History Can Find the Stabilizing Point and Start a New Age

Save the dates:July 5th  to July 7th, as we will hold an Urban Family Life Training seminar for couples and singles seeking a godly spouse.  You will learn how to set up a ministry to guide youth and young adults toward godly marriage.  It will be held at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2282

You should have the qualifications
necessary to enter the heaven where I
am going. To enter you need to fulfill at
least one of the points I have instruct-
ed. What would happen if you achieved
that? You would then become worthy to
connect to the love centering on the true
God, the true Parents, true nation, true
world and true heaven. In other words,
you would earn the right to serve God
as your own Father, the Father of the
individual, family, nation, world and
all of heaven and earth. In other words,
you will inherit the authority to serve
Him as your individual, family, tribal,
racial, national and global Father. This
is because He exists to become the Par-
ent and stand in the position of the uni-
versal Parent.
Therefore He is the Father of the
individual and at the same time, of the
family, tribe, people, nation, world and
heaven. This is the case in both the phys-
ical and spirit worlds. (98-224, 1978.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 755

Do you all know into which part of
the body God invested His greatest cre-
ative effort? It is the sexual organ. The
term sexual organ does not signify a
reproduction machine. It is the most
precious part of all, but it lies beside the
most unclean part. Are you aware of
that? Is the urethra found in the same
place or not? It is in the same place. This
is true for both man and woman. Why
were they created that way? Even the
best of seeds needs to be fertilized to
take root and grow well. The greater the
value of something, the more fertilizer it
needs to continually receive.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10:34-39

Matthew 18:15-20

Jesus spoke of the bridegroom and the bride. Those words were external, like a letter. Religion until now was the religion of conscience. It was not the religion of the heart. It set the heartistic target, yet did not have the heartistic content. Therefore, his words were a form of conscience and a letter of a promise. Thus, we need to find the words of heart by which we can relate to the content of that letter. We need to look for the words of heart in which I can be eternally intoxicated, for which I long, with which I can rejoice, with which I can love, and with which I can live together. Next, we should become the substantiation of our Father’s words. We should become the substantiation which God will not deny and which Jesus will recognize as his bride. Only then, can we become the heavenly person.

From now on you should not say that you do not know the Bible which you believe in very well; that you do not know who is really Jesus; that you know him only by words, but not heartistically; and that you know Jesus conceptually, but not experientially. If you are like this, you have nothing to do with Jesus.

It was said that now is the time “to find,” “to seek,” and “to knock.” We visited the fancy brick houses and great doors and looked for tens of years, yet we did not find anything. We should, therefore, look in the opposite direction. God is pushing us from behind. God is bringing the good people and driving them into the evil world. We should know that God’s new dispensation starts from the people who are persecuted. That does not necessarily mean that such people are the Unification Church members. The people who came here for the first time may think, “Oh, look at this Unification Church. How could they do this.” but think as you will.

Continue reading “History Can Find the Stabilizing Point and Start a New Age”

Recognize the Existence of the Divine

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  Announcing a Tribal Messiah Association:  https://youtu.be/3n8HcTeVJd4.  As a member of the Daily Inspiration Blog (join first if you have not signed up already:  https://inspiration.visionroot.org/membership-registration/), you can join the Tribal Messiah Association by logging in (https://inspiration.visionroot.org/membership-login/) accepting or requesting to be a friend of the admin, drichadurban and then joining the group, Tribal Messiah Association.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1296

Since God is the substance of true
love, when one is connected to true love,
everyone becomes part of the one body.
Parents are living gods representing
God, the husband and wife represent two
halves of God, and the sons and daugh-
ters are small gods. A family structure
formed of three generations centering
on true love in this manner is the basis
of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without
achieving such a basis, the Kingdom of
Heaven cannot be established. The fam-
ily is the center of the universe. The per-
fection of the family is the basis for the
perfection of the universe. So, if you love
the universe as you love your family, you
can be welcome wherever you go. In this
case, God stands in the central position
of multi-faceted love as the parent of the
whole universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)

Richard:  In our families we are to represent God on earth, through three generations.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1191

