God Has Absolute Respect for the Human Portion of Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 615

There is a gate in your mind and it is called the mind’s gate. It does not open in just one direction. Since your mind rotates, the gate moves as well. Without going through such a gate, you as a minus cannot establish a relationship with the plus. Everyone has that kind of mind’s gate. When you pray, you get a different feeling depending on the time of your prayer. Prayer at one o’clock is different from prayer at three o’clock. You will understand this when you experience it. If you pray in a deep and mysterious state, you will know that your prayer will be different depending on when you pray. It will feel different. What you feel in the morning, at noon, in the early evening, and at night are all different.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1510

Because God is at the center of the family, this world should be His Kingdom. The Blessed Families should strive to lead a life that works toward building His Kingdom. A God-centered tribe, nation and world are established when we live for the sake of others on His behalf, so Blessed Families should be responsible for creating a God-centered world. The Unification Church centered upon the True Parents is like a tribe and race. The purpose of our church is to form a heavenly nation composed of five races in unity, which can live more for the sake of the world than anyone else. This is my purpose and it is God’s purpose that He desires to accomplish through me. (Blessed Family – 947)

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part


The foundation for the Messiah is established by first restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then establishing the foundation of substance. With regard to their requisite sacrifices, the foundation of faith is restored by making an acceptable symbolic offering, and the foundation of substance is established by making an acceptable substantial offering.

One purpose for making the symbolic offering of all things is to enable all things to stand as God’s actual object partners in symbol. It fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of the natural world to its original relationship with God. The second purpose for making the symbolic offering is thus to fulfill an indemnity condition for the symbolic restoration of human beings.

The substantial offering means fulfilling the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature. This is essential for the actual restoration of human beings. The substantial offering is carried out when a person in Cain’s position honors the person in Abel’s position and sets him above himself as an offering. Through this, they fulfill the indemnity condition to be restored as good children. At the same time, it is also reckoned as the indemnity condition for the restoration of their parents. In this manner, the substantial offering can meet God’s expectation.

When Abel made his sacrifice in a manner acceptable to God, he fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore Adam’s foundation of faith and firmly secured his position as the central figure of the substantial offering. However, when Cain murdered Abel, they re-enacted the Fall, in which the Archangel murdered Eve spiritually. Needless to say, they did not fulfill the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature and failed to make the substantial offering. Hence, neither the foundation of substance nor the foundation for the Messiah could be established. God’s providence of restoration in Adam’s family came to naught.


The failure of God’s providence of restoration in Adam’s family teaches us something about God’s conditional predestination of the accomplishment of His Will and His absolute respect for the human portion of responsibility.

Second, even after Cain killed Abel, God began a new chapter of His providence by raising Seth in Abel’s place. This shows us that God has absolutely predestined that His Will shall one day be fulfilled, even though His predestination concerning individual human beings is conditional.

Third, through the offerings of Cain and Abel, God teaches us that fallen people must constantly seek for an Abel-type person. By honoring, obeying and following him, we can accomplish God’s Will even without understanding every aspect of it

View slides 27 to 39 below for an illustrated pesentation of the above content:


To Remove the Fallen Nature, We Must Reverse the Course of the Fall

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Richard Urban
PO Box 291
Charles Town WV 25414

1 Samuel 2

22 Eli was now very old, and he heard what his sons were doing to the people of Israel.[f] 23-24 “Why are you doing these awful things?” he asked them. “I’ve been hearing nothing but complaints about you from all of the Lord’s people. 25 If you harm another person, God can help make things right between the two of you. But if you commit a crime against the Lord, no one can help you!”

But the Lord had already decided to kill them. So he kept them from listening to their father.

Job 21

14 Those who are evil say
    to God All-Powerful,
“Leave us alone! Don’t bother us
    with your teachings.
15 What do we gain from praying
    and worshiping you?
16 We succeeded all on our own.”
And so, I keep away from them
    and their evil schemes.

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part

Part 2 Chapter 1

The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration


 For the providence of restoration to be accomplished in Adam’s family, the members of his family had to make certain conditions of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. On these two foundations, the foundation for the Messiah was to have been established, and the Messiah could have come to Adam’s family.


 To restore through indemnity the foundation of faith, fallen people must set up an object for the condition. For Adam’s family, this object was a sacrificial offering. To restore the foundation of faith, there must also be a central figure. Yet nowhere in the biblical record do we find Adam offering a sacrifice. Instead, his sons Cain and Abel offered them. What was the reason for this? In line with the Principle God gave Adam two sons, representing good and evil, and set them in positions where each dealt with only one master, God or Satan. After setting up this arrangement, God had the two sons offer sacrifices separately.

