May You Receive Glory Without End

Cheon Seong Gyeong 264

Once we offer something, we have to offer in the name of God, and from God’s name it must return to True Parents. Just having True Parents will not be enough. Our offering must return to True Parents from the name of God, the Creator. It must become a possession of Adam and Eve. In other words, we need to receive it back. The inheritance must take place in True Parents’ family. After this occurs, then first will come an age of redistribution. We will have an eternal heavenly nation, where there is no Satan to have to separate from. Second, life according to the ideal of creation will be possible, and there will be no accusation from Satan. There will be no struggle or breakdown there. Since life under the ideal of creation starts within a completely unified system centering on true love, we will have the perfect Kingdom of Heaven on earth. After having lived here we will go straight to the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. There will be no need for religion. Thus third, the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth together existing for the sake of true love will be realized. Next, the conclusion. May you receive eternal glory in God’s name, in True Parents’ name, and in all of our names! May you receive eternal glory in God’s name, in True Parents’ name, and in all of our names! May you receive glory without end! There will not even be any religion. That is it. (212-143, 1991.1.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 836

In the spirit world, you will find that those born as men, who lived alone and died single, are not in a good place. They cannot go to a good place. In these circumstances, they lower their heads when they gaze upon God and look down before Him. God asks, “Hey you, why are you looking down?” If the tip of the male’s organ is pointing downwards, the man can only look down. What does that mean? How can a monk, born as a man, not knowing the harmony of heaven and earth, the union of yin and yang, and conjugal love, understand the way of love, which is the center of the great principle of heaven and earth? (197-24, 1990.1.7)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

We must create the parent-type UN through the unity of Cain and Abel. The Abel UN, representing an elder brother, God, and parents, should be supported by the Cain UN. If we fail to go through this process, we won’t be able to restore the original ideal homeland. That’s logical. Can you come up with a theory that can prove the opposite?

Had only America, the UN, and the world united and followed me for at least three years, the world would have already been unified. I have built a sufficient foundation for this to happen. I’m telling you that I’ve already prepared a place for landing. I’m going to set straight all perversions of the satanic world. For this I must hold Hoon Dok meetings with the Second Generation. This is material for family education.

That’s why we need the Family Party. It must educate. The Family Party is involved in politics. Can the Family Party work through the army? Instead of working through the army, it should unify Cain and Abel and form a new army on that basis. Now, how are you going to do that? You have to become elite troops of the Fourth Adam’s Realm in the Completion Age. After the independence of Korea, it tried to create elite troops but ruined everything instead. That’s why I now am building a worldwide army by giving the Blessing to the Second Generation.

Continue reading “May You Receive Glory Without End”

There Is No Other World that Is Livable

Cheon Seong Gyeong 627

    The human body consists of almost one hundred trillion cells. Our ancestors have died and gone to the spirit world, but within our body are cells passed down that have received their love. The cells connecting to life have been passed down – connected through the lineage. They are still alive and moving.
    When autumn comes, the leaves fall. New buds come out in spring. A garden becomes green in summer. Likewise, we human beings are born from numerous ancestors through our blood connection. Although we are their descendants, we are meant to live our lives representing them. Centering on our ancestors’ true love and drawing upon their life energy, we are to pass down their lineage. Thus, your grandfather and grandmother are the beings into whom your ancestors are compressed. It is they who represent your clans and your families before heaven.  
    Then what about your father and mother? They are the center of your family. They represent all the fathers and mothers of all families in the present world. The grandfather and grandmother represent the past and the father and mother represent the present. What about sons and daughters? They are the future descendants who can be unified with God’s eternal ideal world – the heavenly kingdom – and can complete the unification of the cosmos. Your family is holding your son and daughter as the starting point of your family. Therefore, the family is the compressed unit of the representative of the past, the representative of the present people of the world, and the representative of future descendants living in one place. That is why the family that has not fallen stands in such a position whereby it can communicate with both the spiritual and physical worlds.
    Just as the love within the parent-child relationship is cherished in the physical world, if you live with such love on earth, you will attend God as your Parent and live your life in heaven as His child. (214-268, 1991.2.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1419

