If You Resolve and Act on Your Resolution for God, Good Spirits Will Descend

Stop the Steal March to Support President Trump
Saturday, November 14 12 noon, Washington, DC

The Richard Urban Show:
#69 Video: Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation
     Editorial: Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation

Revelation 12

A war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels were fighting against the dragon and its angels. But the dragon lost the battle. It and its angels were forced out of their places in heaven and were thrown down to the earth. Yes, that old snake and his angels were thrown out of heaven! That snake, who fools everyone on earth, is known as the devil and Satan. 10 Then I heard a voice from heaven shout,

“Our God has shown
his saving power,
    and his kingdom has come!
God’s own Chosen One
    has shown his authority.
Satan accused our people
in the presence of God
    day and night.
Now he has been thrown out!

Richard: This indicates what is happening right now with the massive voter fraud and the censorship and blatant bias of mainstream media and social media against President Trump. Demonic forces have been thrown down from heaven and are working on earth. Yet they will not prevail!

Psalm 1

God blesses those people
    who refuse evil advice
    and won’t follow sinners
    or join in sneering at God.
Instead, the Law of the Lord
    makes them happy,
    and they think about it
    day and night.

They are like trees
    growing beside a stream,
trees that produce
fruit in season
    and always have leaves.
Those people succeed
    in everything they do.

That isn’t true of those
    who are evil,
    because they are like straw
    blown by the wind.
Sinners won’t have an excuse
    on the day of judgment,
    and they won’t have a place
    with the people of God.
The Lord protects everyone
    who follows him,
    but the wicked follow a road
    that leads to ruin.

Spirits of the Departed

  1. Spirits among Us

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

You are ignorant of the original life of God’s creation. You are unable to speak with confidence in the presence of the Creator, the spirits in heaven and all things on earth. Yet even at this hour, God and some spirits in heaven and on earth are helping you. (8:43, November 1, 1959)

At the peak of your spirituality, if you resolve and act upon your resolution for God, good spirits will descend from the spirit world and assist you. However, if your spiritual level drops, those spirits that had been assisting you will begin to leave, one by one. As they depart they are sorrowful, mournfully thinking that they might never again descend to the earth and assist earthly people. Indeed, once they leave you, it is hard for them to return. Act, therefore, to increase the number of spirits who can assist you. Then your work will make smooth and rapid progress, and heavenly fortune will be with you. (161:273-74, February 26, 1987)

Spirit people cannot come here and work just as they wish; their way is blocked. Only a few particular spirits can return to earth, unless earthly people through their religious life build a bridge enabling more to cross. (102:29, November 19, 1978)

When our ancestors entered the spirit world, they were judged guilty. Unable to make progress in the spirit world, they should again descend to earth and make restitution. It would be better for you not to follow the same path. (146:224, July 1, 1986)

In the past, a person who prayed and made numerous conditions of devotion could meet the deceased founder of his religion for a short time, but then they had to separate, because the religious leader had to return to the spirit world. However, now is the time when all spirits can descend to earth, to people of their respective religions. (161:199-200, February 3, 1987

Those Who are Dead are Never Gone

The Richard Urban Show:
#69 Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation
     Editorial: Constitutional Crisis-Massive Voting Fraud Rocks Nation
#68 The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 6-with Jamal Johnson
#67: Who Can Be Trusted on Voting Integrity: President Trump or Joe Biden?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 770

On the day you are really born as
God’s son…. Amongst the innumerable
stars, do you think there is a realm of
diamond stars or not? Think about it.
You want to have diamonds, don’t you?
You can’t say there isn’t a star made just
of gold. It is possible. How rich God, our
Father, is! Have you ever thought about
that? We can travel this infinite uni-
verse in a moment. Are you interested?
Are you truly interested? If so, what we
need to do is observe the normative laws
in accordance with God’s commands:
“Don’t do this!” or “Do that!” This is pos-
sible only when you observe what God
says to do or not to do. It is only logical
that this becomes impossible if you live
according to your selfish desires.

Richard: We have to observe God’s commandments in order to stay in his will. The number one commandment is sexual purity before marriage and fidelity within marriage. See this teaching in True Families Gateway to Heaven .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard: Satan’s world is in its death throes; the current seeming advance of evil will not stand.

