Jesus Represents both Human and Heavenly Principles

View the Promo Video for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference:

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CSG 1954

I am in a position to retake these
nations of Korea and Japan centering on
the Adam nation and Eve nation. With
the arrival of the age of restoration, they
must be restored centering on Eve. That
is why the Eve nation, Japan, holds all the
economic power. Consequently, Ameri-
ca needs Japan, China needs Japan, and
Korea needs Japan as well. In the realm
of competition, these nations are at war
with each other, vying to be the first to
attract Japan. I know about this. That is
why I brought them into exchange mar-
riages and completely tied Korea and
Japan together. America, China, and the
Soviet Union did not oppose this union.
(201-232, 1990.4.22)

CSG 741

The spirit world must be mobilized.
How can heaven be formed without
mobilizing the spirit world? It cannot.
Heaven is supposed to begin from the
True Parents, not the fallen descendants
who have existed until now. Just as the
angelic world helped when Adam was
created, the spirit world should return to
earth and help in the re-creation. With-
out doing so, it is not possible to build
heaven on earth. Is that not the Princi-
ple? Is this not the Principle of Resurrec-
tion? It will be recognized as true when
it appears as real and unchanging. (162-
114, 1987.3.30)

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Continue reading “Jesus Represents both Human and Heavenly Principles”

Fulfill the Mission that Jesus Calls You To

View the Promo Video for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference:

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1 Chronicles 6

16 Levi’s three sons had sons of their own. 17 Gershon was the father of Libni and Shimei. 18 Kohath was the father of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 19 Merari was the father of Mahli and Mushi. These descendants of Levi each became leaders of their own clans.

Proverbs 6

My child, suppose you agree
to pay the debt of someone,
    who cannot repay a loan.
Then you are trapped
    by your own words,
    and you are now in the power
    of someone else.
Here is what you should do:
    Go and beg for permission
    to call off the agreement.
Do this before you fall asleep
    or even get sleepy.
Save yourself, just as a deer
or a bird
    tries to escape
    from a hunter.

Richard:  Going into debt is not a good idea, either for an individual or a family or nation.  The total United States national debut is $20,000,000,000,000 (20 trillion dollars.)  Every child wen born now owes more that $300,000 in national debt.  This is not the way to build a prosperous future for our children.

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Continue reading “Fulfill the Mission that Jesus Calls You To”

God Determines the One Standard

View the Promo Video for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference:

Register Now and receive Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $10 per ticket by registering by October 31st:

CSG 1566

There are eight stages in indemnity,
namely on the levels of the individual,
family, tribe, people, nation, world, cos-
mos and God’s heart. These in turn lead
to restoration in those same eight stag-
es. This means that, through the verti-
cal and horizontal courses of indem-
nity centered on love, everything can
safely proceed in any direction. Once
this connection with love is made, the
sphere that is created is possessed by
the domain of love. When this happens,
nothing on earth can remain Satan’s
possession and he will be banished at
once. It will be the end for him. (199-188,

CSG 1341-1342

The 72 Couples are like the children,
the descendants of the 36 Couples, while
the 36 are the central couples as well as
the ancestors. Our view is that our ances-
tors failed to fulfill God’s will because
Cain and Abel, the two sons in the first
family in history, failed to become one
in heart, thus deferring the fulfillment
of God’s will. In view of the fact that
the foundation of the family, in which
the brothers Cain and Abel should have
united, was not established, who then
are the 72 Couples? Seventy-two is thir-
ty-six twice. Thus, the 72 Couples repre-
senting the children of the 36 Couples
Book 9 • Blessed Family 1342
comprise 36 Abel and 36 Cain couples.
They are the representative couples cho-
sen to restore through indemnity that
which the historical ancestors failed to
accomplish: the complete unity of Abel
and Cain. (84-144, 1976.2.22)

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Continue reading “God Determines the One Standard”

Recognize How God Created You

View my latest Video Blog: The False Operating System Has Been Reset:

Just two more days to get extra Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:

Ruth 4

13 Boaz married Ruth, and the Lord blessed her with a son. 14 After his birth, the women said to Naomi:

Praise the Lord! Today he has given you a grandson to take care of you. We pray that the boy will grow up to be famous everywhere in Israel. 15 He will[c] make you happy and take care of you in your old age, because he is the son of your daughter-in-law. And she loves you more than seven sons of your own would love you.

16 Naomi loved the boy and took good care of him. 17 The neighborhood women named him Obed, but they called him “Naomi’s Boy.”

When Obed grew up he had a son named Jesse, who later became the father of King David. 18-22 Here is a list of the ancestors of David: Jesse, Obed, Boaz, Salmon, Nahshon, Amminadab, Ram, Hezron, and Perez.

Richard:  The story of Ruth is about a non-traditional way of perpetuating the lineage.  You descendants are very important, especially once you are part of God’s Blessed lineage.

Matthew 13

34 Jesus used stories when he spoke to the people. In fact, he did not tell them anything without using stories. 35 So God’s promise came true, just as the prophet[b] had said,

“I will use stories
    to speak my message
and to explain things
    that have been hidden
since the creation
    of the world.”

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Continue reading “Recognize How God Created You”

Find the Central Point

View my latest Video Blog: The False Operating System Has Been Reset:

Just three more days to get extra Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:

CSG 799

This universe is a museum of love.
Human beings must become the own-
ers of this museum. The mineral world
and plant world multiply centering on
relationships of love. Without love, his-
tory would end. History can continue
because there is reproduction. Conse-
quently, man and woman should mar-
ry and give birth to children. Without
doing so, they cannot find their place in
the spirit world. When a baby is born,
you should come before God and offer
that baby as a gift to Him. Without
this gift, you cannot hold your head up
When you go back to your home-
town, what is it you will be most proud
of and want to show your parents? You
will take pride in how well you raised
your children. It is the same in the spirit
world. When you go before God, there is
no greater gift than bringing God’s chil-
dren, the people of heaven, whom you
have raised on this earth. Money, power,
and knowledge are not important. (229-
15, 1992.4.9)

Ezekiel 4

Ezekiel, son of man, find a brick and sketch a picture of Jerusalem on it. Then prepare to attack the brick as if it were a real city. Build a dirt mound and a ramp up to the top and surround the brick with enemy camps. On every side put large wooden poles as though you were going to break down the gate to the city. Set up an iron pan like a wall between you and the brick. All this will be a warning for the people of Israel.

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Continue reading “Find the Central Point”