People on Both Sides Need to Take the Stance “I Exist for You”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2245

Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have loved each other, but they would have loved each other in place of God. Thereby their daily lives would have manifested that of God. If they had liked something, He, too, would have liked it internally. If they had been sad, He, too, would have felt sadness internally because love would have belonged to Him and them. Being one love, it could only be like this. (95-248, 1977.12.4)
Richard: Great reading for Valentines Day!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1404

    In the Old Testament Age, Adam’s family failed to keep the covenant to inherit the lineage giving rise to a parent-child relationship with You, losing it instead through the Fall.
    They would have established that relationship with You in the place where they could inherit Your love, life, and lineage; yet it was in that very place that the sin of our first ancestors bound them in blood ties with Satan as their false parent, thereby giving rise to the sorrowful history that began with Adam’s family inheriting satanic love, life, and lineage from Satan as his children and thus becoming his family. This, in turn, created the environment of conflict between mind and body, husband and wife, parents and children, and between siblings, resulting in Cain’s murder of Abel in that first family. Consequently, all of humanity is divided at the levels of the family, tribe, race, and nation, and even the world with the democratic and communist worlds pitted against each other. Amid the confusion of the Last Days, it was Your will to establish the Unification Church in order to usher in the Completed Testament Age because it had not been possible to completely fulfill Your will in the Old Testament Age or establish Your ideal kingship in the New Testament Age. Upon the foundations laid in those two ages, the True Parents were to come to earth and complete all that was incomplete both on earth and in the spirit world, and form relationships based on their true love, life, and lineage on earth in the name of the God of liberation. It was Your will to completely clear the field of wild olive trees that is the fallen world and to engraft them to the true olive tree, thereby forming a connection as Your kinfolk, and, by so doing, restore Your family. Upholding Your will, the Unification Church has continued its work in performing global weddings in the name of the True Parents in order to allow all people of the world to indemnify the wrongful marriages of history and become one great family of brothers and sisters.


Reconciliation and Peacemaking

1. Reconciliation

Teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon

You should offer your devotions in peaceful surroundings and with a peaceful heart. You should not worship where there is discord, because God is not present where there is discord. Your act of worship can bear fruit when there is goodness, with all evils having surrendered. It cannot bear fruit where there is conflict and complaint. That is why when there is a falling out among brothers, they should first reconcile before making an offering table for their ancestors.9 (286:209-10, August 11, 1997)

If each side insists, “I exist for myself,” they can never be reconciled. To achieve the goal of peace, people on both sides need to take the stance, “I exist for you.” Then they can come to the point of consoling one another. Peace can arise only when we say to our opponent, “I am here for you.” (60:21, August 1, 1972)

Thus far, nations tried to expand their territory by invading others. However, from now on we should follow the principle that to reach the world we should deny ourselves. In order for your beloved nation to lead the world, it must go beyond national self-interest. If your nation cannot do this, it does not have the philosophy that can unify the world. (26:294, November 10, 1969)

What kind of world would it be if each nation thought, “God is on my side,” while it treated other nations as the enemy? It would be a world of continual wars and conflicts.
    To become God’s sons and daughters, you have to love the way God loves. You have to love humanity. I know that God wants enemy nations to reconcile, become friendly, connect with each other and unite into one. That is why I work to encourage nations to think beyond their borders and form a united world. (83:312, February 25, 1976)

If You are Offering Your Gift at the Altar, First be Reconciled to Your Brother

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1354

The 430 Couples signify the coming together of the whole nation and not just the Unification Church. The number 430 is related to the 4,300 years of Korean history and also signifies setting out to restore the worldwide Canaan, equivalent to the Israelites departing for Canaan. The path has been opened for everyone to follow, whether they believe in God or not. That is to say, in place of the Israelites setting out on the national level after 430 years, we have the 430 Couples setting out on the worldwide level after 4,300 years. They are leaving for the Promised Land on the global level. Through the 430 Couples, the whole nation should be connected to the Blessing, and this connection should expand to include the whole world, which is why I blessed the 43 Couples as the worldwide counterparts of the 430 Couples. That is the condition: through these Blessings, the 430 Couples can connect to any tribe in Korea, whereas the 43 Couples, as representatives of the world, can connect to any nation. (91-259, 1977.2.23)
Richard: “The path has been opened for everyone to follow, whether they believe in God or not.” So what do they have to believe in. Absolute Sexual Ethics and The Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1240

True Parents take eternal responsibility for those who have received the Blessing, even when they pass on to the spirit world. I will guide and lead them. The Blessing establishes an eternal relationship between those who receive it and me. (God’s Will – 538)


Reconciliation and Peacemaking

JESUS CALLED PEACEMAKERS GOD’S SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Indeed, reconciling parties in conflict is to participate in the work of God, who desires that all the members of His family live in peace with one another. Yet the work of a peacemaker can be difficult. Even though he or she tries to be even-handed, demonstrating concern and empathy for both sides, the peacemaker is liable to be attacked and blamed by one side or the other. A peacemaker must therefore be willing to make sacrifices and take risks for peace—even to the extent of sacrificing his life.
Reconciliation requires much of the quarreling parties. Beyond a temporary truce, it requires genuine forgiveness. Ultimately, it should lead to bonds of love and solidarity between the former enemies. Father Moon teaches us to apply the scriptural ethic to love our enemy (See Chapter 13: Love Your Enemy), to reconciling with enemy nations and enemy religions.

