We Are Entering the Age When Parents Will Bless Their Children

2 Samueal 12

20 David got up off the floor; he took a bath, combed his hair, and dressed. He went into the Lord’s tent and worshiped, then he went back home. David asked for something to eat, and when his servants brought him some food, he ate it.

Richard: Here David picks himself up and continues life after his young son had died. Whatever difficulties arise, we should compose ourselves and continue with the core mission God has given us.

Ezekiel 16

33 Prostitutes accept money for having sex, but you bribe men from everywhere to have sex with you. 34 You’re not like other prostitutes. Men don’t ask you for sex—you offer to pay them!

The Lord said:

35 Jerusalem, you prostitute, listen to me. 36 You chased after lovers, then took off your clothes and had sex. You even worshiped disgusting idols and sacrificed your own children as offerings to them. 37 So I, the Lord God, will gather every one of your lovers, those you liked and those you hated. They will stand around you, and I will rip off your clothes and let all of those lovers stare at your nakedness. 38 I will find you guilty of being an unfaithful wife and a murderer, and in my fierce anger I will sentence you to death! 39 Then I will hand you over to your lovers, who will tear down the places where you had sex. They will take your clothes and jewelry, leaving you naked and empty-handed.

Richard: Jerusalem had fallen far from God’s standard. And although the language in this passage is symbolic, it is also literal. The moral standards of the Israelites had fallen to a very low level. And are we not int he same situation today. God does not accept homosexuality, extra marital sex and all kinds of sexual perversions that happen now. We have deviated far from God’s standard. Abstinence before marriage and absolute faithfulness in marriage is not just a nice idea; it is the standard that God has set up as His ideal of creation.

Cheong Seong Gyeong p. 1400

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Section 12. The 360 Million Couples

Adam’s was the representative fam-
ily – formed by the union of God and
true parents – that would have embraced
the universe; had Adam not fallen, being
blessed by him would have been a uni-
versal blessing. Yet due to the Fall, they
were separated, and so families in the
world today cannot enter the realm of
grace of this great blessing. In order to
restore that which was lost in Adam’s
family through the Fall, I will bless 360
million couples standing in the equal-
ized position in the realm of families
worldwide. (287-142, 1997.9.14)
After the Blessing of 3.6 Million Cou-
ples, it will be a downhill ride – descent
is easy. That will be the 36 million Cou-
ples: the growth stage. What follows is
the Blessing of 360 Million Couples; by
then we would reach level terrain at the
bottom of the hill. Descending there, we
can return to the state of Adam’s fam-
ily before the Fall. By achieving this, we
are entering the age when parents will
bless their children. From this point on,
you can perform the preliminary Bless-
ing ceremonies yourselves. Recognized
as John the Baptist families, you will be
able to do that in the name of the True
Parents. (287-144, 1997.9.14)
Three hundred and sixty million
couples! To think that we will soon have
blessed 360 million couples! You cannot
deny that God is with us in this task. If
I were to explain this in detail, I would
have to go into the secrets of the New
and Old Testaments and all the histori-
cal theological systems. Once you heard
those things, your ears would be opened
and you would develop an insight into
the providential future. Then there would
be no one on earth who could stop you
from walking your providential path.
Do you want this insight or not? These
secrets are such that you would want to
see them with your own eyes even if you
had heard them, and once you had seen
them you would want to listen to the
words again and again, whether in per-
son or not. To gain this knowledge you
should not go a single day without hear-
ing my words. (287-201, 1997.10.30)
What would happen after the Bless-
ing of 36 Million Couples is accom-
plished and the next goal of 360 million
couples comes in sight? Since that is the
number of couples, that would mean
there would be 720 million individuals
involved in the Blessing. If each of them
brought four members from their fami-
ly, then four times seven is twenty-eight,
and the total number brought by them
would be 2.8 billion. Some would bring
even more than four people. Are there
only four family members per house-
hold in the East? There are some fam-
ilies with between five and ten mem-
bers in them. That would result in more
than three billion people coming over
to God’s side, which is more than half
the world population. The era has come
when, if you were to weigh the two sides
with a scale, our side would be the heavi-
er. (288-18, 1997.10.31)

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