Instead of beating His enemy to
death God must set the condition of
having loved him. In the same way the
person standing in the position of Adam
has to set up a condition of having loved
the enemy Satan. If you endure over
and over again while being persecuted,
and prevail over all the tears, blood and
sweat, until the enemy naturally surren-
ders to you, and return embracing God’s
love, then you can receive the blessing.
That is when Satan will let you go. You
must receive this public approval; “You
can now become a child qualified to go to
the heavenly kingdom.” Who must sign
this approval? Satan must. After Satan
signs this, you will sign it, and then True
Parents must sign it. You can only stand
before God only after getting this signa-
ture from True Parents. That is the heav-
enly kingdom. (141-202, 1986.2.22)

Instead of beating His enemy to
death God must set the condition of
having loved him. In the same way the
person standing in the position of Adam
has to set up a condition of having loved
the enemy Satan. If you endure over
and over again while being persecuted,
and prevail over all the tears, blood and
sweat, until the enemy naturally surren-
Book 8 • Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity 1192
ders to you, and return embracing God’s
love, then you can receive the blessing.
That is when Satan will let you go. You
must receive this public approval; “You
can now become a child qualified to go to
the heavenly kingdom.” Who must sign
this approval? Satan must. After Satan
signs this, you will sign it, and then True
Parents must sign it. You can only stand
before God only after getting this signa-
ture from True Parents. That is the heav-
enly kingdom. (141-202, 1986.2.22)

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

Matthew 18

We must untangle God’s will. God’s will is to reform history. If we observe history, all the past sovereignties were gradually destroyed by reform movements. That process continued until the present form of democracy. In other words, in the medieval age, God liberated the surfs, liberated the feudal society, destroyed the monarchic states, and established today’s form of democracy. God has worked to advance the reform movement toward the standard of the whole representing the state, the world, and the ideology, the individual representing the whole, and at the same time the whole representing the individual, and the whole unable to ignore the individual and the individual fully able to confront the whole. That, however, has not moved to harmonize with the direction of history but went against it. For that reason, there are two major streams that are confronting each other at this historical period of the last days: one is communism and the other, democracy. Communism and democracy are confronting each other.

From historical evidence, the democratic camp belongs to God’s side, for it moves upon the foundation of God’s dispensational will. What about communism? It is the camp that moves upon the materialistic external foundation, and it goes against what can be allowed in the human world. These two camps have been spearheading the worldwide reform movements. They are professing the reform movements on the world level. Now these two camps will crash into each other, and that is the time when which is right or wrong, correct or incorrect will be decided.

When we discuss the value of a person, we cannot evaluate him as a great person merely out of his external appearance. By what do we evaluate a person? The standard should be his conscience and world view.

We talk about someone’s character according to what depth is the heart connected to his conscience and world view. This applies not only to the character of a person but to the ideology also. If an ideology is founded upon a certain external form only, then it will not satisfy a human being. A human being does not become satisfied only by the external things. When we feel happy, we do so only when the internal condition of happiness is satisfied. That is the original nature of a human being.

Therefore, when the ideology or the world view, which has a materialistic foundation and emerged out of the reality of the present society, is introduced to humanity who ultimately moves toward the highest goodness, it will not be able to connect to the humanity in the end.

Therefore, now humanity must recognize the existence of the Divine, move their conscience according to the movement of the Divine, and establish an ideology and a world view based upon that conscience. We know well that without having the ideology and the world view that upholds peace, happiness and love, and that contains the original essence of unconditional sacrifice, without the human being sensing and experiencing the goodness automatically through the conscience, humanity cannot establish the condition of happiness, the ideology and the world view of happiness in the human world. History has moved to the time when nationalism is passing away and globalism must stand representing the whole.

Continue reading “Recognize the Existence of the Divine”

Conscientious People Should Assert the New Ideology

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1855
Blessed families have risen up on the
vertical standard, but have not stood
on the horizontal standard in Jardim.
Therefore, from now on, families must
be established that can live together with
God on the horizontal standard. To facil-
itate this, I have made an education cen-
ter for ideal families aimed toward world
peace, and I have been re-educating the
families that have been blessed until now.
I must train them again with the con-
tents enabling them to join God’s abso-
lute glorious family. That is the family
training, taking place in Jardim. (294-319,

Richard:  In the 1990’s Rev. Moon established a retreat center in the remote Pantanal area of Brazil.  The training center is still there.  The meaining for me is that we should assert the new ideology, as described in today’s reading, and provide family life education so youth and young adults can form successful families.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1379

