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Register Now and receive Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV. This conference provides a practical and scriptural framework for the practice of abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage Register now to reserve your spot! Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by October 31st: View the promo video:
CSG 191
For True Parents to appear, there
must be true sons and daughters, and
in order for true sons and daughters
to appear, there must be true servants.
This is why when we look at the course
of God’s history of restoration, we can
see that God has been working so that
we can receive the day of true parents
after we have gone through the servant’s
age and the children’s age. Furthermore,
those in the spirit world have been help-
ing as we pass through and restore the
age of the servant, the age of the adopt-
ed son, and the age of the children, and
move up to the age of the parents.
CSG 1263
The Fall occurred through the wrong-
ful marriage in the Garden of Eden.
Now the time has come for True Par-
ents to overturn this by marrying peo-
ple in the right way. The True Parents
will solve the trouble caused by the Fall.
Through them, hell can be eliminated
and the millions and billions of ances-
tors in the spirit world can be blessed in
holy matrimony. Through the founda-
tion of the families of descendants on
earth, centering on true love, they and
their ancestors in the spirit world can
unite into one vertically. Through these
family foundations, East and West will
be connected.
The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 23, 1958
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