 Since Cain was the first fruit of Eve’s love, signifying Eve’s first fallen act of love with the Archangel, he was chosen to represent evil. Therefore, he was in a position to relate with Satan. Since Abel was the second fruit of Eve’s love, signifying Eve’s second fallen act of love with Adam, he was chosen to represent goodness. Therefore, he was in a position to relate with God. God received Abel’s sacrifice because he stood in a proper relationship with God. Also, he made the offering in an acceptable manner—through faith and in line with God’s will. In this way, Abel successfully laid the foundation of faith in Adam’s family.


 Had Cain fulfilled the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature, God would have gladly accepted his sacrifice. The foundation of substance would then have been laid in Adam’s family. To remove the fallen nature, a person must make an indemnity condition in accordance with the Principle of Restoration through Indemnity, by taking a course which reverses the process through which human beings initially acquired the fallen nature. The Archangel fell because he did not love Adam; rather, he envied Adam, who was receiving more love from God than he. This was the cause of the first primary characteristic of the fallen nature: failing to take God’s standpoint. To remove this characteristic of the fallen nature, Cain, who stood in the Archangel’s position, should have taken God’s standpoint by loving Abel, who stood in Adam’s position.

 The Archangel fell because he did not respect Adam as God’s mediator and did not receive God’s love through him; rather, he attempted to seize Adam’s position. This was the cause of the second primary characteristic of the fallen nature: leaving one’s proper position. To remove this characteristic of the fallen nature, Cain, who stood in the Archangel’s position, should have received God’s love through Abel, who stood in Adam’s position, respecting him as God’s mediator. In this way, Cain should have maintained his proper position.

 The Archangel fell when he claimed dominion over Eve and Adam, who were his rightful lords. This was the cause of the third primary characteristic of the fallen nature: reversing dominion. To remove this characteristic of the fallen nature, Cain, who stood in the Archangel’s position, should have obediently submitted to Abel, who stood in Adam’s position. By accepting Abel’s dominion, Cain should have rectified the order of dominion. The Archangel conveyed to Eve his evil will that it was permissible to eat of the fruit. Eve in turn conveyed this evil will to Adam and led him to fall. This was the cause of the fourth primary characteristic of the fallen nature: multiplying evil. To remove this characteristic of the fallen nature, Cain, who stood in the Archangel’s position, should have been receptive to the intentions of Abel, who stood closer to God, and learned God’s Will from him. Thus, Cain should have made a foundation to multiply goodness. Instead, Cain killed Abel. In murdering Abel, Cain repeated the sin of the Archangel. That is, he re-enacted the very process which had given rise to the primary characteristics of the fallen nature. Adam’s family thus failed to lay the foundation of substance. Consequently, God’s providence of restoration through Adam’s family could not be fulfilled.

View slides 1 to 26 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content:


The Person Who Is to Accomplish the Purpose of History is Me

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Richard Urban
PO Box 291
Charles Town WV 25414

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

The goal of our faith is to become
citizens of God’s country. If you do not
become citizens of God’s country, then
there will be no way for you as sons and
daughters to freely receive the admira-
tion and love of that nation’s people or of
all things of creation. A person without a
country is always attacked. He stands in
a miserable position. He may often feel
hopeless after suffering an affront. That
is why the question is, where can we find
the country of God’s desire? Which is
the nation that can become God’s foot-
hold? That is the issue. (55-79, 1972.4.23)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1595

Who would have had realizations
unknown to anyone else of how to con-
nect Korea to the unified ideal world and
God’s kingdom in heaven in the future?
Would it be pastors or church elders?
Who would it be? The religious world has
no idea, for the answer is only known to
the True Parents. The Fall came about
through ignorance. The first parents
fell through ignorance of love, and left
behind false love, false life and false lin-
eage. The True Parents have full knowl-
edge of all this. Who is God? How has
Book 10 • The Way in the Completed Testament Age 1596
history developed? How will the people’s
end come about, and how can the divid-
ed mind be reunified? With my own
hands I will bring about the unification
of the individual and family, the libera-
tion of the tribe, people, nation, world,
heaven and even God. The false parents
have imprisoned God, and so it is up to
the True Parents, as the masters of liber-
ation, to liberate Him. I have the respon-
sibility to do away with the satanic right
of the eldest son, family-level rights
and right of kingship. I must establish
the domain into which I can welcome
God from heaven and secure complete
authority over the family, tribe, people,
nation, and world. I have been continu-
ously working to fulfill all this. (303-264,

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part


 As an individual, each one of us is a product of the history of the providence of restoration. Hence, the person who is to accomplish the purpose of history is none other than I, myself. I must take up the cross of history and accept responsibility to fulfill its calling. To this end, I must fulfill in my lifetime (horizontally), through my efforts, the indemnity conditions which have accumulated through the long course of the providence of restoration (vertically). Only by doing this can I stand proudly as the fruit of history, the one whom God has eagerly sought throughout His providence.

