Every Human Being is Struggling to Attain Life-long Happiness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2194

Parents must provide the education
for their children to progress through the
stages of filial children, patriots, saints
and divine sons and daughters. They
have to teach them to perfect the dutiful
way of children of filial piety, patriots,
saints and divine sons and daughters, all
the way up to God. If there is a parent
who teaches in this way, then would not
God think, “My goodness! That parent
is doing what a parent should do. He is
doing what a real teacher should do. He
is doing what a real leader should do”?
When God says, “You are qualified
to be a real parent. You are qualified to
be a teacher,” then you become a father
who has the qualification to be a lead-
er, and, beyond that, a king. Today, the
concept of filial piety hardly exists in
western culture. The concept of becom-
ing a patriot does not exist. The concept
of becoming a saint does not exist. The
concept of becoming divine sons and
daughters does not exist. This is why
cultures will perish.
God wants you all to become divine
sons and daughters. Then, who wants
you to become a saint? The world does.
The country wants you to be a patriot.
The family wants you to become a filial
child. This is the way of absolute truth.
(285-218, 1997.5.19

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1090

On the first day of each month, the
husband and wife in each family should
offer a full bow together at five o’clock
in the morning, facing church head-
quarters. This should be done in a joyful
atmosphere. You should also do this at
five o’clock in the morning on Sundays.
You should report about everything in
your daily life during the week. Sunday
should be a joyful day that you long to
have come quickly. (13-104, 1963.11.1)

Richard: This refers to the Family Pledge, one of the Eight Sacred Textbooks of Holy Scripture: http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/ .

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part
Note: The red part contains the most important content of the Divine Principle.


Every human being is struggling to attain life-long happiness and
overcome misfortune.
How, then, does happiness arise? People feel joy when their desires are fulfilled.
We find a great contradiction in every person. Within the self-same
individual are two opposing inclinations: the original mind that desires
goodness and the evil mind that desires wickedness. They are engaged
in a fierce battle, striving to accomplish two conflicting purposes. Any
being possessing such a contradiction within itself is doomed to perish. Human beings, having acquired this contradiction, live on the brink
of destruction.
Christianity sees this state of destruction as the result of the human Fall.
Considered from the viewpoint of the intellect, the human Fall represents humanity’s descent into ignorance. People are composed of
two aspects: internal and external, or mind and body; likewise, the
intellect consists of two aspects: internal and external. In the same way,
there are two types of ignorance: internal ignorance and external ignorance.
Humanity through religion has followed the path of searching for internal truth, and through science has followed the path of seeking external truth.
Religion and science, setting out with the missions of dispelling the
two aspects of human ignorance, have seemed in the course of their
development to take positions that were contradictory and irreconcilable.
However, for humankind to completely overcome the two aspects of
ignorance and fully realize the goodness which the original mind desires,
at some point in history there must emerge a new truth which can reconcile religion and science and resolve their problems in an integrated undertaking.
What missions must the new truth fulfill? Therefore, in order for God’s providence of salvation to be completely fulfilled, this new truth should first elevate the idealism of the democratic world to a new level, then use it to assimilate materialism, and finally bring humanity into a new world. This truth must be able to embrace all historical religions, ideologies and philosophies and bring complete unity among them. The new truth should guide fallen human beings to return to their original state. To do this, it must reveal the purpose for which God created humankind and the universe, and teach about the process of their restoration and its ultimate goal.
God has sent one person to this earth to resolve the fundamental problems of human life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon.

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Home Church is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven

Join us for the Unification Principle online seminar Part 4 today at 10 am Eastern time: https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/unification-principle-training .

Cheong Seong Gyeong 500

What are the contents of the truth?
However great anyone may be, they can-
not stand in the place of your parents,
spouse or children. What is the highest
of all truths? Parents, spouses and chil-
dren. There is nothing higher. Then what
is the center of the truth? It is love. From
such a principled viewpoint, what is the
center of the highest truth? People say
that God is the Original Being of truth,
goodness, love and life. What does this
mean? They all mean the same. The truth
cannot be established without love and
life. Those who want to become people
who can talk about the real truth must
have the will and desire for the truth
within their lives. Here, desire stands in
a reciprocal position to your standard of
personality. So what is the nucleus? As
the Original Being of life, love and truth,
what kind of being is God? He is the
Father and simultaneously the Mother
of humankind. Parents are the nucleus.
(21-183, 1968.11.20)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1155

How did Satan manage to oppose
God for six thousand years? Until now
Satan has been holding the Principle
in front of God. Satan says, “God, can
You punish me? If You want to punish
me You must destroy heaven and earth
first. When You created me, didn’t You
intend to love me with the love belong-
ing to the completion level, even though
it would be only a love meant for an
archangel?” Even the archangel must
receive love that belongs to the com-
Book 8 • Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity 1156
pletion level even though it is the type
of love befitting the archangel. So, the
archangel would ask God, “When did
You love me at the completion level?”
Even God gets trapped at this point.
Did God love the archangel at the
completion level? No, He was not able
to. Only after God has loved the arch-
angel in the Garden of Eden, in the free
heaven and earth, with the love belong-
ing to the completion level, is God’s
responsibility fulfilled. Otherwise, God
is trapped and He cannot move. (37-254,

