History Can Find the Stabilizing Point and Start a New Age

Save the dates:July 5th  to July 7th, as we will hold an Urban Family Life Training seminar for couples and singles seeking a godly spouse.  You will learn how to set up a ministry to guide youth and young adults toward godly marriage.  It will be held at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2282

You should have the qualifications
necessary to enter the heaven where I
am going. To enter you need to fulfill at
least one of the points I have instruct-
ed. What would happen if you achieved
that? You would then become worthy to
connect to the love centering on the true
God, the true Parents, true nation, true
world and true heaven. In other words,
you would earn the right to serve God
as your own Father, the Father of the
individual, family, nation, world and
all of heaven and earth. In other words,
you will inherit the authority to serve
Him as your individual, family, tribal,
racial, national and global Father. This
is because He exists to become the Par-
ent and stand in the position of the uni-
versal Parent.
Therefore He is the Father of the
individual and at the same time, of the
family, tribe, people, nation, world and
heaven. This is the case in both the phys-
ical and spirit worlds. (98-224, 1978.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 755

Do you all know into which part of
the body God invested His greatest cre-
ative effort? It is the sexual organ. The
term sexual organ does not signify a
reproduction machine. It is the most
precious part of all, but it lies beside the
most unclean part. Are you aware of
that? Is the urethra found in the same
place or not? It is in the same place. This
is true for both man and woman. Why
were they created that way? Even the
best of seeds needs to be fertilized to
take root and grow well. The greater the
value of something, the more fertilizer it
needs to continually receive.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10:34-39

Matthew 18:15-20

Jesus spoke of the bridegroom and the bride. Those words were external, like a letter. Religion until now was the religion of conscience. It was not the religion of the heart. It set the heartistic target, yet did not have the heartistic content. Therefore, his words were a form of conscience and a letter of a promise. Thus, we need to find the words of heart by which we can relate to the content of that letter. We need to look for the words of heart in which I can be eternally intoxicated, for which I long, with which I can rejoice, with which I can love, and with which I can live together. Next, we should become the substantiation of our Father’s words. We should become the substantiation which God will not deny and which Jesus will recognize as his bride. Only then, can we become the heavenly person.

From now on you should not say that you do not know the Bible which you believe in very well; that you do not know who is really Jesus; that you know him only by words, but not heartistically; and that you know Jesus conceptually, but not experientially. If you are like this, you have nothing to do with Jesus.

It was said that now is the time “to find,” “to seek,” and “to knock.” We visited the fancy brick houses and great doors and looked for tens of years, yet we did not find anything. We should, therefore, look in the opposite direction. God is pushing us from behind. God is bringing the good people and driving them into the evil world. We should know that God’s new dispensation starts from the people who are persecuted. That does not necessarily mean that such people are the Unification Church members. The people who came here for the first time may think, “Oh, look at this Unification Church. How could they do this.” but think as you will.

In this world, this period of last days, a certain ideology or world view, which communism and democracy both oppose, should appear in the future. It must come. When an ideology or world view, which communism and democracy want to drive out in their concerted effort and which all kinds of denominations, so and so Presbyterian church, the Methodist church, the Holiness church, forty-odd denominations, want to drive out, should appear; only then will a new history begin.

If such an ideology or world view appears, then the feeling of wanting to go there, to be there, and to live there would spring in your mind. The place where the feelings of wanting to see, to move, to speak, and to live emerges would be the final destination point of human history. A person of character who opens everything that was tangled, who unifies everything again, and connects everything to one heart, one ideology, and one life, should appear. An ideology or world view that can harmonize the whole cosmos should appear. Only then will God’s total will, which worked to open everything, be resolved. God can then rest. All people can rest because God is resting. History can find the stabilizing point and start a new age.

One thought on “History Can Find the Stabilizing Point and Start a New Age”

  1. When the established Unification Church, Family Federation, Sanctuary Church comes against you for upholding the ‘new ideology’ and the world of heart, not position and following, you know you are on the right track as you seek God personally, and as you seek to build God’s Kingdom through your own self-power, not following some leader.

    That is the era of Tribal Messiahship and the era of the Fourth Adam.