 To become such an historical victor, I must understand clearly the Heart of God when He worked with past prophets and saints, the original purpose for which God called them, and the details of the providential missions which He entrusted to them. Yet there is no one among fallen humanity who can become such an historical victor by his efforts alone. For this reason, we must understand all these things through Christ at the Second Advent, who comes to fulfill the providence of restoration. Moreover, when we believe in him, become one with him, and attend him in his work, we can stand in the position of having fulfilled horizontally with him the vertical indemnity conditions in the history of the providence of restoration.

View slides 43 to 50 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content.


Before We Can Receive the Messiah, We Need to Lay a Foundation for Him

We ask you to support this ministry by giving $3.00 or more. If everyone reading this will do this, the $200 annual cost of hosting this website will be covered. Donate by PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/visionroot , or send a check made out to Richard Urban to:
Richard Urban
PO Box 291
Charles Town WV 25414

John 19

One of the soldiers stuck his spear into Jesus’ side, and blood and water came out. 35 We know this is true, because it was told by someone who saw it happen. Now you can have faith too. 36 All this happened so that the Scriptures would come true, which say, “No bone of his body will be broken” 37 and, “They will see the one in whose side they stuck a spear.”

Richard: I should appreciate and acknowledge the victory of Jesus and also the victory of True Father and True Parent, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Isaiah 15

I pity Moab!
Its people are running to Zoar
    and to Eglath-Shelishiyah.
They cry on their way up
    to the town of Luhith;
on the road to Horonaim
    they tell of disasters.

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part


 For fallen people to be restored to their original state, we must receive the Messiah. Before we can receive the Messiah, however, we must first establish the foundation for the Messiah.

 For Adam to realize the purpose of creation, he was supposed to fulfill two conditions. First, Adam should have established the foundation of faith. The person to lay this foundation was Adam himself. The condition to establish this foundation was to keep strictly to God’s commandment not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In fulfilling this condition, Adam would have passed through a set growing period, which was the time allotted for him to fulfill his portion of responsibility.

 The second condition which Adam was supposed to fulfill in order to realize the purpose of creation was to establish the foundation of substance. Upon an unshakable foundation of faith, Adam was then to become one with God, thereby establishing the foundation of substance. This means he would have become the perfect incarnation of the Word with perfect character, fulfilling God’s first blessing.


 To restore the basis upon which they can complete the purpose of creation, fallen people must first restore through indemnity the foundation of faith which the first human ancestors failed to establish. There are three aspects to the indemnity condition required for restoring the foundation of faith.

 First, there must be a central figure. Second, an object for the condition must be offered. Third, a numerical period of indemnity must be completed.


 Becoming perfect incarnations requires that first we be cleansed of the original sin through the Messiah. Before we can receive the Messiah, however, we need to lay a foundation for him, which is accomplished when we establish the foundation of substance on the basis of the foundation of faith. By making the indemnity condition to remove this fallen nature, a fallen person can lay the foundation of substance by which he can receive the Messiah, be cleansed of the original sin, and ultimately restore his original nature



 Let us now present an overview of the entire course of history since the time of Adam, as reckoned in the Bible, and survey the providential ages which comprise it.

 The two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham was for the purpose of finding one father of faith who could lay the foundation to begin the providence of restoration. Thus, God’s work of restoration can be said to have begun with Abraham. However, due to Abraham’s mistake in making the symbolic offering, the two thousand years from Adam to Abraham were lost to Satan. Hence, a period had to be set up in which those lost years could be restored through indemnity to God’s side; this is the significance of the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus.

 Just as Abraham failed in his symbolic offering, the Jewish people failed to make their offering on the national level when their leaders sent Jesus to the cross. Thus, a period of two thousand years— this time from Abraham to Jesus—was lost yet again to Satan. As a consequence, a parallel period had to be set up in which the earlier two-thousand-year period could be restored through indemnity to God’s side. This is the significance of the two-thousand-year period from Jesus’ time until today.

View slides 28 to 42 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content:


We Need to Go through a Course to Separate Satan from Ourselves

We ask you to support this ministry by giving $3.00 or more. If everyone reading this will do this, the $200 annual cost of hosting this website will be covered. Donate by PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/visionroot , or send a check made out to Richard Urban to:
Richard Urban
PO Box 291
Charles Town WV 25414

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

Now that the vertical and horizon-
tal eight-stage indemnity has all been
completed, the Ceremony of the Settle-
ment of the Eight Stages could be per-
formed on August 31, 1989, in Alaska,
the most northerly location in the West.
It is the northernmost place. On the first
day of September, I declared “the ideol-
ogy centered on the Heavenly Father”
at the same place. The ideology cen-
tered on the Heavenly Father is simul-
taneously the ideology of salvation by
love as well as the ideology of parental
love. This parent-centered ideology is all
about a life lived by giving love. Satan
cannot oppose anything based on love.
If he cannot oppose the path taken by
the Unification Church, we can rapidly
expand worldwide. (199-157, 1990.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1396