Prior to the 30,000 Couples Blessing,
Kwak Chung-hwan said, “Thirty thou-
sand couples! That is five times the num-
ber of the 6500 Couples. How can we
accomplish that?” We had had enough
trouble bringing together 6500 Couples.
On top of that, I had instructed that these
30,000 couples needed to be ready for the
Blessing not in ten but in just three years.
When I told him, “You must transcend
religion and witness to whoever you can,
whether Muslims, Buddhists or Confu-
cians!” he said he couldn’t do it. His eyes
were like cement. Do you know what I
mean by that? Cement eyes are those
that look frozen. He said we couldn’t do
it, but in fact we actually exceeded our
goal. (294-151, 1998.6.14)

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

Matthew 18

When we look at ourselves, we realize that we are not alone. There are certain families and a society which have special relationships with us. When we look at this from the perspective of conscience, we realize that all these are intertwined within the relationships that promote the larger and higher goodness.

If we want to clarify ourselves completely and stand in a perfectly secure position, then we must resolve all relationships from our old environment and make an absolute relationship with the new value. We must make an absolute relationship with the world of heartistic ideology. We must make that kind of determination while we are alive on this earth and claim it as God’s, humanity’s, and our own. That would be the greatest hope and mission of humankind.

God’s lamentation is that humanity, whom God personally created, did not unite with the heavenly value, did not harmonize with the value for cosmic existence, and did not become ones who could praise the absolute relationship from a secure position. This is the lamentation of God and of human history, and it still remains as a condition of lamentation in our minds.

Our mind unconsciously desires to sing about that absolute relationship, about that happiness and the ideology of liberty and peace. Even though that is the wish of both our mind and body, no one has fulfilled such a world with his mind and lived in such an environment with his body. This is proven by history, by your lifestyle, and by your life.

When we analyze and criticize ourselves objectively, we are certainly not a happy people. If we are miserable, we must be miserable for You, for humanity, and for society.

If we do not have the solution to our problem and a method of replenishing ourselves, then we cannot remain in a secure place from which to glorify the absolute value. In religious terms, we call this “living in the secular, sinful realm of the fallen world.”

If God exists, He would want to liberate such people, to make them the substantiation of liberty, and lead them into the garden of liberation and the world of liberating ideology. The final hope of humanity is to become the center of harmony who respects his value as the representative of all things and who can move together with the world of cosmic beings. The final hope is to achieve the absolute standard by which the Creator God is moved to be present. If God’s dispensational will exists, finding such a being would be the final purpose of His dispensation. If a stream of history exists, then its purpose would be the building of the world in which all individuals are connected. When we look at ourselves, we are connected to a certain world of relationship. Our existence today did not start from ourselves; it is connected to our past relationships and to our era. Moreover, we are destined to have future relationships.

How then would we explain the intricacies of our past relationships, of our relationship to our era, our future relationship, and our relationship to the spirit world? Philosophers should strive to explain this; religions should strive to solve this. Conscientious and heartistic persons of character should have this kind of ideology and assert it; only then are they qualified to possess new hope and a new ideology in front of past history, the present era, and the future. Only then can they represent that value.

However, ever since the beginning of human history, no one has presented himself as the substantiation of such value to humanity. No one has sung together with the cosmos and glorified the cosmic joy.

God’s purpose, hope, and the ideology of creation were to find and establish this kind of person. Why then was God unable to present the condition of such an ideology, and the experiential emotion which we long to find and connect with our heart to the human world? Why were none of the great people of history able to introduce this kind of situation? We realize it is because human history did not become the foothold that could hasten in the world of goodness in which the original essence and the original nature are harmonized. We should know that our society does not have the proper conditions for establishing the substantiation of the ideology of goodness and for praising and cultivating such a value. History and society do not harmonize with our ideological world. They are actually against it.

For that reason, a certain event, a certain new ideology, or certain assertion must come forth to resolve this contradictory and conflicting situation. Humanity cannot reach the ideological world that can only be understood by our original mind and heart as they are now; therefore, a certain new ideology must come forth to present the direction. That ideology must possess all the historical and environmental conditions if it is to change all that is contradictory and conflicting.