Jesus Came to Celebrate the Feast of the Lamb

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When I came out of Danbury prison, I prepared a situation where black and white, united through Jerry Falwell, centered on me. The thief on the right and the thief on the left were fighting with each other, but I united them. This is all restoration through indemnity. That is why during the 120 days (three times four is twelve) following my release from Danbury, all of the world media had to determine their direction. During this period I had to slap the American media on the cheek using the Washington Times. That is why I founded the magazine Insight and another monthly magazine[World & I]. This latter magazine was made to involve professors from all over the world. I think people from the intellectual circles have already made their judgment concerning the Washington Post and the Washington Times. (138-305, 1986.1.24)


“Through the 1970s Unification Church in America experienced a dramatic growth spurt, from a few hundred to over 3,000, in addition to the hundreds of missionaries arriving in the U.S. from Japan and Europe. Parents and public reaction varied from polite positivity to outrage and opposition, and even violent and illegal assaults on adult children who had decided to join up with the revival work of Reverend Moon. Reverend Moon never responded to opposition with public counter-attacks or even explicit self-defense, but rather took proper and necessary steps to preserve the right of his own church to exist in America, to fund-raise and to be protected from deprogramming—the abduction and confinement of believers in order to break their faith.

    “Attacks intensified in the 1980s, culminating in Reverend Moon’s arrest and trial by the U.S. government on charges of tax evasion. Many believe these charges were wholly without merit, and designed for the sole purpose of driving Moon from American soil.[3] At this point, many American Christian leaders saw this prosecution as a threat to the freedom of the clergy in general, and thousands of clergy rallied in support. After he was convicted, the government offered him the option of leaving America as a way to avoid prison time, but Rev. Moon refused, declaring that he would rather endure prison than abandon God’s work in America.
Despite being sentenced, in 1982, to 18 months in prison, of which he served 13 months at the Danbury Correctional facility before being released on good behavior to a halfway house, Reverend Moon sought to love and serve his oppressor by establishing the Washington Times newspaper (1982) and the American Constitution Committee (ACC) (1987)—later to become the American Freedom Coalition and, after the fall of communism, the American Family Coalition (AFC). These and many other organizations, including the Women’s Federation for World Peace (formed 1992), were convened with the the mission to elevate the idealism and dispensational purpose for the democratic world, especially the United States.”

To this day there is no other magazine like the World & I magazine, which was published from 1986 to 2004. The magazine covered an amazing breadth of topics, including book excerpts, world news, culture, science food and so much more. I miss it.

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The time will come when you will have to run away from an avalanche of people. The time will come when you will be proud of the fact that you heard about the Blessing from the highest of the Blessed Couples. Between being witnessed to by one of the 30,000 Couples, and one of the 6000 Couples, which do you think would hold more value? The members who have served a long time in the Unification Church will be received warmly wherever they go when they explain about the Blessing. (235-165, 1992.8.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 3. Jesus and the True Parents

    What kind of person is Jesus? Instead of becoming true parents, Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden, becoming false parents and giving birth to false descendants. Jesus, therefore, came as the True Parent to restore all things and establish what should have originally been. Adam and Eve failed to become true husband and wife. At the same time, they failed to become true parents. Since they were unable to become a true couple, they also failed to become a true son and daughter. This is why, if people completely believe in and become one with Jesus, true children can be restored and a true husband and wife and true parents established. This is why it is taught that you should love Jesus the most. (8-109, 1959.11.22) Continue reading “Jesus Came to Celebrate the Feast of the Lamb”

The Fall Occurred through the Wrongful Marriage in the Garden of Eden

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Human beings, of their own volition, need to engage in activities that demonstrate God’s original love; they need to love Him and come closer to Him. The first commandment in the words of Jesus was, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” What comes first is to love God. You need to love Him with all your body and soul. Stopping halfway will not work. You need to go to the very end. In such a manner, you need to attain the state in which your heart reflects God’s image, with an original nature that is absolutely aligned to become one with Him. Through this, you will attain the beginning and the end of everything. The first commandment dictates this as the way to love God. (149-237, 1986.11.23)

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    The Fall occurred through the wrongful marriage in the Garden of Eden. Now the time has come for True Parents to overturn this, by marrying people in the right way. The trouble caused by the false parents should be solved by the True Parents. Through them, hell can be eliminated and the millions and billions of ancestors in the spirit world can be blessed in holy matrimony. Through the foundation of the families of descendants on earth, centering on true love, the ancestors in the spirit world and the descendants on earth can unite into one vertically. The East and West will be connected horizontally with this vertical family foundation.
    What should an adopted son do? He must be engrafted to the true son. The wild olive tree must be cut off at the root, and then the sprout of the true olive tree can be engrafted into it. It would be as if there were a movement to convert all the wild olive trees into true olive trees. In order to be reborn, you need to inherit the lineage of True Parents. That is why the whole of humanity hopes for True Parents, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit yearned to carry out the marriage feast of the Lamb. (19-164, 1968.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 2. The Messiah, the True Parent

2.2. The appearance of the Messiah

    There have been many religions, but what has been their mission? Their mission is to find one particular person. Many religions talk about attaining salvation and other such matters, but they are seeking to find the one person able to rise to the highest point in the world, the one person who has even gone beyond that point. They want to bring this person into existence. In this way, the center of all religions is one specific person; he is the Messiah. In other words, all religions have been looking for one person, and this one person, the central being, is the Messiah, the Savior. When the Messiah comes, he does not come to his position immediately. He has to fulfill a seven-year course. The Messiah is a man. This Messiah has to come and gain victory over Satan by going beyond the blood relationship of the satanic world. Continue reading “The Fall Occurred through the Wrongful Marriage in the Garden of Eden”