Once a woman is married, isn’t she entered into her husband’s family register? In the case of Western countries or Japan, what happens to her surname? It is changed. Since she has nothing, no foundation upon which to stand, she will become one with her husband by taking his surname, be it Inoue, Yamaoka, or Kinoshita. When they unite together, they do so by forming a relationship of love. As the power of this love is stronger than the origin of life, the woman is not sad for having to leave her own family for that of her husband; on the contrary, she accepts this as a matter of course, and goes to her husband with hope and a smile. (258-244, 1994.3.20)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

You have the textbook, so teach it by your actions. This is the only textbook, so do you need to repent? (Audience: “We do.”) All of you who are at least thirteen years old can do this. The number 13 is important. Thirteen is the center that is able to represent the twelve disciples.

Thirteen is the best number. Thirteen is good, and 12 is also good. Twelve represents the 12 disciples. America needs twelve disciples; it needs 70 elders and 120 believers. Then it needs 360 clans. That is why Korea ties together the 286 family names.

So you can go to any country in the world, centering on the town. The town mayor takes care of the responsibilities of his position there, so you can go to the town and be responsible for the Hoon Dok Hae. There are this many blessed families in America, and there is now a textbook that you can use to educate people all over the world centering on the town.

The Second Generation blessed families will be responsible for each town in the world. They will take this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven) and do what Parents have not been able to do. A textbook has been created and on this foundation we can even restore those who committed sin after receiving the blessing, turning them completely into citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. So are you going to center your life on this, or not?

You must live as this textbook teaches. You could be castrated at any time. There is no other world that is livable. You must be able to take this book, lay the foundation for Hoon Dok churches and fulfill its content. This book provides the first page of every doctoral dissertation. The textbooks of the satanic world, even though highly educated scholars write them, will pass. That is how precious this book is. Will you value your money more? Would it be too much to demand all the land in America in payment for this? This book will move even the planet Earth. All humankind will move to the realm of this book.

Now, I am going to go with this book to educate people. There is no one among Koreans who is not a blessed family. Those who are blessed families must take this book and educate the second generation according to its content. When those sons and daughters educate their mothers, and become patriots, filial sons and daughters, and faithful women doing tens and hundreds of times more work than their mothers, then the gateway will open to the position where you can inherit the Heavenly Kingdom and even rule over the kingship. So who would stray from the path that is taught by this book? There will not be a single person who fails to become a citizen of the nation of kingship of heavenly freedom and complete release. All homelands will become one homeland, and so it will be one lineage and one kinship. Aju!


True Father has Made the Foundation to Save America

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1955

Unless God stands in a position where He can be loved more than any Japanese parent is loved, God cannot become part of any family in that nation. God must be in a higher position. Opposite poles attract. We must carry out such activities. The Messiah is absolutely needed. In particular, if the Japanese people are the first to come together in making a foothold, so that the people of the world can receive the Messiah, the day will come when Japan will be praised in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, no matter what it takes, we must leave the evil sovereignty behind and assure that the good lineage of Heaven is all that remains. (55-97, 1972.4.23) Unless God stands in a position where He can be loved more than any Japanese parent is loved, God cannot become part of any family in that nation. God must be in a higher position. Opposite poles attract. We must carry out such activities. The Messiah is absolutely needed. In particular, if the Japanese people are the first to come together in making a foothold, so that the people of the world can receive the Messiah, the day will come when Japan will be praised in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, no matter what it takes, we must leave the evil sovereignty behind and assure that the good lineage of Heaven is all that remains. (55-97, 1972.4.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

You should all quit school and attend kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school in Korea. That is the fast way. A year in a Korean kindergarten, six years in elementary school, and six years in middle and high school adds up to 13 years. If you graduate from high school and understand this, then you know everything about the world. In 13 years, you will know everything. After that, there can be university and graduate school. To complete a doctoral program in the Abel sphere centering on Cain and Abel, a person should be able to refer to books from eight countries. Without such ability, a person cannot enter the doctoral program at Harvard University.

