It Is Hard for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Join us
 for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)
Featuring Andy Wells; No Left Turn in Education
Registration Deadline is August 23rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1206

The way of restoration is the way by which people return to their original state, and therefore one cannot go this way without setting indemnity conditions. Indemnity conditions must be set by a man, not by God. If a person is sick, he must take medication in order to recover, even if the medicine tastes bitter and he does not like it. Good medicine tastes bitter. Something bitter becomes a truly good medicine. Setting indemnity conditions is difficult, like taking bitter medicine. However, unless indemnity conditions are set, restoration can never be accomplished. The way of salvation is the way of indemnification and restoration. Indemnity means going the route opposite to that of the Fall. It means going the reverse way. (92-254, 1977.4.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1086

As buds, you have not yet bloomed. Do not become wicked like those who write love letters and have illicit love relationships. You should blossom naturally. When God sees you, He should be able to exclaim, “Oh! You have blossomed purely and naturally. Since I can smell the fragrance, I can tell that you are a virgin.” In this case, God feels so much hope. Does God want something pure or something damaged? What about you, then? Do you want something pure or something damaged? Even fallen men want to have something pure. Would God not value that even more? For this reason, I hope that you can blossom fully with a pure heart and be people of value who can go beyond the fallen world of today without being trapped in the valley of sorrow. (47-88, 1971.8.19)

Non-Attachment to Wealth and Possessions

2. Giving Away One’s Wealth and Finding Contentment with Little

    Jesus said to [the rich young man], “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
    And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, it will by hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
    Matthew 19.21-24 If beings knew, as I know, the fruit of sharing gifts, they would not enjoy their use without sharing them, nor would the taint of stinginess obsess the heart and stay there. Even if it were their last bit, their last morsel of food, they would not enjoy its use without sharing it, if there were anyone to receive it.
    Itivuttaka 18 (Buddhism)

Who is rich? He that rejoices in his portion.
    Mishnah, Avot 4.1 (Judaism)

Other people live to eat, but I eat to live.
    Socrates (Hellenism)

The Great Man—his face and form blend with the Great Unity, the Great Unity which is selfless. Being selfless, how can he look upon possession as possession?
    Chuang Tzu 11 (Taoism)

Having the fewest wfants, I am nearest to the gods.
    Socrates (Hellenism)

Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want. I can do all things in him who strengthens me.
    Philippians 4.11-13

And he [Jesus] called to him the twelve, and began to send them out two by two… He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts.
    Mark 6.7-9

This is the way of Torah: A morsel with salt shall you eat and water by measure shall you drink; and you shall lie upon the earth, and you shall live a life of hardship, and labor in the Torah. If you do thus, happy shall you be and it shall be well with you.
    Mishnah, Avot 6.4 (Judaism)

The Master said, “Incomparable was Hui! A handful of rice to eat, a gourdful of water to drink, living on a mean street—others would have found it unendurably depressing, but to Hui’s cheerfulness it made no difference at all. Incomparable indeed was Hui!”
    Analects 6.9 (Confucianism)

Brothers should appropriate neither house, nor place, nor anything for themselves; and they should go confidently after alms, serving God in poverty and humility, as pilgrims and strangers in this world. Nor should they feel ashamed, for God made Himself poor in this world for us.

This is that peak of the highest poverty which has made you, my dearest brothers, heirs and kings of the kingdom of heaven, poor in things but rich in virtues. Let this be your portion. It leads into the land of the living and, adhering totally to it, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ wish never to have anything else in this world, beloved brothers.
    Rule of Saint Francis (Christianity)

When we were sitting with God’s Messenger in the mosque, Musab ibn Umair came to us wearing only a cloak of his patched with fur. When God’s Messenger saw him he wept to think of his former affluence. He then said, “How will it be with you when one of you goes out in the morning wearing a mantle and goes out in the evening wearing another, when one dish is placed before him and another removed, and you cover your houses as the Kaaba is covered?” On receiving the reply, “Messenger of God, we shall then be better than we are today, having leisure for worship and possessing all we require,” he said, “No, you are better today than you will be at that time.” 
    Hadith of Tirmidhi (Islam)

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