Jesus Was Unable to Become the True Parent

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The family is a textbook through which you can connect to the heavenly kingdom. It is a textbook for your education. If you apply this family education to the nation, you will be a patriot; if you apply it to the world, you will be a saint; and if you apply it to heaven and earth, you will be God’s divine sons and daughters. (137-77, 1985.12.18)

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What does Abel have to do? He has to restore three generations. First, Cain must be restored. Then, parents must be restored. Then God must be liberated. These are the three great missions. In other words, without liberating the satanic world, parents cannot appear. Without liberating the parents, God cannot be liberated. It is Abel’s mission to be responsible for the three realms of liberation. (58-68, 1972.6.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents

1.4. The providence of restoration has sought the True Parents throughout its history

    In accordance with the original plan originating the Principle of Creation, True Parents are to be physically and spiritually blessed by God. But Jesus was unable to become the true parent due to the disbelief of the people of Israel. Even though he is in the spirit world, Jesus has been preparing the foundation for the attendance of True Parents. What does this mean?  The Lord at the Second Advent should restore the positions of spiritual and physical parents. Knowing this, Jesus has been working in the spirit world for the past two thousand years, laying the foundation upon which the returning Lord can avoid persecution and abuse from the spirit world. Jesus laid the spiritual foundation on the levels of the society, nation, and world. Since Jesus has been working in the spirit world rather than on earth, it is as their spiritual parent that Christians have been relating with Jesus. Continue reading “Jesus Was Unable to Become the True Parent”

God Will by All Means Send the Lord

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Wherever they visit, members should first go to the holy place, in other words, the holy ground or the church. If they cannot, they should at least set up a condition of having done so. Each of you is an individual; yet you should bear in mind that you are more than this. You should each stand in the position of a first ancestor. (17-86, 1966.11.26)

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God’s love is to love not only all the things of creation and all humankind but all the people of the past, present, and future. Therefore, God is working to liberate even the spirits of people who have passed into hell. Human beings must go the way of truth, life, and love. No matter how great you may be, if you do not have a foundation of living for the sake of others, nothing will follow you. On the other hand, someone who lives for the sake of others will naturally become the subject being. He will become a person of true life. (133-30, 1984.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents

1.4. The providence of restoration has sought the True Parents throughout its history

    Who are the True Parents who must appear on this earth representing God’s will? They are the ones who must prevail over the satanic world in order to rule over all things; they are to destroy Satan who dominates the human world. They must confront the spirit world in order to gain the absolute position from which to rule the numerous people in that world. This is the mission of True Parents. God has been paving the way to send True Parents in order to restore the world where all things and all people are one with God. Continue reading “God Will by All Means Send the Lord”

Religion Should Find One Person Who can Share True Love with God

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    If we look at the history of the people of Israel, we see that Jacob could establish the conditions for individual restoration because he was victorious in the individual struggle with Esau. Later on, he could have a family because with God’s help he had prevailed in the family-level struggle at Laban’s house. Afterwards, Jacob’s descendants entered Egypt, the satanic world, in order to create a people. They were rescued from there with God’s help and were then able to enter Canaan and gain victory over its seven tribes. In this way, the Israelites could finally attack the satanic world while going through the forty-year course for the restoration of Canaan. Prior to the forty-year wilderness course there was a three-day course. The Israelites were finally able to begin the restoration of Canaan after going through this threeday course. Moreover, after entering Canaan, the Israelites had to restore the number forty once more.
    Since the providence of restoration has passed through such courses, I have to walk a three year course and a four year course after going through a forty year course. Adding the three year course and the four year course together gives you a seven year course. I will be able to bring the history of restoration to a conclusion and establish the heavenly sovereignty only when I pass through all of these courses.
    Originally, Jesus also was to have walked a seven-year course from the era of thirty-three and then established the standard of parents desired by God. He was to establish the standard for the restoration of all things, thereby concluding everything and fulfilling God’s will at the age of forty. Although this was the mission of Jesus, the Will remained unfulfilled because Jesus died on the cross without being able to accomplish it. Since the True Parents, the Second Coming, must inevitably take responsibility for the internal and external conflicts, they have passed through a forty year preparation period, a period of conflict. Although externally it was a forty year period of preparation, internally it was a period of strife. After having laid the spiritual foundation for victory, the groundwork for laying the substantial foundation combining the spiritual and physical was finally prepared on earth.

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    Would you all like to go to the spirit world? Between your desire to go to the spirit world and the desire of spirit people to return to earth, which is more sincere? From the standpoint of the Principle, should you be more passionate, or should the spirit world be more passionate? The spirit world is the world of the archangel, and this world is the world of Adam and Eve, the world of the children. The children should be more passionate than the servant, not the other way around.
    Are you supposed to help the spirit world or is the spirit world supposed to help you? The spirit persons are waiting to come to your aid, but why are they still waiting? Would they help you in building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or would they help you to live comfortably? They help you in building the kingdom on earth. (161-227, 1987.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents
1.2. The Desire of History

    The Unification Church uses the term True Parents. When we look into the history of the fallen world, we realize that fallen parents were born into this world and built the fallen world.
    We live in a world connected to false parents. It has nothing to do with the ideal world God and the True Parents envisioned. Many people have come and gone throughout the long history of this world, but there has been no one who could proudly say to the universe, “Ah! I am happy I was born as a human being and I have succeeded in all aspects of being human.” Hence, human history has been a sea of suffering and a history of sorrow, war and disease. This is the result of the Fall. Continue reading “Religion Should Find One Person Who can Share True Love with God”