The Polish for the Heart is the Remembrance of God

Interviews with District 100 (Shannondale vicinity) WV House of Delegate Candidates:
Steve Harris
Bill Ridenour

Interviews with U. S. House of Representatives-WV 2nd Congressinal District Candidates:
Susan Buchser-Lochocki
Rhonda Hercules
Mike Seckman

Interviews with Jefferson County School Board Candidates:
Andrea Elliott
Barbara Fuller
Joyce Smith

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1202

The age in which Jesus was not welcomed by the established Jewish faith must be restored through indemnity. Thus, there should be a phenomenon opposite to the time when Israel and Rome united against Jesus. The Korean government was united with America, and Christianity was opposing me persistently through these governments that were against me. I had to stand in such a position and restore this situation through indemnity. In my generation, I developed a national level foundation, and brought great victory. My strategy in America since 1974 was therefore to connect the foundation of this spiritual victory to the substantial world stage through the young generation of the world. Over a 3-year course, until my deadline of 1976, I waged a substantial war in earnest on the national level in America. (138-216, 1986.1.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1476

Where can you find the root of your life? It lies with unfallen parents. Then can the unfallen parents of goodness be found here? As the Lord with dual characteristics, God created the universe and human beings in His image to reflect His dual characteristics. Adam is the manifestation of His male characteristics and Eve His female characteristics. From this perspective, although we usually say, “Our Heavenly Father,” because He is just one being, the concept of God actually includes the idea of God being “Our Heavenly Father and Mother.” (140-123, 1986.2.9)

Prayer and Worship

3. Prayer from the Heart

There is a polish for everything that becomes rusty, and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of God.
    Hadith of Tirmidhi (Islam)

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What Lies Between a Man and Infidelity Is the Abandonment of Prayer

Watch or listen to interviews with Jefferson County WV Board of Education Candidates in the upcoming May 10, 2022 election, which is the only election for the Board of Education:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2204

    God wants all people to become filial sons and daughters and patriots; and, from among them, He wants those who maintain the highest standard. God wants people who will only go the way of loyalty and filial piety.
    Those who do not take responsibility for their parents’ life and assets, and do not bring peace and development to their families, cannot become filial children. If their parents lose all their assets, then they must be willing to offer up everything they have for them.
    With the destruction of God’s ideal of creation, those standing in the position of having trampled upon life, assets, peace, and the ideal cannot become patriots or filial children. You have to ask yourselves, “When did I ever show concern for God’s affairs as if they were mine? When did I ever feel the threat to Father’s life? When did I ever agonize and strive to try to bring about peace and unification within Father’s family?” You may have attempted to do that, but from God’s point of view, instead of being loyal and filial, you have been disloyal and unfilial. (18-341, 1967.10.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1272

    All of you went through the ceremony of converting the lineage before you received the Blessing, didn’t you? You did not really understand any of it; you simply followed my orders, but in reality it is not that simple.
    History came to be in utter confusion today because Jesus could not form a relationship of husband and wife at his first advent. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the standard of heart, there would be great trouble if any event occurred at the Blessing that would defile the lineage. I am not just talking about the penalty of such actions. The first human ancestors were thrown out of the Garden of Eden when they fell, even though they were not fully matured; bearing that in mind, there would be dire consequences if you committed a sin on the foundation of the perfected standard of heart. If that were to happen, God would not want to see you ever again and neither would I. (198-220, 1990.2.3)

Prayer and Worship

2. Prayer Protects Against Evil

Prayer restrains one from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of God is the greatest thing in life, without doubt.
    Qur’an 29.45

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Prayer is Making a Wish

Watch or listen to interviews with Jefferson County WV Board of Education Candidates in the upcoming May 10, 2022 election, which is the only election for the Board of Education:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 926

    In this world, if you are asked, “What do you want to do?” you would answer, “I want to become a judge for the Supreme Court.” Isn’t that the case for you? Everyone likes a judge, don’t they? Christians today say, “God is the great Master of heaven and earth. He is also the Judge who discriminates good from evil, sends good people to heaven, evil people to hell, and rules heaven and earth based on the law of righteousness.” Would you like such a judge? If He had sent billions of people to hell throughout history until now, would God’s mind be at ease? That could never happen.
    In this way, it is not God’s ambition to sit on His throne and exercise His authority as the judge of righteousness. God hates those things. (201-21, 1990.2.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1090