My perspective is that I could easi-
ly achieve twice the goal that has been
set. I see no obstructions standing in
my way. After we have accomplished
our goal, the whole world will fall back-
wards in amazement. You must remem-
ber that our enemies who pointed at us
and laughed at us – prophesying that
we would fail to accomplish the Bless-
ing of 3.6 Million Couples – are wait-
ing to see if we can actually do it. The
lights must never be off. You cannot go
to bed undressed. I have long awaited
this day. All I’m asking is that you have
the same consciousness about this. You
must become independent and aware,
ready to fight to the bitter end. Under-
stand that you are working on behalf of
God in expanding the dominion of the
Judge and be fully determined to fulfill
your responsibility. (288-39, 1997.10.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

Now that we have entered the age
of liberation, you do not know how
much the universe is singing in praise,
while focused on this earth. You do not
know how joyful they are over this day.
From the beginning of this year to this
very day, there has been a festive atmo-
Now, heavenly fortune will follow
us and assist us in everything we try to
do. We used to exert ourselves to catch
heavenly fortune but now heavenly for-
tune will follow us around and assist
us. This means that the time has come
for God and the spirit world to mobi-
lize numerous ancestors and countless
good spirit persons to assist people on
earth. We can establish a realm of lib-
eration. The age of transformation has
come. (298-228, 1999.1.8)

Richard: In these readings we see that God has set the path for victory. Yet, we must realize victory is in reach and trod that path.

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part

Part 2

Introduction to Restoration

The providence of restoration refers to God’s work to restore human beings to our original, unfallen state so that we may fulfill the purpose of creation. Human beings fell from the top of the growth stage and have been held under Satan’s dominion ever since. To restore human beings, God works to cut off Satan’s influence. We must have the original sin removed before we can sever Satan’s bonds and be restored to the state before the Fall. This is possible only when we are born anew through the Messiah, the True Parent.

To explain further: we first need to go through a course to separate Satan from ourselves. We do this in order to restore ourselves in form to the spiritual level which Adam and Eve had reached before the Fall—the top of the growth stage. On this foundation, we are to receive the Messiah and be reborn, and thereby be fully restored to the original state of human beings before the Fall. Finally, by following the Messiah, we should continue our growth to maturity where we can fulfill the purpose of creation. Since the providence of restoration is God’s work of re-creation, which has as its goal the fulfillment of the purpose of creation, God works this providence in accordance with His Principle. In the course of the providence of restoration, this principle is called the Principle of Restoration.



 If the first human ancestors had not fallen but had reached perfection and become one in heart with God, then they would have lived relating only with God. However, due to their Fall, they joined in a kinship of blood with Satan, which compelled them to deal with him as well. Immediately after the Fall, when Adam and Eve had the original sin but had not yet committed any subsequent good or evil deeds, they found themselves in the midway position—a position between God and Satan where they were relating with both.

 How does God separate Satan from fallen people who stand in the midway position? Satan relates with them on the basis of his connection with them through lineage. Therefore, until people make a condition through which God can claim them as His own, there is no way God can restore them to the heavenly side. On the other hand, Satan acknowledges that God is the Creator of human beings. Unless Satan finds some condition through which he can attack a fallen person, he also cannot arbitrarily claim him for his side. Therefore, a fallen person will go to God’s side if he makes good conditions and to Satan’s side if he makes evil conditions.

 What, then, is the meaning of restoration through indemnity? When someone has lost his original position or state, he must make some condition to be restored to it. The making of such conditions of restitution is called indemnity.

We call this process of restoring the original position and state through making conditions restoration through indemnity, and we call the condition made a condition of indemnity. God’s work to restore people to their true, unfallen state by having them fulfill indemnity conditions is called the providence of restoration through indemnity.

 How does a condition of indemnity compare with the value of what was lost? We can answer by listing the following three types of indemnity conditions. The first is to fulfill a condition of equal indemnity. In this case, restoration is achieved by making a condition of indemnity at a price equal to the value of what was lost when one departed from the original position or state. Acts of restitution or compensation are indemnity conditions of this type. The second is to make a condition of lesser indemnity. In this case, restoration is achieved by making a condition of indemnity at a price less than the value of what was lost. The third is to make a condition of greater indemnity. When a person has failed to meet a condition of lesser indemnity, he must make another indemnity condition to return to the original state, this time at a price greater than the first.

 Next, let us study the method of fulfilling indemnity conditions. For anyone to be restored to the original position or state from which he fell, he must make an indemnity condition by reversing the course of his mistake. Who should make indemnity conditions? We ourselves must fulfill the necessary indemnity conditions as our portion of responsibility.

View slides 1 to 27 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content:
