Be a Substitute for Christ at His Second Coming

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1666

When you follow the path which
your original mind leads you along,
the universe will open up in unity with
you. You need such experiences. Once
you enter such a state, you will be able
to fully relate with your original minds.
You will be able to hold conversations
with your minds. As soon as you think
of doing something, the answer will
already be right in front of you. You are
advancing toward such a state. Wouldn’t
such people know the path they should
take? The way they should follow would
be definitely laid before them, and so all
the power in the universe would help
them to go that way. Once they face the
test of faith, having been led there by the
hand, everything will come to their sup-
port. Only after this, it would be possible
for them to perform great deeds. (120-313,

Psalm 103

For all who are mistreated,
    the Lord brings justice.

Let Us Become Survivors

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 1958

Jesus cried out to God after fulfilling the qualification to become the substantial being who has gone through the ideology of creation by loving God and humankind more than any other person in history. There was an instant when God forgot the dignity and position of being the Creator and clung to Jesus. No one knows this. Furthermore, God confronted Jesus with a Shim Jung of wanting to raise him to a position even higher than Himself, the Creator. Nobody knows this either.

Jesus was rejected and driven out by the chosen people, but because he knew the Shim Jung of God, who had persevered for 4,000 years, he had to endure. In addition, Jesus knew that God had sacrificed everything in the 4,000 years of history to find one son. Therefore, Jesus realized that to find a bride, he also had to endure his hardships, no matter what kind of sacrifice and rejection came upon him. Therefore, he did not curse the people who confronted him as if he were their enemy. Continue reading “Be a Substitute for Christ at His Second Coming”

Become a Bride of Jesus

CSG 1483

4.3. The original mind is the teacher
and closest to God
What is the mind? It is your master
and teacher. Since your body resembles
your mind, it is the origin of your body.
Thus, on the horizontal level, the mind
stands in the place of your mother and
father, teachers, and masters. (222-157,
Your original mind does not need a
teacher. It is your second god. Do not try
to follow a teacher or me; instead, try to
serve your mind. What about the mind?
You wake up at daybreak, all alone, and
it is so quiet that you can hear even the
squeak of a mouse or the buzz of a fly,
and you think to yourself, “Well, I should
like such and such a thing. I should try
to do a good deed.” Your original mind
will then tell you, “Good! Good! Do it
now!” On the other hand, if you harbor
only evil thoughts in your mind, it will
chide you with words like “No! No! You
fool!” Would it not know what you are
thinking? Of course it knows. That is the
way it is. It knows only too well. (138-124,

CSG 938

When the original True Parent
comes, God as the vertical and human
beings as the horizontal can create a
90-degree angle for the first time. The
True Parent comes to educate us so that
we can create that 90-degree angle. If
you go to the spirit world and see that
my words are wrong, you can come to
me and cut off my head.

Let Us Become Survivors

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 1958

What kind of grief is that lamentation? In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were supposed to connect with God’s love and His ideology. Yet through the fall, they failed to make that proper relationship with Him. The lamentation of all things is the lamentation that longs for humans to recover this situation and connect with God’s ideology and love. Consequently, a person who cannot liberate this lamentation of all things will be judged in the last days.

What kind of person will survive this judgment? The person has to know God’s and Jesus’ heart more than any other, and love them that much. Continue reading “Become a Bride of Jesus”

Love Jesus More than Anyone Else

Joshua 1

16 The men answered:

We’ll cross the Jordan River and help our relatives. We’ll fight anywhere you send us. 17-18 If the Lord our God will help you as he helped Moses, and if you are strong and brave, we will obey you as we obeyed Moses. We’ll even put to death anyone who rebels against you or refuses to obey you.

Isaiah 16

13 The Lord has already said all of this about Moab. 14 Now he says, “The contract of a hired worker is good for three years, but Moab’s glory and greatness won’t last any longer than that. Only a few of its people will survive, and they will be left helpless.”

Let Us Become Survivors

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 1958

Who can fulfill this earnest request Jesus left behind? The person who fulfills this word can escape judgment in the last days and meet Jesus. Have you ever loved Jesus in your lifetime? Can you say that the intensity of that love was greater than your love for your parents, your spouse or someone else in the world? You must re-think this point. The sincere desire of Jesus in Heaven is that someone will appear who can love him more than they love anyone else. If there is such a person on this earth, that person probably knows and deeply cares for God’s ideology of the creation, God’s 6,000 years of labor, and Jesus’ painful heart. Continue reading “Love Jesus More than Anyone Else”

Jesus’ Ideology Has to be Manifested in the Physical World

CSG 1754

You did not know what makes a man
a man, and a woman a woman? The
answer is: the sexual organs. Is there
anyone here who dislikes them? If you
like them, how much do you like them?
Even if you hitherto disdained them, you
should henceforth esteem them. What
will the world be like in the future? If
it is a world that absolutely values the
sexual organs. Will that world be good
or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This
is not a joke. When God was creating
human beings, into which part did He
invest the greatest creative effort? Would
it be the eyes, the nose, the heart or the
brain? Do not all these organs eventual-
ly die? What is the purpose of the Fam-
ily Federation for World Peace? If there
were a world inhabited by people who
transcend all fields including morality
and religion, whose sexual organs are
harmonized into oneness so as to earn
God’s welcoming praise, what kind of
world would it be?
When men and women are born,
who do their sexual organs belong to?
The owner of the husband’s organ is
the wife, and vice versa. You have been
ignorant of the fact that the owners of
the sexual organs were interchanged.
This simple truth is undeniable and will
remain unchanging throughout history
forever to come. (279-244, 1996.9.15)

Richard:  The above truth is the ideology of heaven (abstinence before Blessed marriage; faithfulness in Blessed marriage centering on God, teach this truth to your children and society)

Isaiah 48

By the power of his Spirit
the Lord God has sent me
17     with this message:
People of Israel,
I am the holy Lord God,
    the one who rescues you.
For your own good,
I teach you,
and I lead you
    along the right path.
18 How I wish that you
    had obeyed my commands!
Your success and good fortune
would then have overflowed
    like a flooding river.
19 Your nation would be blessed
    with more people
than there are grains of sand
    along the seashore.
And I would never have let
    your country be destroyed.

Let Us Become Survivors

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 1958

As He is eternal, God created all things with an eternal ideology. Because individuals, races, all humankind and all things failed to become beings of eternity, God has been seeking them with grief until today. In other words, though God lost the ideal garden of creation because of the human fall, He did not abandon hope for the created world. He fought relentlessly with Satan throughout a long history to fulfill the vast ideology of creation. He has been persevering until today. Continue reading “Jesus’ Ideology Has to be Manifested in the Physical World”

Understand the Heart of Jesus

Happy New Year!

Deuteronomy 28

I told you never to go back to Egypt. But now the Lord himself will load you on ships and send you back. Then you will even try to sell yourselves as slaves, but no one will be interested.

1 Kings 22

45Everything else Jehoshaphat did while he was king, including his brave deeds and military victories, is written in The History of the Kings of Judah.

Richard:  I will start writing my autobiography this year.

1 Peter 2:1-10

The Forsaken Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 22, 1958

Since Jesus was driven out as a traitor, God’s will and the hope that the chosen people had cherished could not connect. God could not form relations with them. Consequently, since the gap between Heaven and the people could not be made up, Jesus could not help worrying again about the eternal connection of the past history of the nation to the present and the future. Because no one knew Jesus, that is, because no one could attend him as the Savior of the nation and the Messiah, among all things of the world of creation and all humankind, no one could form a direct relationship in any way with God. Continue reading “Understand the Heart of Jesus”