  1. Reconciliation

If you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
    Matthew 5.23-24 Continue reading “If You are Offering Your Gift at the Altar, First be Reconciled to Your Brother”

Can You Find Peace if Your Mind and Body are Fighting?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

Because I made possible the 430 Couples Blessing, anyone who is a citizen of Korea is now living in the realm of fortune, in which everyone can be equally connected to God’s providential will. That is why we can safely conclude that Korea can never go to ruin. It cannot. This is the conclusion. We have entered such an era in history. (84-146, 1976.2.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1245

    What would life have been like if woman had not been created to stand before man in the Garden of Eden? It is a universal truth that women exist. It is a miracle of miracles that both men and women exist. If one existed without the other, it would be the same as having no existence at all. That would be the end of humanity. The Blessing of the Unification Church should be understood and appreciated in this context.
    Once you meet your spouse, that relationship will last forever. You must be thankful for the original love between husband and wife, which you cannot buy even if you offered the universe or God Himself. You must also be strong and bold. Those who have tasted the true love of the Unification Church will be followed by the light of love wherever they go. You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven if you do not love humanity and the whole universe, centering on true love. (Blessing – 287)


Inner Peace

Can you find peace if your mind and body are fighting? How can you find happiness and peace when your mind and body are not one? (242:60, December 27, 1992)

Before we complain about the world’s conflicts and the absence of world peace, we should reflect on ourselves and consider whether our minds and bodies are united into one, whether we are the starting-points of peace, and whether God is at the center of our endeavors for peace. (140:17-18, February 1, 1986) Continue reading “Can You Find Peace if Your Mind and Body are Fighting?”

Peace Begins With Peaceful Individuals

#119-Kelly Kohls-We Have a Parent Problem
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1132

When Adam was chased out of Eden, was he expelled before or after having children? We did not see this, but if they had sons and daughters, would God have been able to chase them out? There would have been many more tears. The grandchildren would have clung to God and cried, “Grandfather, grandmother,why are you chasing us out like this?” and held on and screamed…If those four people had just grabbed God’s arms and cried, He would have had to cut them off, wouldn’t He? I do not know about sinful Adam and Eve, but their sinless children would have realized the fact that God could not chase them out. God understood this, so He expelled Adam and Eve before they had children. After He had done this, they married at their own discretion; they stayed together and gave birth to their offspring. When God cast them out, did He instruct them to marry and have sons and daughters or did He not say such a thing? Try to answer that. Anyway, they bore children after they were expelled. (218-230, 1991.8.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1112

Hy did God give human beings a portion of responsibility? As He is omniscient and omnipotent, He endowed humanity with those same qualities of creativity. Moreover, as He is also the Subject of eternal and unchanging love, He could not help but vest in human beings a portion of responsibility so as to allow them to rise to a position representing that Subject of love, God Himself.

This became the prerequisite for God’s blessings,comparable to a key that can lead us into the dominion of love over everything, He had no course other than to bequeath this key to us. However, we must understand that problems arose over the fulfillment of human responsibility and that human beings fell. (20-209, 1968.6.9)


Inner Peace

Peace begins with peaceful individuals. people who attain inner peace radiate peace to others. they possess inner strength, clarity and compassion with which to treat others peacefully, even in the face of hostility. by cultivating what Father Moon calls unity of mind and body, people can become vessels fit to receive God’s abundant love, with which to share with others.
Cultivating inner peace must be the starting-point for all peacemaking efforts in the outer world. no political or economic program can produce a just and equitable peace if the people it seeks to help are full of hatred and violence in their hearts.

Just as a deep lake is clear and still, even so, on hearing the teachings and realizing them, the wise become exceedingly peaceful.
    Dhammapada 82

Men do not mirror themselves in running water—they mirror themselves in still water. Only what is still can still the stillness of other things.
    Chuang Tzu 5
(Taoism) Continue reading “Peace Begins With Peaceful Individuals”

Why Is Fighting Evil?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1333

The 36 Couples are chosen to represent countless good ancestors entrusted with missions in the providence of restoration and, as their resurrected incarnations, have the responsibility to substantially restore on earth all that they had failed to achieve vertically through- out history. You must know that the 36 Couples represent the world’s 3.6. billion people. (40-185, 1971.2.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

The Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church is not simply a wedding through which a man and a woman come together and form a family. Until now, all weddings were solely for the sake of the people getting married. But our wed- ding ceremony is significant and necessary to set a condition to indemnify the past and return joy to God. Therefore, we conduct our ceremonies in a sacred and splendid manner. Divine Principle clearly explains to us that our wedding ceremony alleviates God’s bitter grief that was caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve. It goes beyond the standard of husband and wife, which Jesus was unable to attain. (22-212, 1969.2.4


The Peace of God

Teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon

God is the King of love, the King of peace and happiness and the Core of the ideal. Therefore, when human beings are blocked in their search after such things, there is no other way except through God. (72:11, May 7, 1974)

If people are quarreling and God appears in their midst, they change and want to help each other. (330:267, August 20, 2000) Continue reading “Why Is Fighting Evil?”