amount of faith in Him, God would not be pleased. In God’s sight, the things that are precious to people who compromise with evil would only defile His world.
    Even ordinary people have such a feeling. We do not like anything about our enemy; we do not even want to see him. If so, would the absolute God be pleased to receive praise from the evil world? Hence, God worked in a way that made it impossible for the people of the fallen world to have faith in Him. (69:94-95, October 21, 1973)

For one hundred and twenty years, Noah tolerated the faithless people who opposed and ridiculed him. Even when God told him to warn them that the earth was about to be judged, he accomplished his duty to God in faith. Because he was a righteous man, he was deeply concerned and saddened for the corrupt society in which he lived. While most people were living for their personal comfort, Noah alone struggled to uphold the commandment of public righteousness; Noah alone was concerned about the will of God; and Noah alone grieved in circumstances no one would want to endure. (3:169-70, October 25, 1957