Spirits of the Departed

Souls who have passed on do not really leave us.  They remain with us as more than mere memories. the souls of people whom we loved on earth continue to seek our welfare us much as they are able. the souls of people we wronged on earth harbor resentment against us and would avenge themselves if given the chance. thus, the dead are not really dead. they may be living with us. sometimes sensitive people can call them down to earth, as in the bible when Saul employed a medium to call up the ghost of the prophet Samuel. 
    Most people are ignorant of spiritual influences on the living, yet they are real. the philosopher Immanuel Kant once said, “the human soul stands even in this life in indissoluble connection with all immaterial natures in the spirit world, that it reciprocally acts upon these and receives impressions and help from them.” they include not only spirits of the dead, but also nature spirits—sprites, fairies and their ilk. the first peoples know them well, and their shamans are trained to sense their presence and employ them for human benefit. their influence can be benign, or it can be beneficial, as the muse that inspires great art or the sudden insight that begets scientific discovery and invention. spiritual influence can also be terribly destructive; for example, the passions that inflame age-old conflicts into modern-day ethnic violence.
    Intercourse between heaven and earth works both ways. spirits can be mobilized to assist earthly people for a righteous cause; conversely spirits need help from earthly people to resolve their own difficulties. Many religions promote the idea that the living should make offerings to benefit the dead; the Latter-Day saints even promote baptism for the dead as a way to bring them closer to the perfection of the end-times. in this regard, Father Moon teaches a doctrine of “returning resurrection,” by which spirits descend to assist the living, and the living in turn assist the dead by shouldering the burden of their unfinished business and resolving it.

  1. Spirits Among Us

Do not say, “They are dead!” about anyone who
is killed for God’s sake. Rather they are living,
even though you do not notice it. 
    Qur’an 2.154

The scent of the sakaki leaves is fragrant; 
Drawing near, I see countless kinsmen
Assembled all around,
Assembled all around.
    Kagura-Uta (Shinto)

The light which these souls [of departed saints]
radiate is responsible for the progress of the
world and the advancement of its peoples. They
are like leaven which leavens the world of being,
and constitute the animating force through
which the arts and wonders of the world are
made manifest… These souls and symbols of
detachment have provided, and will continue
to provide, the supreme moving impulse in the
world of being.
    Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh 81
    (Baha’i Faith)

Then the woman said, “Whom shall I bring up
for you?” He said, “Bring up Samuel for me.”
When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out
with a loud voice; and the woman said to Saul,
“Why have you deceived me? You are Saul.”
The king said to her, “Have no fear; what do
you see?” And the woman said to Saul, “I see
a god coming up out of the earth.” He said to
her, “What is his appearance?” And she said,
“An old man is coming up; and he is wrapped
in a robe.” And Saul knew that it was Samuel,
and he bowed with his face to the ground, and
did obeisance. Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why
have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”
    1 Samuel 28.11-15

Those who are dead are never gone:
they are there in the thickening shadow.
The dead are not under the earth:
they are there in the tree that rustles,
they are in the wood that groans,
they are in the water that runs,
they are in the water that sleeps,
they are in the hut, they are in the crowd,
the dead are not dead.
Those who are dead are never gone:
they are in the breast of the woman,
they are in the child who is wailing,
and in the firebrand that flames.
The dead are not under the earth:
they are in the fire that is dying,
they are in the grasses that weep,
they are in the whimpering rocks,
they are in the forest, they are in the house,
the dead are not dead.
    Birago Diop (African Traditional Religions)

“The path of the hekura is visible, luminous;
there arises from it something like a fiery breath
that makes the air heavy and almost unbreath-
able. One does not see the hekura, one feels the
wind they raise when they move. During the
hunt from which I just returned, I scattered the
hekura who were in me.”
    “Ordinary men are unable to recognize
them. Yet the wind tells us that they are there.”
    “I see them only at night, when I close my
    “One can see them only then.”
    “Their paths become luminous for me. I
am sleeping; they approach and summon me
to answer them. They suddenly wake me by
shaking my arm or pulling on my ankle.”
    “Those who are not truly shamans do not
hear them. He who is really a shaman hears a
kind of buzzing, ‘bouu…’ during his sleep, and
this song echoes, rebounding off the celestial
vault. He opens his eyes and says to himself, ‘I
am going to see them now!’ The parrotlets sing,
‘bre, bre, bre,’ he knows that it is they. A cool
breeze then glides along his legs…”
    “I saw the hekura walk on a rotten branch;
I was passing right underneath.”
    “Indeed, it was they; but they were not
friendly toward you. The strong odors of the
smoking grill, the smell of singed hair, of scorched
meat near the fire, all this drives them off. Yet
they did seem inclined to approach you.”
    “They give off a heady perfume; it comes
from the dyes and the magic plants they carry
with them. Suddenly, I stopped smelling these
aromas, my nostrils no longer perceived them.”
    “Therefore when one is at the end of the
initiation, it is advisable not to hunt. If a flock
of toucans takes flight and one of them lands
near you, then all the others immediately follow
suit. Be sure not to frighten them: stare at them
fixedly and continue on your way; you be sure
that they are hekura. Of course, there are those
you drove away during the hunt; but don’t be
overly concerned, I foresee that those were not
the good ones. The others remain, who came
into your breast while you were lying in your
hammock. Those are truly yours, they are in
you.” 33
    Yanomami Shaman’s Instruction
    (Native American Religion)