    Do not follow these archangels. They do not understand about sibling love. As Father stated:

    “Only when we embrace the world and love all people with sibling love, will we join everything together in an ideal sphere of love; when that occurs, no mishap will severely shock us. Only then
    will all the substance of God’s thought finally bear fruit. God’s ideal of children unites and bears fruit there: the fruit of children’s love, the fruit of siblings’ love, the fruit of the love of husband and wife,
    and the fruit of parents’ love. When the plan that the incorporeal God had at the time of creation is made substantial, upper and lower, front and rear, and left and right will be merged with Him”.
    (236-146, 1992.11.4) OCSG p. 374

    “Through brothers and sisters a nation arises and all humankind arises. The relationship of brothers and sisters signifies front and back, a flat surface, but when flesh is added a sphere is formed.
    So it is brothers and sisters and the people of the nation who form the sphere. Brothers and sisters expand to become a people. The love of siblings is connected with the love for the world. A family where many brothers and sisters are growing up is like a model to embrace all people of the world and to create an ideal Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. Hence,
    brothers and sisters expand in number”. (235-268, 1992.10.1) OCSG p.374

    “The person who is willing to love his brother even more than he does his parents will live eternally in heaven. Those who cannot love their brother as they would their parents are not included in
    this place. The source of this principle, when understood, is simple. Members were incapable of loving one another because they did not know this until now. The question is whether our members can unite among themselves. If you stand in a position where you cannot fulfil your filial duty to True Parents, you should offer those things that you wanted to devote to them to the members instead. Then Heaven can accept this offering as something greater than your filial devotion to True Parents. Such a person will surely be blessed”. (78-41, 1975.5.1) OCSG p.1076

    “The path to heaven is opened by loving the members in the same way that you love God. You are trying to follow me, yet, with that same heart, you should strive to go together with your siblings.
    In this respect, we can conclude that the one who teaches the highest, quickest, and best way to go to heaven is neither God nor me but your siblings. The one who exerts himself with love greater
    than parental or conjugal love becomes the supreme subject being of love who then searches for his object partner”. (66-125, 1973.4.18) OCSG p.1076

    This is why our whole movement including Father’s family became a mess, because they did not understand these crucial truths. That is also why these three factions of Father’s family have nothing to offer and are erroneous and anachronistic constructs. They are in fact working against God’s Will.

    They are just two dimensional leader-centred vertical constructs that have nothing to do with
    God’s original ideal, the Four Position Foundation, that is a three dimensional structure consisting of both vertical and horizontal axes combining together to form spherical relationships centring on true love.

    Remember, as Father said, true love determines the centre, not God, nor Adam and Eve nor the children.

    “For us, God’s will means realising His ideal of creation. Then what is the ideal of creation? It is the completion of the four-position foundation as revealed in the Divine Principle. Such a definition is given. Then what is that four-position foundation? It of course refers to parents and children, that is, God, Adam and Eve, and their children. Then what is the centre of that foundation? It is neither God nor Adam and Eve, nor the children.

    You are talking about the four-position foundation, but what does it have at the centre to make a connection? What determines its centre? This is the question. It is neither God, nor Adam and Eve, nor the children. Only true love can determine the centre.” OCSG. Book Sixteen p. 2474.

    These schisms and their leaders, that is Hak Ja Han, Hyung Jin, Kook Jin and Hyun Jin Moon, are wanting us to be centred on them, just as Lucifer wanted Adam and Eve to be centred on him and not God.

    Father told us not to do that:

    “Father is now saying, don’t follow any leader or any leader’s family. Do you understand? You have to repent. That is the only way to get back”. The Responsibility Of Authority Of The Unification Family.
    1 March, 1992

    Doesn’t that sound like a Commandment as in, “Do not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”.

    ‘You have to repent that is the only way back’. Don’t you repent when you have done something wrong?

    So obviously Father didn’t want us following leaders and their families. That would also include Father’s family and Father himself as he also had told us:

    “You are not in the Unification Church to follow Rev Moon but to become better than Father and unify everything” Hoon Dok Hwe, March 2, 2003 Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington, Virginia

    “You did not know that the conscience was your second God the central aspect of your existence. You have to attend it more than you attend God. Attend your conscience more than you would the founders of religion, even Jesus. Then you can attain a position higher than that of believing in Jesus. Do not believe in me the founder of the Unification Church, If you accept my teaching and become completely one with your conscience, you can go to heaven even without following me”. OCSG, p. 823.

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