Continue reading “True Father has Made the Foundation to Save America”

Obey My Voice, and I Will Be Your God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2102

Previously, I said that we were to go over the watershed, didn’t I? On my seventieth birthday, outside spiritualists came dancing and said, “Now Rev. Moon has crossed the thirty-eighth parallel.” They are saying that I have crossed the threshold. Now the world of happiness is coming. This is how we should overcome the 1990s. After having passed over this, the Unification Church will be able to make swift and unbridled progress. Now, on this, my seventieth birthday, we must indemnify seven thousand years and the number seven, and must pass into the age of the number eight. Number eight is the number of liberation and making a new start, is it not? This is why America has declared the collapse of communism and so forth. Everything is completed. This is quite curious. This happened on the seventh and eighth after we had finished our event. (199-96, 1990.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1278

    What is the difference between the second generation children of Blessed Families and young members who are candidates for the Blessing? When those candidates want to receive the Blessing, they need the holy wine ceremony and other ceremonies as well. It is very complicated. However, in the case of the second generation, there is no need for the holy wine ceremony. Their roots are different. Your roots are lodged in the fallen world, but theirs are not.
    Everyone looks similar from the outside, but their histories and backgrounds are all different. The beginnings were different and so the process of growing up was different. The current situations they are in are different and their future destinations are different. Even though the final destination (spirit world) is the same, the final place they are going to there is different. It cannot be the same because those of the second generation are in the position of blessed children. (144-281, 1986.4.26)

Beyond Ritual

2. With the Changing of the Age, Old Rituals Are Replaced by Purer Forms of Devotion

Once, as Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai was coming forth from Jerusalem, Rabbi Joshua followed after him and beheld the Temple in ruins. “Woe unto us,” Rabbi Joshua cried, “that this, the place where the iniquities of Israel were atoned for, is laid waste!”
    “My son,” Rabbi Yohanan said to him, “be not grieved. We have another atonement as effective as this. And what is it? It is acts of loving-kindness, as it is said, ‘For I desire mercy and not sacrifice’ [Hosea 6.6].”
    Talmud, Abot de Rabbi Nathan 6 (Judaism) Continue reading “Obey My Voice, and I Will Be Your God”

Today’s Struggle Can Become the Foundation for the Future

  • Early Bird Registration is now open for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar, save $20 per couple or $10 per single until May 31st.

  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Deuteronomy 1

39 Then the Lord spoke to you again:

People of Israel, you said that your innocent young children would be taken prisoner in the battle for the land. But someday I will let them go into the land, and with my help they will conquer it and live there.

Richard: It is very important to work together with your children in building God’s Kingdom

The Lord God showed me that he is going to send locusts[a] to attack your crops. It will happen after the king has already been given his share of the grain and before the rest of the grain has been harvested.[b]In my vision the locusts ate every crop in the land, and I said to the Lord, “Forgive me for asking, but how can the nation survive? It’s so weak.”

Then the Lord felt sorry and answered, “I won’t let it be destroyed.”

Richard: Sometimes we can intercede on behalf of God’s (wayward) children.

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959


Father, we know that the course of restoration is almost endless. We human beings run and run in circles without resolving our sorrow and resentment. However, when we become connected to Your world of heart, we can establish a relationship with the history of sorrow. Today’s struggle can become the foundation for the future, and we can ultimately build the garden of unlimited hope, unlimited happiness, and unlimited longing.

Where are the mountains and streams to which You can bring Adam and show them off proudly? Where are the blooming flowers, the growing trees, the green fields, and running streams You wanted to show Adam proudly?

Adam, who could have stood in the position to accompany You in the state of connected heart, fell and left You. We earnestly hope and ask that we can become ones who can attend You and rejoice with all things, all people, and the cosmos.

We realize that the bitterness of the cross cannot be connected to us unless we reach it through our longing. The glorious position which You left cannot be connected to us either, unless we have the mind to admire the ideal garden with piercing longing. Father, please grant that we may become Your sons and daughters who can relate to all things in the original garden as original persons with the heart of longing. Let us be able to victoriously receive Your blessing without any relationship with the fall. Please guide us to be the true ancestors of humanity. We earnestly ask this.

Father, we entrusted everything of this day to You. I ask earnestly that You grant them the heart that experiences a new joy through the offered words. I ask everything in the name of the Lord. Amen.