And when the last Red Man shall have perished,
and the memory of my tribe shall have become
a myth among the white men, these shores will
swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and
when your children’s children think themselves
alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the
highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods,
they will not be alone. In all the earth there is
no place dedicated to solitude. At night when
the streets of your cities and villages are silent
and you think them deserted, they will throng
with the returning hosts that once filled them
and still love this beautiful land. The White
Man will never be alone.
    Chief Seattle 34 (Native American Religion)

This Will Become an Unforgivable Sin Before Heaven

Reply to this email and I will send you a link to a recording of Saturday’s Unification Principle Seminar.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 261

Religious leaders prostrate them-
selves and pray in an effort to receive
blessings, but I have never prayed to
receive any blessing. The Old Testament
Age was the age of finding God’s people
by establishing all things; the New Testa-
ment Age was the age of finding the Par-
ents by sacrificing the sons and daugh-
ters; and the Completed Testament Age
is the age of liberating God by sacrificing
the Parents’ family. This means bring-
ing the Original Parents to this earth
and living with them for thousands of
years. The Korean folk song about the
moon and the laurel tree sings of bring-
ing parents and living with them for
tens of thousands of years. This Korean
tale contains a revelation: “…wanting to
bring the heavenly parents to earth and
live with them for tens of thousands of
years….” Whenever I think about this
song, I cannot escape the intense long-
ing in my heart.
Don’t ever feel bad about having been
born as a Korean. In the past, you might
have felt pity for yourself for having been
born Korean, saying “How is it that I was
born in a thatched-roof hut among these
poor Korean people, although Korea
boasts of its five-thousand-year histo-
ry?” The Korean song that goes “Moon,
Oh moon, you bright moon” sings of
building a thatched cottage and living
there for thousands of years. I do not
feel happy when I hear this song. Only a
thatched-roof cottage? How can we ful-
fill the wishes of the people there? How-
ever, its reference to “build a thatched
cottage, bring my parents there and
live with them there for thousands of
years” must refer to the ideal parents of
humanity. The song connects with the
Christian belief in the Second Coming
and with the belief in a savior to come
that is present among all peoples and
nations. (85-80, 1976.3.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1315

The year 1970 saw the beginning of
a great mobilization. The Blessed Fami-
lies from ten nations around the world
were called to Korea, in order to restore
Canaan. They were called to Korea and
became completely united while over
here. You must know that this was after
the Blessing of the 777 Couples. Wasn’t
that Blessing held in 1970? In mak-
ing such a foundation, the Unification
tribe from across the world representing
ten nations came to participate. Going
beyond the number nine, which signifies
formation, growth and completion, the
number ten is the number of God, and it
also corresponds to the number twelve.
That is why the ten nations must be con-
nected providentially. (69-237, 1974.1.1)

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

The mind acts according to the principles of the universe. It wants to move without limits toward goodness. This is like a magnetic needle pointing to north and south. The principle of nature would never lose the direction and circumvent goodness. There is no such phenomenon. The human mind also seeks to move toward a certain purpose. We have to understand clearly that the mind which is orientated toward life moves through the heart, desires to distill out the truth, desires to unite with the whole, and desires to live in harmony with the doctrine of the whole. This mind is the foundation upon which Heaven can reveal the escape route.

We who are fleeing must fight if we are to maintain a heart which is orientated toward the heavenly nature. We have to fight. We have to understand clearly that depending on whether or not we reach the goals of escape, we may or may not attain salvation. This is the process we are walking through. How should we run?

Ladies and gentlemen, think about this carefully. When we are in a fight, we have to fight in a way that God desires, use the strategies that God desires, and reach the point which God desires. It is inevitable that we have to establish values which comply with the program of the sponsor.

Ladies and gentlemen, please reflect once more upon what state you are in. Since we cannot deny that we acting in a world of purpose and we are chained to that world, the crucial question we must address is what our situation is in the escape route of our life. There are those who are not awake, even when layers of the enemies’ ranks are blocking the path before them. They are only dreaming about their situation, or they do not know that they are in a deep sleep. There are those who have fallen from fatigue in the middle of the path they should run on. There are all kinds of cases.

You should find yourself again. You who are participating here today should set the standard of heart, and, based upon that, discern your position and state of being and analyze yourself. Your mind yearns for something, yet without clearly understanding, you feel uneasy and fearful. For this reason, not only would you feel through natural phenomena that you should not be in the situation you are in; you will also sense it through all the things you see around you. Hence, even through these things you will have to understand the situation and state that you are in.

If you can become spiritually open, you will see that countless religious people of the distant past are crying out before the people. Many spirits are running by your side today. They are trying to awaken you by saying, “Let’s go; enemies are coming.” Yet your ears do not hear these voices; your eyes do not see; your bodies do not sense this. This is how tragic the situation is. There is nothing more mournful than this. This is not something that only you will lament over. This will become an unforgivable sin before Heaven, who is trying to connect the value of existence to the world of the ideals of the whole.