Pledge service should not be done only on Sunday mornings. Basically, we should do it every day. When you rise in the morning, you should first do Pledge service facing headquarters. It is an official ceremony. However, if we do Pledge service like that every day, there can be adverse effects. In order to avoid these side effects, as a condition, we do pledge only on Sunday mornings and on the mornings of the first day of each month. Ideally, we should be doing it every day. (31-274, 1970.6.4)

Prayer and Worship

  1. God Answers Prayer

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Prayer is calling to God and conversing with Him. (270:17, May 3, 1995)

Prayer is a covenant between man and God; it is a pledge. Whatever you pray about, you have to practice.
    There is no need to pray for the same thing day after day. You only need to pray for it once with genuine sincerity. Then seek and long for it with a prayerful heart even if it takes ten or twenty years to be fulfilled. (40:299, February 7, 1971)

Prayer is making a wish. By making a wish, you place yourself in an object position to God, the Subject. You set up a subject-object relationship of love.
    Having unfulfilled wishes and longings is good, because they motivate us to make this relationship. Because we lack confidence to fulfill them ourselves, we pray… clinging to God. (112:54, March 29, 1981)

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Prayer Directs Our Heart to God and Purifies It

Watch or listen to interviews with Jefferson County WV Board of Education Candidates in the upcoming May 10, 2022 election, which is the only election for the Board of Education:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2217

What kind of time will that moment in the future be, the time all religions strive for, in which we can practice filial piety and loyalty? It is the time when all humankind can sing songs of happiness together, rejoicing for the first time over the beginning of hope; and take pride in the joy of God who has been guiding history. Surely religion arose solely for the purpose of ushering in that moment; pledging victory in order to manifest each of us as the center of all heaven and earth. (27-307, 1969.12.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2096

    I am very famous. Everyone acknowledges that I am a patriot living for the sake of the nation. Moreover, the whole world has honored my achievements. So if people come to say, “Since we have put True Parents’ picture up, my wife and I cannot quarrel in front of it,” and tell their children, “You should not do such things in front of Rev. Moon,” what is wrong with that? Because you are revering it more than the photograph of your own parents, your ancestors will come and also revere True Parents as their ancestors. It will become an altar where ancestors can come and hold a service for the household.
    As a result, because the way to receive heavenly blessing has been opened up, then even after you fall asleep, at three o’clock in the morning, your ancestors will chase out all the evil spirits from around your home. (219-91, 1991.8.25)


World Scripture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon

Prayer and Worship

PRAYER LIES AT THE CORE OF THE RELIGIOUS LIFE in most religions. The passages collected here discuss the efficacy of prayer and give guidance on how to pray. Through prayer, we develop a relationship with God, exposing our inner life to Him and receiving His grace. In prayer we repent for our sins, ask God for help, and receive God’s guidance. We learn to trust in God to fulfill our prayers, and to follow His guidance for what we should do to progress in our life of faith. Conversely, God can begin to trust us as we declare our intention in prayer to do good, and then strive to fulfill it. Thus, prayer life can develop into a living relationship with God, as substantial as with a friend or indeed, with our own parents.
Prayer directs our heart to God and purifies it, providing a natural defense against temptations and the evil promptings of our fallen self. As we cultivate a taste for prayer, it nourishes our spirit and brightens our entire life. We receive divine energy in our conscience to do what is right, strength of character to endure hardships, and comfort in our heart as we seek to love. Some of these texts give instruction on how to pray. Prayer should be done constantly, sometimes with vigils far into the night. Prayer should be honest; it is quiet and sincere conversation from the heart. Prayer should be accompanied by deeds; the prayer of the hypocrite is without effect. Among the best prayers are those that put the welfare of others ahead of oneself and, as Father Moon teaches, prayers to comfort God’s heart. Some representative prayers can be found in the Invocation which opens this anthology.

  1. God Answers Prayer

Your Lord says, “Call on Me; I will answer your prayer.”
    Qur’an 40.60

The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth.
    Psalm 145.18

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