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 4

Home church is the greatest gift God and True
Parents can give mankind. It has never existed
before and will never recur in the future. When
you make this gift your own by fulfilling it, you
will definitely become a son or daughter of God.
For the entire 60 years of my life, I have been
preparing this precious gift for you, and now I
freely give it to you. You can make it yours in six
months. This is an incredible opportunity. (4/15/79)

Your home church members will see visions of
me and also of you. When they are open like that,
then they will realize they are to live as one family.
Love will open their eyes. When you link that love to
one home church and it connects it to another and
so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of love
which no one, not even God, can cut. This link will
be sustained directly by the spirit world. The home
church course is the miracle of miracles. The
fact that I could announce the providence of
home church within 24 years is a miracle: compare
that to the little that Christians have achieved in
2,000 years. All the providential events are culmi-
nated in home church, the center of the dispensa-
tion. (5/1/79)

Home church is a very precious blessing for
you, because through it I am giving you a
condition to go beyond the fall of man. You are
an invincible force, advancing like a tidal wave to
cleanse your home church, undeterred by any
opposition. Your certification as a man or woman
of God will be signed by the hostile people you
meet in home church. You should feel that home
church is a cause for gratitude, not a burden.
Home church is a short-cut to the Kingdom of
Heaven. (5/27/79)

When I say that home church is the base of the
Kingdom of Heaven, I mean that it is a launching
pad like the pads at Cape Kennedy. Each of you is
building a rocket: to construct the engine on the
base is the most difficult task, and then you can
build your way up and up to the capsule, where
you can stay. Once you have finished constructing
it, all you have to do is push the button and lift
off. ( 1/1/80)

Home church is the arena where we will go
through all things God has said and done and
through which He wants us to inherit His broken
heart. (4/6/80)

Once every several thousand years. the rope
passes overhead. The Unification Church is that
rope and we are the ones who grabbed it. It is a
once-in-a-million opportunity, so would you just
casually grab it with one hand? You are winding it
around not only your body but around
your 360 homes. The rope will come
down and take root; this is home
You should think of home church
as your lover and love the people
there more than you have ever loved
anyone in the past. (5/18/80)

God is Searching for the Content of True Parents, True Couple, True Children

Matthew 15

Jesus answered:

Why do you disobey God and follow your own teaching? Didn’t God command you to respect your father and mother? Didn’t he tell you to put to death all who curse their parents? But you let people get by without helping their parents when they should. You let them say that what they have has been offered to God.[b] Is this any way to show respect to your parents? You ignore God’s commands in order to follow your own teaching. And you are nothing but show-offs! Isaiah the prophet was right when he wrote that God had said,

“All of you praise me
    with your words,
but you never really
    think about me.
It is useless for you
    to worship me,
when you teach rules
    made up by humans.”

Richard:  Taking care of your parents is very important.

Amos 5

Now you will have to carry
    the two idols you made—
Sakkuth, the one you call king,
and Kaiwan,
the one you built
    in the shape of a star.[h]
27 I will force you to march
    as captives beyond Damascus.
I, the Lord God All-Powerful,
    have spoken![i]

Richard:  Don’t worship idols like money, power and knowledge that is not God-centered.

Man Is an Explorer in Search of Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1959

John 10: 1-18

Although there are many adventurers who seek to explore the famous unknown spots, anyone can do that. But what is the highest standard that Jesus set as the mark of adventure? It is the problem of the heart.

What allows modern Christianity to contribute to the movements of the world? It is the historic background of martyrdom, which transcended death. There are people who are willing to seek truth with a desperate heart, even putting their lives at stake. God wants to take those people to establish the world of the purpose of the heart. Because of this, He sent Jesus. Yet when Jesus was dying pitifully on the mountain of Calvary, did people anticipate that someday he would be leading the world? Not even in their dreams.

We are people who have to seek. We have before us the path that we must take today and tomorrow, with all our lives and even our bodies at stake, in spite of any difficulty or danger.

Through the Principle, you know that the battles waged between God and Satan are propelling history. Where is the original son who can call on God after winning these battles? Mankind has not yet seen or found the world in which Heavenly Father responds when the son calls on Him as Father with a desperate heart.

Jesus came to this world and said that he was the only begotten son of God. The Bible records Jesus’ presence as the glory of the begotten son. Jesus called God “Father.” He said to attend him like the bridegroom, that the people were his bride and his brethren. This is something to be grateful for.

There is a God who guides the providence for mankind in this world from up in Heaven. God leads the history of goodness. Then what is His purpose? It is not the Bible. At the end, when the providence of restoration is completed, the Bible will disappear along with the fallen world.

Believing in the Bible is not the question here. What is more precious is a son who can go beyond just believing, one who knows the Father who has striven for six thousand years, who strives now, and who will strive in the future. With a burning heart toward Heavenly Father, he can call on Him. Such a daughter is this precious. Heavenly Father cannot be joyous in looking at humanity. The only one He feels joyous over is Jesus. Isn’t that so?

We are searching for truth. The individual, the family, the society, the world is searching for truth. Then who is the ultimate owner of the truth the universe is searching for? It is God.

What is the content of the truth God wants to establish? What He is searching for is the content of true parents, true couples, true children, true Heaven and earth, and the true cosmos that mankind has yet to possess. Isn’t that so?